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Basic Well Logging

Course Introduction The context

of Well Logging
Mohammad Soroush
Neal Alleyne

What is our objective?

The Business of the Petroleum

Its Aim - Searching for, finding and
producing the petroleum in the earth as
economically as possible
Its Activities
- Geophysical surveys
- Drilling of wells
- Producing wells

The question which you are asked

most when people know that you
are a Petroleum Engineer?
How long will the oil last?
Your PE training is all about providing
the answer.
Well Logging is a very important part of
finding the answer

What Do We Need to Know?

How much oil is there?
Define the reservoir area, height and
Determine oil volume oil saturation
How quickly can it be produced?
Determine flow rate pressure ,
These parameters can be obtained
quantitatively or qualitatively from well logs

Aim of Well Logging


Determine lithology
Identify porous and permeable zones
Estimate porosity
Determine fluid saturations
Identify hydrocarbon type

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Well Logs are Different Things to

Different People
To the Geologist, Well Logs:
Provide vertical profiles of rocks and
profiles of sedimentary sequences and are
good correlation tools
To the Geophysicist, Well Logs:
Provide useful sonic velocity information
To the Engineer, Well Logs:
Provide information on porosity,
hydrocarbon saturation, permeability.

Look at a curve and See a rock!

Adapted from Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Two well logs from the same

outcrop can be similar and different

Adapted from Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Effective Well Log Analysis

An understanding the principles of physics
used in making measurements
An appreciation for the geological setting
in which the measurements are made
A familiarity with the petrophysical
parameters which are at play.
The integration of all available information
to yield a model which honours all the

Basic Well-Log Interpretation


Courtesy - Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin

Course Outline
The Course will follow the Basic Well-Log
Interpretation Sequence
This sequence is the recommended
approach for any well log interpretation.
Some steps are skipped in a Quick Look

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