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CONTENTS Acknowledgements Foreword av ee ERNO GAAL — Bibliography 1967-2002 ULRICH LUFT Bibliography 1971-2002 .. LASZLO TOROK ~ Bibliography 1966-2002. William ¥. Adams ‘Variation and Variability in Nubian Burial Practice Julie Renee Anderson and Salah el-Din Mohamed Ahmed Recent Excavations at Dangeil, Nile State 148 Tamés A. Beics ANew Viceroy of Nubia ... 33 Charles Bonnet La découverte d’une ville égyptienne & Kerma Jutta Borker-Klahn Dreierlei: Zwischen Spitbronze- und Kaiserzeit Burchard Brentjes Schamanismus im alten Agypten? ...u:mnmmnonsnsnnn ut Attila Buhéily Interpretations of the Dative and Ablativ-Instrumentalis in the Urartian 17 Stanley M. Burstein Kush, Axum and the Ancient Indian Ocean Trade 127 Onofrio Carruba The Relations between Greece and Egypt in the 2 Millennium B.C. 139 Gudrun Colbow Syrian Seals in Babylonia with or without Eeyptianizing Elements ... 138 Eugene Cruz-Uribe The Death of Demotic at Philae, a Study in Pilgrimage and Politics .. 163 Seda Devejian and Simon Hmayakyan ‘Towards Urartian-Egyptian Political and Cultural Interrelations Tamés Dezsd Scale Armour of the 2" Millennium B.C. 9 Zoltin Imre Fébiin Stripes in Dados for Dating New Kingdom Theban Tombs? eid) Enrica Fiandra Storchouse Administrative Procedures in Egypt and Nubia ~ Cretulae and Models for a Reconstruction nse aa 225 Louise Gestermann Vermiichtnisse des Mittleren Reiches ~ Beobachtungen zu einigen funeriiren Texten . 1 233 Hans Goedicke The Iron Men in Egypt. 245 Brigitte Gratien Les timbres militaires de Mirgissa 253 Detlev Groddek Acgyptisch-Hethitisches 2B Peter Grossmann Uberlegungen zur Gestalt der Kirche im Tempel von Bika 279 Tomas Haig. Silko’s Language: a Retrospect .... . 289 Jochen Hallof Drei unbekannte Fotos der Ausgrabung Garstangs in Meroe 301 Karl Jansen-Winkeln Die Quellen zur Eroberung Agyptens durch Kambyses 309 Lészlé Kakosy King Piye in Heliopolis 321 Patrice Lenoble Mystérieux récipients royaux de lallaitement divin dans les tombes de Ballana? .. =aal Ronald J. Leprohon ‘Versification in Inscription Sinai 90 from the Reign of Amenemhat III 339 Karol Mysliwiec The Ptolemaic Period Cemetery in West Saqqara ... 349 Hans-Ake Nordstrom ‘The Nubian A-Group: Women and Copper Awls 361 Claude Obsomer ‘Sésostris III et Amenemhat III: une succession royale avec ou sans corégence? ... 373 10 Joachim Friedrich Quack Beitrige zum Peripherdemotischen 1.20.00 ae 393 Gébor Schreiber Pottery of “Lotus-flower and crosslined-band” Style. A Marl-based Ware Group 405 David P. Silverman The Appeal of Sobek-hotep 42 Joachim Sliwa “Tadeusz Smoletiski und die dsterreichisch-ungarischen Ausgrabungen in Scharuna und Gamhud (1907-1908) «0.0 oe Nabil Swelim Pyramids on Lepsius, De Morgan and Later Maps .... Gabor Takécs Acgyptio-A froasiatica XVI. 443 455 Claude Vandersleyen Ym désignant l'eau de Vinondation ...... 4B Péter Vargyas ‘The Amarna Treasure and the Thief .... amy Irene Vincentelli ‘An Early Napatan Cemetery in the Jebel Barkal Region ......usnnnnvnes 487 Bruce Williams ‘The Descent of Meroe’s Power in Akin... 493 Michael H. Zach Die ,sudanesischen” Namen sogenannter fruhithiopischer Herrscher 507 W

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