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University of Idaho Steam Plant The Rankine Cycle

Technical Definition
The Rankine Cycle is one of many vapor power generation cycles. This is used in many large scale power
plants such as the Steam Plant on the University of Idaho campus. The Rankine Cycle can be defined as:
a thermodynamic heat engine that converts heat into mechanical work via a turbine in a closed loop
system. In other words the Rankine Cycle uses a fluid that runs in a continuous loop which is heated and
then transfers the energy from that heat into a turbine.
Rankine Cycle
This cycle is generally used in large scale power plants with access to fuel to provide a heat source and
water to act as the working fluid. As shown in the figure, the Rankine Cycle is only a small part of the
power plant, but everything outside of the box is not critical to the analysis, however, this information is
helpful to understand the inputs and outputs of the cycle. The Ideal Rankine Cycle consists of four
components: the boiler, the turbine, the pump, and the condenser.
Heat Exchangers
A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat energy between two different mediums. In the Rankine
Cycle there are two heat exchangers, the boiler and the condenser. The boiler exchanges heat between
fuel and water in the closed cycle. The condenser exchanges heat between the water in the closed cycle
and cooling water.
Input Side
The boiler receives all the power input.
Water is heated via a fuel, in the case of
the U of I Steam Plant the boiler is heated
by wood chips. Other boilers can be
heated by natural gas, geothermal, or
coal. This heats the water or working fluid
up and then the exhaust from the fuel
combustion is expelled through a stack
outside of the plant. Often at the U of I
Steam Plant a thick plume of exhaust gas
from the stack.
Output 1

Figure 1. A Simple Vapor Power Plant

The turbine is the main power output of the Rankine Cycle. Power can be sent to generators to any form
of energy storage. Power plants that operate under the Rankine Cycle can power anything from factories,
to neighborhoods, or even small towns! One benefit of having so much energy come off the turbine is
that the power plant is able to sustain all of its energy needs that are not met by the fuel in the boiler.

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Output 2
The condenser is cooled by water that is sent out of the power plant to be cooled. This can be by seawater
or a cooling tower like in the figure. At the U of I Steam Plant the cooling water is dispersed under the
sidewalks and as a result the sidewalks dont need to be shoveled in the winter!
Technical Description
Temperature and Pressure
Temperature and pressure are the two governing principals of the Rankine Cycle. These changes the
water or another working fluid undergo are what allow the system to circulate through the loop and
transfer energy through it. Between each point in the system (or through each device) either temperature
or pressure will change, but never both at the same time.
The Boiler (4 1)
From point 4 to 1 water or another working fluid is pumped into the boiler, a heat exchanger, where it is
heated by a fuel source. The energy from this heat will be turned into mechanical energy to spin the
turbine after vaporization. Between these two points the temperature increases to change the water into
The Turbine (1 2)
This is where the system creates usable
energy. Steam causes the turbine to spin,
rotating a generator such as depicted in
Figure 1. It is critical that the water has been
heated up to steam, otherwise the water may
condense onto the turbines blades causing
them to corrode. Between points 1 and 2
pressure decreases, sending mechanical
energy through the turbine.
The Condenser (2 3)
Figure 2. Rankine Cycle Components
The purpose of the condenser is to cool the
steam back down into a liquid so it can later be moved by the pump. The condenser is also a heat
exchanger which does the opposite of the boiler, it removes heat energy from the working fluid. This is
done via another fluid being pumped through the condenser. Generally the amount of fluid that accepts
heat from the working fluid is much greater in volume, imagine pouring a glass of hot water into a
swimming pool, the temperature of the pool wont change much.

The Pump (3 4)
For the Rankine Cycle circulation of the working fluid is required. Between points 3 and 4 the pump
increases the pressure to keep the fluid through the rest of the cycle. It is crucial at this stage that there
is no steam passing through the pump, otherwise it will not be able to move the working fluid as
efficiently. Even though the pump does require power, it doesnt even require 1% of what the turbine

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Working Fluid Selection
Fluids other than water can be used in the Rankine Cycle. Fluids that vaporize (turn into steam) at different
temperatures can be used to create a more efficient system. If a fluid is better at accepting and rejecting
heat in the heat exchangers then less energy is required to turn it into a vapor. Due to its age and the
location, the U of I Steam Plant uses water as its working fluid.
Visual Source
Both visuals came from Thermodynamics lecture slides created by Dr. Steve Penoncello, a professor at
the University of Idaho.

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