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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS — UNISA lez. HEC101V October/November 2011 HEALTH EDUCATION Duraton 2 Hours 400 Marks EXAMINATION PANEL AS APPOINTED BY THE DEPARTMENT ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa ‘and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘This paper consists of 7 pages. SECTION A: Answer ALL the questions (30 marks) SECTION B: Answer any TWO (2) questions (70 marks) SECTION A Answer ALL the questions in this section, QUESTION 1 Select the ONE MOST CORRECT answer for each of the following questions. Write down the answer (a, b, ¢ or d) next to the question number your answer book, eg 1.1 (a) 1.1 Chromic diseases are primarily caused by (a) pathogens (>) genetics (c) lifestyles and behaviours @) bacteria [TURN OVER] 12 13 14 15 16 7 2 HEC101V OctiNov 2011 Health education 1s vital for learners because (a) they leam so many negative things at home (b) they feel they have to do what the teacher tells them (©) health is a lifelong process and the sooner health education begins, the greater the possibility for success (4) teachers can nullify the negative aspects of a childs upbringing An intemal health locus of control 1s a belief that one’s health is largely (a) amatier of one s relationship with others (b)—amatier of effeciwvely accessing the health system (c) determined by oneself (d) determined by having the night doctor Functions of the skeletal system include (a) supporting the body (b)— maintarming posture (©) protecting the vital organs () all of the above An essential nutnent needed for strong and healthy bones and teeth is (@ —calerum (b) potassium (c) glucose. dd) vitamin C Diabetes 1s a disease which 1s caused when the does not produce enough insulin (a) liver () gallbladder (©) pancreas (@ spleen The Aight or fight response (@) 15 taught to children by parents (b) tsa sign of mental illness (c) 1s asurvival response to perceived dangers (d) should be controlled to prevent violent behaviour ITURN OVER] 18 19 1.10 Laz 13 14 3 HECIO1V Oct/Nov 2011 During mhalation the diaphragm and the chest cavity (a) relaxes, shrinks (b) relaxes, enlarges (©) contracts, shrinks (4) contracts, enlarges Tiny blood vessels that connect artentes and veins are called (a) arterioles (b) capillaries (©) ventricles (d) venules An individual's conviction about beg male or female 1s known as (a) sex role (b) gender (c) gender identity (@) sexual onentation ‘The baste units of the nervous system are (a) neurotransmutters (b) peripheral nerves (©) synapses @_— neurons ‘The largest part of the bran is the (a) cerebellum (b) cerebrum (c) medulla (@ midbrain ‘The three small bones inside the ear that magnify vibrations from the eardrum are (@) the hammer, anvil and stirrup (b) the cochlea, anvil and surrup (c) the hammer, auncle and cochlea (@) the hammer, auricle and anvil ‘The part of the tongue that 1s sensitive to a biter taste 1s, (a) the side of the tongue (b) the back of the tongue (©) the muddle of the tongue (4) the front of the tongue ITURN OVER} Las Lag 1.20 121 4 HECIO1V ‘OcUNov 2011 ‘The main function of protem is to (a) carry oxygen (o the lungs (b) help build and repair body tissue (©) carry vitamins to the surrounding tissues, (@ help with the contraction and relaxation of muscles Eating disorders are most likely to affect (@) girls, foundation phase (juntor primary age) (b) boys, foundation phase (juntor primary age) (c) girls, antermediate or senior phase (senior primary or high school age) (@)__doys, intermediate or senior phase (senior primary or high school age) Which of the following cogni activity? fe benefits can an individual attain through regular physical (a) decrease in stress and aniety (b) crease in feelings of self-worth and self-esteem (©) _allof the above (a) none of the above ‘The Human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) can enter the body through (@) shang acomb (b) — shanng a Coke (©) breast milk (d) none of the above The target cells of the HIV virus are (@) cells which line the genutalta (b) skin cells (© T-4(CD4) cells (@) cells of the vital organs What are the general charactensties of a malignant melanoma (skin cancer)? (a) asymmetrical n shape () even border (©) even mcolour (@ spreads slowly ‘Two basic needs identified by Maslow include (a) success and populanty (b) physical strength and stamina (6) food and shelter (@) power and leadership [TURN OVER] 1.22 1.23 1.24 125 1.26 127 5 HECIO1V OctNov 2011 ‘When children have good self-esteem they are likely to (a) _ engage in drug use on their own, without the encouragement of their friends (b) be confident about their social and school performance (c) _1solate themsel ves from assertive peers (d) refuse to enter into competitive play Hans Selye identified three stages our bodies go through as they respond to stress This 1s known as, (@)—eustress (b) coping mechanisms (©) General Adaptation Syndrome @ distress A stressor may be (a) a change in the environment (b) —aperception (©) anticipation @ —_allofthe above A person infected with HIV (@) can always transmit the infection to others (b) can only transmut the infection at the last stage of the mfection (AIDS stage) (©) can only transmut the infection in the first six months after the infection @) — @and(o) Teasing 1s an example of (@) social violence () bullying (©) verbal violence (@ visual wolence ‘Which of the following 1s related to psychological drug dependence? (a) The person experiences a craving (b) Withdrawal from the drug produces psychological symptoms (c) Withdrawal from the drug produces physical symptoms (a) Alllof the above [TURN OVER} 128 129 130 6 HEC101V Oct/Nov 2011 ‘The state of a person's health may be determined by the following factors (a) prenatal factors (b) perinatal factors (©) postnatal factors (@) all ofthe above The first emotion that individuals expertence when told they have a terminal illness 1s (a) depression (b) bargaining () denial (a) anger determines what you can become (a) genes (b) —heredi (©) environment (a) chromosomes [30] SECTION B ‘Choose and answer any TWO (2) questions in this section (70 marks) QUESTION 2 2.1 Briefly indicate the criteria that you would use to determune if the health, safety and ‘nutrition curriculum 1s appropnate for the learners in a particular grade or phase as) 22 Discuss ways in which an educator can support the family of a leamer who 1s suffering from a chronic illness as) 2.3 Define the term “health” according to the World Health Organisation of the United Nations (5) 135] ITURN OVER] 7 HEC101V OctINov 2011 QUESTION 3 3.1 Explain why health and safety education are important for leamers in today’s world (10) 3.2 Discuss the important role that an educator has to play with regard to child abuse (10) 33 A local Councillor has invited you as a health educator to deliver a speech on HIV prevention at a community health awareness day What are the key messages about HIV prevention you would incorporate in your speech? as) 135] QUESTION 4 4.1 According to Reddy and Tobias (1994 20) the terms ‘health education” and “health promotion” are confused with one another Provide a clear distinction between these two terms (10) 4.2 Parents are regarded as the most important stakeholders in the school system What role do you think parents can play in the health education of thetr children? (10) 4.3 Critically discuss some of the factors which have been linked to the increasing incidence of child abuse m South Africa and mdicate the possible role you think the educator can play in preventing or mitigating some of these factors «sy FIRST EXAMINER: Dr MC Maphalala SECOND EXAMINER: Mrs MJ Sethuska ° UNISA 2011

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