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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS: mead tet. UNISA I sexc0 HEC101V May/June 2013 HEALTH EDUCATION Duration 2 Hours 400 Marks, EXAMINERS. FIRST DR MC MAPHALALA SECOND. MRS MJ SETHUSHA Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of eight (8) pages SECTION SECTION Answer ALL the questions (30 marks). Answer ANY TWO (2) questions (70 marks). SECTIONA Answer ALL the questions in this section. QUESTION 1 Select the most correct answer for each of the following questions, Write down the answer (a, b, c or d) next to the question number in your answer book, for example 1.1 (a) 1.1 The Human Immune-deficiency virus (HIV) can enter the body through (a) shanng a comb (b) sharing a Coke. (c) breast milk (4) none of the above 1.2 Diabetes is a disease which is caused when the does not produce enough insulin (a) iver (b) gallbladder (c) pancreas (4) spleen [TURN OVER] 13 14 15 1.6 7 2 HEC101V May/June 2013, Which of the following cognitive benefits can an individual attain through regular physical activity? (a) decrease in stress and anxiety (b) increase in feelings of self-worth and self-esteem (c)__allof the above (d) none of the above What are the general characteristics of a malignant melanoma (skin cancer)? (a) asymmetrical in shape (b) even border (c) _ evenin colour (d) spreads slowly Scoliosis is a disease which mainly affects the (a) cardiopulmonary system (b) neurological system (c) _ endocnne system (d) musculoskeletal system Two basic needs identified by Maslow, include (a) success and populanty (6) physical strength and stamina (c) food and shelter (4) power and leadership When children have good self-esteem they are likely to {a) engage in drug use on their own, without the encouragement of their frends (b) be confident about their social and schoo! performance (c) _ 1solate themselves from assertive peers (d) refuse to enter into competitive play 1.8 An individual's conviction about being male or female is known as (a) sex role (b) gender (©) gender identity (d) sexual onentation, [TURN OVER] 19 1.10 11 142 1.13 1.14 3 HECIO1V May/June 2013, Hans Selye identified three stages our bodies go through as they respond to stress This 1s known as (a) eustress (b) coping mechanisms (c) general adaptation syndrome (d) distress The flight or fight response {a) _ 1s taught to children by parents (b) 1sasign of mental tliness {c) _ 1s.a surwval response to perceived dangers {d) should be controlled to prevent violent behaviour Aggressive bullies (a) _ tend to be anxious, insecure and dependent (b) generally do not initiate the aggressive acts (@)__ may lack inhibitions against aggression (d) are the most common type of bully Regular exercise during childhood can reduce the nisk of which one of the following diseases in adulthood? (a) __ heart disease (b) diabetes mellitus (c) osteoporosis (d) all of the above Which of the following 1s related to psychological drug dependence? (a) The person expenences a craving (b) Withdrawal from the drug produces psychological symptoms (c) Withdrawal from the drug produces physical symptoms (d) — Allof the above occurs when someone prepares for the expected death of a loved one (a) A premonition (b) Anticipatory gnef (c) Anger and rage (4) Bargaining [TURN OVER] 115, 1.16 17 1.18 1.419 1.20 4 HEC101V May/June 2013 When helping a child who has a nosebleed you should (a) place a cold compress on the child's neck and nose (b) plug the nostnis with cotton wool (c) pinch the child's nostnis together with the head bent slightly backwards (4) pinch the child's nostnis together with the head bent slightly forward Chronic diseases are primanly caused by (a) pathogens (b) bacteria (c) genetics (d) _ lifestyles and behaviours Controllable health nsk factors include alll of the following, except (a) insufficient exercise {b) poor diet {c) substance abuse (4) genetic predisposition. Health promotion is (a) _ aneffective health-related advertising campaign (b) an organised effort which encourages healthy behaviours and habits (ce) aplanned treatment intervention (d) a training of health professionals in disease prevention A group of organs working together to perform a specific function 1s called (a) alife cycle (b) genetic nhentance (c) a body system (d) homeostasis The function of the skin is (a) excretion of mineral salts and small amounts of body waste (b) conversion of ultraviolet rays from the sun to vitamin D () protection of the body from germs and other disease-causing agents (d)__ allof the above [TURN OVER] 1.24 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 HEC101V May/June 2013, Which system working together with the respiratory system, supplies body cells with ‘oxygen? (a) _ nervous system (b) circulatory system (c) lymphatic system (4) _ endocrine system During inhalation the diaphragm and the chest cavity (a) _ relaxes, shninks (b) relaxes, enlarges (c) contracts, shrinks (d) contracts, enlarges A waste product of the process of metabolism is {a) carbon dioxide (b) oxygen (c) nitrogen (d) lactic acid Bile is made inthe —_and stored in the (a) spleen, pancreas (b) pancreas, liver (c) __hver, gallbladder (d) gallbladder, pancreas The largest part of the brain is the {a) cerebellum {b) cerebrum {c) medulla (d) midbrain Another name for bed-wetting 1s (a) penstalsts (b) enuresis, (c) encopresis (d) pyelonephritis {TURN OVER] 6 HEC101V May/June 2013 1.27. The part of the tongue that is sensitive to a sour taste is (a) the side of the tongue (b) the back of the tongue (c) __ the middle of the tongue (d) the front of the tongue. 1.28 Fibre in food helps with all of the following, except (a) __ preventing certain types of cancer (b) lowering cholesterol (c) regulating blood sugar (4) increasing overall energy 1.29 The main function of protein is to (a) _ carry oxygen to the lungs {b) help build and repair body tissue {c) carry vitamins to the surrounding tissues (d) help with the contraction and relaxation of muscles 1.30 Which vitamin 1s water-soluble? (a) Vitamin D (b) Vitamin K (o) Vitamin (4) Vitamin A [30] SECTION B Choose and answer any TWO (2) questions in this section. QUESTION 2 2.1 Descnbe how you would deal with the following emergency situations at school ~ a leamer who ts choking (2) +a leamer with a nosebleed 9) - a learner with an asthmatic attack (9) 22 Discuss the following statement “Physical activity can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases” (12) [TURN OVER] 7 HECI01V May/June 2013, 2.3 Bnefly explain the World Health Organisation's definition of “health” (5) (35) QUESTION 3 3.1 Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE Only wnte down the answer (true or false) next to the question number, eg (A) ~ false (A) _ The belief that doctors, nurses and other health professionals have control over health, is referred to as “powerful other locus of control" (B) Having a strong internal locus of control means that you believe that health Is a result of chance, luck or fate (C) Primary prevention targets individuals who are already diagnosed with a specific disease or condition (D) An example of a secondary prevention activity would be changing dietary choices after being diagnosed with high cholesterol {E) Tertiary prevention ts preventing a disease before it begins (8) 3.2 Discuss the common sources of stress in either foundation phase or intermediate and senior phase leamers and explain how you can help leamers deal with stress (15) 3.3. Brefly explain what information you would include when planning TWO learning activities for foundation phase or intermediate and senior phase learners Please indicate the grade - safety at home + nutntion - physical fitness (15) (35) QUESTION 4 4.1. Descnbe the effects of hospitalisation on the young child (10) 4.2 Discuss the role of the teacher in the care and support of learners who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS (15) [TURN OVER] 4.3. Discuss what is meant by the following - a healthy lifestyle - health education FIRST EXAMINER: Dr MC Maphalala SECOND EXAMINER: Mrs MJ Sethusha ° UNISA 2013 HEC101V May/June 2013 (5) (5) [35] [TOTAL: 100}

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