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excelncia em educao




Professor(a): Dbora Toledo

Data: 02/06/2012


Valor da Prova:

40 pontos

Orientaes gerais:
1) Nmero de questes desta prova: 12
2) Valor das questes: Abertas (4): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,0 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lpis ou com uso de corretivo no tm direito reviso.
4)Aluno que usar de meio ilcito na realizao desta prova ter nota zerada e
conceituao comprometida.
5) Tpicos desta prova:
- Past Continuous
- Indefinite Pronouns
- Prepositions
1 Questo: Leia o texto e responda s perguntas em Portugus.
Starring Robert Pattinson, Dakota Fanning, Kristen
Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed and Ashley Greene, The
Twilight Saga: New Moon (also known as "Twilight 2") is a
Romance/Fantasy/Thriller film directed by Chris Weitz, and written
by Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg, released in the USA
on November 20 of 2009.
On her 18th birthday, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) wakes
up from a dream in which she sees herself as an old woman. She
expresses her distaste with growing older than her boyfriend
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a vampire who stopped aging
at 17. Edward's adoptive family throws Bella a birthday party.
While unwrapping a gift, Bella gets a paper cut, causing Edward's
brother, Jasper, to become overwhelmed by her blood's scent and
attempt to kill her. Realizing he and his family pose a danger to
Bella, Edward ends their relationship, and the Cullens leave Forks,
Washington permanently.
Edward's departure leaves Bella heartbroken and
depressed for months. However, when her father, Charlie, wants
her to live with her mother in Florida, Bella agrees to spend time
with her friends
She is also comforted by her deepening friendship with
Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. When
Jacob is unable to see Bella for weeks, she discovers that he is a shape-shifter in the form of a wolf,
and an age-old enemy of vampires.
Vocabulary: distaste: desgosto, averso; aging:envelhecimento; to unwrap:desembrulhar;
overwhelmed:desarmado, sobracarregado; scent: perfume, aroma, odor; pose danger: representar
perigo, cheerful:alegre, animado; eases:alivia; pain:dor; losing:perda; shape-shifter: metamorfose
a) Por que Edward decide terminar com Bella?

2 P.P. / Ingls / Dbora / 8 / Pg. 1

b) Qual foi o sonho que Bella teve no seu 18 aniversrio?

c) O que aconteceu com Bella quando abriu um presente?
d) Por que Jasper tentou matar Bella?
e) O que Bella descobre sobre Jacob Black? Ele representa algum perigo para Edward? Por qu?
2 Questo: Yesterday, while he ________ down the street, he ______ an old friend of his.
a) has walked, met
b) was walking, met
c) walked, met
d) walked, was meeting
e) walking, met
3 Questo: Qual a alternativa que preenche corretamente todas as lacunas das sentenas
I. There is ______ at the door. Can you ask the maid to see who it is?
II. I lost my diamond ring ____ in this room. Can you help me to find it?
III. I`m sorry but I can`t help you. There is _____ we can do to help you.
a) something nowhere - nothing
b) someone nowhere anything
c) no one somewhere - nothing
d) someone somewhere - nothing
e) someone somewhere - anything
4 Questo: Os verbos que completam os espaos em branco da tirinha so, respectivamente:

a) Push - know
b) Pushing- knew
c) Push - knew
d) Pushed know
e) Pushing - know
5 Questo: Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja na forma correta do Past Continuous.
a) He was read a comic book.
b) The boys playing chess.
c) We were at school.
d) I was studying for the test.
e) She is working hard.

2 P.P. / Ingls / Dbora / 8 / Pg. 2

6 Questo: Observe a figura e escreva o que essas crianas estavam fazendo ontem tarde.
Utilize a forma verbal no Past Continuous.



7 Questo: Quanto ao uso das preposies de tempo, marque a alternativa incorreta:

a) He arrived in July.
b) Ellens birthday is in May 4th.
c) They visited me on Christmas day.
d) She studies at night.
e) We are going to travel in the evening.
8 Questo: Quanto ao uso de some e any, marque a alternativa incorrreta.
a) There aren`t any shops in this parto f the town.
b) There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.
c) I`m thirsty. Can I have some water, please?
d) Do you Know some good hotels in London?
e) Would you like some tea?
9 Questo: Complete as frases com Indefinite Pronouns.
a) The room is empty. There is _______ in it. (ningum)
b) She said ___________________ but I didn't understand anything. (alguma coisa)
c) I didn't eat ___________________ because I wasn't hungry. (nada)
d) Dad, can we go _________________ on Sunday? (algum lugar)
Yes, what about going to the zoo?
e) Is there __________________ in the house? No, it's deserted. (algum)
f) Would you like _________________ to drink? Yes, please. (alguma coisa)
g) _________________ can prepare this recipe. (qualquer pessoa)
2 P.P. / Ingls / Dbora / 8 / Pg. 3

10 Questo: Qual o pronome indefinido que completa corretamente a lacuna da tirinha?

a) something
b) nothing
c) anything
d) somebody
e) anywhere
11 Questo: There are not any good restaurants here. As palavras sublinhadas na frase podem
ser substitudas por:
a) no
b) not some
c) any
d) not no
e) nothing
12 Questo: Richard Starkey, mais conhecido pelo seu nome artstico Ringo Starr, um msico,
baterista, multi-instrumentista, cantor, compositor e ator britnico, que ganhou fama mundial como
baterista dos Beatles aps substituir Pete Best, ficando nos Beatles at a separao do grupo em
1970. Veja abaixo um trecho de uma de suas msicas:
When I was walking down the street in Spain
I met a girl who would not say her name
But all was not lost to circumstance
Later on she taught me how to dance
The pasodobles
Now look where I am today
Strangers in perfect motion
Down by the Spanish ocean
El pasodobles
The lights were shining low - the music loud
We danced so close and slow - we drew a cry
a) Copie do trecho duas frases cujos verbos estejam no Past Continuous:
b) Escreva essas duas frases que voc copiou na letra a na forma negativa.
c) Reescreva essas frases na forma interrogativa.
d) Encontre na msica uma frase com o verbo no Simple Past. Em seguida, passe essa frase para a
negativa e interrogativa.
2 P.P. / Ingls / Dbora / 8 / Pg. 4

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