Self Assessform

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Self-Assessment Form


Noor Ali Homeroom 5th/Religion 8th

Primary EvaluatorName/Title:

Supervising Evaluator, if anyName/Title/Role in evaluation:


Al Hamra Academy

Part 1: Analysis of Student Learning, Growth, and Achievement

Briefly summarize areas of strength and high-priority concerns for students under your responsibility
for the upcoming school year. Cite evidence such as results from available assessments. This form
should be individually submitted by educator, but Part 1 can also be used by individuals and/or teams
who jointly review and analyze student data.
603 CMR 35.06 (2)(a)1

Area of Strength:
Social Studies (Evidence: Project-based learning, growth in independent and group work,
student engagement- can be seen in their projects)
Religion (Evidence: curriculum is dynamic, calls for paradigm shift, action-based, student
empowering- can be seen in their projects)
High Priority Concern:
Writing (Evidence: Ive exerted a lot of effort in writing over the years, and notice that all
incoming students need formalized instruction for writing that includes narrative, expository,
and persuasive writing. This year I would like to include a compare/contrast piece as well. All
students should be able to create three process pieces by the end of the academic year with
minimal support.

Team, if applicable:

List Team Members below:

Self-Assessment Form

January 2012

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Self-Assessment Form

Noor Ali

Part 2: Assessment of Practice Against Performance Standards

Citing your districts performance rubric, briefly summarize areas of strength and high-priority areas for
growth. Areas may target specific Standards, Indicators, or elements, or span multiple Indicators or
elements within or across Standards. The form should be individually submitted by educator, but Part 2
can also be used by teams in preparation for proposing team goals.
603 CMR 35.06 (2)(a)2

High Priority Concern:

The faculty and administration have decided that STEM needs to become a focal
initiative for 2016-2017 based on the NGSS. A common SMART goal was established
in a faculty meeting, but I would like to revise it for myself as I felt it was limited in
I will introduce a STEM mindset to my students by incorporating inquiry-based
learning. During the course of the year, 2016-2017, I will conduct one action based
lesson per unit. During the course of the year, I will explore avenues for curriculum
development that are inclusive of STEM practices. These will be evidenced through
photographs, parental and community engagement, labs, website updates, and
student science journals.

Team, if applicable:

List Team Members below:

Signature of Educator

Self-Assessment Form

Noor Ali

Date 9/3/16

January 2012

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Signature of Evaluator*


* The evaluators signature indicates that he or she has received a copy of the self-assessment form and the goal
setting form with proposed goals. It does not denote approval of the goals.

Self-Assessment Form

January 2012

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