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Curriculum vitae di MARCHETTO Flavio Pietro

Informazioni personali
Cognome Marchetto
Nome Flavio Pietro
Luogo di nascita Busano (To)
Data di nascita 21/08/1949

Comune Borgaro

Prov To

Indirizzo: via Volpiano, 21



tel. (casa) 011 4703013, (ufficio) 011 6707318

Codice fiscale MRCFVP49M21B284B
Eventuale domicilio

Esperienza lavorativa
Dirigente di ricerca presso lIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Short curriculum
Born in Busano (To, Italy), Aug. 21st, 1949.
1973: Graduate in Physics at the University of Torino: grade 110/110.
1973 - 1979: Professor of "Elettronica Generale e Industriale" at the Istituti Tecnici
Industriale indirizzo Elettronica.
1979: Ricercatore INFN.
1985-86: Research Associate at Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas.
1990: Promoted as Primo ricercatore INFN.
1989-1992: Coordinator for the INFN Commissione Scientifica Nazionale I at the INFN
department of Torino.
1990-1991: Research Associate at Fermi National Laboratory, USA.
from 1998 to 2001: Local coordinator for the experiment ATER-FIBI.
from 2002 up: Local coordinator for the experiment NA48-CERN.
1/7/2002-31/12/2003: Scientific Associate at CERN.
2002-2003: Software coordinator for the experiment NA48-CERN.
2004: Promoted Dirigente di ricerca INFN.
from 2008: Convenor for the GigaTracKer (GTK) working group for the experiment NA62CERN
from 2009: Project leader for the INFN-Ion Beam Applications collaboration for the
Treatment Planning System development
2010: INFN scientific coordinator for the ULICE project (EU-FP7 program)

Summary of the research activities

List of the experiments of Flavio Marchetto: each experiment is first briefly introduced then is
followed by a description of the personal contributions.

1) Data analysis of the reaction pbar-n: 1974.

--------------------------------------------------Study of the correlation effects of like-particles (Goldhaber effect).
Personal contributions
--------------------------Data analysis and interpretation included the software package for the Monte Carlo simulation.
TST-Rutherford laboratory: 1973-1978.

2) Study of the interaction + p a 4 GeV/c with a bubble chamber equipped with

a Track Sensitive Target to increase the gamma detection efficiency .
Personal contributions
--------------------------Bookeeping frame scan.
Event Monte Carlo simulation.

3) LEBC-EHS (NA16 e NA27) - CERN: 1979-1982.

------------------------------------------------------------Lifetime measurement and production mechanism of charmed particles at SPS-CERN.
In this experiment it was used a high resolution mini bubble chamber
(30 m) to detect the vertex associated to the European Hybrid Spectrometer to measure
secondary particles.
Personal contributions
--------------------------Design and commissioning of a measurement machine based on a F8 microprocessor (Fairchild).
Bookeeping of the scan and for the measurement of the frames.
Background study of the charmed particles D and F together with the
simulation of the leakage due to the misinterpretation of the secondary decay products.

4) R704 - CERN: 1982-1984.

-------------------------------Measurement of charmonium states in annihilation processes pbar-p at ISR-CERN. A ring of the
ISR was filled up with quasi-monochromatic anti-protons; on
the other hand the target was provided by a molecular Hydrogen beam crossing perpendicularly the
ring at a supersonic speed.
All the charmonium states can be directly formed.
Personal contributions

Design, commissioning, and calibration of the Pre-shower.

Commissioning and calibration of the threshold Cherenkov
Software package for the detector on-line monitor.
Offline analysis of most of the states in particular of the channel
Pbar-p ->C and pbar-p -> .

5) CDF - Texas A & M: 1985-1986-1987.

----------------------------------------------Study of the properties of the interactions pbar-p a 1.8 TeV at the Tevatron (Fermilab).
During 1987 the first physics data taking was performed with the full
Central Detector Facility (CDF).
Personal contributions
--------------------------Assembly, calibration, and commissioning of the prototype of an octant of the
Forward Hadron Calorimeter for the CDF.

6) E760 - Fermilab: 1987-1991.

---------------------------------This study was basically following the experiment R704, but in this case with a more performing
anti-protons accumulator operated at Fermilab (USA).
The detector was more performing with respect to R704 detector and with a larger acceptance.
Personal contributions
--------------------------Coordinator of the offline program for the event reconstruction.
Assembly, commissioning, and calibration of the trigger counters.
Analysis of most of the final states; in particular the
1, 2 , and C final states.

7) E835 - Fermilab: 1996-2000.

----------------------------------Continuing of E760 with the measurement of mass and width of 0 and improvement of mass,
width, and branching ratio of the C -> decay.
Personal contributions
--------------------------Construction of the Cherenkov elissoidal mirrors followed by the commissioning and calibration.
The constuction of the mirrors was done with a novel technique which used
plexiglass slab glued on pre-formed Carbon fiber panel. The results were very good.
Straw chamber calibration and implementation of the software for the event reconstruction.

8) AUGER: 2000.
-----------------Search for high energy cosmic rays (above 1019 1020 eV).

Personal contributions
--------------------------Development and assembly, aluminum deposition and anodization of the mirrors for the
Fluorescence Detector prototype.

9) NA48 - CERN: from 1992 through 2006

----------------------------------Na48 experiment has been designed and built to measure the direct CP violation in the
K0 K0 bar system. That phase of the experiment, of paramount importance, ended in 2001 with the
precise measurement Re(epsilon'/epsilon = (14.7 +/-2.2)x10-4.
With the same data taking it has been detected and studied the rare decays of
KS,L obtaining a large and important number of results among which one should mention:
a) form factor and branching ratio of KL -> e+ e- ;
b) branching ratio of KS,L -> , and + e+ e- ;
c) branching ratio of KS -> 0 e+ e- -> 0.
During data taking 2003 and 2004 the experiment was devoted to the study of the charged K
decays. Dalitz plot asymmetry of K^+ with respect to K^- was
investigated both in the 3 charged pions decays and pi pi^0 pi^0.
Personal contributions
--------------------------Design, assembly, calibration, and commissioning of the veto system (known as AKL) either for
what concerns the mechanics either the electronics front-end
(Constant Fraction Discriminator e Mean Timer).
Data analysis for the measurement of epsilon' /epsilon.
Data analysis of the rare decay K_S -> pi^0 e^+ e^Data analysis of the asymmentry of the decay K^+ K^- into three charged pions.

10) TERA: from 1994.

---------------------In parallel to the High Energy Physics investigation, Flavio Marchetto, more recenly has been
working on the hadrontherapy project.
The R&D developed along the following branches:
a) design and assembly of ionization chambers for relative dose measurements;
b) conceptual design and development of two ASIC chip for the chamber read-out;
c) development of the software package for a treatment planning in hadron-therapy with the
voxelscan dose delivery method;
Within the R&D activity in Medical Physics we initiated several collaborations with Hospitals and
Companies working in the field, as:
Spedali Riuniti di Brescia, Italy
Ion Beam Applications (IBA) Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Centre de Protontherapie d'Orsay (CPO), France
In particular the last version of the ASIC chip with an architecture based on current-frequency
converter (known as Tera-06) is used either by CPO either by
Scanditronix (IBA consociated).
CPO used the chip as front-end for the diagnostics instruments of therapeutic beam.
Furthermore Wellhofer (IBA consociated) produced the pixel chamber, which has been developed
by INFN and University of Torino. The product, known as MatriXX, is commonly used for the

beam diagnostic and to control the treatment planning in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Personal contributions
------------------------------Development and test of the ASIC chip based on current-to-frequency converter architecture.
Development and test of the ASIC chip based on analog memory array architecture.
Development and test of the Magic Cube:calorimenter based on a sandwich of ionization chambers
for the diagnosis of therapeutical hadron beam.
Development and test of the pixel chamber prototype for the diagnostic of electron/photon beams.
Development of mathematical algorithm for treatment planning with hadron beams.
Development of algorithm for the evaluation of cell survival in hadron-therapy.

11) NA62 - CERN: from 2006.

---------------------------------------------The experiment measures the Branching Ratio of extremely rare decays of K+/- -> +/ -bar.
The experiment is under construction.
Personal contributions
------------------------------Leader of the project of the detector known as GigaTracKer to measure angles, momentum and
timing of the beam particles.
The target track time resolution is 150 ps (rms).
The detector is made of three stations, each being a Si-pixel matrix bump-bonded to the front end.
Finally the front end is a VLSI ASIC CMOS 130 nm.
The architecture of the chip includes the following electronics chain: preamplifier, Constant
Fraction Discriminator, Wilkinson-TDC.
The chip has been fully designed by the Torino group.

12) TPS-IBA: from 2009

------------------------------------The hadrontherapy with Carbon ion is going from a phase of pure research to a clinical stage. The
most convenient dose delivery is via an active scanning. In this framework the treatment planning
(TPS) is of paramount importance. Ion Beam Applications (IBA,Belgium), a company leader in
designing protontherapy centers and INFN are cooperating to implement an innovative TPS for
Carbon ion beams.
A first prototype of a TPS software is under test.
Personal Contributions
-------------------------------INFN-TPS project leader

13) ULICE FP7 project

-------------------------------------Ulice is a FP7 project dedicated to hadrontherapy namely for the improvements of the existing

The work-package 4.3 is dedicated to the study and the implementation of the Organ Moving
Correction for CNAO. The implementation is based on the application of the correction algorithms
with an FPGA.
Personal Contributions
-------------------------------ULICE-INFN project leader

International Patents
-----------------------------US Patent 7476867 - Device and method for quality assurance and online verification of radiation
therapy Jan. 13th, 2009
WO/2007/012147 - Dosimetry device for verification of a radiation therapy apparatus Feb. 1st,

Talks and reports at international Conferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------1) 1991: Charmonium spectroscopy in pbar p annihilations, Intersection between Particle and
Nuclear Physics, Tucson, AZ.
2) 1997: 3D Dosimetry of Scanned Hadron Beams using the Magic Cube, Proton Therapy
Cooperative Group (PTCOG), Boston, MA.
3) 1999: Test and Performances of a pixel ionization chamber with Electron Beams, Conferenza
della European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), Gottingen (GE).
4) 2000: Study of the Charmonium States in Proton-Antiproton Annihilations from E835, 5th
Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target, Rio de Janeiro, (BR).
5) 2001: New Measurement of Direct CP Violation by NA48 at CERN, 9th International
Symposium on Flavor Physics,Caltech, Pasadena, CA.
6) 2001: Esperimento NA48 (CERN): misura di decadimenti rari di K0 e 0, Congresso Societa'
Italiana di Fisica, Milano.
7) 2002: Camera a ionizzazione a pixel per il controllo di trattamenti conformazionali con fasci
di fotoni e adroni, Workshop Dosimetria gruppo V INFN, Roma.

Teaching activity
a.a. 88-89 : Corso integrativo di Esperimenti alle Alte Energie associato al corso di Fisica
delle Particelle Elementari dell'Universita' di Torino.
from a.a. 95-96 to a.a. 2003-2004 included: Corso integrativo di Ricostruzioni di immagini
tomografiche con esperimento su fantoccio associato al corso di Laboratorio di Fisica
Nucleare dell'Universita' di Torino.
from a.a 1999-2000 to a.a. 2003-2004: Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica Sanitaria
dell'Universita' di Torino:
docente del corso di Strumentazione e apparecchiature elettroniche.
Supervisor of " tesi di laurea": 4 within experiment NA48, 18 within TERA project.

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