Peace Researcher 1985

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NUMBER 7 1985

THE ANZUS MARSAR AGREEMENT -Proof of secret commitments

New Zealand is involved in a secret ANZUS RESEARCHER information relating to rhe ANZUS
Agreement which refutes the Government's claims MARSAR Agreement. In doing so the Ministry has
that ANZUS has no specific and defined commit­ stated that 'to provide any information (on ANZUS
ments expected of New Zealand, Australian and MARSAR) . . . would be likely to prejudice the
American Governments. Called ANZUS MARSAR. security or defence of New Zealand, or the inter­
the agreement is concerned with the surveillance of national relations of the Government of New Zealand,
Ocean territory and commits all members of ANZUS and likely to prejudice the entrusting of information
to active participation. It is the only military/defence to the Government of New Zealand on a basis of
agreement known publicly to exist that actually confidence by our allies.'
places itself by name in the ANZUS context. The Ministry of Defence decision to not release
ANZUS has been described by the Labour Govern­ information on ANZUS MARSAR is currently under
ment as a loose frame-work for military cooperation. investigation by rhe Chief Ombudsman. In a letter to
However the discovery of ANZUS MARSAR indicates the Chief Ombudsman requesting such an investigation
that agreements exist that are specifically a part of PEACE RESEARCHER stated rhat it is concerned at
the ANZUS connection -- hut rhey exist behind the the level of secrecy surrounding such arrangements
scenes. and the absence of public scrutiny.
The ANZUS MARSAR Agreement, and others like PEACE RESEARCHER stated that, while it is
it, may place profound restrictions on the Govern­ aware of the sensitivity of som:e of our security
ment's abHity to enact new policies of greater arrangements which necessitate secrecy, the public
military independence. It may also explain the at large is entitled to be aware of the existence of
Government's continued readiness to resume military such corrunitmen ts and their fundamental significance.
exercises with the United States even though US ANZUS MARSAR has never been mentioned in
vessels would almost certainly be carrying nuclear any annual report of the Ministry of Defence, nor in
weapons and would not conform to the government's any Defence Review. Neither has there ever been any
non-nuclear-capable policies at home. This has been discussion of ANZUS MARSAR in parliament.
always a situation that has appeared to be a con­ PEACE RESEARCHER also told the Chief
tradiction of the government's anti-nuclear policies Ombudsman that it was difficult to understand how
which have included a professed desire to work the release of information relating to the bare frame­
within conventionally armed arrangements only. work of ANZUS MARSAR can pose a risk to New
Although the exact contents of ANZUS MARSAR Zealand's security or defence. On the contrary, lack
are being kept secret by the New Zealand Ministry of of information available to the New Zealand public
Defence, it is known to be a combined ANZUS may contribute to those very dangers.
operational arrangement for cooperation in maritime PEACE RESEARCHER is worried also at rhe
surveillance involving all of the ANZUS partners potential for the United States Government to make
(hence its title ANZUS MARSAR). use of secret agreements such as ANZUS MARSAR to
The information has arrived from reliable Australian exert pressure on the New Zealand Government to
sources and the New Zealand Ministry of Defence shift on its anti�nuclear policies. It could be expected
confirms its existence although it refuses to release that the American Government, whose nuclear­
details of the arrangement. A report on ANZUS capable warships are currently forbidden here, would
MARSAR has recently been received by the Office of call on such agreements as ANZUS MARSAR to be
the Chief Ombudsman as a result of PEACE met in full b y the New Zealand Government. For rhis
RESEARCHER's request to the Ombudsman to reason it is in the best interests of the New Zealand
investigate the non-disclosure of details of the agree­ public to be told of rhe terms of rhe ANZUS
ment. MARSAR Agreement.
The Ministry of Defence has invoked Section 6 of The majority of New Zealanders voted in a Govern­
the Official Information Act to deny PEACE ment commited to banning nuclear armaments from


New Zealand. Opportunities for the American potentially wide repercussions and whose meaning is
Government to pressure New Zealand should not be being hidden from the public.
concealed from public view. New Zealanders may not PEACE RESEARCHER has recently received a
need to know the fine print of such agreements but letter from the Chief Ombudsman which indicates,
deserve to be informed of their broader meaning. that after a two month wait, a report has arrived at
PEACE RESEARCHER has also requested, and his office from the Ministry of Defence relating to
been denied, information from the Ministry of PEACE RESEARCHER's request for information on
Defence on the Combined Exercise Agreement ANZUS MARSAR and COMBEXAG.
(COMBEXAG) - an agreement which governs all
- Keith Burgess
exercises in which the ANZUS partners are assoc-
iated. This is another agreement which has

E::1:"7E A MiliTARY BASE - the ...,i,1'I""

"single official (to) speak and act for ClNCPACFLT"
Antarctic Research (USARP) is run by the
in the region.
US Navy for the civilian Science Foundation.
Called Operation Deep Freeze and located at Christ­ Defence Readiness at Deep Freeze
church International Airport, the involvement of the
Thus, although Deep Freeze is not officially
military there is long-standing. In typical bureaucrat
ackllowledged to be operating as a military base, it is
language an NSF official in Washington has stated,
nevertheless treated as such in official documents.
"To speak of 'demilitarizing Deep Freeze' IS a con­
And its command personnel are authorized to act in
tradiction in terms as is the attempt to distmgulsh
capacities identical to those of officials at acknow­
between "military' and 'civilian' aspects thereof." But
ledged military bases elsewhere. For example. another
is Deep Freeze operating as a military bas � in addition
document distributed to the Christchurch base. Naval
to its Antarctic support work? There IS abundant
Support Force Antarctica, went also to many oth �r
evidence that it is.
Pacific commands includjng North West Cape In
The money for Deep Freeze is supplied to the
Australia, and bases in Guam, Thailand, Japan, Diego
Navy under contract by the National Science Founda­
Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and California. This
tion (NSF). But while the NSF is in charge of the
document covered defense readiness (DEFCONS) and
civilian research the Navy and the Department of
other emergency cond�tions relevant to "safeguarding
Defense run everything else including much of the
ships, facilities, equipment and material vital to
civilian airport in rare situations. Just how does the
readiness and national defense ... a task of growing
Deep Freeze Naval command fit into the larger
concern. This responsibility is aggravated by activities
scheme of the American military? Some documents
of poHtical ex tremists and terrorist groups."
recently acquired by New Zealand peace researchers
The US base at Deep Freeze is deemed sufficiently
are very revealing. A 1984 instruction from the
important to the US military to be issued the follow­
Commander in Chief US PaCifiC Fleet (CINCPACFLT)
ing instructions in the above referenced document:
on ; Antarctic operations delegates authority ov?r
"Methods used by political extremist and terrorist
�'support of scientific and other programs In
groups make it difficult to gather comprehensive
Antarctica" to the Commanding officer of Deep
information on their activities and may preclude a,'
Freeze. This offIcer IS designated the senior US repres­
sound threat analysis. To ensure that the security
entative in Antarctica under the operating control of
posture remains adequate when a low or zero threat
the Commander of the Third Fleet. As local co­
analysis exists, immediate/local area coordinators (the
ordinator for New Zealand and direct representative
Commander a t Deep Freeze) will develop a postulated
of the Pacific Fleet, the. Deep Freeze Commander is threat based on economic and pnlitical atmosphere,
an integral part of the chain of command. He is the
potential enemy, criminal elements, political extremist ' conceivable reason to bring nuclear weapons to or
or terrorist group actions ...
through NZ territory? Yes. It isn't difficult to make
Among the "key facilities" listed as warrarHmg
a reasonable case for the US wanting to deploy
special protection are military aircraft, flIght hnes, nuclear depth charges in Australasia. New Zealand's
fuel storage areas, antenna farms and communication most important mission within the western alliance is
centres. All of these facilities are present at Deep maritime surveillance and anti-submarine warfare over
Freeze. Further "action" items to be incorporated a vast region of the South Pacific. This role undoubt­
into security plans by base commanders included the edly continues despite the ANZUS controversy.
following: "Reaction forces should have flak vests, These subjects have, been covered in detail in Peace
steel helmets and properly sized gas masks readily Researcher No. 5 ' on the Radford-Collins Agree­
accessible. Shot guns with 00 Buckshot should be ment and in the pre,ent issue on ANZUS-MARSAR.
included in the weapons mix for the Security/Guard Other Types of Evidence
Force and the Reaction Force." There is additional evidence for the military role
of the Deep Freeze base. Some of the topics listed
Military Aircraft Visits below will be the subject of reports in future issues
The military aircraft that visit Deep Freeze in one of this journal.
capacity or another are many and varied. They * The Naval Communications Section - In the
include Galaxys, Starlifters, Hercules, Orions and recent past this facility contained encrypting gear
Boeing 707's, the latter three in various configura­ and thus could be used for receiving and trans­
tions for specialized types of military missions. Not mitting encoded, classified military messages
included in this listing are the \i SF-owned Hercules totally unrelated to Antarctic research. Deep
that are flown by Navy crews. Tables I and 2 con­ Freeze and embassy personnel refuse to answer
tain samplings of flight data for US military aircraft questions about this capability.
obtained over several years from airport offices. The The Antarctic station at Siple - This s",called
recent, comprehensive data in Table 2 are cost�n�

research station features a 2 l km long horizontal

researchers $40 per month as supplied by the CIvil antenna with appropriate receiver and transmitter
A via tion Division. All of the aircraft shown are US provided by the Navy for operation in the Very
Air Force CI4 1 Starlifters that were on shuttle, or Low Frequency (VU.) range. Peace Researcher
channel, flights between Aostralia and the United staff believe that the VLF facility run by the NSF
States. None went to the ice. These regular flIghts, as part of the Deep Freeze program will be shown
averaging about 18 movements per month, continue to have military applications which are in violation
year-round. They are said to carry cargoes for of the Antarctic Treaty.
Antarctic support, especially in the summer season,
but they are primarily on military and embassy * MX missile testing in the Tasman Sea - Researchers

business. The cargoes in transit through Christchurch have addressed five specific questions to the
are secret. The aircraft themselves are soverejgn US Commander of Deep Freeze concerning the
territory immune from New Zealand inspection of possibility that Christchurch facilities might be
any kind. used in support of MX test-monitoring aircraft. We
In Australia the Starlifters go to Pine Gap, North have received no response.
West Cape and Norrongar. In serving these bases the * Aircraft accidents at Deep Freeze - On several
Military Airlift Command (MAC) planes are carrymg occasions in recent years US military aircraft have
secret cargoes to vital DOD and CIA installations. The been involved in emergencies at the airport. These
MAC is part of the Air Force and is not covered m events have resulted in tight military security
the long-standing Deep Freeze Agreement which enforced by US personnel covering extensive
covers the Navy. In testimony submitted by a govern­ areas of the airport and including the terminal
ment department to the NZ Parliamentary Select building.
Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control III
• Military research projects - Strictly military
1984 we find this revelation about MAC: "In practice
research, including Projects 'PRESS' and
it is difficult to make a clear distinction between
'MAGNET', has been aided by the Deep Freeze
those aircraft entering NZ under blanket clearance
base through the accommodation of special aircraft
(a) - Deep Freeze support - and those arriving under
and crews. Some of this research applies directly
blanket clearonee (b) - carriage of high priority cargo to nuclear missile guidance.
in support of United States installations." The group
(b) planes are in a wide-open category of NZ govern­ • 1982 ANZUS Memorandum on Logistic Support
men t approval that gives c�,?pletelY free and - This agreement between the US and NZ
unquestioned access for US mllrtary arrcraft to NZ provides for 'refit and maintenance' of US
territory. warships and aircraft in NZ 'during periods of
. ' . international tension.' Although this agreement
The US military reacts almost wrth hurt; feeh�gs If
anyone suggests a sinister significance to Its nelth�r may technically be on hold because of the ANZUS
confirm or deny policy regarding nuclear weapons III stalema te we can be sure that its provisions would
Starlifters or Galaxys. But the policy stands firm for be used to the fullest if it were in the US interest
aircraft and for warships. Peace Researcher has during a crisis. Both Deep Freeze and Lyttelton
documentation of the loading specifications for a Harbour could be involved according to former
bewildering array of nuclear weapons in Starlifters, Defence Minister Thomson. Deep Freeze is well­
Galaxy, and Hercules. Would the US have any equipped-for aircraft maintenance and refuelling.
4 Tabl.1.

SUMMARY OF U.S. MILITARY FLIGHTS January 1981 through March 1984 at Christchurch
International Airport (New Zealand)

Year Flights in support of Other flights Total
Antarctic NSF program

number (% of T) number (% of T)
1981 36 ( 15) 207 (85) 243

1982 95 (43) 126 (57) 221

1983 91 (43) 121 (57) 212

(Jan-May 50 (50) 50 (50) 100

(June-Dec) 41 (37) 71 (63) 112

1984 Jan-March 47 (64) 27 (36) 74

TOTALS 269 (36) 481 (64) 750

Older data for

1971 40 (8) 460 (92) 500

1. Predominantly C130 Hercules; C141 StarLifters also fly to Antarctica. and between the U.S. and Christchurch.
NSF "" U.S. National Science Foundation.
2. Predominantly C141 StarUfters; other aircraft were Orion, C135, C5A Galaxy.
3. Flights 'bound for the ice', [t is not known if the data for 1982·1984 (NSF support) are strictly flights to the ice
or more general categories of Deep Freeze support.
4. Average of 4.3 flights per week over period of 173 weeks.
Source: Airport Authority (Christchurch City Council)

Table 2.
United States military aircraft flights at Christchurch Airport, February and March, 1985. (Data from
Civil Aviation Division,MOT)

Date Aircraft D
I Origin! Departure!
Type Number Destination Arrival Time

1 C141 M38032 Honolulu 1334 Dep
3 C141 M60198 Pago Pago 1611 Arr
5 C141 M50264 Pago Pago 1520 Arr
5 C141 M60198 Richmond 1715Dep
6 C141 M50264 Richmond 0857Dep
10 C141 M60139 Pago Pago 1553 Arr
11 C141 M60139 Richmond 0900Dep
14 C141 M70164 Richmond 2022 Arr
15 C141 M70164 Honolulu 1259 Dep
17 C141 M60139 Pago Pago 1327 Arr
18 C141 M60139 Richmond 0907Dep
21 C141 M50232 Richmond 2010 Arr
22 C141 M50232 Pago Pago 1327Dep
24 C141 M60201 Pago Pago 1356 Arr
25 C141 M60201 Sydney 0804Dep

1 C141 M59399 Sydney 1818 Arr
2 C141 M59399 Pago Pago 1310Dep
3 C141 M60198 Pago Pago 1310 Arr
4 C141 M60198 Sydney 0805Dep
8 C141 M60165 Pago Pago 1326Dep
Continued from page 3 5
'" US �overeignty on NZ Territory Several issues of the US system of Pacific bases. For those who care to
US immunity from NZ law exist because of the consider the evidence, Deep Freeze is a clear indica­
involvement of the military at Deep Freeze. Issues tion that ANZUS is alive and well. Warship visits to
range from union rights for NZ employees at the NZ ports are highly visible and important opportun­
base to the authority of NZ officials to control the ities for foreign power flag-waving but they are only a
importation of illegal agricultural and drug minor part of the US militarisation of the South
products via military aircraft. Pacific. Maintaining a functioning airbase'in Christ­
* Military exercises at Deep Freeze - the October church is of far greater importance and seems to be
1984 ANZUS exercise called TRlAD-84 made use not in the least threatened by the warship ban.
of Christchurch Airport and Deep Freeze facilities Sources
for a five-day period. The overt military use was
flatly denied by Deep Freeze at first but later Statements in this article are documented in
partially conceded. The evidence was described in unclassified materials provided under the US Freedom
the November 1984 issue of Peace Researcher (no 6 J of Information Act. the NZ Official Information Act,
and in corresp-ondence between Peace Researcher

The NZ Government has long refused to acknow- staff and government officials in the US and NZ.
ledge the kind of evidence outlined above. Deep Complete citations will be provided on request.
Freeze continues to operate as an important cog in - Bob Leonard


As a result of an investigation by the Chief The Ministry of Defence statement goes, 'I under­
Ombudsman into the Ministry of Defence refusal to stand ... that you have received a description of the
release details of the Radford-Collins Agreement in Radford-Collins Agreement. I am able to state the
1983 a brief description of the meaning of the same.'
agree;"ent 'has been released to PEACE It continues. "The Radford-ColliRs Agreement
RESEARCHER. provides for the coordination of naval control ��d
The Radford-Collins Agreement was originally protection of shipping in the Indian and Pacthc
signed by the United States and Australia in 1951 Oceans. The parties to the Agreement are the naval
and provided for an agreed division of responsibilities authorities in Australia, New Zealand, the United
for the surveillance and tracking of the Soviet Fleet States of America and the United Kingdom. The
and a portion of the Pacific was sub-allocated to New Agreement requires consultation and mutual agree-
Zealand. ment prior to any combined operations:- .

Some new information.

In the meantime two more references to Radford­
CoIlins have surfaced, In defence Minister's Frank
O'Flynn's Briefing Papers I %4. under paragraph 12
which deals with RNZN Exercises ben,ath the
general heading Exercises, it states 'Under a 1951
Allied Agreement New Zealand has responsibility.for
naval control of shipping (NCS), in the South West
Pacific including Fiji. Prior to Fiji's independence the
necessary reporting and coordination during annual
naval CQTltrol of shipping exercises was undertaken by
the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, but this lapsed
after 1970 and since 1973 the USN have sent report­
ing officers to man the post during exercises.'
In our analysis of the Radord-Collins Agreement in
Issue 5 of PEACE RESEARCHER, New Zealand's
Under the agreement New Zealand is expected to area of responsibility was described as an area adjac­
maintain the necessary deployments and patrols to ent to Australia's - Le. from 170E to 160W, an area
search this area and to secure New Zealand's key air centering on Fiji.
and naval support facilities and their approaches The 1984 Briefing Papers would appear to end orse
against the contingency of United States or allied use. PEACE RESEARCHER's claims fully. Paragraph 13
PEACE RESEARCHER in its Number 5 issue of the Papers under the general heading Exercises
revealed its findings on the significant agreement. states, 'One of the first policy initiatives taken by
Sources included the Strategic Basis Papers (Austral­ Defence following the publication of the Defence
ian), and information supplied to PEACE Review was to fulfrll New Zealand's responsibilities
RESEARCHER by the Australian Department of under the 1951 agreement by establishing a NCS post
Defence. The New Zealand Ministry of Defence in Suva for the 1984 exercise held early in April. At
release amounts to a word for word reiteration of the our invitation two RFMF naval officers worked
Australian 000 description conveyed in August '84 closely with the RNZN NCS team throughout the
to PEACE RESEARCHER. Commarid Post Exercise.' continued
6 The exercise referred to would almost certainly be
ant Secretary for International �olicy, states ...
Exercise Roll Call - a frequently repeated exercise there is a fonnal arrangement between the ANZUS
which, according to New Zealand Ministry of Defence partners that was concluded, I recall, . back in 1977.
press rel••ses, is designed to 'test plans and proc�dures Under this arrangement what happens m effect lS that,
for the control and protection of merchant shlPpmg areas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans have been
in the event of hostilities.' Exercise Roll Call IS designated as areas in which the Australian, United
exercise nomenclature for Radford-Collins. . States or New Zealand forces respectively will have
The second reference appears in an officIal
primary responsibility for conducting mariti�e
Hansard Report of a meeting of the Australian S�nate
surveillance operations and information about foreIgn
Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs �nd Defen�e
warship movements within those areas is passed to
in February 1984. At the meeting whlch was d.IS- the partners.'
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=a:: �A _______________ �-=_ Keith Burgess

Secrecy on MARSAR
The Ombudsman's office has upheld the decision under the heading US/NZ Agreements, beneath
of the defence secretary Denis McLean to withhold ANZUS itself and above the Antarctic Treaty. This is
information on ANZUS MARSAR, one of New an indication of its importance.
Zealand's most secret defence arrangements wlthm Another documen t, a report of an Australian
ANZUS and possibly an indicator of further Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence
entanglements that exist behind the scenes. A 1982 (reference: Defence co-operation), dated Feb. 1984
Briefing Document prepared for the government says ANZUS MARSAR runs parallel with the
Select Committee on Disarmamen t and Arms Control Radford-Collins Agreement suggesting that the two
recently made available to PEACE RESEARCHE� agreements apply roughly to the same geographical
provides a descnptlOn of the agreement, smgll/lg l_ zones. The high· ranking nature of the agreement 15 an
out as the only agreement directly assoclated wltbthe indication of how important maritime surveillance is
ANZUS defence treaty. The document to New Zealand's contribution to ANZUS.
ANZUS MARSAR as 'a combined Australian, New If New Zealand is to re-examine its defence
Zealand and United States operational arrangement priorities fully this must include an appraisal of our
for co-operation in maritime surveillance'. present commitments under ANZUS. Agreements
Significantly, the Document identiti�s ANZU� such as ANZUS MARSAR and Radford-Collins mean
MARSAR as an agreement that is closely . asso�lated NZ must patrol vast areas of ocean that extend as far
with the ANZUS defence treaty itself. It IS umque m as the equator. Is this an appropriate use of ?ur
that it involves only the ANZUS partners.Other limited resources? Certainly the secrecy surrounding
agreements analysed in the document such as The ANZUS MARSAR and other agreements is prevent­
Technical Cooperation Programme and the Alf ing a full debate on the issue.
Standardisation Coordinating CommIttee mvolve
most of the western nations. ANZUS MARSAR IS - Keith Burgess
the second agreement mentioned in the document


MAN'S INVESTIGATING - BACKS synonymous with signals intelligence.The GCSB is .
MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ON lWO also responsible for the secret signals intelligence,
COUNTS facility at Tangimoana making it the counterpart of
(1) Infonnation relating to the Government such foreign intelligence agencies as America's
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) National Security Agency.
The Chief Obmudsman, Mr Lester Castle, has PEACE RESEARCHER cannot understand how
backed up a Ministry of Defence refusal to answer information freely released about the bureau in 1980
PEACE RESEARCHER's questions about the can demand such secrecy now.Not unless the bureau
Government Communications Security Bureau which has dramatically changed or expanded since that date.
The Ministry of Defence had originally refused
runs the Tangimoana Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
post. PEACE RESEARCHER had asked for an up­ PEACE RESEARCHER's request for information
date on the bureau's budget and staffing levels. citing Section 6 of the Official Information Act, that
PEACE RESEARCHER had argued that there was no it 'would be likely to prejudice the security or
defence of New Zealand.' In a letter to PEACE
legitimate reason why the i�formation should not be
made public because such fIgures had been dISclosed RESEARCHER the Chief Ombudsman, Mr Castle,
by the Government in 1980. (see PEACE has said the information can be properly withheld on
RESEARCHER no 3 ) those' grounds. "Obviously I cannot discuss .in detail
the grounds for my conclusion without disclosing the
16 1980 the National Government's Minister of information you seek," he told PEACE RE­
Defence, Mr David Thompson, told Parliament the SEARCHER.
bureau had 16 civilian staff, one service officer, about
five administrative staff and an estimated annual cost (2) Information relating to the secret UKUSA Signals
of about $400,000. Th� bureau is listed as having the Intelligence Agreement
functions of communications security. technical The Obmudsman, has after more than a year's
security and communications research and analysis --" inv?stigation decided the signals intelligence agree�
a term acknowledged now by the Ministry to be ment binding New Zealand, Australia, the United

States and other western nations justifiably can Agreement by his own Minister, Mr Frank O'Flynn,
remain secret. Mr Lester Castle has told PEACE and by the Prime Minister himself, and asking him in
RESEARCHER that he is satisfied a decision by the the light of sueh disclosures to reconsider his 1983
Ministry of Defence neither to confirm nor deny the decision to refuse to release information.
existence or non-existence of the UKUSA Agreement In a speech made to the Press Association in
was a proper discharge of its obligations under the Christchurch in January 1985 Defence Minister, Mr
Official Information Act. PEACE RESEARCHER Frank O'Flynn, confirmed the existence of the
believes that this is the first time a government hitherto secret agreement - making specific reference
department has resorted to Section 10 of the Official to the 1947 communications agreement linking the
Information Act to prevent the release of information. United States, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and
PEACE RESEARCHER is disquieted at the out­
come of the Ombudsman investigation. While not And in an article appearing in the April 13 th issue
wishing to critisize harshly the decisions of an office of the Listener Prime Minister David Lange refers to
set up in the first place to ensure that official inform­ the agreemen t as one of many 'defence and security
ation, wherever possible, be made available to the arrangements' that exist outside of the ANZUS
public, PEACE RESEARCHER is concerned that the Treaty.
Ministry of Defence particularly in the area of signals PEACE RESEARCHER is hoping that the
intelligence is receiving spedal treatment. Ministry of Defence will soon be catching up with
Meanwhile PEACE RESEARCHER has written to government spokespeople on defence and will be
the Secretary of Defence drawing his attention to acknowledging more than just the existence of the
information released recently about the UKUSA significant agreement.
. Rurgess

The clear implication of the claims concerning

Vasey is that he must have had oversight for the
WHO IS ADMIRAL operation against Whitlam, being responsible to the
ultimate controller of the special Task Force, Henry
llOYD VASEY? Kissinger, also named as another member of Cline's
think-tank (6).
Vasey himself has commented in a letter dated
PEACE RESEARCHER keeps an eye on some
Feb. 15, 1985, sent to the NZ Times (copy sent to
'interesting connections' and asks WHO IS ADMIRAL
NZNFZC with accompanying letter dated Feb. 22,
1985) on this claim as well as a number of other
Compiled by a sub-committee of the NZNFZ allegations. He denies strongly that he has ever
"served in naval intelligence or any other intelligence
In November last year retired D.S. Admiral LLoyd
"loe" Vasey accompanied by Professor Henry organisation". Vasey claims he "was retired from
Albinski of the University of Pennsylvania paid a visit the US Navy throughout that period and was working
with Pepperdine University". He says that he had
to NZ. which was obviously intended to influence
what they called "elite opinion". They were travelling never even heard of Task Force 157 until newspaper
under the auspices of a political research organisation reports linked his name with it.
called the Pacific Forum which is based in Honolulu, Admiral Vasey also claims that he never held any
Hawaii, and which was established by Admiral Vasey position wi th the Nugan Hand Bank, the most
in 1975. Professor Albinski was also named as a important of the CIA fronts in Australia during the _

member of a so-called ANZUS "think-tank" which time of the Whitlam Government. "During the course
was to be headed by CIA Deputy Director Ray Cline of the Nugan Hand inquiry many links were found
(I). Bad publicity seems to have closed the lid on this between individuals connected with the group and
particular think-tank - for the meantime anyway - individuals connected in very significant ways with
but the Pacific Forum is likely to openly and actively US intelligence organisations, specifically the CIA and
continue its efforts at shaping NZ opinion. the Office of Naval Intelligence (Task Force 157) (7)."
While in NZ Admiral Vasey vigorously promoted An extraordinary network of leading American active
the Soviet Threat (2). The findings of a report on NZ and retired military and intelligence personnel was
by Vasey and Albinski were described in The NZ uncovered. Australian investigations have however
Times (3). been frustrated by the failure of the CIA and other
According to arflcles published in The National American agencies to respond to requests for more
Time, of Australia (4) Admiral Vasey was the Head detailed information.
of US Naval Intelligence in the facific during the time In the original allegations concerning Admiral
of the Whitlam Labour Government. US Naval Intell­ Vasey's alleged role in the Whitlam coup, he was
igence was the umbrella organisation that contained named as holding an official position with Nugan
the infamous Task Force 157 which evidently Hand - head of the Hawaii Branch (8). A joint task
successfully destabilised the Australian Labour force report on drug trafficking which investigated
Government of Gough Whitlam leading to its sacking Nugan Hand was more circumspect about Vasey:
in 1975. The Pentagon abolished Task Force 157 in "Very little is known of this man at this stage, or his
1977 (5) but it is known that American naval intelli­ role, if any, in Nugan Hand. However, he is referred
gence work, e.g. monitoring the Soviet fishing fleet, is to not infrequently by various people associated with
still carried out under deep cover_in Australasia. Nugan Hand and appears to have had some unofficial
role with the group companies" (9). The report goes Reporter" and hard right propogandist; Dr Thomas
on to mention that Vasey has been known to Rear Millar, named as one of Cline's ANZUS "think-tank"
Admiral Yates and Maurice "Bernie" Houghton for members (IS); and Dr Guy Pauker, named as a CIA
years. Both Yates and Houghton were key figures in operative and Nugan Hand consultant (16). There is a
the Nugan Hand scandal. According to the former NZ representative on the Pacific Forum's Research
British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) agent, Peter Council - Dr Stephen Levine of Victoria University.
Wilcox, Houghton worked for an Intelligence group .. u·, "" ""'''',., ...
under Admiral Lloyd Vasey operating out of Hawaii
,,_ ..

lH:'Ja),' Cho
(10). With regard to Hugan Hand Vasey himself says J.,'::'.J" P ES.L,lrlio.!ao
Pn" ,p Gt" "S
that both Admiral Yates and General Black tried to FLoj! Kam'la
get him to invest in the bank but that he declined l£lv.a-n( t' B Kfa,;"t;
(11). l iiu It'!r Soon
D.,.,,, i K", HC,r1g If't:
Admiral Vasey's Pacific Forum has also been .
S:. i ' r1 le !.(
linked, albeit indirectly, with CIA activity in the form 1"1<.::,,": (� t:�(�,-t
of another CIA front company. the Honolulu-based 1 r,{.Il'.1S B 1.1111;11
R(\l! .
Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong
which tried to set up a subsidiary front company in
NZ in 1983 (12). Sources associated with Bishop,
Baldwin claim the CIA planned to funnel money to
Pacific Forum through Bishop Baldwin (13). That the
CIA would want to support the Pacific Forum is
understandable due to its function as a promoter of a
right-wing opinion. Again, Vasey denies that the
Pacific Forum is a "right-wing think-tank" and seems
anxious to project an image of analytical objectivity.
This image is hard to sust.ain. The Pacific Forum is The Pacinc Forum hosted a Pacific Parliamentar�
ians' Meeting in Hawaii in early January 1985 which
viewed as a well�funded, conservative organisation.
Among the members of the Forum's Research was attended by the Leader of the National Party,
Jim McLay, and later in November this year Vasey
Council are two of the director�of the extremist
and Albinski will host a meeting on Australasian
Committee on the Present Danger W. Glenn
Campbell, Director, Hoover Institution on War, security in Melbourne. A number of NZ academics
will no doubt attend and probably monetary and
Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, and
other incentives, courtesy of the U.S., will be
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., Professor, FIetcher School
of Law and Diplomacy. It is worth noting here that offered to facilitate academic liaison as in the past
the Ray Cline mentioned above is also on this
Comnultee's Board of Directors (J 4). Other members The big question then to ask about Admiral Vasey
of the Forum's Research Council include Denis is whether his interests really fit those of New
Warn�r, editor of the militarist "Pacific Defence Zealand.


Il l) The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 25.1982.
(I) NZ Times Nov. 18. 1984.
Ii 2) National Business Review (Vol. 16. Nos. 8 &
Ic I See (I). 9. Mar. 1985). For detailed investigation of
(3) NZ Times. Jan 27. 1985. Bishop, Baldwin see 'Counterspy' June-Aug.
(4) 11.0 National Times. Nov. 12-18, 1980, and 1984.
Mar. 1-7. 1%5. (13) The National Times, Mar. J5-21, 1985.
(5) The Washington Post. May 18, 1977. (14) 'Peddlers of Crisis: The Committee on the
(6) See (I) Present Danger and the Politics of Containment'
(7) Commonwealth-New South Wales Joint Task by Jerry Sande". 19�.1.
Force on Drug Trafficking Report. Vo!. 2: (IS) See (I).
Nugan Hand, June 1982, P. 657. (16) See (7) P. 447; FlI1ancial Review. Sept. 26,
(8) The National Times,Oct. 12-J8.1nO. 1980: The National Times Jan. 4-10. 198!.
(9) See (7) P448. 117) NZ Times, Feb. 10, 1985 and The National
(10) See (8). TImes, Mar. I 7, 1985.




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