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Educar com Amor mudar comportamento

A Escola dos Meus Filhos
Teacher: ANDR


3 Ano - EM

01. The definition of citizenship is:
(A) an inhabitant of a city or town.
(B) an amount of number that is larger than another.
(C) the status, rights, and duties of a citizen, especially of a particular country.
(D) to indicate negation as a contrary choice or wish.
(E) the duties on gas have been raised.
02. In the sentence the hare was once boasting of his speed before the other
animals, the meaning word in bold is:
(A) lastimando.
(B) queixando-se.
(C) vangloriando-se.
(D) chorando.
(E) correndo.
03. Do you know the tale of the hare and the tortoise? If the hare________ a
nap, he would have won the race against the tortoise!
(A) took.
(B) didnt take.
(C) hadnt taken.
(D) takes.
(E) will take.
04. In the sentence The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able
to help him that he lifted up his paw and let him go, the meaning word in bold
(A) magoado.
(B) entretido.
(C) contrariado.
(D) indiferente.
(E) ressentido.
05. [] the bodys defense kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic
process[], The best synonym for the word in bold is:
(A) slow down.

(B) elevate.
(C) stabilize.
(D) destroys you.
(E) blinds you.
06. [] or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident [], The
best synonym for the word in bold is:
(A) preventing.
(B) discouraging.
(C) makes you alert.
(D) encouraging.
(E) slow down.
07. true is the adjective of:
(A) drought.
(B) strength.
(C) width.
(D) truly.
(E) truth.
08. Which of the items below is not a teen stress factor.
(A) Academic pressure and career decision.
(B) good reading and good sleeping.
(C) adaptation to bodily changes.
(D) family and peer conflicts.
(E) pressure to dry drugs, alcohol, .or sex.
09. The correct translation of the phrase Helping Teens cope with stress is:
(A) Ajudando adolescentes a lidar com o estresse.
(B) Ajudando adolescentes a copiar o estresse.
(C) Ajudando adolescentes a dominar o estresse.
(D) Ajudando os jovens a lidar com o estresse.
(E) Ajudando adolescentes a reverter o estresse.
10. Sarah: Larry called me last night to apologize for the weekend.
(A) Why does he apologize if he doesnt do anything wrong?
(B) Why did he apologize if he did anything wrong?
(C) Why hadnt he apologize if he didnt do anything wrong?
(D) Why doesnt he apologize if he doesnt do anything wrong?
(E) Why did he apologize if he didnt do anything wrong?

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