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The law of karma

Narator : Aaron and julio were a good friends. They were friends since childhood, but
oneday Julios family fell into poverty. Because of that reason, Aaron did no longer want to
be friends with Julio. Oneday when Julio, Aaron, Gerit and Romario were in the classroom to
clean it before going home, julio begged for Aarons help to clean the classroom. Julio said so
because he believed that only Aaron who could help him and Julio did consider Aaron as his
friend. Yet unfortunately, aaron refused it.
Julio : Aaron, could you help me please?
Aaron : what? Help you? Are you kidding me? Do you think who you are?
Julio : what happened to you? Am i mistaken? We are friends, are not we? Do you forget it?
Aaron : friends? I thought i dont have any friends like you who are poor. I am only friend
with a high-class people.
Romario : what actually happened to you? Have you both got a problem?
Julio : there is nothing to be worried. We are fine, are not we Aaron?
Aaron : fine? Here is it. This guy, the poor one, asked for my help. But, i really mind helping
kind of person like him. He even considers me as his friend. It really sucks.
..........( Julio, then, got out of the class and no longer wanted to listen what Aaron said)
Romario : Dont be so so, Aaron. Julio and you are friends since childhood, right? Just
because his family fall into poverty, you did no longer want to be friend with him. It is really
something that can not be justified. In this time, you are supposed to be able to show that you
are a good friend. But why did you do in contrast?
Gerit : it is definitely right. You should support him at this moment. Arent you pity to see
Romario : ya.. you may say so. What kind of friend are you?
Aaron : do you think who you are? You advise me as if as you, both, are the wisest person in
the world. You are fake! Its up to me about whatever i am about do, it is not your business.
Gerit : i didnt mean to advise you like that, or being fake or something. Yet, i just want you
to be a good person as well as a good friend for Julio. I also dont want to your friendship end.
Aaron : I have told you before, right! It is not your business.
.....( Aaron, directly, went home ).....
Romario : seems that he possesed an evil. What he has been said was too unethical. I think,
he is the person who always supports and helps Julio when julio was in trouble.
Gerit : its only him who knows. But one thing that I, finally, know is that Aaron is only want
to be friend with rich people.
Romario : I do know it, then.
Gerit : know what?
Romario : I have had enough discussing about this.
Narator : A day after, they went to school as usual, but they didnt see Julio. This is
happened for almost two following weeks. Then, while they were doing their homework at
Aarons house, they accidently saw Julio. Julio was looking for something in the trash bin in
front of Aarons house.

Gerit : it is Julio, isnt it?

Romario : you are right, it is Julio. What is he doing? He didnt go to school today, yet he just
went around.
Gerit : ya .
....(Nuii pun langsung menarik Aaron yang jalan di belakangnya dan sedang asyik dengan
Gerit: See? What is your friend doing?
Aaron : haha it doesnt need to be asked. You can see it, right? He is a rubbish now. It is
what poor people deserve to do.
Gerit : what are talking about? Lets find him.
Romario : Julio, what are you doing? Why were you absent for almost two weeks?
Julio : (Julio surprisingly answer) me? This is what i am doing. As you see.
Aaron : hahaa...all what i said is right. He is of course looking for rubbish. You both act as if
you dont know what poor people usually do.
Romario : Enough Aaron!!! Julio is your friend.
Gerit : Answer me, Julio. Why were you absent for two weeks?
Julio : am i supposed to tell you the thruth?
Romario : yes, of course.
Julio : My parents are incapable to pay our tuitions. I reallly do want to go to school, yet my
sister deserves more. I decided to stop going to school. All i want is help my parents to
survive our life.
Gerit : what a nice reason.
Aaron : haha. nice? It is just kind of show-off. He wants to be praised by anyone. You both
are too stupid in seeing this. This is fake.
Julio : it really hurts me. I do fall into poverty, right now. I admit it! But I do stiil have heart.
That is really fair if you dont want to be friend with me. But, you are not supposed to mock
me like this. One more you need to know that I never regret to have ever known you. But, it
ia a lesson. Thank you very much.
............. (Julio was running as fast as possible and he did hurt).....................
Romario : see!! Have you been satisfied? You have to remember that what julio is feeling
today, you would feel the same. Note it!
Gerit: Thats absolutely right.
Aaron : haha. It is impossible. My family will never fall into ppoverty. Yet, you also have to
remember that my family have a lot of business that give me a lot of money. And you also
have to remember that our mony will never run out even being spent in a thousand years.
.........( Arron was leaving them, as he laughed loudly)...........
Gerit : aaron is so arrogant. I hope that everything will be ok.
Romario : Hopefully. Sometimes, we have to admit that there are some people who will be
always living in our heart, but not in our life.
Gearit : thats right. I hope we still can meet Julio in other time.

.( Gerit and Romario then went back to Aarons house and decided to go home)
Narator : that day was the las day they saw Julio. As the time goes by, Aaron was
experiencing what Julio felt at that moment. Aarons family was falling into poverty and
aaron considered that all what happened to him because of Julio.

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