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Use the word in bold or a form of the word in bold to make sentence (b) have a
similar meaning to sentence (a).
(a) Tigger ate lunch an hour ago. (EATEN)
(b) Tigger has eaten lunch.
(a) Mr. Phelps is a swimmer. He started swimming when he was five years old. (BEEN)
(b) Mr. Phelps _________________a swimmer since he was five.
(a) Jane knows Tom. They first met at a party 23 years ago. (FOR)
(b) Jane has known Tom _______________________________.
(a) Mr. Diamond lives in Abu Dhabi. He moved there in 2010. (SINCE)
(b) Mr. Diamond has lived in Abu Dhabi ___________________.
(a) Lucky Goldstar makes mobile phones. They started making them in 1994. (MAKE)
(b) Lucky Goldstar ______________mobile phones since 1994.
(a) Ali has a car. He bought it five years ago. (HAD)
(b) Ali ____________________________his car for five years.
(a) Jam-Jam is still working on his homework. (FINISHED)
(b) Jam-Jam ________________________his homework yet.
(a) Poupon arrived a few seconds ago. (JUST)
(b) Poupon has ___________________________________.
(a) Bai-Lin spoke to Rupert last week. (ALREADY)
(b) Bai-Lin has ___________________________ to Rupert.
(a) Babs has never traveled to Bhutan, but she would like to. (GONE)
(b) Although she would like to, Babs ________________________to Bhutan.
(a). Mee-Geung and Da-Lei ate snake, camel and ostrich on their trip last year. (EATEN)
(b) Mee-Geung and Da-Lei ________________strange foods such as snake, camel and ostrich.
2. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect
Simple. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
Sherry doesnt know how to ride a bicycle. (never)
I didnt know Dan until three years ago. (for)
Jane finished her work. Then she went to the cinema. (after)
I met Robs new girlfriend for the first time last night. (before)
I didnt see Anne at the school picnic. She left before I arrived. (by the time)

3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect
Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
During the past decade, the increasing presence of mobile phones 1. _______ (lead) to a rise in public
discussion related to their use. In recent years, researchers 2. __________(do) studies on their possible
health effects. And lately, many places 3. ____________(make) it illegal to hold a phone while driving. But for
many people, the biggest problem of mobiles is rude behaviour including loud, personal conversations, and
the use of phones in cinemas and restaurants. Some people are starting to fight this. During a play in New
York in September 2009, the plays two stars, Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman, 4. _______________(shout)
at a man in the audience when his mobile phone not only 5. _________________(ring) several times, but he
6. ___________________(not silence) it. And Amy Alkon, an American writer, once 7. ______________(call)
a man to complain that he 8. ___________________ (forced) her to listen to his loud conversation earlier
that day in a caf. How 9. _____ she _______(get) his phone number? He said it loudly during his phone
call, and Ms Alkon simply 10.______________ (write) it down.
4. Complete the sentences with a time expression below.
in 2004 already yesterday just never then yet
1. A: Londons one of my favourite cities. What do
you think of it?
B: I dont know. Ive __________ been there.
2. A: Do you want to borrow this book?
B: No, thanks. Ive ___________ read it twice.
3. A: Are you having a driving lesson later today?
B: No, I had one _______________.
4. A: Have you already been to the library?
B: No. I met Jane for breakfast, and ________ we went to the shopping centre.
5. A: How long have you had your dog?
B: We got him _____________, when he was a puppy.
6. A: Is Lisa coming to visit this weekend?
B: Im not sure. She hasnt decided ___________.
7. A: Someone delivered this parcel for you a few minutes ago. Hurry up open it!
B: Wait a minute. Ive ________ walked through the door. I want a cup of coffee first!
5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect
Simple or Past Simple.
1.______ you _______(hear) of the Klingon language? It is a language featured in many of the Star
Trek films. Marc Okrand, an American linguist, 2. ___________(invent) Klingon in the early 1980s. The
complex language was an immediate hit with Star Trek fans. Since then, they 3. _______________(buy)
over a quarter of a million copies of the Klingon dictionary that Okrand 4. _________________(write).
In addition, they 5. ________________(establish) Klingon study groups, websites and fan clubs. They also
6. __________________(publish) books and released CDs on the language. People who are fluent in
Klingon can finally read a Klingon translation of the Shakespeare play Hamlet, a project that 7.
________________(begin) several years ago. They probably 8. ____________(greet) that news by saying,
buy' ngop. Thats Klingon for Thats great news!

6. Write a logical continuation with the words in brackets. Use the Future Simple or be going to.
1. Those are beautiful earrings.
(Mum / love / them)
2. I cant wait to move to New York!
(I / move / there / in a few months)
3. We have got plenty of time.
(we / not be / late)
4. Relax.
(you / pass / the / driving test / tomorrow)
5. Be careful!
(you / spill / the coffee)

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous
or Future Perfect.
buy not practise play score go not see move not run
1. By this time tomorrow night, John ___________________ in his 100th game for our team, but he hopes
that at this time next year, he ____________________ goals for Manchester City.
2. I really miss Sue. I know I __________________to visit her in three months time, but by then, we
_____________________ each other for six months.
3. I ___________________ in the race on Sunday because I ______________________ enough by then.
4. By the end of the week, he ____________________ furniture, and on Saturday, he ________________
_______________ into his new flat.

8. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the
sentences. Make any necessary changes.
1. Is this your first time in San Francisco? (before)
2. When did you move into this flat? (how long)
3. I watched a film during the flight. (while)
4. Those are my sunglasses. (belong)

5. What is that delicious smell? (smells)

6. He finished the report on Thursday night and handed it in on Friday. (the night before)

9. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
When Jamie Oliver 1.________________(catch) the publics attention in 1999 with his first
television series The Naked Chef, he was only 23years old. By that time, despite his young age,
he 2. ________________(already / have)ten years of cooking experience. Since the series 3.
________________(end) in 2001, Oliver 4. ________________(build) an impressive business empire that
5. ________________(employ) over 2,000 people and includes a cookware
brand and several restaurants. And, of course, Oliver 6. ________________(already / write) ten cookery
books, and 7. ________________(probably / write) more in the coming years. But more importantly, Oliver
8. ________________(use) his fame and fortune to help others and to encourage healthy eating.
In 2002, he 9. ________________(establish) the Fifteen Foundation, which trains and employs young
people in restaurant work. Among the foundations graduates are former drug addicts and youth who
10. ________________(be) once in trouble with the law. Olivers 2005 television series about the poor
quality of Britains school lunch programme eventually 11. ________________(lead) to the government
providing millions of pounds to improve it, and his 2008 series Jamies Ministry of Food used a reality-show
format to show how to prepare healthy meals easily and cheaply. Millions of fans
12. ________________(wait) to see what hell do next but with his history, theres little doubt that it will be
both entertaining and educational.

10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect
Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Im surprised that Lesley doesnt know any French. How long _____________ she
_____________(live) in Paris?
2. We _____________(sleep) for an hour when we were woken by a loud noise.
3. She _____________(perform) on stage for years before she appeared in films.
4. The band _____________(record) their new CD for the past two months.
5. _____________ they _____________(argue)? They look upset.

11. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
Present Simple or a perfect tense (Simple or Continuous).
Reporter: Congratulations on your Best Actress award! How 1. ___________ you ___________(feel) when
your name was announced?
Actress: I was shocked! In fact, I 2. ______________(want) to win this award since I was a child, and I still
dont believe I won!
Reporter: 3. ______________ you ______________(enjoy) the ceremony?
Actress: It was one of the best experiences of my life! And that includes talking with some of the fans who
4. ______________(wait) all day to watch everyone, including me, on the red carpet.
Reporter: Now, what 5. ______________ you ______________(work) on for the past few months?
Actress: Nothing! I 6. ______________ (relax) for these last few months! But lately,
I 7. ______________(consider) a part in a romantic comedy. In recent years, I 8. ______________(do)
mostly serious, dramatic roles, and Id like to try something different.
Reporter: We all look forward to seeing your next film!

12. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
1. Is this your first visit to a film set? (ever)
2. Madonna began performing in 1977. (since)
3. They havent released a new CD for three years. (ago)
4. I finished most of my homework. Then I went out. (after)
5. When did he start to play for Manchester City?(how long)

13. Correct the errors.

1. Im tired of this game. Were playing since noon.
2. She was directing plays for five years when she decided to direct a film.
3. I didnt forget writing my essay and hand it in on time.

4. She had never dreamed of win Britains Got Talent


14. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Jim is an incredible guitarist! How long ______________ he ______________ (play)?
2. I miss you. I ______________(not see) you for a month!
3. Witnesses said that photographers ______________(pursue) Julia Roberts for about five minutes before
she shouted at them.

15. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect
Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Lindas very tired. She ____________________________(not get) enough sleep lately.
2. You look great! ______________ you ____________________________(work out)?
3. They ____________________________(go out) for two years when they decided to get married.

16. Write a logical response with the words below. Use the correct form of the verbs.
1. Here are my keys!
I / look / for them / all day.
2. It took forever!
we / wait / for / three hours / when / we / finally / see / the / doctor.
3. I got to school late today.
by the time / I / walk in / the teacher / hand out / the test.

Promoting the Stars
Public relations (PR) is the business of promoting a person, company, product or idea by generating media
and public interest. And personal publicists to the stars seem to have the easiest job in PR because getting
ink (receiving media coverage) for celebrities is seldom a problem. In fact not surprisingly, in this age
of tabloids, paparazzi, mobile-phone cameras and especially the Internet, theres often too much ink, and
its not always positive or to the stars liking.
Thats why a big part of a celebrity publicists job is to help stars respond to false, damaging or embarrassing
articles and photos. This can be done directly, such as by releasing a statement responding to the published
information. Or a more subtle approach can be taken by gradually shifting attention to different, positive
aspects of the stars lives, such as their involvement with charitable or social causes.
In addition, some stars and their publicists have found a way to try to control coverage and to beat the
tabloids at their own game: they hire their own photographers or give paparazzi advance notice so they can
catch a star in a supposedly private moment. The editor of an American gossip magazine recently
estimated that about half of the celebrity photos we see fall into this category. According to an article in the
respected business newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, examples of these carefully orchestrated fake
paparazzi moments include photos of Gwyneth Paltrow leaving hospital with her first baby and the worlds
first glimpse of Tom Cruise with his wife, Katie Holmes.
Of course, many celebrities claim not to care about their public image or what the tabloids print. But for those
who do care, publicists are essential.

A. Find words in the text that mean:

1. harmful (paragraph 2)


2. not obvious (paragraph 2)


3. planned (paragraph 3)


4. necessary (paragraph 4)


B. Choose the correct answer.

1. When a celebrity gets ink, it means ... .
a. theyve got a problem
b. they receive only bad publicity
c. they have got a publicist
d. theyre written about

2. The Wall Street Journal ... .

a. published the first photo of Tom Cruises wife
b. denied publishing fake paparazzi pictures
c. orchestrated fake paparazzi photos
d. reported on the phenomenon of fake paparazzi photos

C. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. Find information in the text to support your answers.
1. Surprisingly, new technology has had little effect on media coverage of celebrities.

2. A subtle response to bad publicity is to issue a statement.


3. Fake paparazzi photos account for about 50% of published celebrity photos.

D. Answer the question according to the text.

Why do some stars hire photographers to surprise them in a private moment?

1. (b) Mr. Phelps has been a swimmer since he was five.
2. (b) Jane has known Tom for 23 years
3. (b) Mr. Diamond has lived in Abu Dhabi since 2010
4. (b) Lucky Goldstar has made mobile phones since 1994.
5. (b) Ali has had his car for five years.
6. (b) Jam-Jam has not finished his homework yet.
7. (b) Poupon has just arrived
8. (b) Bai-Lin has already spoken to Rupert.
9. (b) Although she would like to, Babs has never gone to Bhutan.
10. (b) Mee-Geung and Da-Lei have eaten strange foods such as snake, camel and ostrich.
1. Sherry has never ridden a bicycle
2. I have known Dan for three years.
3. Jane went to the cinema after she had finished her work. / After Jane had finished her work, she went to
the cinema.
4. I had never met Robs new girlfriend before last night. / Before last night, I had never met Robs new
5. By the time I arrived at the school picnic,Anne had left. / Anne had left by the time I arrived at the school
1. has lead 2. have done 3. have made
forced 9. did she get 10. wrote

never 2. already 3. yesterday

1.Have you heard 2. invented
7.began 8. greeted

4. then

4. shouted

5. rang

5. in 2004

3. have bought

4. wrote

6. yet

6. didnt silence

7. called

8. had

7. just

5. have established

6. have published

1. Mum will love them. 2. Im going to move there in a few months. 3. We wont be late. 4. You will pass
the driving test tomorrow. 5. Youre going to spill the coffee!
1. will have played/ will be scoring 2. will be going/ wont have seen 3. wont be running/ wont have
4. will have bought/ will be moving
1. Have you been to San Francisco before?
2. How long have you lived in this flat?
3. While we were flying, I watched a film. / I watched a film while we were flying.
4. Those sunglasses belong to me.
5. What smells delicious?
6. On Friday he handed in (entregar) the report which / that he had finished the night before.
1. caught 2.already had 3.ended 4.has build 5.employs 6.has already written 7.will probably write using / uses 9.established 10.were 11.led 12.are waiting
1.has been living 2.had been sleeping 3.had been performing 4.have been recording
5.Have been arguing
1.did you feel 2.have wanted 3.Did you enjoy 4.had been waiting 5.have you been working
6.have been relaxing 7.have been considering 8.have done

1. Have you ever visited a film set? / Haveyou ever been to a film set before?
2. Madonna has been performing since1977.
3. They released their last CD three years ago. / Their last CD was released three years ago.
4. After I had finished most of my homework, I went out. / I went out after I had finished most of my
5. How long has he been playing for Manchester City?
1. Im tired of this game. Weve been playing since noon.
2. She had been directing plays for five years when she decided to direct a film.
3. I didnt forget to write my essay and hand it in on time.
4. She had never dreamed of winning Britains Got Talent.
1. has he been playing 2. havent seen 3. had been pursuing
1. hasnt been getting 2.Have you been working out 3.had been going out
1. I have been looking for them all day.
2. We had been waiting for three hours when we finally saw the doctor.
3. By the time I walked in, the teacher had handed out the test.
seldom: raramente
statement: declaracin
approach: enfoque
subtle: sutil
shift attention: desviar la atencin
glimpse: vistazo
1. damaging
1. d

2. subtle 3. orchestrated 4. essential

2. d

1. F not surprisingly, in this age of mobile-phone cameras and especially the Internet, theres often too
much ink
2. F This can be done directly, such as releasing a statement ... . Or a more subtle approach can be taken
3. T recently estimated that about half of the celebrity photos we see fall into this category.
Because that way they can better control what is published about them.

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