Data Modeller Interview Questionnaire

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Data Modeller Interview Questionnaire



What are the benefits of Data Modelling?

What is Dimensional Data Modelling?
What are SCD's (Slowly Changing Dimensions)? Give us some real world


What is a snowflake and why do we use them?
What is the difference between a Logical & a Physical Model? Why do we create


either of them?
What is Metadata & What type of metadata would you capture for a dimensional


What are Surrogate Keys and why are they used?
What is a Semantic Data Model?
Does a database implementation have to be exactly as documented in a Physical


data model? If so, why? If not, what kind of deviations are acceptable?
Please give us some examples where a view might be useful.
Who do you think are the audience of a data model?
How will you choose the fact and dimensions in a dimensional model?
What are the types of Dimensions in Dimensional Data Modelling?
What is a recursive relationship? Can you please explain with an example?
What is de-normalization and why do we perform de-normalisation?
Can we use data modelling techniques for applications that are implemented

using No-SQL databases? If so, please give some examples with explanation.
17. What is Data Governance and why is it used?
18. What is UML? Can you give a business example of where it can be used?

Sample Scenario:
A sample scenario has been provided below followed by some questions. Please go
through the sample scenario below and provide necessary responses for each of the
questions listed below them.

A bank has approached you to create a data model for their Core Accounting Application.
As a start they have basic requirements to collect and store the following information in
an MS SQL Server Database


Customer (Name, Address, Phone number and identification information)

Account (Account Number, Overdraft limit, Minimum Balance amount, Interest
Rate and transactions and balance).
Create a relational data model diagram in first normal form for the above basic

Identify and list the possible attributes/columns that can be normalised.
Create a data model diagram in the third normal form using items 1 & 2.
4. On having created the database and using it for a while, the bank has witnessed an

increase in the number of reports generated for the account transactions from the
database with a decrease in query performance. As a result of this, the bank has
decided to create another database for the same information using Dimensional Data
Modelling Techniques. Please create a data model diagram for the above scenario.

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