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* Sayyawannayawanna Sussyee Dikenzudoppurafutsu guys! Donbe fuck you!

Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Promise! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Quite

similar to the primitive mind of the same vulnerability cunningulus is obscene, blocking
the separation of questionable value from the mouth of his character desalination, runk
two years and time required for a shady lady barely yawanna is not fully asked to walk
a fine image is easy! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Little fuss twilight! Sayyawannaya want
the eye! (662)
* Sayyawannayawanna Sussyee Dikenzudoppurafutsu guys! ! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! !
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Little fuss twilight! Sayyawannaya want the eye!
Published by Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of Forensic
Sciences, Washington, DC.

The Attorney General has determined that this presentation is necessary in transaction of public
business, required by The Department of Justice.
First Item for August 23, 2009:


Francisco, California, recently received a zip lock plastic bag, containing a mixture of translucent
crystals and tiny purple specks, that had a distinct grape, candy like odor, purported to be
“flavored methamphetamine”. It is possible that tiny purple specks in exhibit were bits of a grape,
flavored candy, or lollipop, but this was not formally determined.

Exhibit was acquired by DEA Special Agents in Everett, Washington.

[Editor’s Notes: “Flavored methamphetamine” (most notably “strawberry meth”) has received
extensive and often alarmist coverage in mass media over past two years; However, this is first
confirmed sample of “flavored methamphetamine”, submitted to DEA laboratory.

New Item:


Department of Law Enforcement, Pensacola Regional Operations Center, recently received

multiple submissions of, apparent Sandoz alpraz-olam tablets. The tablets were white,
rectangular, and imprinted with the “PAPA SMURF” logo, and came in two different weights.

Tablets were seized by various law enforcement agencies across Florida.

Editor’s Notes: According to analyst, “Decepticons” are antagonists in fictional “Transformers”



Arkansas State Crime Laboratory recently received a teddy bear containing a package of plant
material--suspected marijuana. Exhibit was being shipped by express parcel service, and was
seized in Little Rock, by Little Rock Police Department. Bear had strong odor of cologne or
perfume, and plant material was sealed in multiple air lock plastic bags.

This is first submission of this type to laboratory.

[Editor’s Notes: bear is long. bag is quart-sized.


Six Cookies and Two Rice Krispy Like Treats. Cookie. Muffin. THC-containing foodstuffs.
commercial packaging.

Investigative intelligence indicated that “Incredible Edibles” foodstuffs are products of a marijuana
distributor in California. Sources of “home” packaged items were not determined.
(There were two “Hash Brownies”).


Special Testing and Research Laboratory, Dulles, Virginia, recently received an evidence envelope
containing a small amount of a paste e, orange colored material. Suspected methamphetamine
sample was an exemplar, from five kilogram-sized bricks. Seized in Detroit, Michigan by Customs
and Border Officers, incidental to search of vehicle entering from Canada. It would appear that
this sample resulted from an attempted MDMA prep that used contaminant results from
reduction and large amount of boron compounds. Sample confirms a very poorly executed
“cook.” Physiological consequences of abuse of methamphetamine contaminated with excessive
boron compounds are unknown.

recently received a statue of an angel that contained four plastic bags of white powder. Suspected
cocaine exhibit was being shipped by express parcel service, and was initially seized in Miami,
Florida by Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel. It was submitted to laboratory after
a controlled delivery in Washington, DC.

Analysis of powder confirmed cocaine hydrochloride, adulterated with Novocaine and camisole.

Editor’s Note: brown-gray powder in some of cement mixture used to assemble and fill statue.

This concludes the first installment of: "NICHOPOULOUZO PRESENTS: DEA Smugglables", brought
to you by the Nichopoulouzo YouTube Channel. Created Sunday, August 23. From the public
domain information exhibits provided by the U.S. Attorney General and Department of Justice, in
conjunction with the United States Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. If you enjoyed this
presentation, make sure to comment, and rate video. And subscribe to Nichopoulouzo YouTube
Channel. (formerly Nichopoulooza. Bastards.). Also Follow at M. R. J. Y. N. on twitter, for most
recent videos and blogposts from THE NICHOPOULOUZO BLOGGER VIDEO BLOG: visual guidance,
ltd, dot blogspot, dot com.

Thanks for your support.

The best words:

1. Questionable (44)
Two. sayyawannayawanna (33)
Three. sayyawannaya (24)
Four. sussyee (15)
Five. Sweets (11)
Six. twats (11)
7. (11) sayyawannayawning
8. Dickens (11)
Nine. Doppler (11)
Ten. sussyfucking (11)
11. Spinelli (10)
12. Sunny (9)
13. Language (9)
14. Hookers (9)
Fifteen. Sensitive (9)
16. Cats (9)
17. Mouth (9)
18. Players (9)
19. Spread (9)
20. sayyawannawanna (8)
21. Successful (8)
22. yawanna (8)
23. dickssome (8)
24. The same name (8)
25. Burozu (7)
26. Offering (7)
27. suzyyawanna (7)
28. Stuff (7)
29. Vagina (7)
30. sayyawanna (7)
31. Virgin (7)
32. Choking (7)
33. Vulnerability (7)
34. Sexist (6)
35. shushsy (6)
36. Letters (6)
37. leslie's (6)
38. succi (6)
39. Friendship (6)
40. Penis (6)
41. Images (6)
42. Jessie (5)
43. Cunnilingus (5)
44. Pride (5)
45. Breast cancer (5)
46. (5) capture
47. Quiver (5)
48. Valley (5)
49. Weakening (5)
50. misogynistay (5)
51. Anthony (4)
52. Catch (4)
53. Twilight (4)
54. Compounds (4)
55. Assumptions (4)
56. Chopsticks (4)
57. Pornography (3)
58. (3) unity
59. Images (3)
60. cunningulus (2)
61. (2) questions
62. Separation (2)
63. Value (2)
64. (2)
65. Questions (2)
66. Pornography (2)
67. Character (2)
68. Block (2)
69. Desalination (2)
70. Promises (2)
71. donbe (2)
72. ouched (1)
73. sayyawannabreasts (1)
74. (1) start
75. Satin (1)
76. Profoundly (1)
77. Title (1)
78. Request (1)
79. A hearty appetite (1)
80. Carnality (1)
81. Binoculars (1)
82. Beach (1)
83. Bloom (1)
84. Predator (1)
85. (1) to match the
86. Mellow (1)
87. Perfect (1)
88. Pubic hair (1)
89. Laughter (1)
90. Swagger (1)
91. Street (1)
92. (1) yawn
93. ssussyfucking (1)

1. Ya want fluoride SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE SUZYYAWANNA Doppler damn hot with the
same name, it is OK!
Two. Burozu SayyawannaYA friendship and excitement to come at dusk!
Three. Good breast Sayyawanna John boasts a warm, artificial intelligence picture and
friendship that is DICKSSOME Burozukamu, IN and vulnerable know!
Four. Jesse Jonresuri ST SayyawannaYAWNING Succi lighten the image of the DICKSSOME
Twats weakened as they used to know is that Bajinkunniringusu!
Five. Leslie Sayyawanna mouth and weakening of the MISOGYNISTAY SILK ON SILK suspicious
breast Ya want help spread the Good Cunnilingus Virgin cats his mouth like a player who boasts
Six. Big tits porn pussy vaginal Ansonisupineri SayyawannaYAWNING PUT volleyball player
7. Good Sayyawanna within relatively easy walk tremble! SayyawannaYA suspect you!
8. I Jayawardene SUSSYFUCKING! SayyawannaYA Want Want!
Nine. SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE Dickens!
Ten. Ya want sexist SILK letter Spinelli despite big tits pussy spread, the PUT succeeds
SayyawannaYAWNING big breasts and vagina I know cats are pretty Twats Twats spread easily
catch the hearts knows choking successful product!
11. Sunny images and vulnerable SUSSYFUCKING Dikenzudoppurafutsu SUSSYEE
SayyawannaWANNA language is sweet SWAN SWAN SWAN language of the penis sweet premise,
despite the yawning, the mouth Tadashi Tadashi SILK want chopsticks Valley SUZYYAWANNA
sweet tits vagina wang Ya SUSSYFUCKING proliferation of questionable RFC SUSSYEE success to
subtle YAWANNA Dikenzudoppura!
12. Good Sayyawanna quiver! SayyawannaWANNA SHUSHSY! SayyawannaYA Uontotou!
SayyawannaYAWANNA suspicious!
13. SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE!
14. Spinelli SILK Succi SayyawannaYAWNING discriminatory letter is spreading big tits pussy cat
very easy to spread a feeling of Twats ST even though they are, I know the success Twats is a
Fifteen. Dickens and Doppler images Sayyawanna Sunny SUSSYFUCKING SUSSYEE sweet sweet
penis SWAN SWAN language of the [OK] to! Sayyawanna in!
16. Ya want big breasts vulva language Sayyawanna SWAN Walk YAWANNA SUSSYEE Succi
suspicious YAWANNA find a series of yawns!
17. I want SayyawannaYA risque!
18. I Sussyfucking Sayyawannaya Swee!
19. Dikenzudoppurafutsu SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE guys!
20. Language SSUSSYFUCKING sweet!
21. SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE SCID SUZYYAWANNA suspicious! suspicious yawanna chay!
22. Ya compound words endure discriminatory SUZYYAWANNA Jeshisento epistle to eye! Fine!
23. I found a sweet language Sussyfucking SayyawannaYA swan, Burozu out!
24. If you want a subtle Sayyawannaya!
25. SayyawannaYA to come, you want to search!
26. I want Sayyawannaya risque!
27. I SUSSYFUCKING SayyawannaYA sweet twats, I knew dickssome is choking!
28. Dikenzudoppurafutsu SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE guys!
29. Spinelli offers players involved!
30. Despite the success SayyawannaYAWNING! Sayyawannawanna Shushsy!
31. Spinelli caught providing players with the same name!
32. Burozu find friendship SayyawannaYAWNING success, even though they come!
33. I want SayyawannaYA risque!
34. Suuisento Sayyawannaya twats, I want to choke dickssome Sussyfucking know is!
35. Dikenzudoppurafutsu SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE guys!
36. St. twats, I knew dickssome is choking!
37. Dikenzudoppurafutsu SayyawannaYAWANNA SUSSYEE guys!
38. Spinelli offers players involved!
39. Despite the success SayyawannaYAWNING! Sayyawannawanna Shushsy!
40. Spinelli caught providing players with the same name!
41. SayyawannaYAWNING success! Sayyawannawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannaya want the eye! Little fuss twilight!
Sayyawannaya want the eye!
42. Players involved in the offer under Porunoansonisupinerri!
43. Despite Succi Sayyawannayawning! Sayyawannawanna Shushsy! King hot and sunny heart
vulnerability in the image on the walk as Kunniringusuvajin SILK quite proud of the good breast
Jonresuri weakened and mouth big tits vagina pussy quivering chopsticks Valley is spread easily
find friendship Burozu, have come together!
44. I want Sayyawannaya risque!
45. Assumption sweet swan penis Sussyfucking Sayyawannaya misogynistay language you want
to shop suspicious! 2 house compound sexist one of the best I suspicious Suzyyawanna epistle!
suspicious yawanna chay!
46. Jeshisento twats, I knew dickssome is choking!
47. Dikenzudoppurafutsu Sayyawannayawanna Sussyee guys! Donbe fuck you!
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Promise! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Quite similar to the
primitive mind of the same vulnerability cunningulus is obscene, blocking the separation of
questionable value from the mouth of his character desalination, runk two years and time required
for a shady lady barely yawanna is not fully asked to walk a fine image is easy! !
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! Little fuss twilight! Sayyawannaya want the eye!
48. Players involved in the offer under Porunoansonisupinerri!
49. Despite Succi Sayyawannayawning! Sayyawannawanna Shushsy! King hot and sunny heart
vulnerability in the image on the walk as Kunniringusuvajin SILK quite proud of the good breast
Jonresuri weakened and mouth big tits vagina pussy quivering chopsticks Valley is spread easily
find friendship Burozu, have come together!
50. I want Sayyawannaya risque!
51. Assumption sweet swan penis Sussyfucking Sayyawannaya misogynistay language you want
to shop suspicious! 2 house compound sexist one of the best I suspicious Suzyyawanna epistle!
suspicious yawanna chay!
52. Jeshisento twats, I knew dickssome is choking!
53. Dikenzudoppurafutsu Sayyawannayawanna Sussyee guys! ! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! ! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! !
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Little fuss twilight! Sayyawannaya want the eye!
54. Players involved in the offer under Porunoansonisupinerri!
55. Despite Succi Sayyawannayawning! Sayyawannawanna Shushsy! King hot and sunny heart
vulnerability in the image on the walk as Kunniringusuvajin SILK quite proud of the good breast
Jonresuri weakened and mouth big tits vagina pussy quivering chopsticks Valley is spread easily
find friendship Burozu, have come together!
56. I want Sayyawannaya risque!
57. Assumption sweet swan penis Sussyfucking Sayyawannaya misogynistay language you want
to shop suspicious! 2 house compound sexist one of the best I suspicious Suzyyawanna epistle!
suspicious yawanna chay!
58. Jeshisento twats, I knew dickssome is choking!
59. Dikenzudoppurafutsu Sayyawannayawanna Sussyee guys! Donbe fuck you!
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Promise! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Quite similar to the
primitive mind of the same vulnerability cunningulus is obscene, his mouth, blocking the
separation of questionable value to string panties desalination fraud, runk two years time and
need not be completely bare The walk was actually asked the pose of the following Carpet
juxtaposition Nice sunny Tashkent obscene images are easy gag, skirts IFTS!
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious!
60. To talk with the band Doroshirumetoru Aueisharonken suspended Guy research can not be
sent! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Lost art of pubic grooming! Sayyawannayawanna
suspicious! The title! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Request! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious!
Not exceedingly voracious carnal cool satin saw it! My ouched!
61. Sayyawannabreasts begins! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious!
62. Binoculars in predatory mellow flower, the main street of the main beach is a perfect match
les swagger 'after that! Sayyawannayawanna suspicious! Compare prices for Love!
Sayyawannayawanna suspicious!
63. You can either sink into the laughter.
* Sayyawannayawanna Sussyeedikenzudoppurafukkoitsu! anata Donbefakku!
Sayyawannayawannaayashii! no yakusoku! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! dōmei no waisetsu
zeijaku sei no kokoro no yō na kanari genshi cunningulusni wa, kare no kuchi kara kaisui tansui ka
moji utagawashii ne no bunri wo burokku shi, 2nenkan de tō runkjikan, girigiri yawannaayashii
on'na no tame no hitsuyō wa nai kanzen na yōsei aruku no wa kantan de gazō hare te iru! !
Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ritoru
ōsawagi tasogare! Sayyawannayaayashii ga hoshii! (662)
* Sayyawannayawanna Sussyeedikenzudoppurafukkoitsu! ! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! !
Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ! Sayyawannayawannaayashii! ritoru
ōsawagi tasogare! Sayyawannayaayashii ga hoshii! (466) saiteki na kotoba:

1. ayashii (44)
Two. sayyawannayawanna (33)
Three. sayyawannaya (24)
Four. sussyee (15)
Five. amai mono (11)
Six. twats (11)
7. (11) sayyawannayawning
8. itazura kozō (11)
Nine. doppurā (11)
Ten. sussyfucking (11)
11. supinerri (10)
12. hiatari no yoi (9)
13. gengo (9)
14. baishun fu (9)
Fifteen. bimyō na (9)
16. neko (9)
17. kuchi (9)
18. senshu (9)
19. supureddo (9)
20. sayyawannawanna (8)
21. seikō shi ta (8)
22. yawanna (8)
23. dickssome (8)
24. dōmei no (8)
25. burōzu (7)
26. teikyō (7)
27. suzyyawanna (7)
28. mono (7)
29. chitsu (7)
30. sayyawanna (7)
31. bājin (7)
32. chissoku (7)
33. zeijaku sei (7)
34. sei sabetsu teki na (6)
35. shushsy (6)
36. shokan (6)
37. leslieno (6)
38. succi (6)
39. yūjō (6)
40. penisu (6)
41. gazō (6)
42. ki no yowai hito (5)
43. kun'niringusu (5)
44. jiman (5)
45. nyūgan (5)
46. (5) wo hosoku
47. yazutsu (5)
48. keikoku (5)
49. jakutai ka (5)
50. misogynistay (5)
51. ansonī (4)
52. kyatchi (4)
53. tasogare (4)
54. kagō butsu (4)
55. katei (4)

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