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Toyin Fambegbe and Robert Fambegbe


John Maker


Nicholas Fambegbe




Catch up on homework

How Im going to catch up on work

Grade 11 has been harder than I thought and I have to work harder to get the marks that I want.
To begin, on Friday I will relax for an hour then around four oclock I will begin by reviewing my
biology notes so I can keep the lesson fresh in my brain. Then I will continue to edit my English
essay that is due next Friday. On Saturday, I will use the whole day for math, the reason why I need
the whole day is because there are many questions to try in math and I want to try it all because you
never know which questions will be on the test. On Sunday I will go to church and when I come back
I will use the rest of the day for relaxing and catching up on sleep.
I want to achieve an 83+ average throughout my grade 11 year and I can achieve that through doing
all my homework and never falling behind in class. Also, I will succeed by eliminating
procrastination. In conclusion, that is how I plan to spend my weekend.


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