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Transition word exercise

Always ask yourself what the exact relationship is between the sentences or parts of sentences. Are
you leading to the result of something? Are you making a deduction? Are you introducing some
contradictory evidence or ideas? Your choice of word or phrase obviously depends on this. And always
check in a good dictionary if you're not quite sure about a word's use or its position in a sentence.
Remember that punctuation will affect what you use.
Insert the best alternative
1 Polls show that Tony Blair is the most popular Prime Minister this century. ______________ , there are
even members of his own party who are uneasy with his approach.
In particular


For instance

2 There are some slight variations in temperature, but ________________ 26 to 27C should be


as a rule

3 The two main Channel Islands, ________________ Jersey and Guernsey, are much closer to France
than to England.
for example


in particular

4 It was announced that nurses' working hours would be increased by 25%. ______________ , even
fewer trainee nurses
are expected to join the profession.
As a result

So that


5 Sales of CDs have experienced a small but steady fall over the past 12 months. _____________ , vinyl
records have seen an increase in their share of the market, up to 1.7%.
Above all


In contrast

6 The Vice Chancellor explained that in light of the current financial climate and because of
unexpected bad debts, it would be necessary to peg salary levels at their current level for all grades of
staff. ______________ , no-one was getting a pay rise.

In other words


7 It is clear, therefore, that the situation in Brazil will improve only slowly. ______________ the
economic problems being experienced in Japan, the outlook is slightly more optimistic.

In comparison

With reference to

8 In order to try to reduce car use in the inner cities, the government has announced new restrictions
on company parking spaces and ______________ , a new tax on individual car use.
as well as

in addition

in the same way

9 Essays must be handed in by the deadline, ______________ they will not be marked.


as a result

10 ______________ it has been shown that fractures can occur at even relatively low pressures, the use
of the material should not be completely discounted.


Even though

Part A:
Fill in the blanks using AND, SO, BECAUSE, BUT or OR.
1. I could not go out last night _____ I was too busy.
2. I could not go with my friend _____ he went without me.
3. My friend went to the cinema to see a film _____ the film wasn't very good.
4. The cinema was full of people _____ they were all smoking.
5. I like people ____ I don't like smoke.
6. Do you want an orange juice ____ a guava juice?
7. It was my birthday _____ he didn't send me a card.
8. I didn't write to him _____ he didn't write to me.
9. We couldnt contact him _____ we didnt have his number.
10. The new department store is now open _____ it is offering big discounts.
Part B:
Complete the short story below with appropriate cohesive devices.
Mary could not go out with me _____ I invited Anne instead. Anne was very happy to accept my invitation _____ the

film was very popular. Anne and I had a good time _____ next day Mary was very angry. "Do you love me _____ do
you love Anne?" she asked me. "I like both you _____ Anne," I answered. "Look!" said Mary. "Either you go out with
me _____ you go out with Anne. You can't love both me _____ Anne at the same time." "Why not?" I answered.
"_____ it's not fair." I asked Mary if she would go out with me tonight _____ she said that she had a new boyfriend
_____ didn't want to see me again _____ I didn't really love her. I phoned Anne _____ she said she was busy _____
now I'm alone.
Combine the following pairs of sentences to be one sentence. Use appropriate cohesive device(s).
For example:
The little boy walked to the store. His dog walked along with him.
--> When the little boy walked to the store, his dog walked along with him.

Bob is an only child. He is very independent.


You have to bring your examination card. You cannot join the exam without the examination card.


She went to work. She didnt want to go.


My cat was hungry. It had not eaten since breakfast that day.


A book can be a lot of fun. A book can be boring.


Her wallet fell to the floor. A photo of her boyfriend came out of it.


Andy watched her favorite TV show. Andy went to bed.


Karen and Sally are best friends. Karen and Sally have many things in common.


They made plan to go to the beach. They couldnt do it.

10. I couldnt sleep that night. I was too tired the next morning.
Make less number of sentences by combining as many sentences as you can in the following paragraph, using the
above examples to guide you.
The Garuda team was three games down. The Garuda team had to win the next four games to move to the next
round. Fans of Garuda were worried. Garuda had not won any championship for four years. No team had ever come
back in the playoffs from a three-game deficit. All of the Garuda fans knew this. The fans of the Garuda watched
anxiously as the fourth game against the Bear began. The fans of the Bear watched confidently. The Bear had a good

chance to win the match. The fans of the Bear knew this. Nobody believed the Garuda would win that year. The
Garuda won the match that year.

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