INTELLIPSYCHE Technical Primer Final

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Technology & Services Primer Report


(Psychological Analysis In Convergence With Artificial Intelligence)

Intellipsyche psychological assessments are based on a break-through
patented integration of the psychoanalysis – based projection method in combination
with rapid Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

The use of projections in psychology is based on the psychoanalytic mechanisms which

include repression, projection, identification and sublimation. And these mechanisms, used
unconsciously, are incorporated to defend against feelings of anxiety that have become
uncomfortable, humiliating or shameful. Removed from the ego, experiences may be isolated,
but they are never forgotten. They creep into relationships and have the power to both protect
and stifle. For instance, repression will make itself felt sooner or later in some manner and

Hence projections perform an invaluable service. Meaning, it’s ability to vent emotions
from a distance and perspective, so to speak. Subjects get into their feelings and feel them. The
HR counselor is not only able to assess the subject but may, due to knowledge of defenses and
developmental stage, very conveniently offer therapy and coaching strategies. This results to
superior talent management.

In addition to the foundations of Freud, several modern research results elucidate on the
defense mechanism construct to which the administered projection assessment instrument is
coupled. The overall definition of said mechanism is that it is the individual’s automatic
psychological response to historical internal or external stressors or emotional conflict. In turn,
said automatic response is unconsciously performed. Character or personality traits greatly
comprise defenses which individuals use repetitively in diverse work and social environments.
Importantly, defense mechanisms affect adaptation ( work and social environments).

The significant issue as well is that when such defenses, as assessed from the projection
method, happen to be of the least adaptive type, they indeed protect the individual from
awareness or stressors and/or associated conflicts but at the price of constricting awareness,
freedom to choose, and flexibility of maximizing outcome.

In the end, the test-takers completed projection test instrument is a disguised language,
developed ever so carefully over an individual’s lifetime that is deposited into a psyche that is
then projected onto the projection test instrument sheet – a reflection of not only a person’s self-
concept but the concept of other’s as well. It represents the projection of ourselves and our
environment as we see it, from our own viewpoint, without any influence from external subjective
material. That is the reason it is so powerful for assessing a job candidate or improving an
executive. Take note as well, that lying during testing is eliminated since our method does not
use the question and answer format.

Assessments are reported in the client’s preferred format and with the
advantage that predispositions, traits, interests, motivations, inner-conflicts between
values versus pleasure needs, natural intelligence, job suitability, coping abilities,
emotions and character disorders are all derived from the root source - meaning, both
the unconscious and the conscious components of the psyche.

Reports are automatically generated in seconds and our computer architecture is

scalable to fulfill high volume requirements.
As to validity, the test taker’s filled-in Projection assessment instrument is a product of
multiplicity of variables. In the traditional scientific investigation, one variable is isolated and
exposed. This is a virtual impossibility in the projection test where a response apparently has
many possible origins. Not only is the perception involved in the response, which itself is a
function of many variables, but also the process of response (example: sequence of filling in the
objects) is involved.

However, it is proven that whenever the projection method focuses solely on testing
specific hypothesis as related to personality indicators, then scientific validity is always achieved.
With this, where select issues relating to personality, pathology and self-image ( to name just a
few ) were explored in a singular fashion, the resulting data were very scientifically supported
(references on source literature available on request)

On another vein, and broader, scientific progress in the past four years has resulted in
the development of Neural Microelectrode Array equipment and improved versions of the MRI
and fMRI machines that monitor, image and analyze brain activity unlike ever before in the past
90 years of psychological history. This resulted into a frenziful series of psychological brain
experimentations. Today, as a conclusion, the best of the best in the American psychiatric
community agree with Dr. Kandel (Top most American psychiatrist) that “Freud’s psychoanalytic
brushstrokes of the mind is the template on which details in psychiatry-psychology can be
coherently arranged” - American Scientific Mind; May 2006 p.30.

The often antagonistic scientists between the fields of neuroscience versus

psychoanalysis community now join together and form unified organizations all across America
Psychoanalysis and implicitly together with the projection method are finally proven to be
steadfastly and scientifically valid.

Naturally, the existing vendors of psychological tests are quiet or mum about the
foregoing recent scientific progress because these new findings effectively now render their
assessment products as non-comprehensive.
Another breakthrough technology is incorporated into the Intellipsyche assessment
instrument; for the first time, psychological psychoanalytic projection assessments are rapidly
& comprehensively performed; this is achieved through the integration of an Artificial
Intelligence computer sight system coupled to an Artificial Intelligence – Clinical Diagnostic
Mind Machine System. It is effectively like speedily accessing a collection of psychologist
“brains”. This system literally took almost a decade to develop. Why? Because AI systems are
like human biological brains that need “schooling” in order to learn the skills of a top-notch highly-
paid psychoanalyst. It took years for the artificial brain to learn projection principles,
APA projection test manuals, graphology (handwriting) rules & diagnostic similitude
which are sourced from 90 years of psychological history.

In effect, our AI system absorbed the works of renowned psychologists

who are doctorates in the fields of psychoanalysis, projection sketch analysis, cognitive
psychology and developmental stages (Freud -Piaget - Erikson); said research authors are
members of both the American Psychoanalytic Association and American Psychological

The Intellipsyche instrument may be used for personal / talent psychological assessment and
professional management , Cognitive analysis, Career/Interest/Motivations assessment,
development of work benchmarks and business analytics/intelligence through AI and Data
Mining, and revolutionary in-depth psychographics. our is scalable to fulfill high volume

Intellipsyche products, as listed in the next page, are accessible through an Internet available
website. The website is used to obtain information on the product offerings, instructions, and an
interface to upload test instrument sheets either through a GUI input window-tableu, a wpad in-
house tablet, a cellphone wpad or simply by an uploading of scanned completed test sheets.


Our system is most specially configured for “white labeling”, meaning that we offer our system as an
engine behind the client’s preferred GUI. We would assist in the development of the client’s
customized application window. Moreover, the outputted reports are configurable to the client’s
preferred reporting format.

Also, the applications window could be developed to include any of the client’s other
preferred tests.


The website has a help desk facility that is provided in real time voice communication and an
available email help desk service as well.

Training is necessarily provided not only for the use of the website interface but also since the
administration of the test instrument is so critical in order to obtain optimum results from the
assessment engine. An administrator manual or user guide and sample application sheets are
provided as well.

An Account Manager that is well versed with the use of the interface system, the tools and the system
is assigned to assist with the needs of the client. Said officer would be available to ensure proper
use of the assessment. This would be most beneficial both for the client and our company so that
the online interface and the consequent assessment procedure remain as quick process and results
to an accurate and valid report.


Intellipsyche has wide experience in the benchmarking the standards for specific job roles,
determining the causes of attrition behavior in large databases, and discovery of factors that related
to a particular psychological construct, to name a few. This is because Intellipsyche also has a built-
up technology expertise and experience in the field of data mining. We are experts in sorting through
data to identify patterns and establish relationships.

We are well-versed in data mining, artificial intelligence and machine learning tools which aim at

• Associations - looking for patterns in data where one event is connected to another event
• Sequence or path analysis - looking for patterns where one event leads to another later
• Classification - looking for new patterns (May result in a change in the way the data is
organized but that's ok)
• Clustering - finding and visually documenting groups of facts not previously known
• Predictions (forecasting) - discovering patterns in data that can lead to reasonable
perception in determining future trends and events.

We are adept in the data mining techniques used in a many research areas, including HR job
benchmarking, mathematics, cybernetics, genetics, marketing and certainly in psychological
psychodynamics. We also do Web mining, a type of data mining used in customer relationship
management (CRM) which takes advantage of the huge amount of information gathered by a
Web site to look for patterns in user behavior.



RAPID Personality Profiling 1

16PF, Big-5 Factor, Myers Briggs,MMPI, EQSQ, PSI, ProScan, Neo PIR, DISC,HBDI
RAPID Job Match Assessment 2

RAPID Coaching/Counseling 2 Job Suitability (Harvard Validated)

RAPID Succession Planning 2 Job Suitability (Harvard Validated) - Counseling/Coaching Version

RAPID PreHire/PreScreening 3 Job Suitability (Harvard Validated) - Succession Version

Job Suitability (Harvard Validated)

RAPID Aptitude (IQ) 4
. DAP-IQ Wechsler (WAIS-R WISC)
. Standford Binet Kaufman
Woodcock–Johnson III

Bar-On Emotional Quotient

RAPID Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 5
Barrett Career Interest
RAPID Career-Motivations 6 Myers Briggs DISC
. Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
. Holland Codes
RAPID Psychoanalysis 7
. EPQ BIG-5 (Five Factor) NEOPI-R

(Collage of predispositions as per client requirements)

RAPID Emotional Stability 8
( Select predispositions related to
RAPID Critical Predispositions 9 coping mechanisms that measure likelihood for adjustment)

RAPID Work-Social Adjustment 10

Dr. Amen brain region theory with Dr. Clero Hormonal-behavioral research

RAPID Psychiatric & Hormonals 11

Being experts in the field of AI-based Data Mining as well; this goes beyond
the scope of demographics and eludes to the psychoanalytic source for
social and consumer group behaviors.
RAPID Analytics with 12
Datamining , AI and Use of Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence to search for insight in both in the business and
Psychographics of course in psychological / human resource fields such as the establishing of job standards,
search for dependent variables to specified target factors, psychographics, discovering patterns,
RAPID Benchmarking/ 12 sequences, linkages etc.
Job Standard

Note: The foregoing table is a generalized outline of our product offerings and we invite you to view our
Website at and or request for a product brochure.

Since we are originators of all our software, we have the advantage of

configuring the reports according to the customized preferences/needs of the client..

Intellipsyche is the only consulting firm capable of accurately and rapidly

performing psychographics data analysis. Why? – because we are the inventors of the
only software engine that can perform psychoanalysis based from projection material
inputs. Our web servers are capable of accepting uploads either through a graphics
input window, a in-house graphics input tablet , a cellphone wpad or simply by
emailing/file transfer of scanned assessment instrument test sheets. Imagine being
able, for the first time ever, to rapidly complement demographics data with in-depth
psychographics statistics in mere seconds!

Moreover, we do not use the common old method of question-and-answers as the

medium to obtain personality profile data because this common method does not capture
the combined information from the conscious & unconscious mind and is quite subject to
lying. Having the information from the unconscious mind as well allows access to the
true source of motivations and behavior.

Lastly, in order to extract insight-wisdom-knowledge from databases without prior biases,

we are adept at Pattern-Sequence-Cluster-Linkage Data Mining and Business-Insight
deriving Artificial Intelligence Modeling. With this modern AI Data Mining techniques we
are able to extract relationships between variables, cluster without biases and determine
tiers of dependent linkages between variables.

Since our system is also based on non-linearity and linear mathematics, we are able to
handle subjective queries very effectively. For instance, Our CBR technology, Fuzzy
Logic Expert Systems technology and Brain Neuron technology excellently handle
subjective data and responses.

Of course, our system is so artificial intelligence based that turn-around time is quick and
only hampered by current inefficiencies not of our system but by the imperfections of the
internet provider and the network equipment of the client. Our databases maintained in
a highly secured protected using international standards in order to prevent hacking and
security breaches. Be assured that your input data and reports are protected at all times.
Our servers operate at high bandwidth of above 15Mbps and allow for high response

Through a help desk facility, clients can monitor the progress of the assessing and
report generation process ( Please contact Intellipsyche to apply for financial credits
transaction and in order to obtain processing access to our computer servers that
allow use of our automated AI-based psychological testing services and automated
Artificial Intelligence-based business analytics/intelligence - psychographics systems.

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