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Principles of Management

SEM 2 2016 / 2017















1. The director should schedule overtime to conduct as mush testing as possible

before product shipment.

The director must provide overtime for employees to conduct the work to meet the
company objective. The director must not give out an order and forcing them instead the
director should discuss with the employees so that employees can agree with their
changes according to their conditions satisfied. The employees will also earn more and
the director must give a reward so the employees will be interested to work.
Before a product is shipped out to the customer it must be made sure it is up to the
customer requirements and expectations. Therefore throughout testing must be conducted
to ensure it meet the expectations. The director must ensure the employees conduct a
complete testing according to guidelines set by the company and do not cut corners. The
company reputation depends on its product quality is achieved as it is promised. On the
other hand employees also must have the responsibility to deliver their product perfect
because it is their project work scope.

2. On Time Shipping
The director should do on time shipping. On time shipping is the ability of any business
to meet the customers' requirements and deliver the products or services to the customer
on time. Perhaps time is one of the most important issues customers are concerned about.
Those businesses that do not value time in their manufacturing and order taking process
do not tend to succeed. This is a fact, because customers want every order to be delivered
according to their time and this is what businesses have to make sure that they achieve.
Throughout the entire process of supply chain management, consistent on time-shipping
is vital and in fact very important for the success of any business. Many softwares can be
used by the director to efficiently manage the entire production and supply chain process.
The director should be looking for various factors on daily basis in their supply chain
process in order to ensure on time shipping to clients and customers. Many companies
have introduced the concept of just-in-time to lower their costs of inventories and
increase the manufacturing and earning potential of the business. This is the Japanese
concept where materials are arrived to customers just in time before their projects actually
takes place. It saves a lot on time, space and costs. Late delivery of finished goods
frustrates the clients and disrupts business activities. Supply chain management is a
crucial and important aspect of every business involved in manufacturing industry. In
order to successfully dominate the market, companies make sure to minimize any
bottlenecks in between them and their loyal clients.
The director should realize that a suitable inventory management system needs a lot of
time, expertise and warehouse space. Why to waste money in holding stock and bearing
cost of huge orders? In a system, which is facilitated with the same day delivery services,
which goes under on time shipping. Production and sales go side by side, and no need is
felt to make arrangements for holding stocks. You can utilize the time and space wasted
in piling up stocks, in some other constructive business activities.
The benefits of on time shipping services are innumerable, because its a whole need of
todays fast paced world. Consumers, who are searching for their favourite commodities,
are crazy about it and same is the case with sellers, who never want to lose a single
customer. In the presence of this facility, both, the seller and the buyer enjoy the peace of

3. Conduct a risk analysis to identify conceivable failure modes and their respective
remedial solutions, based on the best understanding of the production team at this

The director should conduct a risk analysis to identify conceivable failure modes and their
respective remedial solutions, based on the best understanding of the production team at
this time. Firstly, the director should analyse risk control measures. Investigate specific
strategies and tools that reduce, mitigate, or eliminate the risk. Effective control measures
reduce or eliminate at least one of these. The analysis must take into account the overall
costs and benefits of remedial actions, providing alternative choices if possible.
Secondly, the director should make control decisions. Identify the appropriate decisionmaker. That decision-maker must choose the best control or combination of controls,
based on the analysis. Then he should implement risk controls. Management must
formulate a plan for applying the controls that have been selected, then provide the time,
materials and personnel needed to put these measures in place.
Finally, the director should supervise and review. Once controls are in place, the process
must be periodically revaluated to ensure their effectiveness. Workers and managers at
every level must fulfil their respective roles to assure that the controls are maintained over

4. Director must to get the team prepared to respond to customer's service needs.

In the world of customer service, many would argue that pure "scripts" are the opposite of
great service. That is to say, customer service should be a conversation rather than a cold,
lifeless script. However, given the changeable nature of interacting with customers, it's
easy to see how support champs can certainly benefit from some forward thinking in
dealing with tough situations.
Know your customers
This is about more than knowing the personas behind purchases which the
interactions your customer has had with the brand in the past and if there have been any
previous issues. Giving customer support team access to information they can use to help
solve customer problems and the resources they need to take action when possible.
Airlines reference frequent flyer programs, allowing them to quickly look up passengers
the minute they receive a question which is one of the example. If your agents are able to
access customer transactions in a database, providing this identifiable information each
time the customer will allow your agents to tread lightly when necessary and easily
reference previous interactions, both purchases and support-related conversations. The
most efficient customer support teams have a wealth of resources available that allow
them to quickly identify VIPs and know if a customer has reached out about an issue
Provide self-help resources
For an example, when a customer travels out of the country with some friends and had
a few questions about how using phone outside of their country would impact the bill.
Knowing that T-Mobile provides awesome customer care via social, they reached out via
DM with the questions. The T-Force rep who replied to the question not only answered
the initial question, but also provided with more resources that ended up answering
questions that would have the following month, when traveling to another country. By
understanding that a customer who asks a question about traveling to one country might
have that same question for other trips, the agent was able to address my immediate need
and provide with a useful resource for later.

5. Review causes for product delay and initiate a program to speed up the product
development process.

The director should review the causes for product delay. The director and employees
should sit together and have a meeting to investigate what causes the delay at the first
place. By this review the director can get to know what actually happening at the
production side and what are the setbacks or problems they are facing such as low man
power materials not available.

Then the director can initiate a program to speed up the product development process.
Based on the outcome of meeting with employees, the problem can be identified and a
solution is discuss upon and the director takes the decision to initiate a program to rectify
the problem. This is good for both side because they have mutual discussion on the
problem instead of the director pushing and forcing the employees to meet the dead line.

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