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The Saint-Gobain group founded in 1665, is one of the worlds 100 largest industrial groups and the worlds

no. 1 in building materials.

It operates in four core sectors-Building Distribution, Innovative Materials, Packaging and Construction Products. Saint-Gobain operates in
over 64 countries worldwide and fields a workforce in excess of 1,90,000. Saint-Gobain is a worldwide leader in each of its competencies. The
future strategy of Saint-Gobain is focused on attaining worldwide leadership in construction markets, offering innovative solutions to meet
the fundamental global challenges of growth, energy and environment.
Gyproc business of Saint-Gobain is a market leader in the interior construction space in India for the last 25 years. The ever expanding
product range includes gypsum plasterboard systems for false ceiling & drywall applications, ceiling tiles (gypsum, mineral fibre tiles, glass
wool and metal) for grid ceiling applications, specialized cement fibre boards, gypsum plasters for internal wall finishes plus a complete
range of accessory products.
The entire gypsum plaster board, ceiling tiles and gypsum plaster range of products are approved by CII-IGBC for consideration towards
Green Building rating systems (LEED) points.


Toll Free: 1800 103 7897


Product Catalogue



1. Introduction

2. Surface preparation for RCC surfaces

- Gyproc BOND it - Plaster Bonding Agent

3. Internal lining of walls


Construction practices across India are changing dynamically. Today the need is for faster &
sustainable construction.

Evolution of construction practices

Red Bricks



- Gyproc Elite 90 - One Coat Gypsum Plaster

- Gyproc Elite MR - Moisture Resistant One Coat Gypsum Plaster

- Gyproc Elite Machine Spray - One Coat Gypsum Plaster

- Gyproc Champion Putty - Gypsum Putty


4. Green Credentials

5. Product Selection Grid


6. Project References


7. Execution Support


This necessitates change in conventional methods as well as usage of light weight materials.
Sand availability issues & water scarcity have become bottlenecks in construction. Hence,
developers across India are looking for alternate materials for construction. At Saint-Gobain
Gyproc India Limited, we understand these needs and are bringing various products addressing
all these issues.

Surface Preparation for RCC Surfaces

The oldest method of surface preparation for RCC is to hack the surface. Hacking makes the surface rough,

ll for
ually we
Works eq as well as sand
gypsum laster bonding
cement CC surface
with R

providing mechanical key to the plaster which goes on top of the smooth RCC. But, mechanical key (hacking) cant
be a full proof solution and it also requires lot of time and effort.
Availability of manpower for hacking is a problem. Even after arranging labour, creating this roughness is becoming
an issue day by day. Reasons for the same are:
1. Increasing hardness grades make RCC smoother, which reduces grip for plaster.
2. Fly ash, micro silica usage in RMC reduces porosity of concrete, in turn reducing plaster grip.
3. Cycle time reduction and increased RCC area in case of aluminium shuttering projects make hacking difficult

Gyproc BOND it has a unique single product formulation

that imparts a strong chemical and mechanical bond, thus
eliminating the entire activity of surface preparation &
providing strong bonding between plaster & substrate

Dual bonding Chemical as well as mechanical grip




Green in colour, makes it easy to identify applied area

Drying time


Ready to apply, single coat brush application

Open time for



2 to 10



Ambient temp

5 to 45

Pull out strength


Can be applied on any low suction surface (concrete

surfaces like RCC columns, beams, slabs, shear walls)
Works equally well as bonding agent for gypsum as well
as sand cement plaster

(failure load)

(failure in Gypsum)

Shelf life: 6 months from date of manufacturing

*Available in 5 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg packs

Also, any mould release oil on concrete surfaces has to be properly cleaned. Arranging labour is a major problem



Strong durable bonding (eliminates risk of plaster de-bonding)

10 times faster application than hacking

Even after hacking, there are still chances of debonding because plastering is done after a few months of

Easy single coat brush application

concreting/hacking. By that time, the hacked surface accumulates a lot of dust, dirt, grime which again reduces the

No tackyness requirement for plaster application

grip of the plaster on RCC.

Easy supervision due to green colour

Gyproc BOND it offers complete freedom from all these uncertainties. Therefore, we recommend usage of Gyproc

Three Easy Steps to Use Gyproc BOND it

BOND it on smooth RCC surfaces before plastering.

STEP 1: Open and stir the contents

STEP 2: Apply with a paint brush

STEP 3: Dry for 24 hrs. Surface ready for plastering

Internal lining of walls

When we talk about internal lining of walls, two functions
must be considered:

Gyproc Elite 90


One Coat Gypsum Plaster

(Gypsum Plastering)


(Putty Application)

Gyproc Elite 90 is a gypsum based one coat plaster suitable for


application on most internal backgrounds including brick, block

When gypsum plasters are used for leveling, it is of prime importance to understand that:

formulated with special additives to control working and

and concrete. It essentially consists of gypsum hemihydrate

Internal plaster is not a structural material, it is a decorative material.

setting chararcteristics. It contains a lightweight exfoliated

aggregate to improve plaster's workability, coverage and
application. It dries to provide a white, smooth and matt finish.

They convert this

To this

Gypsum plastering as a concept is not new to the world. Thousands of years ago, Pyramids in Giza, Tomb of
Tutenkhamen were internally lined with Gypsum & are still intact. So, gypsum has proved its credibility as a long
lasting, durable internal lining material. That is a reason, gypsum is the most preferred alternative to regular
cement based plasters & putties.




Dry Bulk Density


Wet Bulk Density

Class leading coverage of 90 m /MT*

Elite 90

Elite FS 90

650 - 710

650 - 710


1.4 - 1.5

1.4 - 1.5

Gypsum plasters are replacement of two processes - sand cement plasters & POP punning.

Fire protection : Non combustible when tested in

Comparison between Gyproc Plaster & S/C Plaster

Low thermal conductivity

Initial setting time


20 - 22

10 - 15

Thermal resistance R = 0.07m2K/W at 13mm thickness

Final setting time


22 - 25

15 - 20

Approx. Coverage*

m /T

87 - 92

87 - 92

accordance with BS : 476 : Part 4 : 1970


Gyproc Plasters

S/C Plasters


Factory mixed powder & water

Sand, cement, water


Ready to use bags

Labour friendly process

Sand and water availability is a big issue

Labour intensive process


Crack free smooth finish

Shrinkage cracks are common

Time required for paint

ready surface

72 hours in normal
weather conditions

At least 7 days of curing,

& then 3 days of drying

Water Saving

Does not require water curing

At least 7 days of water curing

No shrinkage cracks

Shrinkage cracks



Saves precious potable quality water as no water curing is required




No fine river sand requirement for plastering

Quality Assurance

Yes (As Per IS-2547 (Part II) - 1976)


Keeps rooms cooler saving energy cost for building occupiers

Green Credentials

LEED points available

Not Applicable

Reduction in structural loads on the building (50% lighter than conventional sand cement plaster)

Technical Service

Training, Site Audits, help in

site management

Not available

LEED points benefit for green building construction

*Coverage based at 13mm thickness under lab conditions

Pack Size - 25 kg

2 times faster than conventional sand cement plaster

Gyproc Elite MR

9 easy steps to use Gyproc Elite 90 plaster

Moisture Resistant One Coat Gypsum Plaster

Gyproc Elite MR is a gypsum based one coat plaster suitable
for application on wet areas of the buildings such as

1. Mix Powder in
water (in the
ratio of 1.5:1) &
not vice versa

2. Mix thoroughly
to make a
uniform smooth
lump free paste

3. Put bull mark &

ensure vertical level by
using plumb & make
marks at every 4 ft.

4. By putting
aluminum box plate
(bottom patti) on
bull marks, fill the
gap with gyproc

5. Prewet the

6. Apply fresh material

paste on wall with the
help of trowel

7. Level the
material paste on
the wall with the
help of aluminium
box plate (bottom

8. Mix thin slurry

& apply on leveled
surface with
trowel to get
smooth finish

9. Finished wall

bathrooms, kitchens, garages, basement or parking podium. It

consists of gypsum hemihydrates formulated with special
additives to enhance water resistence property.
It fulfills the European Standard EN 13279-1:2008 Building
Gypsum Binders & Gypsum Plaster and is classified as B1
(Building Plaster).

Total water absorption <5%
Pink in colour




Elite MR

Dry Bulk Density


Wet Bulk Density


1.4 - 1.5

Setting time



Can be used in wet areas like bathroom & kitchens

Total water absorption %

Pink colour allows easy identification of applied areas

Approx. Coverage*

650 - 710



87 - 92

*Coverage based at 13mm thickness under lab conditions

Pack Size - 25 kg

While considering smoothening the surface, the surface could have different backgrounds like

Gyproc Elite Machine Spray

One Coat Gypsum Plaster

Sand cement plaster

Gypsum plaster

POP finished

Lime rendered

Bare RCC

Plaster board

Traditionally, different materials are being used to make these backgrounds smooth. This is due to limitations of
products in terms of compatibility with backgrounds & limitations in building up thickness. Gypsum based Gyproc

Gyproc Elite Machine Spray One Coat Gypsum Plaster is

Champion Putty is a single product solution to all finishing needs.

specially formulated for application on most backgrounds like

Masonary walls (Bricks, Blocks, RCC etc.), S/c Plastered walls,
RCC walls & ceilings.

Gypsum Background

It consists of gypsum hemihydrates, light weight aggregates,

high quality polymers, speciality chemicals & mineral fillers.

Sand Cement Plaster

Lime Rendering

Its special formulation enables spray application through

RCC Ceilings/Walls

Site Mix

machine giving significantly lower application cost.


Contains special polymers for ribbon like spraying
Higher setting time or more than 90 minutes




Dry Bulk Density


Wet Bulk Density


1.4 - 1.5

Cement-based Finishing

Elite MR

Gyproc Champion Putty

650 - 770

Initial setting time


90 - 110

Spray application using machine

Final setting time


110 - 130

Saving on application cost

Approx. Coverage*



Possible Putty Thickness (mm)

> 80

*Coverage based at 13mm thickness under lab conditions

Pack Size - 25 kg

Green Credentials


Green Building is a representative of sustainable building environments. This approach ensures health and
comfort of the building occupants through the use of sustainable building materials. Mentioned below are



some of the highlights of credentials of Gyprocs products & systems and their contribution to the Green Building rating

Recommended for
use directly on
Gyproc Plasters
and Plasterboards

Gyproc Champion Putty not only offers Best Ever Coverage in its class,
its special formulation ensures superior water resistance, preventing
flaking of paint even when the walls dampen. It saves you time and

system (LEED) as specified by the Indian Green Building Council.

LEED : Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Main Highlights
Energy & Atmosphere

: High insulating properties, Low embodied energy

money because it does not require a coat of primer before application

Material Resources

: Reduces environmental impact due to local transportation, high recycled content

of paint. Like all Saint-Gobain Gyproc products, Gyproc Champion

Indoor Environmental Quality

: Improves indoor environment air quality

Putty is manufactured under quality systems, independently audited

Water Efficiency

: No water curing requirement.

and certified as conforming to ISO 9001:2001.

Energy & Atmosphere : Low embodied energy, High insulation properties
Embodied energy


Gypsum plasters have relatively low embodied energy as compared to all other traditional building materials (Energy

High Coverage Putty (22-25 Sq ft / Kg)

Thicker coats up to 4mm can be applied
Low heat of hydration because of high purity




Pot life

Sieve passing

99% passing
through 150
micron sieve
400-500ml : 1 Kg

gypsum base
Mixing ratio

Suitable for all surface backgrounds

Water: Putty
Sq ft / Kg

*Coverage is based at 1mm thickness under lab conditions

Available in 5, 10 & 20 kg


consumed in manufacturing the same) High insulation properties Energy savings - ASHRAE STD 90.1/2010.
Thermal Conductivity (K value of Plasters) = 0.16 W/Mk
Materials &Resources : Recyclable products, Regional materials
Recyclable products
Gypsum plasters are technically 100% recyclable.
Regional materials
With manufacturing facilities located close to the major construction hubs of the country, most cities in North, West & South
of India fall under the 800 kms maximum radius of transportation. Also the raw materials for manufacturing the various

Saves time and money due to no primer requirement

products are also in most cases procured locally within a radius of 800 kms from both the manufacturing and project site thus

No hand burns

optimizing the negative environmental impact related to transportation.

Silky smooth finishes possible

The Manufacturing plants located in India are at the following locations

8 easy steps to use Gyproc Champion Putty

1. Clean the wall
surface with wire brush,
sand paper or blade to
remove all loose particles.



Wada (Maharashrta)
2. Pre-wet/dampen
the wall with water.

4. Apply first coat starting

from bottom upwards with
a putty blade.

5. Wait for 3 to 4 hours

or complete drying.

7. Apply 2nd coat of putty

with the blade.

8. Wait for 3 to 4 hours or

complete drying of surface.
Apply paint after the
putty surface is smooth and
without scratch marks.

Primer coat not required only if putty application is in excess of 1 mm thickness.
For a high gloss finish, a coat of primer after putty application is recomended.
For repainting jobs & jobs where high gloss finish is required, a primer coat is recommended.
For plaster board skimming, steps of sanding/scraping & dampening the wall will not be applicable.

3. Mix Gyproc Champion

Putty to water (& not
vice-versa) in a ratio of 2:1
& stir thoroughly to make a
thick paste.

All the major western & Southern cities Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Goa, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru

6. Sand the surface with

fine emery paper (320 Grit
and above) to remove blade
scratch marks, if any.

All the major northern & central Indian cities (Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Indore, Raipur, Lucknow, Kanpur) come under 800 kms.

come under 800 kms.

Bikaner (Rajasthan)

Indoor Environmental Quality :

Low emitting materials
Gypsum based products are made from non toxic materials and all chemicals & binders used are natural and eco friendly.
Water Efficiency :No water curing requirement
Gypsum plasters usage for walls & ceilings helps water conservation by
eliminating water curing requirement of traditional plastering methods.

Product Selection
When looking at internal lining of any project, there are different possibilities in terms of backgrounds to be
finished, products available, etc. So, we have developed a product selection grid which can be seen below:
Type of Area



Application Area


Substrate type



Red bricks


Shuttering used

From / ply

Type of project

Mid end

Mid end

Mid end

Mid end

Mid end

Mid end

Fly ash bricks AAC blocks

RCC shear walls

RCC beams, columns

Form finished

Form finished, ply,

Plate shuttering


Mid end

Leveling material
thickness approx

12 to 15

6 to 8

15 to 18

15 to 16

15 to 16

12 to 15

10 to 12

6 to 8

material thickness
approx (mm)

2 to 4

Elite MR +

BONDit +
Elite MR +

Elite +

Elite +

Elite +




Beams / Colums

Elite +
BONDit +
Champion Elite(L&L)

BONDit +
Elite (plump)


Mid end


RCC Slabs

Form finished, ply


Parking slab ceiling

Plate shuttering

Form finished

Plate shuttering


Mid end

Mid end /
Mass housing

Mid end

Mid end/ Mass



as required
for right

6 to 8

8 to 15

3 to 4

2 to 4

up to 4

1 to 2












Project references

Project references

The Vivarea, Mumbai

Lodha Bellisimo, Mumbai

Developer: K Raheja Corp

Developer: Lodha Group

System used: Elite & BOND it

System used: Elite & BOND it

Project details:
Completed in 2011, Vivarea, a prestigious landmark
project of K Raheja Corp is set in the midst of financial
capital of India, 3 beautiful towers (of 45 storey each)
offering spectacular views of Mahalakshmi Race cource,
deep Blue Arabian Sea & Haji Ali Mosque.

Project Details:
Completed in 2010, Lodha Bellissimo is a 648 feet tall 48 storied residential tower amid large pristine landscaped
terrain in the heart of Mumbai.

Project highlights:
This project being a time bound project, required faster construction. RCC walls in the entire project have been
coated with Gyproc BOND it to avoid cumbersome, labour intensive & time consuming process of hacking & to
avoid any chance of plaster de-bonding.
Gyproc Elite 90 One coat plasters have been used on this surface to give that perfectly lined & leveled smooth finish
without any worry of shrinkage cracks. This also eliminates water curing of internal plaster, thereby saving project

Project Highlights:
The project was a aluminium formwork shuttering project
leading to RCC shear walls, hence the area to be hacked is much larger than normal case. To save huge amount of
labour, time & effort in hacking all walls & ceilings, Gyproc BOND it was used, which offers advantages like dual
bonding, ease of application & supervision.
On top of it, Gyproc Elite 90 was used to give a rich premium look to walls as they offer shrinkage crack free,
beautiful lined & leveled undulation free smooth finish.

Oberoi Exquisite, Mumbai

Dosti Vihar, Thane

Developer: Oberoi Realty Limited

Developer: Dosti Corporation (Vihar)

System used: Elite & BOND it

Project Details:
With its strategic location, luxurious apartments and
world-class amenities, Oberoi Exquisite is a place that
every home seeker would aspire to own. There are 3
towers of 50 storey each.
Project Highlights:
Constructed by L & T, this project employs alumiunium formwork shuttering technology. All the RCC walls
and ceilings in the project are applied with Gyproc BOND it to create that perfect dual bonding for plaster & then
plastered with Gyproc Elite one coat gypsum plasters. Other walls made of AAC blocks have also been plastered
with Gyproc Elite One Coat plasters. This system saves on water, while offering speed of plastering to match
speed of formwork shuttering construction avoiding delays.

System used: Elite, BOND it & Champion Putty

Project Details:
Dosti Vihar is a premium township project in Thane
having 16 towers of 20 floors each & 6 towers of 29 floors.
Along with these premium towers, there also are 8 towers
of 7 floors each constructed for MMRDAs rental housing
scheme for LIG families.
Project Highlights:
This being a premium project of very large scale, monitoring
quality of hacking was a problem. So, instead of cumbersome, labour intensive & time consuming process of
hacking, they have opted for Gyproc BOND it as bonding agent.
Gyproc Elite 90 One coat plasters were also used directly on red brick construction to give that perfectly lined &
leveled smooth finish.
Common areas & parking ceilings in this project are very smooth with only undulations being at shuttering plate
joints. At these joints, the thickness to be put on is around 4mm & elsewhere it is much lesser. Gyproc Champion
Putty offered an ideal solution for these common areas like stair cases, parking ceilings & columns to this as it can
be put up to 4mm thickness, does not have hand burns & does not require primer before painting.



Project references

Project references

Nanded City, Pune

Swiss County, Pune

Developer: Nanded City Development Corporation Ltd.

Developer: Rama Group

System used: Elite, BOND it & Champion Putty

Project Details:Spread over 700 acres of lush greenery,
Nanded City will house 1/2/2.5/3/4 BHK apartments,
bungalows and villas,hospital, school and recreation

System used: Elite, BOND it & Champion Putty

Project Highlights:
Gyproc BOND it has been opted as a bonding agent on
RCC walls and ceilings, which are of high hardness and
difficult to hack. BOND it offers freedom from cumbersome, labour intensive & time consuming process of hacking
while offering both mechanical & chemical bonding.
On BOND it applied surface, Gyproc Elite 90 is being applied to give perfectly lined & leveled walls and ceilings.

Project Details:
Swiss County is an 11 acres township project in Pune
having more than 660 premium apartments of 2 BHK, 3
BHK types. Rama Group has tried to incorporate all
environment friendly product specifications to create
sustainable habitats in developing Pune city.
Project Highlights:
Project has walls made up of AAC blocks. These blocks are machine cut & so very smooth and create a very leveled
surface for plaster application. Naturally, Gyproc Elite 90 One Coat Plasters have been used for plastering the
internal walls due to its advantages of faster construction with shrinkage crack free finish.

Gyproc Champion Putty is being used for common areas like lobbies, parkings, ceilings & columns owing to higher
thickness application (4mm), no hand burns & no primer requirement before painting.

On Gyproc Elite 90 surface, in painting process, Gyproc Champion Putty has been used to fill the dent marks,
preparing corners, edges, & reduce water absorption while making surface smooth. Gyproc Champion Putty has
water absorption of less than 5%*, & being gypsum based, can go directly on gypsum plastered surface. This
translates in to primer cost savings while offering ideal background for application of paint.

Yuthika, Pune

Magarpatta City, Pune

Developer: Paranjape Schemes

Developer: Magarpatta Township

Construction Company Ltd.



System used: Elite

System used: Elite
Project details:
Paranjape Schemes is a leading real estate developer &
construction company in Pune. Its project, Yuthika is
flanked by sprawling lawns and flower-lined walkways,
comprising a hi-fi cluster of 16 buildings repletewith
innovative concepts to augment communityliving and
ultra-modern amenities.
Project highlights:
This premium township development uses fly ashbrick walls which is a high suction background. Owing to
background suction, chances of shrinkage cracks are very high. Totackle this, Gyproc Elite 90 One Coat plaster has
been used which helps in avoiding shrinkage cracks and also helps in saving water, since it doesnt require any
water curing.


Project Details:
Magarpatta City is first of its kind township project based
in Hadapsar Pune. Spread in over 400 acres of land it is
home to a commercial zone, residential neighborhoods,
two schools, a multispecialty hospital, a shopping mall,
multiple restaurants, a gymkhana and a large 25 acre
serene park called Aditi Garden.
Project Highlights:
This mega township development had time as a major challenge. All the walls are of fly ash bricks. Gyproc Elite 90
One Coat plasters have been used choice due to benefits in terms of time & water saving, faster construction dueto
no water curing requirement and shrinkage crack free finish. The project also had an eye on eco-friendly
development, which was rightly offered by Gyproc Elite 90 because of reduced requirement of fine sand.


Project references

Project references

IREO Grand Arch, Gurgaon

Princetown, Bengaluru

Developer: IREO

Developer: Marigold properties (Kumar properties)

System used: Elite & BOND it

System used: Elite

Project details:
Spread over almost 20 acres, The Grand Arch from IREO is
designed to be Gurgaon's new landmark residential
complex. It's unique architecture and use of state-of the
art technology and devices will set unparalleled
benchmarks of luxury, convenience and comfort.

Project details:
Princetown offers total 714 apartments in five high-rise
towers (G+22 and G+16) designed and built keeping
typical IT consumers need of compact size homes that
will fit his budget.

Project highlights:
Constructed by construction experts L&T, it has used formwork shuttering technology. So, instead of labour
intensive & time consuming process of hacking, they have opted for Gyproc BOND it as a plaster bonding agent.

Project highlights:
Availability of fine river sand for plastering is becoming a big issue due to government restrictions. Gyproc Elite
90 One coat plasters offered the best solution to this problem & so in internal walls, concrete blocks are being
plastered internally with Gyproc Elite 90 One Coat Plasters reducing fine sand requirement of project by 50%
while giving that perfectly lined & leveled smooth finish.

Gyproc Elite One coat plasters have been used on RCC as well as AAC blocks to give that perfectly lined & leveled
smooth finish without any worry of shrinkage cracks & also for eliminating water curing in case of internal plasters.

Mahagun Moderne, Noida

Sterling Villa Grand, Bengaluru

Developer: Mahagun Group

Developer: Sterling Developers

System used: Elite & BOND it

System used: Elite

Project details:
As a true reflection of the genius of internationally noted
architect Hafeez Contractor, Mahagun Moderne is being
developed on 25 acres with total residential area of 13
acres having 3,4 & 5 BHK homes and 12 acres of total
green area.

Project Details:
Sterling Villa Grande is a cherished luxury lake side villa
project in Bangalore's prime residentiallocation Whitefield. Spread across 7.5 acres of land it permits one
to guide life, highly promising comfy mode of life to
witness the world level amenities. Its prime location also
offers the perfect social surroundings.

Project highlights:
RCC surfaces in this entire project is being coated with Gyproc BOND it to avoid cumbersome, labour intensive &
time consuming process of hacking & to avoid any chance of plaster de-bonding.
Gyproc Elite One coat plasters is being used on this surface to give that perfectly lined & leveled smooth finish
without any worry of shrinkage cracks. This also eliminates water curing of internal plaster, thereby saving project


Project Highlights:
This gated community villa project has walls background of dense concrete blocks. On these blocks, Gyproc Elite 90
One Coat Plaster is an ideal choice due to benefits in terms of very high level undulation free finish along with
shrinkage crack free nature. Along with this, there are bonus benefits of water saving, and faster construction due
to no water curing requirement.


Project references

Project references

Brigade Exotica, Bengaluru

The Sobha City, Thrissur, Kerala

Developer: Brigade Group

Developer: Sobha Developers

System used: Elite

System used: Elite & BOND it

Project Details:
Rising tall above 10 acres of fresh green scape, Brigade
Exotica is a green building project comprising of 454
apartments spread across 2 towers that reach out in to
the Bengaluru skies.

Project details:
Sobha City, Thrissur is Keralas largest and one of Indias
most innovative and meticulously planned integrated
townships spanning 55 acres and built around a 6.5 acre
man-made lake.

Project Highlights:
For a project of this scale, the only light weight, faster, sustainable option of plastering is Gyproc Elite 90 plasters.
They are at least 50% lighter than conventional sand cement plasters, save water as they do not require water
curing & are also more than two times faster in application saving water curing time. Being shrinkage crack free in
nature also saves on repairing / renovation costs.

Project highlights:
Application of plaster on RCC ceilings always poses a risk of de-bonding as conventional methods like hacking
provide only mechanical key. Avoiding the risk of de-bonding is a first concern for quality conscious developers.
Sobha City, Thrissur being the best example where Gyproc BOND it has been used as a plaster bonding agent and
Gyproc Elite 90 One Coat Plasters have been applied on the RCC ceilings.

Manjeera Diamond Towers, Hyderabad

DLF Commanders Court, Chennai

Developer: Manjeera Constructions

Developer: DLF Group

System used: Elite & BOND it

System used: Elite & BOND it

Project details:
Coming up on 11 acres of prime land in Gopanapally,
Gachibowli, Manjeera DiamondTowers Phase 1
comprises of 7 towers of 10 level seach housing 3
bedrooms luxury apartments ranging between 1530 to
1780 sft.

Project Details:
Set in the most prestigious part of Chennai, centrally
located and luxuriously appointed, DLF Commanders
Court is a project befitting the rich, colonial
neighbourhood. Complete construction and finishing
contract is given to construction expert L & T.

Project highlights:
A system of BOND it and Gyproc Elite 90 One coat plasters have been used on AAC blocks as well as RCC ceilings
to give that perfectly lined& leveled smooth finish without any worry of shrinkage cracks. BOND it provides
superior dual bonding to avoid hacking on the surface, while usage of gyproc plaster also eliminates water curing
in case of internal plasters while reducing the project completion time considerably.

Project Highlights:
This project has only 3, 4 BHK apartments & duplexes having dense concrete block walls. On these blocks, Gyproc
Elite 90 plaster is being used to benefits in terms of time & water saving, faster construction due to no water curing
On ceilings, Gyproc BOND it is being used to create double bonding (mechanical as well as chemical) of plaster with
RCC. Specially for ceilings, Gyproc Elite 90 FS One Coat Plaster is being used to reduce wastage due to its fast
setting characteristics.



Project references

Execution Support

The Metrozone, Chennai

At Gyproc, it is our endeavor to partner with our customers in ensuring

the benefits of gypsum plastering accrue to them. We do this is by
ensuring the right products are backed by right execution through
training and usage of right tools & techniques.

Developer: Ozone Group

System used: Elite
Project Details:
This sprawling & luxurious 42 acres project in the heart of
Channai houses 1600 apartments.
Project Highlights:
This mega township development required very fast
finishing. Almost all the walls are RCC shear walls. Gyproc
Elite 90 plaster has been suggested due to benefits in terms of water saving, faster construction due to no curing
requirement and shrinkage crack free finish.

Hirco Palace Gardens, Chennai

Latest tools & technologies :

We provide support in sourcing of latest right tools,
Mixing rods, trowels
Machines for plastering
We also provide training to contractors on how to use these tools. These
tools when used, will be largely beneficial to users which are POP
applicators, plastering contractors & developers as well due to their
various advantages over conventional methods.
Better productivity

Faster work on site

Better finish

Site management support:

We provide site management support in terms of,
Recommendations of list of trained contractors
On-site training (Plastershaala) to contractors
Quality checks and audit reports by our technical managers
Presentation to site teams of developers on better execution
(plastering dos & donts, quality checks)
Mobilization of right resources to execute your job
Empowering the applicators to do a better job
Informing the projects / QC teams on better execution practices

Developer: Hiranandani Group (Hirco)

System used: Elite
Project Details:
A vibrant, integrated township on the South West axis of
Chennai at Oragadam, it provides a wide choice of
apartments ranging from compact 1 BHK to spacious 4.5
BHK apartments in sizes ranging from 853 sq ft to a
palatial 3200 sq ft, offering something for every
preference and budget.
Project Highlights:
This mega township development has walls made up of dense concrete blocks. Gyproc Elite 90 One Coat plasters
have been used benefits in terms of time & water saving, and shrinkage crack free finish. So, walls have been
plastered with Gypsum plaster for direct application on bare block surfaces & RCC ceilings, columns & beams.


We have introduced a range of plastering accessories which will ensure
better quality of finish and higher durability.
Re-usable Level beads
Re-usable level beads are made of aluminium alloy, are 8mm thick &
are light weight making level strips job easy.
Corner beads / Angle beads
Coventionally corners are made manually using gypsum plaster. This
process is slower. Also, corners sometimes tend to break if there is lot
of material movement closer to the corner. So, some developers use
corner beads to protect the edges.
- Faster process than making corner by gypsum
- Durable than gypsum plaster as they are made of galvanized steel
- Provide reference for plasteraking the entire process still faster


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