October 2000 Occoquan Watershed Coalition Newsletter

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11533 Lakewood Lane, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Tel: 703-250-1591 Fax: 703-250-6305

Issue Nr 11, October 2000

Your OWC Web Site is Up & Running - www.owccoalition.org

OWC General
Membership by Al Akers, President section, and much more. perfect for Association
Meeting Your Site is current and at meetings--Call her office at
This is not a one page the same time a repository of (703) 451-8873 to borrow a
Nov12, 2000 Site! It is an extensive, elabo- key, historical papers address- copy.
rate Site, professionally orga- ing the need to protect your This Newsletter addresses
The Occoquan nized and developed, and is Watershed and the Region's only some of the variety of
Watershed user friendly. It includes both Drinking water. current activities in which the
Coalition Gen- Home Page amd Current Is- Your Watershed, down zoned OWC is involved. But it is on
sues Page, background pages by The Board of Supervisors in Your Web Site where you find
eral Member-
about the OWC to include its 1982, is different from others all the details.
ship Meeting By-Laws, biographies of most and is protected, having with- One final point.....if you or
will be held on of your 20 Member Board of stood over 40 legal challenges. your association have not re-
Sunday, Directors and 8 Directors-at- To learn more about your Wa- newed your membership for
November 12, Large, 50 Links to other Web tershed, sign out the 30 year 2000, please do so now.
2000 at 7:30 Sites, a growing Archives minute Video, hosted by Super
PM (and end- visor McConnell. It is timeless,
ing by 9 PM) with one another. They
Trail Planning in the County & In The OWC Area
in the Clifton by Jim Chesley & Charlie Smith, Directors
Hall in Clifton. The Countywide Trails Watershed Area of the Spring- at odds with one another. They
This short Committee is appointed by Fair- field District. These trails are are not compatible and co-
fax County for the purpose of also referred to as Tandem located, side-by-side, on the
meeting will
providing citizen input and over- Biking and Equestrian Trails same side of the road is unac-
also include a and are defined as “Suitable
sight to the planning and devel- ceptable. There is no question
brief update opment of a Countywide Trails for equestrian use, hiking and that trails are needed - to serve
on matters System. In establishing this com- all-terrain bicycle use in low ALL modes of transportation -
followed by mittee, the FFC Board recog- density areas” and which re- but putting horses, bicycles and
your OWC nized the desirability of coordi- quires ten feet of right-of-way. joggers on the same path is an
nating the development of a trail As all of you are aware, the invitation to disaster. Separate
representa- land within the Watershed is
and sidewalk network to serve paths located on opposite sides
tives. Mark uniquely different from most
pedestrians, bicyclists, and of the road is one solution, but
your calendar equestrians. of the built-up areas of the also a realization that in some
and be certain Some of the operations of the County. It consists of rural, areas there is no space to build
your Associa- Trails Committee include: (1) winding country roads with trails must be acknowledged.
the development and revision of little or no current shoulders Since there is little or no method
tion is repre-
the Countywide Trails Plan, (2) within which to build any type for the county to be able to build
sented. of trails without the condem-
the development of an annual many of the trails, alternative
non-park trail construction pro- nation by the County of pri- locations, such as a bike trail
Al Akers vate land. Unlike other dis-
gram, and, (3) the review of adjacent to the railroad tracks
President tricts in the County, with the
requests for trail construction from Burke to Manassas Park
waivers. At question is the desig- exception of Dranesville Dis- should be pursued.
nation of bicycle/equestrian trict, horses are prevalent in
trails as shown in the current our area and are part of our
Countywide trails plan that are daily life. Tandem trails for
contained within the Occoquan bicycles and equestrians are www.owccoalition.org

Traffic Congestion & Capital Beltway Rail the concerns: Chesapeake Bay protection
Telecommuting by Eric Thiel , Director Feasibility Study along with the likelihood of negative im-
by Susan Borinsky, Director pact on wetlands and the Occoquan Water-
The new millennium opened on a posi- shed.
tive note as the Fairfax County Board of The Virginia Department of Rail and As expected, the VRE Task Force voted
Supervisors (BOS) unanimously re- Public Transportation (VDRPT) is study- not to recommend any of the potential sites
affirmed its longtime stand against a cen- ing the feasibility of constructing rail be- for a new VRE station at their meeting on
tral crossing of the Occoquan River. (Full tween Springfield and Tysons Corner and September 26. Their recommendation is
details at www.owccoalition.org/archives/ into Maryland. The Capital Beltway Major expected to go to the Board of Supervisors
OccResBM1-00.htm). However, as the lo- Investment Study (1997) recommended in November.
cal economic expansion continues there more lanes to reduce Beltway congestion, Region Facing New Challenges
will be those who will see new roadways as but urged that there be a separate study on to Keep the Watershed Clean
the only solution to traffic congestion. rail in the vicinity of the Beltway. At the by Greg Evans, Director Northern Virginia
initiative of Delegate David Albo (42 Soil & Water Conservation District
There are really four options to reduce
District), with support from Governor In 1992, Chesapeake Bay program
traffic congestion; more roads, enhancing
James Gilmore, the Virginia Assembly members – including Virginia agreed to
existing roads, restructuring/behavior
provided about $1 million for this study. develop nutrient reduction strategies for
changes, and alternative transportation.
Three alignments near the Beltway and waterways flowing into the Chesapeake
All of these approaches have merit, but
four technologies (heavy rail, light rail, Bay. Our Potomac Watershed in 1996,
most are expensive and Fairfax County is
monorail and bus rapid transit) are being became the first in Virginia to complete a
both “built out” and has multiple employ-
considered. The study is exploring using strategy, one calling for a 40 percent reduc-
ment centers making many of these options
power line easements for part of the right- tion goal by 2001. The good news is we
of-way. The new system would connect are on track to reach that. However, in
Telecommuting is the one form of
with Metro, Virginia Rail Express and June, Virginia signed an agreement that
alternative transportation (It brings the
Dulles Corridor transit. calls for “capping” the level of nutrient
“Office to the worker”) that can make sig-
A Policy Advisory Committee of elected loadings that can be discharged into water-
nificant improvements in traffic flow at
officials and citizens is contributing to the ways while developing new reduction goals
low cost. Telecommuting reduces traffic
study. There is also a Technical Advisory to remove the Chesapeake Bay from EPA’s
demand, facilitates behavior changes and
Committee of transportation professionals “impaired waters list” by 2010.
achieves the traffic goals of restructuring,
from the U.S, Virginia, Maryland and Fair- A nutrient cap represents a major con-
and works regardless of employment center
fax County governments and representa- cern to local officials, wastewater treatment
location. If 1 in 5 commuters used
tives of the Washington Area Metropolitan plant operators, and the development com-
telecommuting one day every other week, a
Transit Authority and Virginia Power. munity. They are concerned about cost and
10% reduction in traffic demand would
HNTB Corporation is the consultant. Ad- that the cap may stifle growth. Virginia is
occur. Congestion starts when small in-
ditional information is available at promoting a voluntary approach to meeting
creases in the number of cars cause sudden
www.beltway.org. the cap but could be subject to a federally
large drops in traffic flow. Thus, even
mandated reduction plan..
small traffic reductions can have large ben-
VRE Station Study - by Rae Tyson, Public involvement is essential to create
efits. Further, telecommuting is funded via
Director and implement a good plan. A new re-
business and consumer demand so it uses
gional Potomac Watershed Roundtable is
few tax dollars.
The largest barriers to telecom- A host of environmental concerns, in- being created to coordinate efforts and pub-
muting have been the rate of installation of cluding watershed protection, have all but lic hearings are planned this fall.
fast communications and management ac- derailed a new western Fairfax County
ceptance. Hopefully, the planned improve- commuter rail station. The committee has Year 2000 Membership - You or
ments to local cable and other systems will been reviewing a host of potential sites your homeowner's association, as
soon encourage more telecommuting. The between Colchester Road and Union Mill members of the OWC, have helped
th Road. It is the latest in a series of attempts swell our past paid membership to
October 24 Washington Area Conference
by the county to find a suitable location to over 5,000 voters. Because we had
on Telework at Fairfax County Govern-
serve the growing Virginia Railway Ex- sufficient funds to support OWC
ment Center should help begin the process
press (VRE). Chaired by Pete Murphy, mailings and operations, we did not
of encouraging management to experiment
chairman of the county Planning Commis- collect membership fees in 1998 or
with teleworking. For information on the 1999. This year (2000), it was neces-
conference please visit: sion, the committee evaluated the need for
a new station, based on ridership projec- sary for us to replenish our reserves.
www.wacot.org. We ask all individual and association
tions from VRE. But the prospect of find-
members to renew their membership.
ing a suitable location dimmed consider-
If you have not renewed your individ-
ably following an August presentation by
Check out OWC Web Site at: ual or association membership please
the staff of the county Department of Plan- show your interest in what is happen-
ning and Zoning. Most of the potential ing in the Watershed by doing it now!
www. owccoalition.org sites were deemed unsuitable because of Please renew by November 1, 2000.
potential environmental damage. Among
In 1998 we had 343,500 housing units real time goal of five minutes or less.
in use. In the past 25 years home size The response from current and future
The “New” Lorton: From Old has grown by 30 percent, while lot sizes adjacent area stations, into Fairfax Sta-
Dumps & Prisons to New have shrunk. Developers no longer tion, can easily be two to four times the
Residential, Cultural and build only at the edges of suburbia. five minutes, provided the equipment
Commercial Ventures Today they demolish existing homes and personnel are not already commit-
by Neal McBride, At Large Director and build larger ones; they subdivide ted to operations in their primary cover-
existing lots; they develop undeveloped age areas.
sites within existing neighborhoods, Given the upcoming bond referenda,
D.C. Prison’s closure is being expe- they redevelop existing subdivisions; and the three-year pipeline that a project
dited. GSA has agreed to transfer many and, they develop large subdivisions travels from planning to completion, the
prison buildings and acres of land for use surrounded by other recently developed time to revisit this need is now.
as cultural, governmental, recreational, subdivisions. The County considers
park and natural resource areas. Local each of these "infill." Union Middle School
groups have asked to adopt several former Citizens have identified four impor- by Charlie Smith, Director
prison athletic facilities for area youth. tant "infill" issues: infill has not been
Negotiations continue between the compatible with existing homes; infill Construction of a new middle school
Govt. and the Lynch Family for a land increases traffic congestion and cut- located within the watershed area on
swap. The County has made an offer that through traffic; infill destroys trees, Union Mill Road is about to begin. Less
could accelerate both the trade and the forests and neighborhood open space; than half of the 75 acre site will be used
development of the 1,100-unit residential and, infill increases storm drainage and for the school. A portion of the remain-
area on Laurel Hill in the new Lorton. soil erosion. To deal with these prob- ing land will be designated as a Conser-
Elsewhere in Greater Lorton the pace lems, the Task Force recommended 34 vation Area in order to protect it from
of public and private infrastructure recon- changes to County regulations. They future development. The school is
struction and expansion has also picked propose policies intended to ensure planned to open September 2002.
up. In addition to the new 17 residential compatibility with the existing commu-
communities with 2,500 units in active nity; a road system that increases exten- Occoquan Watershed Signs
construction or site development, there are sion of roads through communities, in- by Susan Borinsky, Director
10 other subdivisions with 1,360 homes cluding opening cul de sac's as through
streets; increase awareness of tree As proposed by the OWC, Fairfax
awaiting site planning or rezoning ap-
preservation and require a practice that County Supervisors recently voted to
proval. Four new public schools are being
might better protect trees; and, new reg- install signs to increase public aware-
proposed to educate the 3,200 new students
ulations to control sediment run-off. ness about the importance of the Occo-
expected. A new Fire/Rescue Station, new
We encourage citizens on the water- quan Watershed as the catch basin for
Catholic Church and new Post Office are
shed to read the infill study - available the drinking water of almost a million
also being pursued.
on the internet at: Northern Virginians. Signs will be
Several major transportation projects
www.co.fairfax.va.us/GOV/ocp/ posted along roads at entry points to the
have begun: Telegraph Road, Pohick
To provide your comments, at: Watershed and along the Occoquan
Road-East, Lorton Railroad Underpass and
www.infill@co.fairfax.va.us Reservoir in Fairfax County by late
Alban/Rolling Road Intersection. Im-
provements to Richmond Highway, Route
123, Rolling Road, Hooes Road, Pohick Fire & Rescue in the OWC
Road-West and Lorton Road are all funded by Larry Hensle, Director See the OWC Web Site
and scheduled to begin during the next www.owccoalition.org
two-three years. For more details check The Fairfax Station area is a safe and
out this subject on the Current Issues page lovely place to live until you have an Messages from Supervisor
of the OWC Web Site. accident, medical or fire emergency. At McConnell & Al Akers
It’s obviously not your father’s Lorton that point you are living in one of About OWC - List of Directors,
anymore! the most isolated areas in Fairfax their Tel #’s , OWC Bylaws
County. The fire and rescue stations that Current Issues
do answer your call for help have pri- Newsletters
Infill & Residential Development
mary responsibility for large adjacent Archives
Study by David W. Schnare, Director
communities, from which distance and Over 50 possible Links including:
Citizens on the Watershed will soon congestion make timely availability an Springield District Home Page
have an opportunity to lend their voices on issue. Fairfax County Home Page
the debate about how best to use and rede- Supervisor Elaine McConnell has Bd of Supervisors Home Page
velop land in the county, and specifically made the construction of a facility to Commonwealth of VA &
on the recommendations in the "Infill and meet the fire and medical emergency VDOT
Residential Develolpment Study." Here's needs of Fairfax Station one of her Deer Managment in FFC
what the study found and what the task seven highest priorities for her four year VA Soil & Water Conservation
force recommends. term. The County has a fire emergency
Occoquan Watershed Coalition
11533 Lakewood Lane
Fairfax Station, VA 22039


Yes, we (I) want to join or renew membership in the

Occoquan Watershed Coalition!
$5 - Individual,
$15 - Homeowner Associations - 1-15 Owners
$25 - Homeowner Associations - 16 or more Owners

$ Special Donation for Support of OWC Activities

Name of Homeowners Assn ______________________________________ Nr Owners

Your Name ____________________________________________________ Title _______________________
Address Home Tel ___________________
City/State Zip Code Ofc Tel _____________________
Fax ________________________
Talents, Experience and Support I/We can provide to OWC E-mail ______________________
Please renew your membership by Nov. 1, 2000 . Make checks payable to the
Occoquan Watershed and mail to 12101 Wolf Valley Drive, Clifton, VA 20124

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