The Archaelogical Topography of Ancient Fortresses in The Resen Region - Viktor Lilčić Adams

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IBYeypeM ey Gyo Co):t- Molec: (O:T-E TOAEM TPAA Pw TT Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova GOLEM GRAD PRESPA II Bepa burpaxosa I’poszanopa TOAEM TPAA TIPECIIA I APXEOJIOMIKA TONOFPADIA HA CTAPHTE TBPJIMHM BO PECEHCKMOT KPA J eretlenor Ha rosHaparseTo Ha ctapite EpAAOBH H TRPAHHH BO pernoHOT Ha TopHa Hpecna, Ke BHAUMe eKa Bo apxeosouiKara aMrepatypa ce HW3HECeHH YeTHpH MaHUMe- ‘TPAH — onHe Ha Fonem [paa, ceo Korscko, na TletpunieKo Kae kaj cesto Terpuno, a Kane Kaj ceo Llypaeniut it a Kane xaj ce- Aoro Epna, Thianmerpujara ua Fonem Mpate naja06- PO NlosHara He eAMACTBEHA BO O;HOC Ha npeoctanarire, a ¢ Gasnpaita ap3 nosexene- UeHHcKHTe UcTpaxysara Ha npo. Bepa Burrpakosa Tposaanosa, xoja ri ustiece pe- SyNTaTUTe BO CBOjara KOMIUIeKCHA H Haystto npowiadsena cryanja eena [pad. Mpecna 1.' Tlaanor wa HerprnicKo Kane ro ny6mxysa B, Tinasink? zojeka mianmerpwrre na yrepay- Barbara kaj Epa 1 Kaj Ulypnenia rm oGjanit npod. Hipan Muxysik.? Mefytoa, Bo rloctojiara mmteparypa, Bo PeCeHCKHOT Kpaj Ce crioMeHyBaar AeceTHHA YIMpuLyBaiba 3a KOH OT BpeMe He OHLIe THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT FORTRESSES IN THE RESEN REGION A critical look at the level of know! edge about ancient cities ar tresses in the region of Upper Pre that four topographic plar archaeological literstur Grad at the village of Kale near the village of the village of Surlen village of Evia. ‘The topography of Ge best known and is unique cons; others, based on decades of rese V. Bitrakova-Grozdanova, who published the results in the complex and profound scientific study Golem Grad |.' The plan of Petrinsko Kale was published by V. Lil8ié, while those of the fortifications near Evia and Surlenci were published by I. Mikuléi¢. In the existing literature, however, there is mention of a dozen fortifications in the Resen area for which no preliminary plans had been made fora long time. Working in- tensively in the period from 2004 to 2013, we created topographic plans of four more the Ce HORM HOA ceno Oremeno), ApKor: Cee cena KypOnnono, u Kya, ceo JbyGojuo. Haji ja Ernarnja wro wonena npexy npestexor a Topia Mpecna, ox Juxnny Kou Xepaxieja TinuxeetHacKa, Bo Onoj TeKcr ke AotataMe TUIAMUMETPHH Ha YUETe JIBe YTBP/LYBalba, KOH ‘karaeraperH Ce Bonar Noa cenara Ha coce- durre pernonn Oxpia # Buroma, to wieae ‘Newmta Ho onGpaniara Ha repsropHjara HBO OAHOC Ha Naror uo BoAEA HHS PeceHcKo. ‘Toa ce Mapxona Kyna — Bpryuixa, ce-10 Maxonuurre 1 Kae, ceo Fanaro. Cenax, ova urro ja wins smeroxonomxata ‘HOBHHA Kaj CHTe TaNMMeTpHHt UTTO rH O6- HaponyBaMe jenec e HoBoTo pyso ta miaitH- Metpuirre nororseno sa noneke norpe6u. Kaj eHTe ILIAHHMeTpHI ce KopHCrH opstwuijantia Peoneteka nojora, Reprikaten 1 XopHs0n- ‘TaieH reoyeTCKH TuIAH cnakyBant no coomBer- HHOT JCLMMAECH KOOPAHHATeH CHCTeM, LITO, Of ChOja Crpalia, OBosMO;KyBA MaKCHMAsHA OffeparHBHocr BO catHiczia Ha OsHaYYBANBe Ha TouHaTa NosuUja Bo KaprorpadpeKoTO Mie, TEOPPA®CKH KOHTEKCT Pecericxuor xpaj My nipinafa na permonor ‘oswaricxaxo Popa pecna, xo} ce cocron on Tosemoro [pecnanexo Esepo, pasminara ce- lage of Kurbinove, and Kula atthe village of Ljubojno, Keeping in mind the Via Egnatia, whieh ran through the region of Upper Prespa from Lychnidos (Ohrid) to Heraclea Lynce this article we shall add topographic plang for two more forts, which in the Cadastre are listed under villages in the adjoining re- gions of Ohrid and Bitola, but which part of a whole, both in the defen fitory and in relation to the road les the Resen region, Those forts are Mark: Kula — VrtuSka at the village of M and Kale at the village of Gjavatc What makes the methodolo cographic plans now being creaic the new role of the topographic lished for multiple needs. Al! tc plans now utilize the official g the vertical and horizontal geod! and are sealed in the appropria! ‘coordinate system that allows for functionality in determining the ex tion on the eartographic grid GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT The Resen region belongs to the region also known as Upper Prespa, consisting of Lake Prespa, the plains north of the lake, and the high mountain ranges that enclose this area and divide it from the neighboring regions. Thus Upper Prespa on the north and toward Demir Hisar borders with Mount Bigla, and on the northeast with Plakenska Mountain and Mount Matazar. On the west Side toward the Ohrid region, rise the moun- tain ranges of East and Galitica, and on the east side toward the regions of Bitola and Florina are the mountain ranges of Bigls, Baba (in the ancient times ~ Barnum), wi Pelister and Mount Nered. On the south ‘Adams ‘The archaeological topography of ancient fortresses in the Resen region S i My +) iz a which the term Prespa was probably derived (Prespa, presip = sand bank).* In terms of communication, Upper Pres- pa with the northern part of its territory con- tributed to the old travel route known from Roman times as the Via Egnatia. The route of this ancient highway is relatively well ‘known in. ic cirel Vi 2 “Bioctop.Tiursmk taste Apxcoounia reniorpadica na erapurte pit wo peceHROF xpai ‘mara Ha esepexnor Oper, Ha sananwara i Ha ; ‘expan ait Hpecnanerote Esepo, isl M)nosefy Pacurnna n Cyea Popa, xaio H nou Jlepunexore Mone npery rtarniicxior npe- ‘ats Bitraa (1508 x1) xaj ceaoro Muconepn. _Avere narra somryinesainint ce saGeneaain KAKO AKTHBHN BO CpeANROT EK, CO TOA LITO sanagmara, ce wom, Gna noxppexnentrna.” Hajronesntox tea ox yrupaynarvare no Pecontco Gite oxopmteint Bo arrtveKsTa it BO CPEAHHOT BEK, BO yHAIjA Ha ORPY HALE ML XoHTposUrpamwe Ma narnurre NOMy!nekaNUE ‘Go coceamTe perniomt, KYC HCTOPHCKH KOHTEKCT Bo mepuoaor wa panara anmuna, perno- ‘or wa Topua Flpecna npetctasyea rpan ia 90H Ha. Tponefara nomefy Jlecaperuja, Fiusceraaa n Opectuaa, Co najroire HAYWHM HeTpaxyeaRa AeLUINO € ONpeNe- nena npimamocra na Topita TIpeena xon roewara Tepirropaja na Zecapenija, oexa ‘Houma [pecna it npana‘aa na Opecnua.’ Kpaacraoro 1a JImixeenirre ee mporerano Bo spesteto Ha knacnsmitor nepros, ‘Topua Fipeena co steeaperenoro uacenerine, ees ee cme ore _oGmacT, cTaviata ex om aHTHAKOTO KpasIETHO Maxeaousija. Hoaonnia, oTkora no Hl nek ape #16, Puosjaittre ja oesojysaat Maxexonija, ‘on the western and easter sides of Lake Prespa, ran two separate routes, which con- nected Upper Prespa with Lower Prespa and with the regions of the Korée plain via the pass at Zvezda Kale (1085 m) between Galigica and Suva Gora, as well as to the Florina plain through the mountain pass Vigla (1505 m) at the village of Pisoder Both routes are noted as active in the Middle Ages, with the distinction that the west one ‘was more frequently used Most of the forts in the Resen region Were established in antiquity and the Middle Ages, for the purposes of maintenance and control of the communication routes with the neighboring regions. SHORT HISTORICAL BACKGROUND During Early Antiquity the region of per Prespa was a border zone on the tp border among Dassarctia, 1 a Orestis. The most recent investigations hav decisively determined that Upper Pre belonged to the large area of Dassarctis while Lower Prespa belonged to Orestis. The kingdom of Lyncestis extended into the southwestem corner of the Pelagonian plateau." In classical times, Upper Prespa with its Dassaretian peoples, as well as the whole of the Ohrid-Struga region, became a part of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. After the Roman occupation of Macedonia in the second century BC, during the early Empire Prespa was included administratively in the large province of Macedonia; thus in Late Antiquity it became part of the peovince of Macedonia Prima.’ The mountain ranges of East and Gali¢ica are considered the provin- cial border with the adjoining Ohrid-Struga region, where the Late Antique province of Epirus Nova was established. 4d ROSIER EE onnaes a 7 APXEOJOUWIKH KOHTEKCT Mperexor 11a apxeonomxatre nanene- ‘pu Ke FO saOUHEMe Co: KOMTTeKCTOT Ha ermarscknor nar mits PecenteKo, 04 cenepo- NCTOK KOH HeTONHaTa Crpatta, KOH NpeaojoT Aepren, Fasaro. Kako mrro ¢ nosnato, nowefy OxpiacKo 1 Peceticko noctojar octaroust om 1eKoaKy arnt AeaMMUH, pH uo Bo AUTepatypara ‘Ce MIAROjyBAar HeHTe 3a TH. sHMCKA H sIeT~ a nema. Suntckata AeMHIMA He € TOKO mpew suparta, Ce paGorn 3a najaanky awe Tpa- SH KOH He ce AOKpaj Merpaxxetn. Taror 02 Oxputexo Boren: 1. MAH BO AOAHHaTA Kane LTO BoRH 1 conpenteniara acharraia marncrpaa Oxpia ~Pecen, re. Ha auunjara Kocen — Oni (2. Ha aneujata Jon JlecKoen —mia- HMHeKHOT eprnomely Onejnua 4 CxpeGario, wax Topam 3anoj ~ Kane Heermicxn Pu, c. 3asoj — Hanno — H36murra. Tloctox # eta neja, cnopes koja, nator Bo MpBHOT Ae1 BORER oO” JTecKoeu, Oxpua- ko, no nonmAKara Ha CxpeGarua Pexa Kort CxpeGarno, na notoa ce HeKaysa npeKy Herox'xox Haunio, Flerwara xen € nopeke nomnara, Taa Boxena Ha simjara ox cenoro Bearournt = Herpuriexo Hone u Mexpuuexo Kaze, 84 nloToa a ce with the mountain had been ‘KOMAHO MIAHMHCKOTO Ce;AIO LITO To cHiojyBa pUAOT CO MMIAINAHEKHOT acm n Osa Of) ‘opateta onGpanGena dea, a co wedprenara 4emja ma cenepnara crpania 6111 ofpopmen Ma- cupen npeasita (proteihisma), bo Koj 3aGene- axaaMe wteraimo HeKorana aynxa. Kacreaor ¢ HaOFa BO PEON Co TyCTa MYM, TAKA ITO. ie MoxcHMe 21a eipuIHpaMe MpHCyCTHO Ha hapos MarTep, eons HAI d)parverrtH o HOKpHBIta H Ox catoba KepaninKa. ‘Ocuionmure enemerrit moanaTn ocera yeaxyeaar wa masta yrepaena nositja co ‘THIMIH KapaktepHeTiNKH Ha oMaTA aurrH- ka, rloTosHo on VI Bek 0: He, Ovo} maa aC “TeN1 OUNIETE NTO He RpMIEN AMpeKTHA KOITpOTA 4a peMunor Bykono u cexako we nperctany= nal crpwxapena Sasa O1 Koja, fa MpHMeD, ‘Onna onpKyBaHa CTpaxKaTa Ha TIPeMHHOT. Bo onoj MoMertr najiormuna ¢ mpemiocras~ kaa sleka ce paGovi 3a 3aurnivra na ea on _AeaNIMILTTe Ha CrHATHICKHOT na Koja Aoarata no Heerancit Patt 0: sana, on npanetor Jleckoent — Craps 3an0j Vimo. dug through, and a defensive fossa had been created; the excavated earth was used to form amassive outer wall (proteichisma), where we noted an illegally excavated trench, The fort is located in a densely forested area, so that. we ‘were unable to determine the presence of lime mortar or of pieces or fragments of roof tiles and ceramic vessels. ‘The basic pieces of information known so far show a small fortified position typical of Late Antiquity, specifically of the 6° century AD. It is obvious that this small fort had no direct control of the Bukovo pass and did not serve as a base from whieh, for example, the protection of the pass could have been ma tained. At this moment, the most logical as sumption is that the fort seryed for protect of one of the sections of the Via Egnatia com- from the ing along Nestino Rid from the we: direction of Leskoec ~ Old Zavoj~ lino. “ological Map of the Republic of Macedonia, Petrinsko Kale was mentioned twice, by V, the ca- al zone of Velgosti'® and by S. Sarzoski and V. Saney in the cadastral zone of Petri- no." In 2002 the fortified site was described by Mikultié on the basis of the description ‘and dimensions presented by ‘Sanev.'* We visited, investigated, anc ‘ed the site in 2002; in that say published the results and the ! ‘which we have now suppleme ‘more precise geodetic base and tis located on the east edge « Pole, on the north side of East -on the northern part below the ven Kamen. It is a relatively leve! the west side, crossing toward the ‘slopes of East Mountain toward the villag- ¢ of Petrino and Evla, [The central point ‘in the fort is at East 7 493.070 m; North 4 552,500 m.] ‘The fortified area is elongated in shape and rounded at the ends, with the contours of a defensive tower at the northwestem face, It is 100 x 38 m in dimension and 033 ha in size. On the south side two de Tr Towoeg Tpsena mo eperinior vx, Canoe 199.276 ‘Bo UBpeTa MarrrepHta TexturKa €o uppeHMKaB xiuapoctaren masrep. Crioper B. Mastentxo 1 Tl. Kysmaut, ox6panGennor sua. ¢ umpox 1,25 x, OTKpHEMe 2kexte3en pa Ox CTpesTa Koj TH HONOLIKH My HIpinafa a cpeanHor Bex. Bo ‘ceBepoucTOHHOTO noaHOAje, HOKpaj tpacara Na naror, Ha Maste4oK HsBop. Faatoro Ha Yrepaciiara Hospuntia ox ceBep Kon jy TH uaa Korutre 1586.2 mt, 1591.9 x 1592,3 ot. Ce npernocrasysa eka 11a Merpunicko Kane rpeba 2a ce yOuumpa nariara noctoj- xa Bpyxivia, noswara wa ernarncKnor nar ox Itinerarium Burdigalense, Kase urto € sanmawo: .,.. mutatio Patrae ~ XII ~ Cledo (Lichnidos), — finis Macedoniae et Ephyri, mutatio Brucida ~ XVIIH ~ mutatio Parembole — XII —civitas Heraclea..."." Tloctoerero Ha cnsmio yrepaysarbe Ha Tlerpuniceo Kase, co MecronomoaGa Ha xpaj- NHOT HeTOeH arom OM ManaTa BHopaMiHEa Terpuncno Mone, na nagroro wa naainara Hictox, nenocpeatio no cenepHoro noxnorsje na ppsor Lipsen Kamen, Kako 1 nomasmre OeraTOUH 01 CTPAKAPCKH Kya, crlomenaT#t no surreparypara no Gmusima na lerpiaicKo Kane, 1tecomiteno yxaacynaar ia Toa AeKa ce paGorn 3a sHauajiia nara xomymuxcanuija, 2 ‘Toa Mowe s1a Guute camo ernaniickHOT Mat. 3a nocroctsero Ha suasaent nar 1013 080} npesten Bo cpesunnoT nex 360pyBa MHIKpO- ‘rorio1nsor JIpys, Koj ro criosenrysa T. Tosto- eu, 3aeaHo co ximoresara sa yOuxautija Ha ‘epwyimara Bacumaa a MerpiitcKo Kase, ‘goja, copes xpowsrapor Jopan CxaviHti, ja noamriaa susarrackiot ap Bach I Ha ‘epsor na ena nuramiita a Hao Ot OXPHA fensive fossae have been noted; it is un- known whether these trenches continue and perhaps represent two additional rings of fortification walls around the fort. Inside the northwestern part of the fort, in an il- legally opened pit, parts of a rectangular structure built in a solid mortar technique lish hydrostatic mortar, are visible 1g to Malenko and Kuzman, the de- fensive wall is 1.25 m wide, We discovered an iron arrowhead typologically belonging to medieval times, On the northeastern slope, next to the road, is a small spring. From north to south, the plateau of the for- tified area has elevations of 1586.2 m, 1591 mand 1592.3 m. The assumption is that the way station Brukida must be located at Petrinsko Kale: it is known in the Via Egnatia section of the Ttinerarium Burdigalense, where is written *,amutatio Patrae — XIII ~ Cledo (Lichni dos), finis Macedoniae et Ephyri, mutat Brucida — XVII - mutatio Parembole ~ XI — civitas Heraelea...”"* ‘The existence of a strong fortification at Petrinsko Kale, its location in the far eastem ‘corner ofthe small upland plain of Petrinsko Pole, ona plateau of East Mountain, direct- ly on the north foot of the peak of Crven Kamen, together with the modest remains of watch towers mentioned in the literature near Petrinsko Kale, without a doubt point toa significant communication route, which can only be the Via Egnatia. ‘The micro-toponym Drum speaks to the existence of significant road through these areas in medieval times. It was mentioned by T. Tomoski, along with the hypothesis of the location on Petrinsko Kale of the for- tress Vasilida, which, according to the histo- rian John Scylitzes, the Byzantine emperor Basil II built on top of a mountain on the road from Ohrid to Prespa.!” ‘Tpecoding 1 F Ppa, Meropwoen pas $a Casement Recents, en ©T Tosoema, Fipecna 0 cpesimor nex, Crone 1999. 25-216. 61 CO MeHTpaaa KoopaarHa TouKa ee i tse 0s0x coer ‘no. Bo mureparypara H. Muncysink ro cnio- ‘Meltysa yurte 80 1976 roawna, w10a Ha 3 Ko 3aMAAHO Of CeAOTO, Ha MaTOT ITO BOAH KOH Oxpitacxnor Gacest. To} ro cmera sa Mat, Ho CHIH AOUEOAITHKH KaCTeN 3a KOHTPOMA Ha ‘nator:'* Toaowa, 80 1979 roma, T. Toxocxs, ‘€o ocraromire ox yrepaysaiero Kane, cero Ena, ro muerrudbuxyna cpesronenonri- or ABopen Tponnurra 1a nojsozara Mean, ‘oaMeTHar 7 sitsanTrnekara ntact (Bait) I) Bo XI nex.” Ocreroumrre ta Kane, ceo Era, cocesa -kyco rit cttoenysaar nC, Capaocki B. ‘Cane no 1996 ronsa® H. Muxyasink miuysa sa toxamusreror Ma TpH NecTa, # Toa BO 1996, 1999 x 2002 rosMHa" Toj ro oxHEeAN nOKanETeTOr, ACAYMHO 1 Bps Gaza Na MaHUMerpujara H Ha HosiarowiTe 3a Kasie ox woutre Tepenext HeTpaxysara o7 1993 roqHHa, KAKO Morpa- HleH KOMPONEN NOLWOAITTHUKK KACTE KO} ‘ersuerupa of III 10 VI nex 07 11.€., co Bropa chasa on cpemmuor sex, xoja Gu Moxeaa na ce wnerrnduxysa co Tepamara Bacuanaa na ‘susarrmuexnor up Baciemj IL ‘Yrepactiara nospuntna na pazor wa Henpasitma (bopwa pactoxoxena na ape Te- pacecmit 11809, HossicoKnor, axpononmtor ‘ex ce wysra Ha ceneposanazuiara crpaita, ‘awa mpuGaicscio nerrraroiamia ¢bopaa co Mikubtié, in: Tabula ri Romani, K34, ios aj 3. Kale, village of Evla, Late Antique roadside fort and medieval fortress on the summer section of the Via Egnatia, The archaeological site Kale at Evla is a hill above the confluence of the Istotna Ri er and the small river or brook Kosamica, 2.4 km northwest of Evia [central point at East 7.494.440 m; North 4.549.050 m}. 1 Mikul&ié mentioned it already in 1976 as 3 km west of the village, on the road leading to the Ohrid basin, He considered ita smal| but strong Late Antique fort for control of the road."® Later, in 1979, T. Tomoski identific remains of the Kale fortification at f the medieval castle Proni3ta of Duk rebel from Byzantine rule (Basil Il 11th century.” The ruins of Kale were also mentioned briefly by S. S: and V. Sanev in 1996. 1. Mikuléié wrote about the site in places, in 1996, 1999 and 2002." acquainted with the site, in part on th Of the topographie plan and the dat Kale from our field research in 1993, Late Antique fort for border control, whicl existed from the 3" to the 6 century AD. with a second phase in medieval ti might be identified with the Vasilida fortress of Byzantine emperor Basil II ‘The fortified area of the hill has an irregu- Jar form situated on two terraced levels, The higher acropolis rises on the northwestem side and has @ roughly pentagonal form with contours of a dominant rectangular tower, built in solid mortar technique; its interior has been illegally excavated. The remaining part spreads to the east-southeast, above the TT Miko, Blain: Tabla dmperit Roman’ K34, Lu ‘jana 1976, $1, {°T. Towacen, Fipeem so epeaumor nex. Cua 1999. 278-235, * C Copmoci u B. Caen, Kaas, Peco, 10, Enam, ¥0: feet se epee “MIkuE, Sparantite, 377, t rpaaona wo Maneao- “Auneat OHTTYpHt Ha AOwMnarTH Yes npapoaroma ‘kya Bo uBpera Maurrepuia textnka, H1erastHio ‘packoraHa: ‘OmHaTpe. Tipeocranarnor wen ce tmporera Ha HCTOK-jyroHeTOK, co oMuaLja. Hal cllojor Ha pexire. Vrepicnata noBp- ita € ronena 265 x 55 m, Hoarpaanero ¢ shoptudpuimpano co joar jyaert sina, pantent BO CeBeposAMAMINIOT ACH, CO ABE NpeKpeHH AMCTAHUM Ha HCTOUHaTa cTpatia. Yeroro ¢ 3a- ‘OfiteHo Halt caMMOT crioj Ha peKitre, joxeKa ceseprara crpania cé yuurre He e nerpaoxewa ropa ocoBeno rycrara Hicka pererauta. Fpemmocranypawe jteka ri cle KPHBHHEETE ua wnoxuncire, Hajeutcokara Kora 1a axpo- nonata wsuecyna 1083 Ma ueHtapor ta nO rpaaweto ¢ 1063,9 . Ha stoxamrreror peri ‘CrpupasMe oxpHssi KepamcsiKi KeryaH On _AAKOHCKI. THN, KAKO H dparmenni o1 caxoBa KepaMiika CO AOMHOAHTHAKH npopysaiyes. Bo spcxa co xmnoresara jeKa repanna- ya nexesia wa canMor erviarucen nar, neke MeTaKHas neKa KOMyHHKaIUHjara BOIETA On ‘Bearoumi kon Flerpusicxo Kase.” Mefyroa, ‘ox Tyka He e jaco agit TpacaTa a NATOT ‘bonena npexy cenoro erpitio Kost PeceicKo ‘wan npeky Kase, ceo Exaa, xon Pecencro. 3aroa ce nloTpeGuM NoBH HeTpaAyoarba 1a ‘ueAHOT mpocrop Ha Hons Hicrox 1 Ha e- “rosie naw Ha Lipsen Kaseen. 4. Kase, ceno Pasaro, “pavoanTHaKH MaKeOHCKH owacrt TLIAHMECKHOT HpeBoj confluence of the rivers. The fortified area is 265 x 55 m in dimension. The lower part is fortified by a long southern wall, level in the northwestern part, with two repaired stretches ‘on the eastem side. The enclosure is rounded above the confluence of the rivers. Although the northem side is not yet fully explored due to especially dense, low-growing vegetation, we assume that follows the curves of the contour lines. The highest elevation on the acropolis is 1083 m, at the center of the set- tlement 1063.9 m. On the site we have noted Laconian roof tiles as well as potsherds with Late Antique profiles. In regard to the hypothesis that the fort was on the Via Egnatia route, | have ale ready pointed out that the communication led from Velgosti to Petrino Kale. It is not certain, however, whether the route ran through Petrino to the Resen area, or via Kale at Evla to the Resen area. Therefore, new explorations of the whole region of lower East Mountain and the eastern slopes of Crven Kamen are necessary. 4, Kale, at the village of Gjavato, Early Antique Macedonian fort on the mountain pass. believe that the Via Egnatia came down from East Mountain and, regardless of wheth- “=p. Taaronk, Awnweos ware apex, Apiconoxa pra a ears arrerEesL o 1P Enercin ‘to the western foot of Gjavato mountain pass. Here, in the area of Kozjak (Resen re ‘gion),” | km east of the village and | km -south of the intersection at Makazi, at the site of Gorna Mala, the ruins of a large an- cient settlement are found, with a necropolis. ‘and part of an old road, which perhaps could be identified with the way station Seirtiana ‘on the Via Egnatia.”* From Makazi, the road ‘climbed north from Tutuniea.on Bela Vojea toward Gjavato pass. On the fow hill north of the wider sad- ‘dle-shaped pass. known as Kale, once stood ‘a strong fortress built of massive stone ‘blocks. 1. Mikuldié long ago in 1966 provided the first information when he located the position of the fort on the low Knoll on th north side’ in the middle of the pass. Als: he determined the 80 x 70 m size of the { with a roughly square shape, The blocks. cording to him, were of granite, and on site was found characteristic Early Ani (Hellenistic) pottery, of the 4*-3" cen: BC. He also related information frov residents of Gjavato that stone block: been removed during World War I, and later used for repair of the pavement of road, and more recently for construction vf the building for“Road Maintenance”, locai- ed below the fort. Geographer J. Trifunoski visited Gjava- to in the period 1951-1957 and published ing as follows: “Kale is a high place near the old village of Gjavato. At an earlier time ‘one was able 10 see fortress walls. All those ‘walls were forn down in 1956 and the: ma- Tp designate the village of Keak intbe Rest Site Repti of Medea Bo 1996 rou kacrexor € naKye0 eno evar 07 T, Janagneseen xP. eivumoaca xaxo Kate, cero Fasaro, co ocraroun 1 0- ‘GpaniGen sina” Hoxauurreror ro nocenit# noneke nam, a 0 2009 rosuma ja spaGorue nospuumicxa- ‘a ruiauniverpuja.” Ha pesarrano pannoro TENE Of PHTHETO MMA JeMjeRM KONTYpH Ha etiapim co MpHGmratIo paBoaronsia Shop- a. Hea mit Tpara ox xauterti GrioKoat, Co GF1eH HeKAYYOK Ha EHO Napse Morne Ka Men Koe MOxCGH OTeKHY;A OL cHoMesa- mare sufonu. Hajsncoxara xora w3uecypa 1202 1, co ueirrpamna xooparnaria TOK 7.509.070 mncrorno 0 4.547.150 xccenepio. Perncrpupasnee wexosky mann (yparsiceri o- arora kepawina. Lleviara nowpunia ¢ nox vicoka Gopona yma it noxpitetia co ryct Giioj on eyRa Tpesa 1 mizIecrH oTtIa.AONU 0. Sopoanre, Taka urTo Ges acTaIHo reocKEH- Dalke H apXeosOUIKO HICKONYaréC, He MOE a ‘ce nOKExE AeKA Ha Opa MeCTO MlOCTOE:Ia TAKA okiia Tapia ~ erpwaapcKn KacTea, Kaka uurro ja omirmyna H. Muxyrsink. 5. Mapkora Ky.1a, ceno Toamovann, aonnoanrnsKa crpaxkapera Ga3a na erHaTHcKHoT nar V1 onoj aoxamirer to nesta wo crpyuna- ‘7a apxconouska cmteparyps. Mpsnar Fo nit ZOBMe Ha TonlorpadckaTa Kapra, cexnnja Pecen 6p, 781-3-3, na Bocnorcorparexnor mucrirryr oa Bearpa 80 1971/73 Kako Tono- iit 3a korara 1452 a4, wo sanaauo-jyrosa- hagiara taavma ta yurre nonommnarriiiot ape Bpryuixa (2010 Mm), Llenrpantiara xoop- aumara € 7.508.000 M ucto4Ho 1 4.544.130 At cevepito, To nerpaxkysanse Bo centemspit 2009 roma Bo pawxirre 1a exene:yuimijara wa Bpryunxa, Apxcoaouixnot soxasnter ¢ ‘onaieen 3,8 kM ceseporcTo4nio o” cenoro Moxwouaint. Toa e xowmiaarren pit co Gra- ay: Bros i Fipsetna or-nin, Beorpa 27 Jenawonencne HT: uawmomces, Beroaa. 39. famaro, Ss: ARPA, swe Cane 186 31 *B Threat, Jbomecriza n Tespuon, Cxonje 2009, 72-73, terials used in the construction of the new section of the road Bitola-Ohrid”.* In 1996 the fort was briefly mentioned by T: Janaki- eyski and G, Filipovska as Kale at Gjavato, With remains of a defensive wal ‘We visited the site several times, and in 2009 we produced the topographic plan.* On the relatively level top of the knoll, we found earthen contours of roughly rectangu- lar shape. There is no trace of stone blocks. with the sole exception of one piece of a Jarge stone that may originate from the men- tioned walls, The highest elevation is 1202 m (central point at East 7.509.070 m; North 4.547.150 m}. We noted several small pot- sherds. The whole area is covered by a tall pine forest and a thick carpet of dry grass and fallen pine needles, so that without xeneseH cpr it ‘epeSpen Mesiorpuic oar xpypuukn mnetpy- Men 3a sineTerbe pant 3a pyr omepaiumt, Co misien Ha exnara crparta Ht sunjarypHa aonarxa wa apyrara erpana, 107 MHOBIA- humped, sloping steeply toward the lake, because of which the builders of the fort were forced to mark out the eastern w along the ridge, while they lowered the wall 20 m, on a straight line of 65 m. north end is rounded and presents an id: leveled plateau, below which are situated the living quarters for the inhabitants of the fort, The south end is wedge-shaped in form and looks over the narrow rocky ridge that continues to the south, During the wars of the 20% century, an access trench and a bunker were dug into the mass of building material at the end, so that the interior of the facing tower—built with mortar in a horseshoe shape—was revealed. The forti- darea is 192,5x 65n sive wall is up to 1,5 m wide. Along the entire length ‘of the west side, a military trench dug for protection of the soldiers cleared the inner face of the wall. In the earth that was thrown ‘out, we noted a 40 mummi coin of Justin 1, an iron seythe, and a silver melorrise ~ a long surgical instrument for wound cleansing and ‘other surgeries, pointed on one end and with a miniature spoon on the other, We registered an extraordinary visual re- lationship with Markova Kula — Vrtuska at Markovi8te. It is obvious that at the fort of 6 ‘the investigations, the re fort at Kale Surtenci with Kuli Surlenci (OteSevo) is un. I , village of Surlenci, i roadside guard post on the western route. ‘The first mention of the fo area of the village of Otesevo \. in 1976, as Kale situate: northeast of the village." Yer it is given the toponym and the descrip the information relates to Kale at Based on description, there is ano! blet in the literature, i.c., the site according to S. Sardoski and V. < ‘must be identified with Kale at Su: In his second attempt, 1. Mikuléi¢ suc ed in giving the exact distance to the site as 1.5 km east of OteSevo, as well as ils Primary function of road control along the lake shore, We explored and documented this fort in 2012. According to the Cadastre, it belongs to Surlenci and not to Otesevo. The low hill rises 67.3 m above the lake. On the topo- ‘Eraphic map section 1 ; 25 000 Oteshevo ‘Ro. 830-2-2, it is marked by the toponym Kuline, [Central point is at East 7.494.665 forth 4.538.940 m.] The top of the hill ‘semicircular plateau sloping to the south. the north side the plateau is connect th the hilly massif of Kale, Surlene wide and not very dee} : side of the lake is very ong the length of the ication, a long defensive The northern fortifica- | topography of ancient fortresses in the Resen region 2 iS s i is is ANG here i aa a Ts tion wall was especially massive; an internal tower strengthened the end. In the space to the south, behind the tower, are contours of yet another massive, free standing tower or bastion, The fortified area is 95 x 50 m. We noted mortar technique and amorphous ‘Gent SILL, €O Yea NOE O10 JajaKHaTO co BHA- —¢¢ramic fragments. The fortification could ‘ypeuitia kya. Bo npocropor jyatio, vera theoretically be dated to Late Antiquity, with the possibility that the interior tower is medieval. But for precise determination, additional investigation is needed. @ hypothesis exists thay jem Grad was.a refivgivm i “If-we look closely. however,» sof the investigations of this com. logical site,”® we will see that |had a continuous life with optimal : rom these explorations we car | conclude that mainly the wesrem and ‘southern parts of the istand w settled, W northeastern side wit! hest ion was uninhabited. (C. 7.499.550 m; North 4 antique settlement In the archacological literawur, the site jolted as, eae at Bolpo; * on the Pa ed above the confluence of the Manastirska ‘and Ilinska rivers, This elongated and oval plateau has a central point at East 7.496.350 70 m in size, slightly divide wide saddle of the mountain mi determine whether it was strongly In this article we are presenting Constraints, we did not and documenting the 11. Kyamurre, cero Kyp6unoso, yreprena nace6a on XCNeHHCTHMKO BpEMe Pugor Kyaummre ce naofa 700 m nero o-jyrouicroaio 1 cezoTo. Toa € He TOIKy mOMHMAHTeH prt, co Kora LO45,4 MH tte “Tpauita KoopUuIHaTHa TOUKA seMeHa 3a HeTO- nara chopruchumupana exunmta 7.507.000 ucroxno 11 4.537.670 mt cenepno. Bo surreparrypara ce epekavia HeKOviKy It ‘tH, Ho Ges oopaenia nranMeTpHja, Ocra- ‘TOUTE Ha pHUIOT HaKyCO TH. OMMMYBA HTH urrepnperupa H. Muxysink yurre 90 1976 TOMI, TOA KAKO AOUNOAHTHISKH KaCTE:. ‘Kaxo urro mcaame, HCTHOT aBTop nojoUNHa, bo 2002 roqitiia # nonaramy, ocranysa Ha nugjara eka sa 2oxaumeTor ce waofaar OCTATOUM OF CCH LOLIHOAHTHAKH NYHKT, HO cera ja menyna xacnepuKauijara on 0uNO- os ‘karen BO So co aarMpanwe 11. Kuliste, village of Kurbinovo, fortified Hellenistic settlement Kuli8te Hill is located 700 m cast-south- cast of the village. It is not a very dominant hill, elevation 1045.4 m; the central point of the easter fortified unit is at East 7.507.000 m; North 4.537.670 m. It appears in the literature several times, but without a topographic plan. I. Mikuléié already in 1976 described and interpreted the remains on the hill asa Late Antique fort.® As we see, in 2002 the same author kept the idea that the site had remains of Late An- tiquity, but changed the classification from Late Antique fort to refugium, dated 4® to 6% centuries AD. ‘The same site is mentioned as a doublet in the Archaeological Map of the Republic of Macedonia by various authors, Name- ly, S. Sarzoski and V. Saney described it as 7, Mikwi6G Kurbinovo, Kul, Kulite, RajCinec in: Tabs tk impert Roman! K34,Ljubliana 197, 76-77. The exact fame is Kult, Raine isthe gee slope north ofthe ‘Kuli hil, onthe epposite side of the smal river aod the asphalt road leading fo the Monastery of St.George, OS, Milulei, Spdsantite 06, 377, no. 319, Kutbinove. ‘Kula, Kolishte. 3 Val fortress;°7 V. Bitrakova-Grora, = a Hellenistic setiemen, sj" zdan ova in 1967 conducted a, Ont ofthe elongated bill we down fortified units: a western forticains h the highest elevation of 1045.4 m, any easter, lower one formed on the wider igated, saddle-shaped part of the hill, x: tion 1036.8 m. 1 Fac, rep 0 On the oth sides dryvall which at the same time s 4 support ‘for the residential terraces. the fot cation, contours of one ro: isible ‘the southeastern side, 2, The eastern fortifi ompletely closed, with at least two s, east and ‘west of the saddle. There er entrance corridor on the southea: wall con- sists of a massive rampart or carthen bath We assume that the original foundation ‘was a stone wall, so ‘of the fortification is an irre; ‘The northem partis situated on the | ‘of the hill, and the south part on the gen ‘Southern slope. On the surface were noted amorphous potsherds, which may b= | as Hellenistic, So far, we have foun 12. Kyaa, ceo Jby6ojuo, AOUMOATHAKH yrBpaeH 36er ApxconounHor sioxamrer Kya, cen0 JbyBojnto, ce Haofa na 1,9 xm ceneprio ox ce- oro. Toa ¢ osmmartren pia, jywen HSANOK ia j yrosartaHHoT nizanickH pasrpannoK tia Ba6a, 11a samussjara sponse Mapyunaa (2091 ™), Poaemo Bpaue (2013 m), Apaan (1599 m) w Kya (1245,2.), Co epesumua koopamar- a To4Ka 7.512.300 wt nerorno u 4.529.625 M ceBepiio. Onuiart¢ no crpysnara ssrrepas -typa 80 1996" no 2002 roamnta,* ‘Topauriara ja ucrpaxysaeme po jysm 2001 roma. jLoxymenrnpana e wai0sKe- ‘Ha Choprudmunpana pamKa, Koja ja ompaka noarara nsianneka xoca, Kactenor, npoce- Ho, usta suscensiit 420 x 80 M, co Biymna osputsiia on 2,74 xa, Ha tepenor jaeno ce pactlostiasaar cenepiioTo MeO Ha KacTesOT, ITO © HOAMNFHIGTO Had, MIaHTCKOTO ceaLI0, i NOMTYpHTE Ma HeKOMKY sHEArpemNIH NpOC- ‘opm, Octaroure of siuoniere urro ro spamypaste kacresior ro ostunara na 62a ara nawuita Wa KocaTa ce BHLUIMEA, HO ce ocs1aGo sauysaiut, HepojaTHo OPA Toa luTo -KuITeAITe Ha CeOTO BO HepiEOIOT On 1936 10 1940 rosutia .,wacono eadere ka- went 3a wsepada nat cooume Kykat'.® Vonenasyna rosemara riospusnia 1a yrapaynarnero, iro copesreHo co cHpo- 12. Kula, at the village of Ljubojno, Late Antique fortified refugium. ‘The archacological site of Kula at Ljubojno is lo- cated 1.9 km north of the village. It is a dominant hill, a southern spur of the Southwestern mountain ange of Baba, on the line ‘ofthe Manunista peak (2091 m), Golemo Vive (2013 m), Ardan (1599 m) and Kula (1245.2 m). Central point is at East 7.512.300 m; North 4.529.625 m. It was described in the scientific literature in 1996® and 2002." We explored the fortress in July 2001. An elongated fortified enclosure was document- ced; it included a long mountain slope. The fort hhas approximate dimensions of 420 x 80 m, totaling 2.74 ha. In the field the northem end of the fort is clearly perceived, raised above the mountainous saddle, along the con- tours of several rooms on the inside. The re- mains of the walls enclosing the fort along the length of the gentle slope are visible, but not well preserved, most likely because the villagers in the period of 1936 to 1940 “were removing stones in great quantity for build ing their own houses”.® The large size of the C.Capaccern n B. Canes, 23. JbyGojno, Kys, AKPM Ti cue 186,339 gaa “ L Mikal, Spite, 377, no. 320. Ljubojno, Kela © € Capmncxm u Caen, 23. JbyGojno, Kya, AKPM. Goa 1996.39, ee 75 around the Crn Vry pass (1328 Plakenska Mountain and Bigl unconfirmed information about tification of rectangular shape in the Makazi at the village of Kozjak ‘exists for protection of the line iunication from Leskoec to Tipejca Lipona Livada (1568 m), as well ‘the Stenje pass (942 m) between the age of Stenje and the village of © ica in ring Albania, In ad fe mn provided by N. Ugrinos ard fortifications in th it Upper Prespa speaks ment of the low lakeside 7 of Early Antiquity, durin. ; especially the Hell id. lofty Early Antique forti with ‘ception of Kale at Gjava' not verified with certainty in other places at Kurbinoyo is a confirmed set from Hellenistic times. Most of were built in Late Antiquity. pre¢ forts of the 6° century. jiddle ages, in terms of arc! eo t well known, as is the ca5° | have been carried oul of Kuliste at Kurbinov? onjsko. Viktor Lileis Ad

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