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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA |e HEC101V January/February 2011 HEALTH EDUCATION Duraton 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINATION PANEL AS APPOINTED BY THE DEPARTMENT This paper consists of 7 pages. SECTION A: Answer ALL the questions (30 marks) SECTION B: Answer any TWO (2) questions (70 marks) SECTION A Answer ALL the questions in this section. QUESTION 1 Select the ONE MOST CORRECT answer for each of the following questions. Write down the answer (a, b, c or d) next to the question number in your answer book, eg 1.1 (a) 1.1 Controllable health nsk factors include all of the following except (a) insufficient exercise (>) poor diet (©) substance abuse (@) genetic predisposition [TURN OVER] 12 13 14 1.5 1.6 17 1.8 2 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 Health education 1s vital for learners because @ ) (©) @) they learn so many negative things at home they feel they have to do what the teacher tells them. health is a lifelong process and the sooner health education begins, the greater the possibility for success. teachers can nullify the negative aspects of a child’s upbringing. An internal health locus of control is a belief that one’s health 1s largely a matter of one’s relationship with others. amatter of effectively accessing the health system determined by oneself determined by having the right doctor. Functions of the skeletal system include @ (b) (©) @ supporting the body. maintaining posture protecting the vital organs. all of the above An essential nutrient needed for strong and healthy bones and teeth 1s. @) (b) (©) @) calcium. potassium. glucose. vitamin C. ‘The function of the skin is @) (b) © @ excretion of mineral salts and small amounts of body wastes. conversion of ultraviolet rays from the sun to vitamin D. protection of the body from germs and other disease-causing agents. all of the above. Hair shape and colour are determined by (@) hormones. (b) det. © _ heredity. @ poor health During inhalation the diaphragm and the chest cavity (@) relaxes, shrinks (b) relaxes, enlarges (©) contracts, shrinks (d) contracts, enlarges ITURN OVER] 19 1.10 Lad 1.12 1.13 114 3 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and vems are called (@ arterioles. (©) capillaries. (©) _ventncles. @ venues Bile is made in the and stored in the (a) spleen, pancreas (b) pancreas, liver (©) _ liver, gallbladder (@) gallbladder, pancreas The basic units of the nervous system are (2) neurotransmitters. (b) peripheral nerves. (c) synapses (@) neurons. The largest part of the brain is the (@) cerebellum (>) cerebrum. (©) medulla (@) midbrain, ‘The three small bones inside the ear that magnify vibrations from the eardrum are (a) the hammer, anvil and stirrup. (b) the cochlea, anvil and stirrup. (©) the hammer, auricle and cochlea. (@ the hammer, auncle and anvil. ‘The part of the tongue that 1s sensitive to a bitter taste is the . . of the tongue. @ side (b) back (©) middle (4) front [TURN OVER] 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 119 1.21 4 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 ‘The main function of protein is to (@) carry oxygen to the lungs. (b) help build and repair body tissue. (©) carry vitamins to the surrounding ttssues. (d) help with the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Eating disorders are most likely to affect (@) girls im the foundation phase. (>) boys in the foundation phase (©) girlsin the intermediate or senior phase. (@) _ boysin the intermediate or senior phase. Which of the following cognitive benefits can an individual attain through regular physical activity? (a) decrease in stress and anxiety (b) _ increase in feelings of self-worth and self-esteem (©) all of the above (@)__none of the above ‘The Human Immune-deficiency virus (HIV) can enter the body through (@) sharing a comb. (b) sharing a coke. (©) breast milk (@) none of the above, ‘The target cells of the HIV virus are (a) cells which line the genitalia, (b) —skincells. © — T-4(CD4) cells @ cells of the vital organs. What are the general characteristics of a malignant melanoma (skin cancer)? (@) asymmetrical in shape () —evenborder (©) even in colour (@) spreads slowly ‘Two basic needs identified by Maslow include (a) success and populanty. (b) physical strength and stamina. (©) food and shelter. (@)__ power and leadership. ITURN OVER] 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 5 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 When children have good self-esteem they are likely to (@) engage in drug use on their own, without the encouragement of their friends. (b) be confident about their social and school performance. (©) _ isolate themselves from assertive peers @ refuse to enter into competitive play. Hans Selye identified three stages our bodies go through as they respond to stress This 1s ‘known as (a) eustress. (b) coping mechanisms. (©) general Adaptation Syndrome. (@) distress. A stressor may be (@) _—achange in the environment. () aperception. (©) anticipation. @ __ allof the above. Which of the following is NOT an example of distress? (@) going on vacation (b) getting bad marks on a test (©) falling down and getting hurt (@ having a fight with a friend Teasing 1s an example of (@) social violence. (&) bullying. (©) verbal violence. @ visual violence. Which of the following is related to psychological drug dependence? (@) The person expenences a craving (b) Withdrawal from the drug produces psychological symptoms (©) Withdrawal from the drug produces physical symptoms @ — Allofthe above. [TURN OVER} 1.28 1.29 6 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 The effects of alcohol can vary from person to person because of (@) size and weight (b) amount of alcohol consumed. (©) amount of food in the stomach (@)__ all of the above effects. ‘The first emotion that individuals experience when told they have a terminal illness 1s (@) depression (b) bargaining © — denial. (d) anger ‘occurs when someone prepares for the expected death of a loved one. (2) Apremor (b) Anticipatory grief (©) Anger and rage @ Bargaining [30 SECTION B ‘Choose and answer any TWO (2) questions in this section (70 marks) QUESTION 2 2A Briefly indicate what information you would include when planning learning activities for either foundation or intermediate and senior phase learners on TWO of the following topics. Clearly indicate the grade for which you are planning the activity. -violence prevention o substance abuse o -prevention of obesity 0) 2.2 Explain clearly the implications of three environmental factors which have a negative or positive effect on health in your own community. (2) 2.3 Explain how health and education are interrelated. o) (35) QUESTION 3 3.1 Explain why health and safety education are important for leamers in today’s world. (10) ITURN OVER] 7 HEC101V Jan/Feb 2011 3.2 Discuss the common sources of stress in either foundation or intermediate and senior phase leamers and explain how you can help learners deal with stress. as) 3.3 Explain how you could involve parents 1n the health education curriculum during either the foundation or intermediate and sentor phase (10) 5} QUESTION 4 4.1 Discuss, giving suitable examples, the critena for determining appropriate learning experiences for health education. (10) 4.2 Explain the full implications of what is meant by “Universal Precautions” for learners and teachers in the either the foundation or the intermediate and senior phase. (10) 4.3 Critically discuss some of the factors which have been linked to the increasing incidence of child abuse in South Africa Indicate what possible role you think the teacher can play in preventing or mtugating some of these factors. (1s) BS] [TOTAL: 100] FIRST EXAMINER: Ms KH van As SECOND EXAMINER: Dr RJ Davin ° UNISA 2010

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