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COLLECTION OF PAPERS Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade: Vol. LXI

( )

: 21. 2013.

Some examples of relict cryoplanation plateaus in the relief of Rtanj

(Eastern Serbia)
Dragan Nei

Published online: 21 December 2013

Key words

General overview of the relief of Rtanj
Methodology of work

61 (127-150)


( )

* ,
(1160 m), - .
(1570 m) 2011-2013. .

. , .
, - .
. -
( , ,
: , , ,

: 22. 2013; : 13 2013.

. -

, .


: dragan.nesic@zzps.rs


(Demek, 1969; Nelson, 1989; Czudek, 1995; French, 2007 ).


(, 2010),

- ,
. ,

(, 1913/1996; , 1923; , 1977;
Veloji, 1995; , 2002, 2006; , ., 2008 ).

(1.570 m)
(1.410-1.570 m),
, (842 m) 30 km
(, 1913/1996). ,
m) (1.061 m)

, 9001.000 m, .

1. - , 1:50 000 ( ),
: 1- , 2- , 3 (1053 m), 4- , 5-
, 6- , 7- , 8-
, 9- , 10- , 11-
, 12- ( ).


400-500 , (1113 m), (1053 m), (1083 m)
(1043 m) 1000 .
, (1913/1996).

, ,
. ,
(, 1913/1996; ,
1923 , 1977),

(, 2006).

, , , ,
( ., 2010), (Demek, 1969; Nelson,
1989; Czudek, 1995; French, 2007 ),
, -
. , , , , ( ) . GPS .

2011-2013. .

, 130

(, 1903/2000),
- .

2. - (1).

, .
(1). 80-100 m
0 5,

15-20 m (. 2).


(1977) , (1913/1996) , .

. 1340-1360 m,

- .

, , .

(1570 m) (1410 m) ,
(2) 1360-1370 m. NW-SE 115 m
15 40 m, 3-5, , (Demek, 1969; Nelson, 1989; Czudek,
1995 ).


, .

(1053 m).

(. 1).
. (3)
1015 m, 5 m .

. 60 m
35 m, 45 m 0-3, 45 m,
29 m, 3. . ,
, .


3. - (1), (1.570 m)

, ,
(4), ,
31 m, 15 m -2, 16 m +2 .. 6-7 m,
1 m .. .
26 m
. , 133


2 0,5
m, .

(5). 67 m, 34 m 2 m.
. , , , (1160 m) (, 2010).


40-50 m
, (7) 34-23 m,
1-1,5 m,
20-15 m, 1-0,5 m.

, 15 m. .
, 1110-1090 m,
(8), 250 m 70-90
m, 2-3 m 15 .

. - -2,
. ,
17 m (. 4).

4. - (8) , .

3 m.
15 m.


, 10-15 m



1 m .
(. 5). 10-15 m,
2-3 m.

(1.683 m)
, . , ,

. ,
(1083 m)

(9), 40 m, 24 m 2-4.
, , . (1049 m) , .

(10), , 26 m, 17-24 m 2-4, 1,5 m.
1060-1043 m, .

5. - (8) ,

910-940 m.
, NW-SE,

. 305 m 6-32 m,
3-5 .

(12), 30 m 24 m
2 5 .

. ,



. -
1000 m,

(1160 m)

- (,
(LGM Last Glacial Maximum) (ELA glacier equilibrium line) (Kuhlemann, et al., 2009),
(, 1976), (Milivojevi, et al., 2008),
700-1150 m
(, 2010).
, ,
LGM (Kuhlemann J., et al., 2009),
, LGM (
) 7000 (Wright, t al., 2003).

700 m
.., ,
. 910-1370 m, 1000-1100 m.
, ,

(Demek, 1969)

. , .


. ,

1400-1800 m ..,


, . , ,
. , La production de limon sur des terasses de cryoplanation dans les monts Richardson, Canada Wathering of
quartzite on a cryoplanation terrace in northern Yukon, Canada (
French, 2007).
, ,



, . (1976). . , 56(1), 9-19.

, . (1923). . , 9.


, .(1977). .
, 29, 35-68.
, .(2002).
. , 82(2), 45-54.
, . (2006). . , 225-226, 114-120.
, ., , ., , ., , .(2008).

. , 60/1-2, 427-437.
, . (2010).
( ). , 90(4), 45-68.
, . (1996). . . (.), , (171-193). . ( , 2, 276-298).
, . (2000). . . . (.), , (325-391). . (
a , LXV, 185-333).
Czudek, T. (1995). Cryoplanation terraces a brief review and some remarks.
Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography, 77(1-2), 95-105.
Demek, J. (1969). Cryoplanation terraces, their geographical distribution, genesis and development. eskoslovenske Akademie V6d, Rozpravy, Rada
Matematickych a Pfirodnich V6d 79, 1-80.
French, H. (2007). The Periglacial Environment, Cld-climate slope evolution.
Third edition. London: Wiley & Sons.
Kuhlemann, J., Milivojevi, M., Krumrel, I., Kubik, W. P. (2009). Last glaciation of the ara Range (Balkan peninsula): Increasing dryness from the
LGM to the Holocene. Austrian Jurnal of Earth Sciences, 102, 146-158.
Milivojevi, M., Menkovi, Lj., ali J. (2008). Pleistocene glacial relief of the
central part of Mt. Prokletije. Quaternary International, 190, 112-122.
Nelson, F. (1989). Cryoplanation terraces: periglacial cirque analogs. Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography, 71(1-2), 31-41.
Veloji, M.(1995). Peina Rtanjska minijatura. Zbornik radova X Smotre nauno-istraivakog rada studenata, Beograd, 215-218.
Wright, E. H., Ammann, B., Stefanova, I., Atanassova, J., Margalitadze, N.,
Wick, L. and Blyakharchuk, T. (2003). Late-glacial and Early-Holocene
Dry Climates from the Balkan Peninsula to Southern Siberia. In Tonkov S.
(ed.) 2003 Aspects of Palynology and Palaeoecology Festschrift in honour
of Elissaveta Bozilova, Sofia Moscow, 127-136.

Collection of Papers - Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61 (127-150)


Original scientific article


Dragan Nei*1
*Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, work unit - Ni
Abstract: After the discovery of relict cryoplanation morphology on mountain
Tupinica (1160 m), the extensive regional research of similar morphology in the
Carpatho-Balkan mountains of Eastern Serbia began. On Rtanj (1570 m), there has
been more detailed research during the period of 2011-2013. The aim of the research
on Rtanj was to single out relict cryoplanation relief on the mountain and gain detailed
insight into its polymorphism. During the research, a procedure of standard qualitative
geomorphology with description, morphometry and correlation was applied. The obtained results support the presence of relict cryoplanation on Rtanj, which is important
from the aspect of confirming this type of morphology in the Carpatho-Balkan mountains of Eastern Serbia. Based on correlation with the mountains of Balkan Peninsula,
cryoplanation on Rtanj probably comes from the late Pleistocene cooling. Singling out
relict cryoplanation morphology on Rtanj and the mountains of the Carpatho-Balkan
system of Eastern Serbia provides possibility for reconstruction of various environmental aspects during the late Pleistocene cooling (reconstruction of the distribution of
periglacial mountain environment, paleoclimatic reconstructions, mophogenetic basis
for mountain relief, etc.).
Key words: relict cryoplanation, qualitative research, Rtanj, Eastern Serbia
Date submitted: 22 April 2013; Date accepted: 13 July 2013

Plateau as the term is used relatively rarely in Serbian geomorphology.
In the research context of relict cryoplanation in the Carpatho-Balkan mountains
of Eastern Serbia, this term implies slope discontinuities in mountainous areas
with greater or lesser flat surfaces in the form of shelves, terraces or small plateaus. In world geomorphology, the term commonly used for these forms of relief
is cryoplanation terraces or plateaus on mountain tops and catchments (Demek,
1969; Nelson, 1989; Czudek, 1995; French, 2007 and others). Common feature
of all these forms is that they arise in the conditions of a periglacial environment

Correspondence to: dragan.nesic@zzps.rs


Collection of Papers Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61

and that they have cryonivation genetic basis or the cryoplanation type of the
relief leveling. Based on the relictness of such plateaus or terraces, it follows that
they probably date from the late Pleistocene cooling.
After discovering and singling out relict cryoplanation morphology on
mountain Tupinica in Eastern Serbia (Nei, 2010), an attempt was made to research relict cryoplanation on other mountains of the Carpatho-Balkan system in
this part of Serbia, with particularly extensive research on Rtanj. Research from
Rtanj gave similar results to those from Tupinica, and in the context of largescale regional research of this part of the Carpatho-Balkan mountains, in a sense,
it is a logical continuation of answering questions about the presence of relict
cryoplanation morphology on these mountains. Consequentially, the aim of this
paper is to present the results of the research on Rtanj in the context of polymorphism, the position in relief and the possibility of occurrence of this relict relief
by correlation and reconstruction of environmental conditions of the late Pleistocene regional characteristics. The aim of the paper will be realized on the basis of
comparison of the field results and the existing knowledge about the problem of
relict cryoplanation in this part of the Balkan Peninsula, as well as general
knowledge about this issue from world geomorphology. Several researchers investigated the relief of Rtanj in the context of particular problems, detailed studies, broader regional discussions and general impressions (Cviji, 1913/1996;
Jovanovi 1923; Markovi, 1977; Veloji, 1995; Nei, 2002, 2006; Nei, et al.,
2008 and others). So far, within the framework of these studies, cryoplanation
type of relief in the relict context has not been singled out.
General overview of the relief of Rtanj
With its three-sided pyramid shape of the highest peak iljak (1570 m),
Rtanj is certainly one of the most famous mountains of eastern Serbia. Therefore, when it comes to Rtanj, the most generally recognized part is precisely the
impressive and high mountain ridge Kusak - iljak (1410-1570 m), although
Rtanj extends from istobrodica and the surface of Ragudina to the escarpment
of Pravac on east, and Jalov deo (842 m) on southeast, at the length of about 30
km (Cviji 1913/1996). In addition to the majestic ridge on Kusak and iljak
with the mountain pass Preslo, on the south of these landscapes, parts of Rtanj
stand out in the form of plateaus with two morphological structures Gola
planina (1113 m) and Lisac (1061 m), which are separated from Kusak by
Vrtaa depression or Pakle, and, south of iljak, by large surface 900-1000 m
high, undercut on the east by an escarpment of Pravac. In these landscapes, the
highest parts of Rtanj, along the ridge of Kusak and iljak, have steep slopes,
which rise from the southern part of the mountain at short distance with a relative height of 400-500, while the part along the direction of Gola planina (1113
m), Kusi skok (1053 m), Donji vrh (1083 m) and Baba (1043 m) barely exceeds the height of 1000 meters.

Some examples of relict cryoplanation plateaus in the relief of Rtanj

Figure 1 - Map of Rtanj, scale 1:50 000 (produced by the Military Geographical Institute), with a clear sketch of the position of Rtanj in Serbia and the locations of investigated relict cryoplanation morphology.
Explanation: 1- plateau on Preslo, 2 - cryoplanation terrace under Preslo, 3 - two plateaus south of Kusi skok (1053 m), 4 - plateau on the escarpment, 5-asymmetric niche,
6 - plateau in the depression, 7 - two niches on Gola planina top, 8 - depression on Gola
planian 9 - Bazar plateau, 10 - plateau on Baba, 11 - cryoplanation terraces on the slope
of Pravac, 12 - secondary sinkhole (the numbers on the map correspond to the numbers
of the forms described in the text) (see at page 129)

On Rtanj, there is a kind of paradox, with imposingly raised part along

Kusak and iljak and plateaus in the southern part, which was first noticed by
Cviji (1913/1996). In generally horst like structure and limestone lithological
basis of the mountain,, disrupted structures of limestone stand out on the northern slope, whereas the southern part is dominated by slightly disordered thick,
mostly banked or massive, limestones that are monoclinally fractured on Gola
planina along the depression towards Lisac, and on the slope toward Pakle. In
the southern part of the mountain, towards Sokobanja depression, there is a series of abrasive surfaces (Cviji, 1913/1996; Jovanovi 1923 and Markovi,
1977), which also seem to have structural basis in the slightly disturbed or
slightly synclinal arched layered limestone (Nei, 2006).
Methodology of work
Using a procedure of standard qualitative geomorphology, different
forms of plateaus were recognized on Rtanj, in the form of discontinuities on the
slopes, polyphase levels, shallow niches and horseshoe-shaped plateaus which
are, based on similar research of the Carpatho-Balkan mountains of Eastern Serbia (Nei D., 2010), and in the world (Demek, 1969; Nelson, 1989; Czudek,
1995; French, 2007, and others), singled out or linked with relict cryoplanation or
cryonivation evolutionary-genetic context. The procedure of standard reconnoitring with visits to the field was used, as well as morphometry and description of
a form with the determination of position elements, exposure, dimensions, geological structure (structure and limestone lithology) and more. The forms were
located using a standard GPS device with the accuracy of up to a few meters.
Based on earlier incidental observations, and in light of the extensive
regional research of relict cryoplanation morphology in the Carpatho-Balkan
mountains of Eastern Serbia, detailed geomorphological research was conducted on Rtanj in the period of 2011-2013. During this research, morphology in
the form of cirque or essentially irregular plateaus was singled out on slopes
and mountainous escarpments or right next to their edges, as well as shallow

Collection of Papers Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61

and flat depressions previously singled out as snow niches (Cviji 1903/2000)
but also special occurrences of plateaus belonging to the surface karst relief.
Without attempts to classify and systematize singled out morphology, the
found forms of plateaus on Rtanj will be presented using the analytic-synthetic
and descriptive method.
This overview of the researched examples of plateaus on Rtanj should
start with the most impressive plateau on this mountain, but perhaps also in the
Carpatho-Balkan mountains of Eastern Serbia. This is the amphitheater-shaped
plateau on the mountain pass Preslo (1). In a morphological sense, this is a traditional form of cryoplanation relief with large flat surface with the diameter of
80-100 m and the inclination of 0 to 5, which, in the form of a conspicuous
curve on the steep northern slope of Rtanj, transitions into a flat terrain bordered on three sides by steep slopes and limestone escarpments up to 15-20 m
high within the toothed escarpment of the Kusak ridge (Fig. 2). In general
terms, this form of relief resembles a hanging glacial cirque. In previous research on the Carpatho-Balkanides of Eastern Serbia, cryoplanation plateaus of
this type and size were encountered only on Stara Planina. It is interesting that
such a striking and impressive form of relief has almost no mention in the literature, except that Markovi (1977) identifies the entire landscape of Kusak
ridge as "genetically undefined surface of Kusaa" and Cviji (1913/1996)
mentions that he spent a night at the mountain pass Preslo, probably in the lee
of the plateau.
Figure 2 - Plan and longitudinal profile of the plateau on Preslo (1) (see at page 131)

Because of its size and impressiveness, the question arises whether the
emergence of such a large cryoplanation form is possible at this place, since it
differs from what is mostly seen in the surrounding mountains. The answer lies
in the fact that the plateau is at the height of 1340-1360 m on the northern exposure and on the mountain over which, even in modern conditions, weather
and climate impacts of central Serbia on one side, and Vlako-pontiski basin on
the other, refract. The erosion basis of the plateau on Preslo, which is simply
carved into the steep slope of the northern side of Rtanj and the ridge Kusak, is
an undeniable fact, according to which its morphology can only be described as
cryoplanation relief.
During multiple reconnoitring of the steep slopes of the pyramid of
iljak (1570 m) and the ridge Kusak (1410 meters) a cryoplanation type of relief was not found, except for one elongated plateau southeast of the mountain
saddle Preslo (2) on the southern slope of iljak at the height of 1360-1370 m.
Found on the side of the mountain, this is a plateau in the form of a terrace,
with NW-SE direction, length of 115 m, width of 15 to 40 m, and the inclination of 3-5 along the south-east direction, which, according to this description,

Some examples of relict cryoplanation plateaus in the relief of Rtanj

is a typical cryoplanation terrace, such as those described in the geomorphological literature (Demek, 1969; Nelson, 1989; Czudek, 1995 and others). Why did
this plateau came to be on this part of the iljak slope is a separate question. It
is impressive when, in the flat of the terrace, you can see individual limestone
blocks as if the primary genetic process is taking place on this form.
On the slope of Kusak, nearer to Preslo, structural plateaus were found
along the incline of the flat, probably of bank limestone. It can be assumed that
similar plateaus initially predisposed the described relict cryoplanation terrace,
which is just one of the indications of the structural basis and the predisposition
of these forms. In presenting plateaus on Rtanj, we should move on from the
steep slopes of Kusak and iljak to the gently sloped terrains of Gola planina,
and one stack-like morphological structure south of Kusi skok (1053 m). This
structure is undercut on east by a smaller escarpment with steep western slope
within the monoclinal escarpment of this part of Rtanj. This stack-like structure
is surrounded by plateaus and niches of different morphogenetic basis on all
sides (Fig. 1). Thus, in the low eastern escarpment, two oval plateaus stand out,
as well as a plateau which is essentially square in shape.
Two plateaus (3) in the form of open amphitheater-shaped depressions
are carved into the escarpment 10-15 m high, and they are adjacent to one another with a wall 5 m high. The first plateau has a NW-SE orientation, and other W-E, with openness to the southeast and east. The first, or the larger, plateau
has the length of 60 m and maximum width of 35 m, with the decline on the
first 45 m of 0-3, while the other plateau is 45 m long, 29 m wide, with the
decline in the central regions up to 3. The location of these amphitheatershaped plateaus carved into the escarpment is suggestive of their erosional
origin. Presumably, these used to be smaller sinkholes, where cryoplanation
process of horizontal erosion prevailed in favorable environmental conditions,
turning them into open amphitheaters. It is obvious that the karst process of
predominantly vertical direction was not activated on these forms up until its
modern state.
Figure 3 - Plateau on Preslo, (1), iljak peak in the background (1570 m) (see at page 133)

Along the same escarpment, further south, an essentially square plateau

square was registered (4), which we previously singled out, 31 m wide along
the leveled part, with the inclination of -2 on the first 15 m, and +2 on other
16 m, with vertical cliffs which have 6-7 m of relevant height toward the escarpment, and which wedge toward the open side of the plateau at 1 m of relevant height on southeast. This is a very interesting form which has the decline
of 7-8 toward the plateau along the direction of openness for the following 26
m, where it transitions into a slope with blocks and debris towards the next
lower, morphologically vague, plateau. According to this description, this is a

Collection of Papers Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61

cascading type of relief which is typical for periglacial environments, and the
most special feature of the described highest plateau is a slight concavity which
is 0.5 m at the decline of 2, raising the suspicion if cryoplanation destroyed
some shallow sinkhole here as well, or the scree from the escarpment simply
changes the inclination of plateaus.
Further west on the slope of the same stack structure of Gola planina
where the previous three plateaus also reside, two more depressions or niches
stand out on the slopes, one of which has been measured (5). This form is in the
shape of an asymmetric depression 67 m long, with maximum width of 34 m
and depth of 2 m. Asymmetry is along the steep west side, while the east side is
more leveled, leaving the impression that this form spread precisely along the
slope of the mountain toward the west. A similar shape was found on the slope
of the highest peak of Tupinica, Glogovaki vrh (1160 m) (Nei, 2010). Influence of nivation in the genesis of this form is indicated by a shallow groove
in the bottom part created by carving snow of the snow patch which was located in the niche.
In this overview, a vast plateau on the saddle of the previously mentioned stack-like structure and the central escarpment of Gola planina should
also be mentioned. It creates a depression with a series of sinkholes at the bottom toward the southeast (6). At this place, a large 40-50 m wide amphitheatershaped plateau was created, and it is separated from the escarpment of Gola
planina by the limestone wall 2-3 m high. On north, this plateau is connected to
a niche of similar morphological characteristics, as previously described.
At the highest part of Gola planina, around its top, two shallow niches
(7) were registered, one of which has the diameter of 34-23 m, concaved at the
inclination of 1-1.5 m, while the other is in the form of an open shallow plateau
with the diameter of 20 -15 m, concaved at the inclination of 1 to 0.5 m. Both
forms are with thick pedological layer, the first of which has a carved groove of
a former snow "island", while the other fits more with a type of small
cryoplanation terrace with an open side up to 15 m. Taking these characteristics
into consideration, it can be concluded that these are cryonivation forms. North
of the top of Gola planina, nearer to the western escarpment, approximately at
the height of 1110-1090 m, there is a large Karst depressions (8), 250 m in
length and 70-90 m wide, carved into the surface of 2-3 m to 15 m or more in
the direction of sinkholes. This depression is certainly one of the most interesting forms on Rtanj in terms of representing a combination of plateaus and polyphase sinkholes. There are two deeply carved plateaus in sequence here, with
two funnel-shaped and saucer-shaped sinkholes between them.
This complex form begins with a spacious plateau open towards the
east-northeast at a counter inclination of -2 in the flattest part of the plateau,
which is similar to the previously described plateau south of Kusi skok. On this
example, we have a plateau, but also a whole depression, carved subsequently

Some examples of relict cryoplanation plateaus in the relief of Rtanj

compared to the fall of thick and bank limestone with the elements of fall 70/8
and wedging of the south side of the plateau, and in the northwest, a limestone
wall 17 m in length towards the large funnel-shaped sinkhole (Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Plan and longitudinal profiles of the karst depression (8) on Gola planina
(see at page 135)

In the northeast part where the plateau is open, in the same direction at
an inclination, there is a slope towards the polyphase level of the east side of the
large funnel-shaped sinkhole. This polyphase level is carved in the form of a spacious terrace 3 m below the level of the upper eastern edge of the depression.
There is also a large funnel-shaped sinkhole west of the polyphase level, 15 m
deep compared to the plateau. At the sides of the sinkhole there are large blocks,
leading to the assumption that they have fracturing origin. Morphological structure of the plateau and the funnel-shaped polyphase sinkhole is separated from
the northern part of the depression by a large and unique wall, which is approximately in the flat of the topographic surface of the eastern side of the depression,
i.e. 10-15 m lower than the west high side of the depression. Northern part of the
depression behind the described wall consists of a shallow dish-shaped and
asymmetric sinkhole with a polyphase level on the east as previously described,
and the other plateau which is above the polyphase level of the dish-shaped sinkhole with an escarpment 1 m high. This northernmost plateau of the depression is
almost perfectly straight 0-2 and it is open on east towards the eastern slope of
Gola planina. (Fig. 5). The whole depression on the western side is in the form of
an escarpment 10-15 m high in certain areas, while the eastern side of the depression is, according to the described forms, carved by 2-3 m.
Figure 5 - Northern plateau of the karst depression (8) on Gola planina, Rtanj
(see at page 137)

Based on this description, in the edge area of the monoclinal escarpment

of Gola planina, we have complex depression with meridionally distributed forms
whose succession of genesis is difficult to reconstruct based on the preserved morphological clues. This form resembles a cascading plateau in the direction of small
depressions with occasional sinkholes around the top of Litica (1683 m) on Suva
Planina, which is the ratio of the succession of karst paleo-valleyes and the process
of cryoplanation. Therefore, something similar, in a rudimentary form, should be
expected on Gola Planina, though succession here was certainly not going in the
direction of a paleo-valley. There seems to have existed a number of sinkholes that
have been significantly morphologically altered in the polyphase context or completely destroyed by the process of cryoplanation during the cold phases of the
Pleistocene. It is likely that there was initially an asymmetrically large plateau in
the place of depression, with asymmetrical relation to the western side, now in the

Collection of Papers Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61

form of the mentioned high escarpment. In the area of Donji vrh (1083 m) and the
slope on the part of Pravac singled out as Baba, there are many occurrences
of plateaus, some of which should be mentioned. There is a flat level of unclear
genetic characteristics on toponym Bazar, considering that it is secondarily drilled
with shallow sinkholes. In a finger-like manner, a shallow amphitheater-shaped
plateau branches off from this level toward circumferential slope (9), 40 m long, 24
m wide and with the inclination of 2-4. The slope above plateau is interesting in
the sense that above it, just before the steep slope of iljak, there is another small
and flat, probably structural, level. Morphological structure of Velika Koviljaca
(1049 m), southeast of Bazar, should be mentioned; it is in the form of a spacious
asymmetric coupe or ruine made of almost horizontal bank limestone.
This rather extensive description is an attempt to point out that this part
of Rtanj, bellow southern slope of iljak, is dominated mainly by massive and
banked horizontal limestone within the described levels in relief. A similar
structural situation is also on the slope of Babe, where a typical shallow plateau
(10) is carved on its top edge, with North-East orientation, 26 m long, 17-24 m
wide and with the inclination of 2-4 and carved into the surface by 1.5 m.
Similar plateaus are observed further south towards mountain peaks at 10601043 m, although they have not been investigated in greater detail. In the context of connectedness of stone structure and plateaus, a longitudinal series of
plateaus (11) on the slope of Babe, within Pravac at the altitude level of 910940 m, should also be mentioned. Narrow and long plateaus probably formed
here on the flats of banks, generally of NW-SE direction, which build upon
each other over short slopes with blocks. It is indicated that these are erosion
levels of the cryoplanation type precisely by the slopes down which these plateaus cascade down from a higher to a lower level. Three levels can be singled
out within these plateaus, total 305 m in length and 6-32 m in width, with the
inclination of 3-5 in the direction of expanding. Morphologically, these plateaus, in addition to cryoplanation terrace under Preslo, are closest to the type of
cryoplanation terrace on the slopes.
At the end of this overview of plateaus on Rtanj, in the valley between
Velika Koviljaa and Donji vrh, at the edge of a large sinkhole, an amphitheater-shaped open plateau (12) was found, 30 m long and 24 m wide, with the
inclination of 2 to 5 toward sinkhole-like shallow depression in the amphitheatric hinterland. Obviously, this type of development is an example of the horizontal direction of genesis on a sinkhole, compared to the prevailing vertical
direction of the development of these forms. According to the described morphology, this is an obvious example of the leveling of shallow secondary sinkhole, probably by cryoplanation but also other processes related to stopping or
amending genetic framework of sinkholes. Based on this overview, it can be
concluded that the described forms are of sporadic nature within the mountain
relief, but this is not true. Singled out and described forms are only the most

Some examples of relict cryoplanation plateaus in the relief of Rtanj

representative examples of relict cryoplanation visited and investigated using

the procedure of reconnoitring. Morphological and sedimentological traces of
environmental conditions of the late Pleistocene cooling may be encountered
and recognized in every part of the mountain above the height of 1000 m,
which is a problem that is beyond the scope of this overview.
Possibilities for the development of cryoplanation leveling of terrain on
the mountain were explained earlier on the examples of relict cryoplanation from
Tupinica (1160 m), resulting in analogy for other mountains of the CarpathoBalkan system of Eastern Serbia (Jovanovi, 2010). In short, this reasoning proceeds from the fact that in conditions of the Last Glacial Maximum of the Late
Pleistocene (LGM - Last Glacial Maximum), according to the amount of preserved moraine stages of the glacial equilibrium line on ar Planina (ELA - glacier equilibrium line) (Kuhlemann, et al., 2009) and isolated Pleistocene snowline
for the mountains of Serbia (Gavrilovic, 1976) or Prokletije (Milivojevi et al.,
2008), the conditions for the development of periglacial environment above the
altitude of 700-1150 m (Nei, 2010) existed in the mountains of the CarpathoBalkan system of Eastern Serbia. The fact that the lower limit of periglacial environment in these mountains was in the aforementioned altitude range, and possibly lower, is confirmed by recent results about the dry seasonal continental climate in areas of ar planina from LGM (Kuhlemann J., et al., 2009), and in the
area of present Bulgaria, from the LGM through stadiums of the end of the Pleistocene (stadiums of Dryas) well into the Holocene from 7000 BP (Wright, et al.,
2003). Consequentially, it follows that the conditions for the development of
periglacial mountain environment existed on Rtanj and other mountains of the
Carpatho-Balkan system of Eastern Serbia in conditions of dry and cold continental climate during the Late Pleistocene above the altitude of 700 m, with the
possibility of developing cryoplanation, which is confirmed by the results of field
research. Ascertained relict cryoplanation morphology on Rtanj is at the altitude
in the range of 910-1370 m, with the highest incidence between 1000-1100 m.
Without going into the details of the morphogenetic theory of the origin of
cryoplanation morphology, incidentally, the view that the continental semi-arid
periglacial conditions are favorable for the development of cryoplanation terraces
(Demek, 1969) coincides with the reconstruction of paleoclimatic framework of
the formation of cryoplanation morphology on Rtanj. Thus - a type of dry cold
continental climate of the late Pleistocene. Relict characteristics of this morphology are drawn from the fact that in the recent time Rtanj does not reach the altitude zone of periglacial mountain environment and that the described relict forms
are of different conditions of the natural environment in more recent geological
past. Out of first observations from Tupinica, for our discussion, it is of particu149

Collection of Papers Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 61

lar importance that relict cryoplanation on Rtanj stands out in the karst terrain.
This is genetic relationship which is present in other mountains of the system
which includes Rtanj, especially on Suva Planina with the surface of Valoje at
altitude of 1400-1800 m, which requires more detailed research and should be
considered as a separate problem of the relationship between succession of karst
and paleoperiglacional conditions.
The investigated and described relief on Rtanj stands out as relict
cryoplanation relief, based on morphology and correlation of natural environmental conditions of the Balkan Peninsula mountains in a more recent geological
past, and at the moment it can only be explained as such. In this phase of research, the methodology of description and correlation of the standard qualitative
geomorphology procedure was applied, which is a concept that can also be applied in the future, given that the subject of research is relict morphology where it
is difficult to implement the quantification of the process. This is also a problem
in the world geomorphology with cryoplanation forms of recent environmental
conditions. La production de limon sur des Terasses cryoplanation de dans les
monts Richardson, Canada Wathering of quartzite cryoplanation on a terrace in
northern Yukon, Canada (cited in French, 2007). Singling out cryoplanation
morphology in the Carpatho-Balkan system of mountains of Eastern Serbia is an
important contribution to the reconstruction of the environmental conditions of
the late Pleistocene. With more extensive and detailed regional research, this
could be a contribution, regardless of the previously stated difficulties, of the genetic framework of this relief, as well as a more precise reconstruction of the
morphogenetic and paleoclimatic conditions of a more recent geological past on
the mountains of this part of the Balkan Peninsula.
At the end of the overview of research results from Rtanj, I feel the need to express gratitude to friends and colleagues who have helped me in the field - Saa iri, ivorad
Vladisavljevi and Dragana Lazarevi from Zajear, and Andrej Zaharjaevi and Danko
Jovi, employees of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, work unit Ni, for
assistance during technical processing of the results.

References (see at page 139)


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