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Latihan Penukaran Unit Laju, Ketumpatan Dan Tekanan

1. Lengkapkan penukaran unit bagi laju berikut.

1. Complete the following unit conversion of speed.
1. 90 kmh-1 = __________ ms-1
2. 110 kmh-1 = __________ ms-1
3. 1.3 ms-1 = __________ kmh-1
4. 8.12 ms-1 = __________ kmh-1

2. Lengkapkan penukaran unit bagi ketumpatan dan tekanan berikut.

2. Complete the following unit conversion of density and pressure.
a.760 kgm-3 = __________ gcm-3
b.12000 kgm-3 = __________ gcm-3
c. 5.1 gcm-3 = __________ kgm-3
d.3600 Nm-2 = __________ Ncm-2
e.12x106 Nm-2 = __________ Ncm-2
f. 1.5x103 Nm-2= __________ Ncm-2
g.3.16x10-5 Ncm-2= __________ Nm-2
h.7.1x10-3 Ncm-2 = __________ Nm-2

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