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Computer Media

Class Syllabus

Gutirrez 2016-2017


Class Website:

Rene Gutirrez
517-323-3831, ext. 1193
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the integration of text, graphics,
animation, sound, and video under the control of the computer.
The emphasis will be placed on the Adobe Photoshop & Premiere
Elements 13 software and Web 2.0 tools. Team and individual
projects will be required.
Course Objectives:

Students will demonstrate basic and advanced applications of the

Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements tools and techniques.

Students will create original designs and projects using the Web
2.0 tools.

Students will maintain a web portfolio to showcase their work and

demonstrate proficiency in the course standards.
Grading System:

Participation = 10%
Assignments, tests, and projects = 90%

Grading Scale:
A 100-93
A- 92-90

B+ 89-87
B 86-83
B- 82-80

C+ 79-77
C 76-73
C- 72-70

D+ 69-67
D 66-63
D- 62-


Gutirrez 2016-2017

An unexcused absence will result in a failure to earn credit on

the work assigned or due during that time period.
If you arrive late to class with a pass, you may complete any
work you miss. If you do not have a pass, you will not be allowed
to earn credit on the work you missed.
Students are expected to check their grade on a weekly basis.
Students are expected to come to me with any questions or
concerns they have about missing work or their grades within 1
week of the date the score is published in PowerSchool.
Makeup work is the students responsibility.
Students have two days from the day they return to class to turn
in any excused absent work. This deadline includes tests and
It is the students responsibility to find out if they need to
complete any work after an absence.
Students will be expected to take a quiz or test on the day it is
due unless they have been absent for the 2 days prior to the due
Students may turn in late classwork for 50% credit within 2 days
of the due date.

Classroom Procedures:

Be on time for class.

Sit at your assigned computer only.

Gutirrez 2016-2017

Bring your best attitude.

Check the daily agenda online and begin the daily assignment
immediately following the tardy bell.
Use electronic devices only when given permission by the teacher.
Do not bring food or drink to class.
Do not distract other students.

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