Internal Combustion, Unit 1

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INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Section 1 An Introduction To Internal Combustion Engines Internal combustion engines are engines which burn fuel in ‘a cylinder to produce power. In Section 1 you will learn the principles of the internal com- bustion engine, its general operation and parts. You will learn how the combustion eycle differs in 2cycle and 4-cycle engines. You will also learn some of the more common cyl- Inder arrangements, Tn Section 2 you will learn the details of construction of an Internal combustion engine, including the camshaft, carbure- tor, natural gas admission system, safety devices and the elec- trical system, You will learn how each of these parts fune- tions as a part of the total engine, You will learn the principles: of a diesel engine, how it operates and how it differs from the traditional 1C engine. In Section 3 you will learn the details of the auxiliary systems and how they operate, including the cooling system, lubrica~ tion system, air cleaners, superchargers and exhaust systems In Section 4 you will learn the operation and maintenance of the engine, You will learn how to read an instrument panel ‘and interpret gage readings, You will learn a typical engine slart-up and shut-down procedure. You will also learn some preventive maintenance procedures for daily, weekly and monthly checks. INSTRUCTIONS ‘This is a programed learning course. Programed learning gives information in a series of steps called frames. Hach frame gives some information and asks you to make use of it, Here is how it works. First, cover the response column at the right with a mask, Read this frame and use the information it gives to fill in the blank. A micrometer is an instrument designed to meastire in thousandths of an inch. A micrometer is @ good tool for menauring very —___ small differences in size. ‘Move the mask down to uncover the word at the right of the frame. If you have filled the blank with that word or a word that means the same, you are ready to go ahead to the next frame. ‘The drawing of a micrometer provides information that. will help you fll in the next blanks. OBJECT TO BE MEASURED. ARYIL Be THIMBLE SPINDLE RATCHET CAP FRAME Soven major parts are shown in the drawing, but only the ___and the _ object to be measured. _— contact the anyil; spindle ‘The next frame calls for & choles, Cirele or unierline the ap- propriate word, Of the two parts that contact the object, only the (anvil/ spindle) moves. ‘A program is a series of frames that work like the ones you have just done Read the frame. Use the information to fill in the blanks or make a choice. Move the mask down and check the response column. Go on to the next frame. Remember to cover the response column with a mask before you begin each page. Now, go on to Page 3 and begin. SECTION ONE AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, 1, An object needs a “push” to move it; this push is called force. Work is done when a force ______ something a moves distance, Anything which ean do worle has energy. ~SY Wator jotting out of the nozzles makes this lawn sprinkler —__. rotate, or turn 3. ‘The moving water has energy, and this energy is mak- ing the sprinkler shaft________. rotate 4, This rotation is mechanical energy. ‘This mechanical energy is available to do work 5. Heat flows trom a hotter object to a cooler object. ‘This flow is____. hoat 6. his flow of heat is called thermal energy. Thermal energy, like mechanical energy, can be used oi work 7. Combustion oceurs when fuel and oxygen combine chemically and give off heat, Burning gasoline gives off heat, which comes from chemical energy in the —___. gasoline, or fuel 8 10. qd. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. MW. In burning, chemical energy is ———* thermal energy, ‘The rotating shaft of an electric motor produces me- chanical energy. But the shatt is being turned by (electri onorsy. al/[] heat) Bleetricity is a form of ‘A machine needs energy to do work. Pumps and compressors can be driven by the — supplied by internal combustion engines. Chemical, thermal, or electrical energy can be used to produce the nergy of a shatl’s rotation, ‘This mechanieal energy is then Available to do The rotating shaft of an internal combustion engine is producing mechanical energy. When this shaft is driving « pump or compressor, it is doing ‘The rotating shaft of the engine can be joined to the of a pump oF compressor. ‘As the shaft of the engine rotates, the shaft of the pump also —____. One horsepower (HP) is the amount of energy needed to lift 8,000 pounds one foot in one minute. 1 MINUTE 1 FOOT Horsepower (HP) is a measure of the speed at which is done. 4 changed electrical energy work, or energy mechanical work work shaft rotates work 18. A centrifugal pump can be driven by coupling its shaft to the shaft of an internal combustion engine. INTERNAL, COMBUSTION ENGINE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP ‘The engine is producing and delivering to the pump. 19, We want the pump to move more liquid. ‘The engine driving the pump must deliver ((] more (] less) HP to the pump. 2). We want the pump to move liquid faster, so we in- evense the speed of the pump. ‘The engine must produce —___HP. 21, Machines A and B are the same size. Machine A’s shaft turns at 300 rpm. Machine B's shaft turns at 800 rpm. ‘The HP delivered by machine (Cj A/] B) is greater. 22, Machines A and B both operate at 1000 rpm; machine A is larger. ‘The HP delivered by machine (7) A/T] B): is greater. 28, HP depends on how much work is being done and on how_______itt is done. 24, Machines can be efficient or inefficient If a centrifugal pump transfers 90% of the HP from the engine to the liquid being pumped, it is ({7] more/ esa) efficient than » pump which transfers only 50% of the HP to the liquid. 25. The morhitnival efficiency of a machine depends on how much vork it ean produce from the supplied to it. THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 26. ‘The internal combustion (IC) engine produces work by burning fuel, ‘The IC engine uses ((] heat/(_] mechanical) energy to produce mechauical energy, 27. The heat is produced by _fuel. 6 energy, or horsepower more more fast HP, or energy heat burning 28. 29. 30. Bl. 32 38. 34. METHANE + OXYGEN——> CARBON DIOXIDE + WATER 85, 36. ‘The engine uses this heat energy to rotate a shaft. Heat energy is changed to (C] mechanical/[] electri- cal) energy. Pumps and compressors are often driven by the power produced by IC engines. The rotating shaft of the engine can be coupled to the or to tho belt. drive of a pump or com- pressor. ‘The rotating shaft of the engine makes the shait of the compressor or belt drive Combustion occurs when a mixture of fuel and oxygen is ignited. IGNITION ‘The three elements needed for combustion are __, , and a source of If any one of these three elements is missing, eombus- tion (7] ean/[7] cannot) occur. ‘The most common source of oxygen is the A fuel-oxygen mixture contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, CH, + 20, + HEAT——> Co, + 2,0 When a fucl-oxygen mixture is_________, the earbon, cxygen, and hydrogen unite chemically to form carbon dioxide gas and water. ‘The combustion produces ____as well as gas and water. ‘The temperature of the gas is ((7] ineressed/-] de creased) by combustion, 6 mechanical shaft rotate fuel oxygen, ignition cannot air, or atmosphere ignited, or burned heat increased 37. 28, 39, ‘The IC engine is a machine which harnesses the energy in the fuel to produce work, Chemical energy is changed to heat energy; then this haat energy is changed to energy. Let’s review: A rotating shaft has (C] heat/[] meckanical) energ; An IC engine uses __energy to pro- duco mechanical energy. ‘The engine produces this heat energy by. an air-fuel mixture. The HP a machine produces is the amount of ——____ machine does and how — it does it. ‘The three elements needed for combustion are: i 2. cx Principles of the IC Engine 40. AL. ‘This fas has heen ignited in a closed container. ‘The hot gas expands and pushes out on the container walls with (F) areat/[] little) tore. ‘This outward push is called pressure; this pressure energy can do mechanical work, }=— CYLINDER High-pressure gas expands in this cylinder and pushes the piston (L) upward/{-] downward). a mechanical mechanical heat, or thermal burning, or igniting worl, fast fuel ait, or oxygen ignition great downward ‘ON ——"S3A, ‘ON SHA {09 Burjaod su w Ajoory sazow wous anyon (Aude as0014) 2aYW SHDAHD MAHL “+1 souigtes gAyiado1d Bunoiado 94foA cus9k06 puD sous2\05 “7 ——ON SHA on saa @IBLVM 40 SONISTUd YOd CRXDIHD 3SVOANYYD (guoosado oujbuo sodord 40} 205 son[on {NONIEOS NO, 0 495 Ayquunsso y>iyAe paodsioxo yo wD dt41 “E| ‘upoyp sioyy pup sssuiosis “ny woyeks Bu 9 ‘ON Sak ——on aA aes &p>rp a4 ainsso4d so 49]u! aUIbuUe 49 9x0 1495X3 ,2d0, uoy yam 240401 pyncys) __quausaAous 0 9509 04 p23394> Seqoa Aldds yony 19929 U0 pousny 200 S08 fon} zi uaaq s6}01 Soy s9bs0y>0qIm1 yam paddinba zu1BUD j] °S ‘ON SAA ——on ‘SBA {su1p4p yuoa 10 Buyiois Jo ano waoyg a1n1s1oy4 gsainpaooid ‘9s Ayodoid sa\yoa Jo puo paypay> uishs Buluois ay “11 sazim2oynuow 241 0} 6ups0290 papoojun jun uaKlig ——ON SHA ——ON "saa gsund [Jo jo yususow spoy> of uonjonss o4e]dasco oue ‘4Di0u jo pub 4p siouos 04 pobind eur jong peo woxo.q Jono oui6uo O44 409 1440,, NOLLIND! ANY 3M HLLIMM “OL to2q uoyzouue> Gurdid 504 AINO SENIDNE MAN NO “€ ‘ON ——SaA, ‘ON SIA g{idou ways) sou pooy ty 04 paduind ENOLLISOd .d40, NI HOLUAS Algd¥S aunssayd PRDY sous 2 (Ksossosai)) ny aah insRs amo WO ENOLISOd 440, OL 138 HOLS NOILINDI Z ON —SaA ON SHA esnvaT ANY. iojo00sa1u) pus “s9}009 jo auybua “(Aiossaxau ji) gun uaaup Buipnppu “payy wo1sls Buyoo> 2uiSuz -g ‘souyo4 “Budd 1 (on sa) ELINA NBAIEG mane BMAL ANIONS ASIIIDBHD LYVLSaUd ANIONG | LIQIHXa a Pa = > ase = = es x 'SHOLYIBIO. = -aasn S¥9 THA 4 viv. “35 WO ONUYOHENT zu sg Ot ae tL a z = Z = s z z a TW 2/2| 22) 3/2) 3/18/28] © fele[ifolst-lefede ele] 2 | estate e'|ae] = cyooat DayHaLNIYW D1CoK88 2/8] 2/8 sox | axorvie> snows 3gle|] = Sig joayni| -onans - 3007 xm Se WRAwWeraL ISN in sans Notion 10r9 sani 0 duuyoram wr ak cue er ‘ov wins an on 38280 sive A33Hs 907 Aliya Z LIGiHXa 49, 48, 44, a6, aq. 48. 49. ‘This piston movement is ([] mechanical] chemical) energy. An IG engine basically consists of a piston housed in a expanding gas in the cylinder forces the —_ to move. ‘The piston rotates a crankshaft, through the connect- ing rod. CRANKSHAFT ‘The piston pushes down on the —__ — which turns the crankshaft ‘The crankshaft rotates and delivers energy to a pump or compressor. ‘The crankshaft gets this energy from the moving ‘The piston gots its nergy from the expansion of the burned ‘The energy stored in the fuel is released by the fuel. First, chemical energy becomes _____ energy, then, heat energy produces high gas high-pressure gas moves the the piston turns the crankshaft, which delivers energy to a pump or compressor. 8 mechanieal cylinder piston connecting rod piston sas burning heat pressure piston mechanical 50, Let's review by naming tho parts of this engine, 51, ‘The combustion chambers for an engine are the cylinders. The cylinders are actually holes bored through a metal casting called the engine 52, Bach cylinder houses a ______, whieh is tree to slide up and down in the eylinder, 58. ‘The piston fits closely to the cylinder walls. Glose clearance and a set of rings on the piston make a tight between the piston and the cylinder walls. A. gylinder B. piston ©. connecting rod D. erankshatt block piston seal, or fit 54, The piston is attached to the connecting red by a wrist pin. WRIST PIN The wrist pin (F] allows/] does not allow) the eon- allows necting rod to pivot on thé piston. 55. Since the connecting rod is pivoted on the piston, it can move from side to side, ‘But the piston itself can only move ___and up = in line with the eylindor, down 56. The other end of the connecting rod fits on one of the cranks, which are part of the crankshaft 57. When the piston is moved, the connecting rod __, moves 58. ‘The connecting rod fits on the crankshaft. When the connecting rod moves, the crankshaft i moves, or rotates 59, The piston moves ina back-and-forth (reciprocating) motion, The connecting rod transfers this reciproeat- ing motion of the piston to the erankshaft. ‘The crankshaft (CJ rotates/(] moves back-and-forth). rotates 0 60. The reciprocating motion of the piston and connecting rod is changed to the _________ motion of the crankshaft. 61, A multi-cylinder engine contains more than one crank, All the cranks and the connecting rods are mounted on a single 62. The eylinders are holes bored into the engine block, CYLINDER HEAD CRANKCASE ‘The tops of the cylinders are covered with a cylinder 63. The cylinder head contains holes for the valves and the spark plugs. The holes are bored in the cylinder 64. Flow of gas into the cylinder and out of the cylinder is controlled by the —_____. 65. The spark plug____the air-fuel mixture which come» into the eylindor through the valve. 66. The lower part of the engine block end the oil pan make up the ______, which surrounds the crankshaft and the cranks. uw rotary crankshaft head head valves ignites erankease The Combustion Cycle or. 68. 69. 70. ‘The distance a piston moves in one direction is called a stroke, STROKE A piston traveling from the head end of a eylinder to the crank end completes one —__. A combustion cycle begins with the piston st the head end of the cylinder. INTAKE EXHAUST, VALVE VALVE As the piston begins to move down toward the crank end, the (CJ intake/C} exhaust) valve opens. ‘The moving, piston creates a low-pressure area be- hind it, When the pressure inside the eylinder is (7) higher/ TC lower) than the pressure outside, the fudl-air mix- fare (charge) rushes into the cylinder. ‘This downward stroke is called the intake stroke, At intake, the piston is moving toward the ([7] head/ [J erank) end of the cylinder. 12 stroke intake lower crank m. m2. %. 4. . 16. T. 78. 2. 80, 81. 2. During the intake stroke, the intake valve is and the exhaust valve is ‘The piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder. ‘The rotation of the starts the piston moving back toward the head end Now, both valves are closed. Since the charge cannot escape through either valve, the gas is compressed and pressure in the eylinder (CJ increases] decreases). ‘This is the compression stroke. When the piston reaches the head end again, the spark plug the high-pressure charge. Burning causes the gases to get hot and ‘The expanding gases push outward and force the back down to the crank end. ‘This is the power stroke, At the end of the power stroke tie piston is at the hottem of the cylinder and the eylinder is filled with expanded, burned a ‘To start the eyele over again, thes pushed out of the eylinder, "The —__ valve opens, and the piston pushes. the gas out of the eylinder into the exhaust system. ‘This is the exhaust stroke, Now, the piston is in position to start a new eycle with = of a fresh charge. Energy from combustion is applied to the piston only during the ____stroke, when the fuel is being, burned. During the other three strokes, the piston is moved by the of the crankshaft. A heavy flywheel at the end of the crankshaft pro- vides the momentum needed to keep the crankshaft between power strokes, 18 open closed crankshait ignites expand piston gas, or charge exhaust intake ‘power rotation turning, or rotating €3, As the crankshaft tums, the flywheel stores and re- leases energy. FLYWHEEL CRANKSHAFT ‘Thus, the flywheel produces a smooth and continuous of the crankshaft. 4. Most engines have more than one piston tuming the same crankshaft. In this 4-cylinder engine, each piston is at (Ta difter- ent/[] the same) stroke at the same time... 85. In a multicylinder engine, the crankshaft is built 60 that at least one power stroke is always occurring. ‘This makes the job of the flywheel much 88. The power strokes of a ([] single/(—] multi-) cylinder engine are stagxered to provide a smoother, more efli- cient power output. 14 rotation, or motion a different easier multi- Cylinder Arrangement 87. Gylinder arrangements are different in different en- wines. Tn the (7) V-arrangement/[ in-line arrangement) the cylinders are upright and ina single row. 88, In the V-arrangement the cylinders are arranged in _________ banks which are at an angle to each other. 89. A V-8 engine has eight cylinders, Large industrial engines may produce more power by having _______ than eight eylinders or by hav- ing —_____eylinders, 90. An engine used to drive a compressor may be in one integral unit ENGINE CRANKSHAFT ‘This IC engine is driving a (Cj rotary {] reciprocat- ing) compressor. 91, The engine piston drives the compressor piston. ‘They share the same 92. When the piston of the engine moves either way, the piston of the —_____ moves with it, 15 tvo more larger reciprocating cerankshagt compressor 98, This angle machine is a single-unit engine and com- pressor. ENGINE CYLINDERS COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS Energy is trensmitted from the pistons of the engine to the compressor pistons through ([] a shared erank- shaft/[] two separate crankshatts) 94, The energy of the moving pistons may also be adapted ‘to drive machinos which roquire rotary motion instead of back-and-forth motion. ‘Then the crankshaft of the engine can be coupled to the drive ______of the driven machine, 95. Let’s review: of four The combustion cycle of an IC engine consis events: Intake, compression, and 96. Look at this drawing. ‘This engine uses _____piston stroke for each single event in the combustion eycle. 97. This engine is called a (] 2eyele/] cycle) engine. 16 a shared crankshaft shaft power, exhaust one A-cycle The 2-Cycle Engine 98, 99. 100. 101. 102. 108, A Zeycle engine completes the four combustion events in only two strokes, INLET PORT "EXHAUST PORT INTAKE MANIFOLD INTAKE VALVE In this small, single-cylinder 2-cycle engine, the piston acts in place of the valves, by covering and uncovering in the eylinder wall. A 2eycle engine is (Fj like/[] different from) a 4- eycle enigin ‘Tho crankshaft of this engine rotates in an airtight crankease. An intake valve lets the air-fuel charge into the —________ from the intake manifold. ‘The charge is then forced into the cylinder under from the evankease, During each upward stroke, the piston draws a new charge into the crankease through the. manifold, During each downward stroke, the piston forei charge into the cylinder through the port. this When the charge is ignited on the power stroke, both the inlet port and the exhaust port are covered, ‘As the expanding gases force the piston downward toward the bottom of its stroke, both ports are 17 ports different from crankease pressure intake inlet uncovered 104. ‘The exhaust port is uncovered first, and the expanding exhaust gases rush out of the exhaust port, POWER SCAVENGING COMPRESSION As the piston moves on downward it uneoyers the in- take port, and the compressed charge in the crank- case _ the cylinder. 105. When the piston reaches the top, both ports are covered and the charge is ____again. 106. In most industrial 2cycle engines the charge is forced into the cylinder under pressure from 1 separate source, ‘This intake pressure is maintained high enough to overcome the high — ___ pressure present when the inlot port is first uncovered. 18 enters ignited exhaust 107. Each piston of a 4-cycle engine produces power every ‘two revolutions of the crankshaft, 4-CYCLE ENGINE EXHAUST COMPRESSION. Each piston of a 2-cycle engine produces power with ev revolution of the crankshaft, 108. In small 2-cycle engines the intake port and exhaust yort are both open during part of the exhaust and intake eycle, so fresh fuel may be swept out of the eylinder with the ——__. 109. Since most large multicylinder 2eycle engines haye valves which control fuel injection until the intake port is closed, no Is lost with the ox- taust in a large industrial 2-cyele engine, 110. Because it requires more fuel, the small 2-eycle engine may be ((] more/[_] less) efficient than the 4-cycle engine, But most large 2-cyele engines have about the same fuel consumption and as. comparable 4-cycle engines. 19 one, or single exhaust fuel less afficioney. 111, The 2-eyele engine gives twice as many power strokes as the d-cycle engine, Thus, the power output of a 2-cycle engine is about (C twice/L] half) that of a 4-eycle engine of the twice same size. REVIEW AND SUMMARY 112, Look at these two engines. ‘This isa a-eyele This is a (C] 2-cycle/] Aeyele) engine. 20 2-eycle 118. 4. 116. 16. Name the lettered parts of this IC engine. ‘Phe piston gets its energy from the high-pressure ‘The piston and the connecting rod move up and down. ‘The erankshaft A pump can use this mechanical energy of the rotation of the crankshaft if its is coupled to the crankshatt, - head piston . connecting rod . cylinder . erankshatt crankease SS DODD rotates ehatt

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