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NAME- jay Singh sankla

ROLL NO.-340617
TITLE- Vision, mission and objective

Vision: "depiction of something later on"
"mental impression of the sort of environment an
individual, or an association, tries to make inside
a wide time skyline and the fundamental
conditions for the realization of this discernment"
My vision
My vision is become area sales manager in next
coming 10 years by my hard work and
dedication. And also to prepare for my objective
that I going to achieve as ultimate aim.

Mission: A statement of purpose is a short

sentence or passage utilized by an organization
to clarify, in straightforward and brief terms, its
motivations for being. These announcements fill
a double need by helping workers to stay
concentrated on the jobs that needs to be done,
and in addition urging them to discover inventive
methods for moving towards an inexorably
profitable accomplishment of organization

My mission
I want to complete my PGDM with good score and
after that get a good job in a good company that
will help me to grow further in my future.

Objective: objective speak to an administrative

duty to accomplish indicated brings about a
predetermined period, of time. They
unmistakably spell out the amount and nature of
execution to be accomplished, the day and age,
the procedure and the individual who is in charge
of the accomplishment of the goal.
My objective
In my long term objective, I want to become an
entrepreneur by my increasing my knowledge,

skills and dedicating myself towards my personal


By this assignment I get to know my personal
goals, vision, mission and objective so that I will
be more dedicated towards them.
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