"The Fall of A City" Questions and Vocabulary: Ms. J. H. Wong Name: A. Comprehension Questions

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Ms. J. H.


The Fall of a City Questions and Vocabulary

A. Comprehension Questions

1. As the story opens, where is Teddy and what is he doing?

2. Who are King Theodore, Zika, and the Emperor Kang? Where are the countries of Danova and Upalia?
3. What happens at the supper table that draws further attention to Teddy and his make-believe world?
4. What expression of his uncle seems to make Teddy angriest. Cite a specific passage to illustrate your
5. When Teddy finishes his homework and returns to his make-believe world in the attic, something has
changed for him. What has changed? What does Teddy do about it?

6. Describe the relationship that exists between Teddy and his aunt and uncle. Cite specific passages to
illustrate your answer.
7. Teddys fantasy play-world has both positive and negative sides.
a) What positive values are there in Teddys fantasies?

b) Refer to two specific incidents that illustrate the negative results Teddys fantasy world.

8. In this story the author, Alden Nowlan, has employed a THIRD-PERSON NARRATIVE voice which
focuses our attention almost solely on Teddy. Why do you think Nowlan chose this particular narrative
approach? Why didnt he let Teddy narrate the story?

B. Vocabulary: Copy the contextual sentence used in the text and provide a definition for each of the words below:
1. Pulsating (p. 41):
2. Painstakingly (p. 41):
3. Resplendent (p. 42):
4. Sullenly (p. 43):
5. Preposterous (p. 45):

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