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LilIana Hewitt





Hewitt 1
Liliana Hewitt
Professor David Bumphis
ICT II Room 128
18 January 2017

The invention of technology was a great achievement in history. It not only allowed people from all over
the world to connect but, expanded into so many other things. Although technology has its pros it always
has it cons. With the use of the internet becoming a bigger and bigger issue people tend to misuse it and
do harm to others. I learned that although the internet has its way of helping you it also can bring so
much pain. I personally use the Internet on a daily basis and I think it is useful in many ways. Few
examples would be, Internet, messaging, online shopping, and online gaming. With the Internet, I am able
to keep close contact with my family and friends who went to another school. Another part of technology
in my life would be the mobile technology. In the olden days, peoplewho wanted to communicate with
their relatives in far away places would have only two choices.One was to personally take the trouble to
travel to their relatives' place and another would bevia sending letters. Both ways needed huge amount
of time. With mobile technology, people'slives are made easier as they can contact each other anywhere
and anytime they want to. Ipersonally have a mobile phone too and it has become more than a necessity
in my life. Instagram allows people from around to connect and some misuse that.

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