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Miranda Fabian Isnt Slowing Down

By Nicole Licari
Looking down at her hands, Miranda Fabian, 20, begins to count on her fingers the activities she
has done over the past three years. Once all 10 fingers have been counted for, she pauses; she
doesnt have enough fingers to continue her count. She closes her eyes and continues the count in
her head. Miranda opens her eyes and shakes her head at the number she has come up with: 19
activities. I dont know how Im sane, and laughs, I dont think I am.

As a current junior at UNCW, Miranda says she has grown up with a desire to be involved in
multiple activities. I constantly love trying new things and going on adventures. If I have the
opportunity to do something, I will. In high school she focused on sports, such as softball and
cross-country. In college its been the opposite, focusing her time on activities that could be
potential resume boosters. Resident assistant, Alpha Phi sorority sister, softball color
commentator, collegiate fashion week model and TealTV exec are just a few of the 19 things
Miranda has involved herself in over the past three years.

The activity that requires the most time is school, says Miranda. As a full-time communication
studies student, professors expect their students to participate in clubs and internships that meet
their concentration and interests. Jeanne M. Persuit, a communication studies professor, says that
being involved in extracurricular activities fosters opportunities and allows for students to
learn additional skills outside the classroom. One of the communication departments clubs is
TealTV, a club that Miranda knew she wanted to be a part of since high school. Miranda has been
the sports anchor, sitcom writer, a TealTV exec, and is the current variety show producer and

host of the show Dub after Dark. In addition to TealTV, Miranda has had academic success in her
communication studies courses, has completed three internships, and maintains a 3.8 GPA.

To keep her schedule in order and keep up with her coursework, Miranda has to write her
assignments down on a calendar and set reminders on her phone. In a given day, she averages six
to seven alarms set, each reminding her of a different meeting or event that she needs to go to.
When events overlap, Miranda is forced to prioritize and pick which one is most necessary.
School work obviously comes first, she says.

In response to Mirandas list of 19 activities, fellow resident assistant Eunique Browder, 18, says
she would be too stressed if she had Mirandas schedule in addition to resident assistant duties.
Though resident assistants are only scheduled to work once a week and for a few weekends and
holidays, these duties require resident assistants to be available for over 150 hours a semester.
The activities Miranda immerses herself in require a lot of effort, planning and time each week
that Eunique could not imagine being that involved.

Despite the organization it takes and the occasional stress of being so involved, Miranda is proud
of how much she has been able to achieve and be a part of in college. Looking back, I would be
so disappointed in myself if I hadnt done all those things. And I really feel that everything Ive
done has helped develop me as a person, in who I want to be, and will help where I want to go in
my career, she says. Regarding her plans for the future, Miranda hopes to start her own talk
show or go into entertainment reporting. I dont think Ill ever be someone who slows down.

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