Classical Spider Diagram

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Western Classical music originates from the Latin word classicus which

means first class; another idea thought by the Romans is that it means
artistry of the highest. There are two different sectors within Western
Classical Music, Church music and Secular music. Church music consists
of Chants, Carols and requiem whereas Secular music is made up of
Operas, sonatas, concerts and symphonies. Western Classical music
includes a wide range of different music styles over a period of 800
years, these are:
Medieval 1150-1400
Renaissance 1400-1600
Baroque 1600-1750
Classical 1750-1830
Romantic 1830-1920
Modern/high modern music 1920-2016

Modern/high modern music transformed

Western Classical music with the technology
which was growing around it. Radio
broadcasts and gramophone records were
being invented so the less wealthy didnt
have to spend vast amount of money on
concerts etc. but could listen and enjoy at a

The romantic period heavily

involved the new, bright and
powerful piano. The orchestra
also upgraded and strings,
percussion brass and woodwinds
expanded further. Instruments
such as the clarinet, snare drums
and xylophones were invented in
this period of time. This period
brought us many famous
composers, some of these were
Chopin and Tchaikovsky.

The medieval period was earliest type of

western music written. There were three
different sections to the medieval period,
middle ages, higher middle ages and the late
ages. Some of the Instruments used in this
The Renaissance period
period were:
allowed composers to have more
freedom in their music.
The recorder
Composers moved away from
Early stages of the organ
basic harmonies which had taken
over the music for over 300 years
trombone (called the sackbut)
and taken it into the direction of
them using major and minor
scales. This created more types of
emotion allowing the composers
to express their feelings through
their music. Here is a list of the
instruments used in the period of
Western Classical music.


The classical period brought

us the start of modern concerto,
symphonies and sonatas.
Composers such as Joseph
Hadyn, Johann Christian, most of
all Wolfgang Mozart and in the
late stages of this period
Beethoven, formed a structure
to their music with most of their
music dominated my

The Baroque
period was
orchestra and opera
side of music
Pipe formed.
and Tabor
Instruments which evolved
through this time period
include the soft string family of
the Renaissance period and
also the harpsichord which
was where the piano
originated from. Western
classical music was starting to
be played in front of society,
restaurants, special events etc
and was spreading and
evolving into a worldwide style
of music. One of the most
popular composers of this
period was Johann Sebastian

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