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The inaugural meeting we taught about how introduce yourself and given the
telecoms to review writing introductions on respectively from us, on meeting
furthermore we teach about grammar so that we can be using the english language
properly, and then we in teach how to read the words in the english language with
true, on meeting furthermore we teach conversational with friend we with using the
english language, one meet then we gave lessons pretty exciting that we share
become several groups then we in order to choose topics namely about traditional
and modern games and we may impose explain about the game and how to play it,
and at meetings next we named the group to review describes about places
Anything that is in STMIK Bumigora.

Study Trip

Places of worship for students Stmik bumigora the Islamic religion, has two
floors, one for male students and the second floor for female students.
Security post office
The Security Post Office is located at the front of the campus in order to
facilitate the work of wcurity guard or duty, inside the security pos office
itself there is the security guard who has the function one is to maintain
order. Provide safety and service to employes, facualty guest and student in
their work environment.
Library STMIK BumiGora a private college library the most complete
And best in province, providing more than 400 books and journal.
Management of this library is uses information systems SLIMS and catalog
of books that can be accesed online.
Bumigora Stmik a place for students to sit and enjoy the view of the rest of
the park, there is also a wifi hotspot for students to find some information
and tasks on the internet.
College is located on the side Stmik bumigora and is the brother of STMIK
bumigora, has two floors and several classes.

arranged by :
M. Ade Candra


List of content

introduction task_________________________________________2
Description task__________________________________________3
Abstrack task____________________________________________4
Cross word task__________________________________________5
essay assignment_________________________________________6
Midterm Exam___________________________________________7
Study Trip_______________________________________________8

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