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Control Systems

Transfer Functions
Basically in this topic we need to learn about Block Diagram Reduction Technique and
simple equivalent Transfer Functions for both positive and negative feedback. This topic is
very basic and very much necessary as all advanced topics lay their foundation here and strong
foundations are the core of every successful student. Next thing that comes in this topic is
Signal Flow Graphs and Masons Gain Formula as these concepts may sometimes simplify the
effort if you have to calculate equivalent transfer function as block diagram technique may
sometimes be very lengthy. Almost every year one question from SFG is guaranteed so do
prepare this topic well.

Time Domain Analysis

This topic is basically very easy and mostly formula based as we need to learn the
formulas for various time domain parameters like Rise Time, Maximum Overshoot, Settling
Time, Peak Time and also various error coefficients like Position Error Coefficient, Velocity
Error Coefficient and Acceleration Error Coefficient but remember as per GATE we are asked
to compute the actuating error instead of error between output and input. So, error coefficients
can be used directly for non-unity feedback systems as well.

This topic is very simple and the only concept that needs to be studied here is the Routh
Stability Criterion and also keep in mind the special cases for Routh Criterion. The special
cases include when the entire row goes to zero or the first element of the row is zero. The
questions from this topic are very rare but understanding of stability criteria is must to have
general understanding. As these basic concepts can help you understand the behavior of many

Root-Locus Technique
In this topic basically we need to learn about drawing root-locus and general properties
associated with it like number of asymptotes, angle of asymptotes, centroid, break-away and
break-in points. The one most important point to remember is the change in root-locus
properties when positive feedback is applied instead of negative feedback there we have to
understand about the Complimentary Root Locus. From past 3-4 years every year a question
from this topic is being asked.

Frequency Domain Analysis

In this topic many small formulas like Resonant Frequency, Resonant Peak and
Bandwidth are important. Apart from that the concept of Nyquist Criterion is important and
here we need to learn small Nyquist Plots for simple function and how do they change once
you add zeroes and poles. If you can draw Nyquist Plot you may directly be able to judge the
stability of the system. The other concepts that can be frequently seen in GATE exam from this
topic is Gain and Phase Margin. The last topic that is covered here and is most relevant for
GATE exam is Bode Plots and here you need to learn how to draw asymptotic Bode Plots and
slope of each asymptote. Also, you need to practice finding transfer functions from a given
Bode Plot.

State-Space Analysis
This topic mostly contains concepts that we study in Linear Algebra but we need to
learn about State Transition Matrix and its relation with Transfer Function and also the solution
of State Space Equation by the use of State Transition Matrix. The concepts of Controllability
and Observability are also very important and you must judge these aspects of a Control System
by the use of Controllability and Observability Matrices. You can expect a question from this
topic every year in GATE exam.

Here we just need to learn the condition for maximum phase shift for both Lead and
Lag Compensators and also electrical circuit implementation of both.

Electrical Machines
The important concepts from GATE perspective are equivalent circuit of Transformer
and the concepts of Voltage Regulation and efficiency. Generally, the biggest confusion in the
Voltage Regulation Concepts is whether it should be calculated with respect to No-load
Voltage or Full-Load Voltage, I would suggest that you calculate both as either of them may
be used and you mark the option based on that but if question is numerical type we generally
calculate with respect to rated voltage.
Also, one of the most commonly asked concepts is the core losses which are Hysteresis and
Eddy Current Losses so practice few problems on that where we are given total core losses and
we need to calculate individual Hysteresis and Eddy Current Losses.
In case of three phase transformers, if you can understand the phasor diagrams and naming
then it is very good else you can leave that as question is very rarely asked but you need to
practice numerical based on three phase transformers. The next concept is the auto-transformer
which I believe is the easiest as entire question just depends on the ratio of low voltage to high
voltage rating of auto-transformer and we can scale each and every quantity of two winding
transformer based on that.
So totally we have to remember 4-5 concepts for Transformers.

DC Machines
This Chapter totally revolves around 4 equations which are two performance equations
one each for generator and motor and the expressions for Torque and EMF. The most
commonly asked questions are based on speed control of DC Motor and we must always
remember that whenever we want to calculate speed we need to calculate the back emf and
then take the ratio of two emf to compute the ratio of two speeds.
But the complication arises when this question is based on DC Drives and either the speed is
controlled via rectifier or a chopper so for that you need to remember the final expression for
each type of rectifier and also buck-converter and if you can do that then the problem is merely
reduced to playing along with 4-5 equations. But most probably since drives is not mentioned
in this years course will not be asked in GATE exam so you can leave such problems.

Synchronous Machines
The first concept in this chapter that you need to remember is the pitch factor and
distribution factor as sometimes questions may be asked on the ratio of emf induced when a 3phase winding is re-wounded as a single phase and the ratio of KVA Rating of the two winding.
Also we must remember the concept of Armature Reaction that whether this effect is
magnetizing, de-magnetizing or cross-magnetizing based on the power factor at which the
machine operates. The next concept is that of Synchronous Impedance that comes from Open
Circuit Characteristics and Short Circuit Characteristics.
Other than that this chapter is mostly based on two equations which are Power-Angle Equation
and the emf-terminal voltage relation which comes from equivalent circuit of the machine and
you need to solve these two equation to calculate any parameter that is asked.

Sometimes, question may be asked based on the torque angle of a Salient-Pole Machine so we
need to remember a direct formula for that and the last concept is power-factor correction using
Synchronous Motor.

Induction Machines
This is the only machine whose functioning you need to understand well as mostly the
questions are based upon the concept of slip and for that you need to understand various things
like speed of rotor and speed of rotor magnetic field and stuff like that. The new concept that
is now a days appearing and is non-trivial is the concept of Inverted Induction Motor where
supply is connected to the rotor and stator terminals are connected to load there also you need
to understand the speeds of all field and rotor speed also.
Equivalent Circuit is not much important here. Probably the most important concept in this
chapter is the torque-slip characteristics and conditions for maximum toque and starting torque
and question may be based on ratio of these. Also remember the formulas for Air-Gap Power
and rotor copper loss.
The last concept is the starting of Induction Motor by Auto-Transformer or Star-Delta Starter
which you need to study.
This is the topic from which will have highest weight-age among all machines.
Important Note:
Please understand the power-flow diagram for each machine as that will be used for
calculating efficiency and the concepts for Single Phase Induction Motor and other special
Machines are not much important but you can remember the step size for stepper motor.
Problem-Solving Tips:
Practice more and more problem to develop the skill where while reading the problem you will
easily understand the equations that will be involved while solving the problems. Also before
solving any problem you need to devote 30 seconds to carefully read and understand the
problem as most of the time mistake is committed due to not reading the question properly.

Power Electronics
Power Electronic Devices
For Basic operation of various devices follow Bimbhra as their operating characteristics
are well explained in it. The diode problems one must solve before going to thyristor circuits
are there in front pages of Bimbhra & they will explain you how a thyristor will work if it gets
a continues gate signal or no gate signal. In a page range 30-70 of Bimbhra you will observe
that there were some direct gate questions based on diode.

Phase Controlled Converters

For rectifiers, Bimbhra is more than sufficient and one must be cautious about Fourier
analysis of every rectifier. Understand the difference between ripple-free load and normal load.
90% of questions will be based on ripple-free load and in that case if you have all the formulae
on finger tips, you can fetch maximum marks. Coming to battery charging problems in
rectifiers go through the NPTEL notes & few problems are also there in text book.

For Choppers, Dont Follow Bimbhra, in case of problems which need attention
towards inductor operation. More than the mere formulas we need basic concepts to answer
the question. In GATE-14 first session there was a question on ripple current in some chopper,
the formula mentioned in Bimbhra is (Vs/(4fL)), if you apply this you will get wrong answer.
but it must be solved by using basic Kirchhoffs law, which is well explained in Rashid. In
Rashid you will find KVL approach to solve almost all equations which I feel very interesting
and straight forward but for Fourier analysis follow Bimbhra.

Inverters and Commutation

For Inverters and Commutation circuits Bimbhra is good. For Inverters also the Fourier
analysis is important. Operation is well explained in that and most of the questions are
repetitive in nature in gate. Small concepts like PWM methods might be confusing but at
maximum you need 5 hours to get a grip on them. There are various methods to solve a single
question in inverters which youll know by practicing.

Cyclo Converters and AC Voltage Regulators

Cyclo-Converters & AC voltage regulator are a combination of Rectifiers and Inverters
and very less questions will be asked in that area.

Analog Circuits
Diodes Circuits
It is very important topic for Gate exam. Clipper should be practiced thoroughly. You
can practice various Diode circuits from kanodia book and any reference book. Thermal effect
on Diode can be left as it is an unimportant topic. Also general circuits where we need to judge
the state of multiple diodes in a single circuit is important and should be practiced.

Biasing and amplifiers

You should know about biasing concepts like finding the Q-Point or Operating point in
a circuit for the purpose of DC Analysis. After learning biasing, concept of amplifier is
important. There are many models to solve amplifier problems. But re model is simple to learn.
In GATE exam they ask question only from this model. Also you may be asked about different
components in the small signal model like Trans-conductance etc and these parameters can be
directly from the DC Analysis.
By practicing some question, you can master it. BJT amplifier are more important than FET

Power Amplifier
For Electrical GATE paper you need not worry about this topic and it can be left out.

Feedback Amplifier
In gate exam detailed questions are not asked in this topic. But you should be aware
about various topology and its effect on output and input impedances, gain, noise, distortion.
You can leave cascade amplifier for GATE exam.

Operational amplifier
Concept of Operational Amplifier starts with differential amplifier and its various
definition like CMRR, slew rate input biasing current etc. Out of these CMRR and slew rate is
Most of the questions are asked from basic op amp topology. You can solve them by just
applying network theory and mostly centered around the concept of Virtual Ground. These are
simple and mostly asked in gate exam. You should also be aware of various Filter Designs as
well as they can have asked in Control Systems or Network Theory as well.
Also, you should be clear with analysis of Schmitt Trigger as that is one of the most important
topic in GATE.

555 Timer
This is not very much important for electrical guys.
Overall you can score 3 to 6 marks in this subject easily but just studying few topics. diode
and op amp circuit are most simple and important part of this ocean size subject.

Measurement and Error
This chapter includes basic error analysis in terms of Guaranteed Accuracy Error,
Limiting Errors for various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction etc. and also errors
in terms of Standard Deviations so here this much is sufficient and no need to study the
Standards of Length and time as those are not required for GATE.

Electro-mechanical Instruments
This is the most important topic from this subject.

The basic principle of instruments and the expressions for deflecting torque in various
instruments like PMMC, Moving Iron and Dynamometer Type Instruments is the most
important topic in this chapter.

Always remember that PMMC measures average value of output and other two measure
the RMS values.

The applications of PMMC like ammeter, voltmeter and rectifier type instruments are also
important and range extension of these instruments is the most important using Shunt and
Series Resistances.

In Dynamometer the most important application is the wattmeter and for that you need to
be clear with the three phase circuits phasor diagram as if you know the phasors well then
you do need to remember any formulas and you can easily crack the non-standard cases as
well. Also remember the formula for calculating the power factor angle in case of two
wattmeter method as that is most commonly asked.

Energy meter is the next important instrument and here the only important concept is the
error in reading and that can be computed using the energy constant, other than that the
working principle and other things are not that important from GATE perspective.

Electrostatic and Thermal instruments are not that important but try to remember the
expressions for deflecting torques for both these instruments.

Instrument Transformers
The current Transformer is important from here though not many questions are asked
but this is relatively simple as we just need to study about the ration and phase angle error and
since the equivalent circuit is same as the Transformers from Electrical Machines this can be
easily understood.

The Inductance and Capacitance Measurement come under the AC Bridges and these
are very simple as they are just based on a simple phenomenon that product of impedances in
opposite branches are equal. This concept can be applied to simple bridges like Maxwells
Inductance Bridge, Maxwells LC Bridge and Owens Bridge but still expressions must be
remembered for Hays Bridge and Andersons Bridge as they are not that easy to derive.

The Capacitance Measurement bridges include De Saury and Schering Bridge and those are
also simple but one thing must be remembered in all bridges is the circuit of each bridge against
its name.
The last is Wien Bridge Oscillator for measurement of Frequency.

Measurement of Resistance
Wheatstone Bridge is the most important from this topic and mostly questions are based
on the condition when bridge is unbalanced and we need to find the voltage across the detector.
Other methods include Kelvins Double Bridge, Voltmeter-Ammeter Method, Ohmmeter,
Carey-Foster Slide Wire Bridge.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)

This is second most important topic from this subject.
The first and most important thing in this topic is to remember the purpose of each and
every part in the functionality of CRO like Horizontal Deflection Plates, Vertical Deflection
Plates etc.
The other important thing is the Lissajous Figure and calculating ration of frequency of x and
y signal from the figure, calculating phase difference between the signals.

Digital Meters
In this topic all type of ADC must be studied but they are also covered under Digital
Electronics and other than that parameters of Digital Instruments like Resolution etc. must be
studied and those are more important but this topic is not very important from GATE

Power Systems

Transmission and Distribution

The first topic under this unit is overhead transmission lines and in this topic first you
need to memorize the expressions for Inductance and Capacitance for both Single Phase and
Three Phase Lines. So you should practice some problems based on this which involve the
computation of GMD and GMR.
The next topic that you should cover is modelling of Short and Medium Transmission Lines as
Long Transmission Lines is not much important in Steady State Analysis and Short
Transmission Line is most important. Here you should also focus on the ABCD Parameters of
the line and the power expressions in terms of ABCD and remember the approximate voltage
regulation in Short Transmission Line which is same as Transformer.
The next topic under this unit is Surges and in that topic you need to memorize the thevenin
equivalent circuit for analysis of surges and by that you can easily calculate the Transmission
and Reflection Coefficient for Voltage and the coefficients for currents are not important.
The other important topic is Voltage Control and Power Factor Correction and both these
concepts for Numerical involve a single approach which will be better illustrated in Kuestion
but these two concepts are important as you can expect one of either two topics in GATE exam.
The next topic is UG Cables and in UG Cables there are two important concepts, one is the
insulation resistance and other is the capacitance model for 3 phase 3 core belted cable which
has core capacitance and sheath capacitance but question is rare from this topic.
The other small topic under this unit is Overhead Insulator where only a single problem based
on voltage distribution across different discs can be asked and that you can easily derive using
KCL or remember the expression up to 3 discs.
The last topic is the Distribution Systems which also has a single type of problem which
involves just applying KVL and finding the currents in different branches.

Load Flow Studies

In this unit you need to study about construction of Bus Admittance Matrix and you
can leave out the algorithm for construction of Bus Impedance Matrix.
But we need to study the fault Analysis by the use of Bus Impedance Matrix which involves
knowing that diagonal elements of the matrix represent thevenin impedances at different buses.
The next thing that we need to remember is the order of Jacobian Matrix in Newton-Raphson
Load Flow Solution.
Also, there are some simple question where we need to find voltages and their angles at
different buses and those are the simplest questions as they just involve using KVL between
different buses and using power expression for Short Transmission Line and this point will be
more illustrated in Kuestion.

Economic Load Dispatch

In this topic you just need to study about the transmission loss coefficients and penalty
factor and then how to distribute load across various generating units based on Incremental
Cost and Penalty Factor.

Fault Analysis
Here we need to study about Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical faults and first thing in
case of Symmetrical faults is the transient and steady state component of fault current and there
you just need to memorize a single expression by which you can easily derive the maximum
momentary current as well.
Then in symmetrical fault analysis you need to solve problems where we find the symmetrical
SC currents by drawing the equivalent circuits and also problems where we need to calculate
the current limiting reactance.
One thing that you need to take care about is units as the answer may be given in pu or in ohms
so you need to take care else you can mark the incorrect answer.
The last thing about symmetrical faults is calculating the ratings of Circuit Breakers based on
Symmetrical Fault Analysis like Momentary Current, Breaking Current and Making Current.
Before going to Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis you need to study about Symmetrical
Components which involves just a small transformation matrix and about Sequence Networks
in which zero sequence network for Transformers in most important and can be asked directly
in exam. This is explained in detail in K-Notes for Power Systems which will be up soon.
In case of Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis, we need to remember the equivalent circuits for all
three types of faults LG, LL and LLG Faults and how to calculate fault current from sequence

Power System Stability

This is the smallest topic in Power Systems but still it is very important. Here Steady
State Stability is not Important but transient stability is and you need to remember the two
inertia constants H and M for that and the swing equation.
The next thing is that you need to remember the equivalent M and H when there are two
machines which are swinging coherently or in-coherently.
The last and most important topic is the equal area criteria for calculating the critical clearing
angle and i would recommend that you understand the method involved instead of memorizing
the expressions involved as that will reduce the chances of error.

Power System Protection

This is most rarely asked topic and is widest of all the units but now since exams are
happening in multiple sessions so we can expect one question at least in one of the sets.
The only numerical part in this unit is concentrated around Plug Setting Multiplier(PSM) and
the differential relay so you need to be clear on both the aspects and practice a few problems
based on these two concepts.
Other than that for theoretical purposes you can remember the usage of some general relays
like Distance Relays types and which type is used where and also the types of relays used in
Transformers like Buchholz Relay.

Digital Electronics

Logic Gates
Start from basics. practice truth tables of all gates and make logic circuits for functions.
Try to minimize number of gates to implement given function. Refer Morris Mano for this part.
Study about 3 input Ex-OR and Ex-NOR gate and also study NAND and NOR implementation
of all gates.

Minimization Techniques
Boolean Algebraic rules are too simple. Do practice K-Map as it is very essential topic.
All Digital Electronic revolves around it. So first you need to clear basics of min terms and
max terms. How things unfold if we loop zeroes in K-Map? We can invert a function using KMap. So simply make fool proof command over it. You will require it in counters also. Quine
Maccluskey method is not important. For practice go to Kanodia, Morris Mano and coaching

Combinational Circuit
Basic concepts regarding adders, subtractors and comparator should be studied.
Remember carry and output expression of this to make things easy as sometimes they may ask
which combinational ckt this calculated expression represent?.
Multiplexer is very important. A function can be implemented by 4 selector switch MUX, 3
selector switch MUX and even with 2 selector switch with different input combination. Practice
K map thoroughly to make command over MUX. Emphasis should be given to understand the
internal logic circuit of MUX, Encoder, Decoder etc. The book from Tocci Widmer is good to
cover this topic.

Sequential Circuits
Tough Part of Digital Electronics! No friends, it is not tough in real. This zone is ready
to give away marks provided you have enough practice and yes NO DOUBTS!!!! Enter in this
zone after mastering combinational circuit because you know we will add memory to make
combinational Circuit sequential. S-R, D, T and JK flip flop are core of this chapter. These flip
flops have specific input combinations for which output is dont care so make concepts clear
pertaining to that. Always solve questions by making present state- next state table of flip flop,
you should not use its characteristic equation directly as it involves looping of dont cares
which may provide you with wrong solution and be sure it will be one of the option in Exam.
Practice how to convert one flip flop in other. Synchronous counters, ripple counter, johnson
counter all are easy. Design these counters by hand. Dont think why to design for objective
paper. It will be helpful. Let me assure you. Make table of which type of counter affect
frequency of input in which way.
Practice how to calculate MOD number of given counter. Lock-out phenomenon is important.
Master Slave relay is also imp. Keep concepts clear regarding Race around condition. I
recommend Tocci Widmer for this part.
Logic Family
Question are rare from this part in gate, but bad luck will knock the door without any warning.
So prepare this part also. Learn how transistor make logic circuits. We can implement every
function with diode and transistors. Remember some standard representations. Remember
some theoretical points like which family has highest fan-out, lowest noise margin etc.


Linear Algebra
While preparing for Linear Algebra, focus must be on Eigenvalue Problems and also
the Matrix algebra as almost every-time there will be a question from either of these two topics.
One must also remember the properties of eigenvalues like the relation between eigenvalues of
two matrices which are inverse of each other and other similar properties. No need to get
involved in the basis vectors and span of basis vectors to form an n-dimensional space as those
concepts are absolutely unnecessary for GATE.

For single variable calculus there are not many problems except the maxima and
minima problems and the most important topic is vector calculus involving Gradient,
Divergence and Curl and Vector Integral Theorems (Greens, Gausss and Stokes Theorem) as
there are lot many properties of each concept and you must remember all those to solve the
problems faster like divergence of curl is always zero, believe me that these properties do comein handy in the exam.

Differential Equations
There are not many concepts in the differential equations as you can always check the
solution by satisfying each option in the differential equation given in the problem statement
but at the same time do remember some special differential equations like Bernoullis Equation
and Euler Differential Equation.

Complex Functions
It is smallest topic among all topics from Engineering Mathematics and the only
important concepts are Cauchy-Riemann Equations for Analytic Functions and Residue
Method of Integration and rest of the topics are not necessary for GATE.

Probability and Statistics

The general problems involving Probability can be prepped up by practice and there is
no need to study much about them but you can always remember Bayes Theorem, more focus
should be on Random Variables like Poissons Distribution and other distributions. Statistics
is also very important and you must remember mean, median and mode concepts as well as
coefficient of co-relation, so do make short notes for each of these concepts.

Numerical Methods
Two things are important in this section one is the equation solving by methods like
Newton-Raphson and Bisection Method and other is the Numerical Integration technique by
methods like Trapezoidal Rule and Simpsons rule so do mug up the formulas for each of these
methods and make good use of Calculator like you can form equations in form of answer of
previous step so that recursion becomes faster and more accurate.

So basically the key to tackle such a large subject is to narrow down the course content to the
most relevant topics and cut-out the unnecessary topics otherwise your workload will increase
but not your performance.

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