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Guide for all Grease Trap cleanings, maintenance, waste

collecting and transporting to Grease Trap Waste Treatment


August - 2015



With the increase in the level of accumulated Grease and Oil waste generated from food processing in
restaurants, hotels, hospital kitchens as well as other food industries, the need for an environmentally
friendly recycling solution has resulted in the launch of the Envirol Grease Trap Waste Treatment Plant
in Dubai in cooperation with Al Serkal Group. Waste Oil and Grease clogs sewage pipes and increases
the amount of pollutants. The plant will recycle waste fat, which will be collected through a highly
controlled infrastructure.
Dubai Municipality drainage and irrigation department in accordance to the countrys green policies,
announced that from 2009, as per Local Order No. (8) of 2002 and the Administrative Decision No. 181
of 2007 A.D., all processes involving collecting and transporting of waste oil from grease traps in food
processing, should be clean and carried out only with approval from the Municipality and in line with the
set of approved rules and regulations that all waste oil should only be sent to Envirol Grease Trap Waste
Treatment Plant by approved Grease Trap Waste Transporting companies.
While the Al Serkal Group build and operate the facility, Dubai Municipality - acting through its
Drainage& Irrigation, food

and Environmental divisions are implementing rules and regulations and

supervise all operations and play an active role in implementing and adhering to safety policies.

Description of Grease Traps included in the Local Order No. 181 of 2007 A.D.
This examination and observation system includes all grease traps described in the administrative orders
issued by Dubai municipality in addition to the following:

Grease Traps with more or less sizes than described.

Solid material traps kept under washing sinks in private restaurants and food courts in malls,
entertainment parks, shopping malls, and workers restaurants in different establishments.

Grease and solid material traps related to environment treatment systems using the following

Injection by jet pumps or sprayers.

Treatment by use of biological tablets.

Treatment with chemical or biological enzyme.

Spray treatment systems.

Oil separators, interceptor, tanks connected directly to the kitchen.

Grease traps made of stainless steel, metal, PVC and separation nets.

Grease traps depending on oil separation and discharge.

Guideline for Food Preparation Establishments

Grease Trap cleaning and maintenance

Grease traps must be maintained by regular cleaning to match Dubai Municipality sewage wastewater
standards taking into consideration the grease trap type, quantity, condition and amount and type of
served food. The following frequencies of monthly cleanings are recommended based on type of food

Hotels: 2 - 4 times per month.

Restaurants: 2 4 times per month.

Cafeterias: 2 3 times per month.

Catering: 2 6 times per month.

Coffee Shops: 1 2 times per month.

In addition, Firms, restaurants, tourist facilities, shopping malls and other places discharge their refuse
of oils and grease used in food processing operations into the aforesaid grease traps should abide by the

Periodical cleaning in fixed within not more than 15 days taking into consideration the
grease trap condition and type, and kind of served food.

Not to discharge cooking oils and grease directly from frying pans and cooking utensils to
sewage lines. Such refuse shall be collected in closed containers and moved outside the
establishment through specialized and competent companies licensed by Dubai Municipality
and classified as transporters of used Cooking Oils.

Keep grease traps in a good condition, maintain its pipes, and keep their ability.

Observe Job Procedures Notification and its compliance with timings shown in the register.

Lay out monthly schedule for cleaning operation by the company carrying out such service.

Grease traps will be checked periodically by inspectors of Dubai Municipality to ensure the efficiency of
the grease trap, its parts and none existence of waste substances blocking the outlets or find their way
through public sewage lines. Please note that failure to adhere so will result in enforcement of local
order 8/2002 requirements violation, which may result, in addition to the penalty of a financial fine, in
ceasing firms services and suspending any permission granted to practice the activity resulting in

Permitted cleaning and transport companies

All firms are requested to deal with duly approved and authorized grease trap cleaning and waste
transport companies to carry out the cleaning, maintenance and transportation of the grease traps and
interceptors waste to Dubai Municipality Recycling Plant (Envirol). Before dealing with any company,
make sure that they have a valid permission from Dubai Municipality and that they are listed in the
permitted companies list. The permission for each cleaning and transport company expires every 6
months. You can find the list updated every 6 months on the website:

All maintenance operations, cleaning, collection and transportation of grease traps waste must be
recorded and documented properly. It is very important to maintain these documents and ensure their
availability at anytime during year.
The documents to be maintained are:

Waste discharge coupons


A waste discharge coupon issued from the grease trap waste recycling plant (Envirol)
must be collected from the permitted cleaning company as an evidence of transporting
the waste collected to the recycling plant disposal facility.

The coupons must have correct, complete and valid information about each cleaning
done to a grease trap. This information contains: Date, Job Card No., Facility name,
Address, Contact details, Type an No. of grease traps, Amount of waste collected.

Service reports

A grease trap cleaning service report issued by the cleaning company should be
provided as a proof of handling proper maintenance and cleaning of grease traps
installed in a firm. It should indicate the condition of the grease trap and its

Job Card

Grease trap cleaning Job Card is issued by Dubai Municipality to each and every firm
generating this kind of waste. The job card must be maintained by food establishment.

All cleanings must be recorded in the job card and approved by both the kitchen owner
and the cleaning company. The Job Card will have identical information to the ones in
the waste discharge coupons.

You ought to commit to the following requirements of the Job Card:

Maintain regular cleaning of grease traps to match DM standards as per

provisions of the local order 8/2002.

Keep a one year discharge coupons and submit them along with this card to
Department of Drainage and Irrigation network in Dubai Municipality where

failure to adhere so will result in enforcement of local order 8/2002

requirements violation.

Show this card during inspection or upon request.

Insure that all info in the coupons is correct, complete and identical to Job Card

Approve each cleaning done by having authorized person signature.

Deal with a permitted cleaning company by Dubai Municipality.

Insure total cleanliness of the trap and emptiness of all its contents.

Insure that all the waste collected is taken to Dubai Municipality recycling plant
through discharge coupons.

It is preferable to maintain a record in the industrial firm, recreational centre or restaurant

generating such wastes. The record shall contain:

Accomplishment date (day, hour).

Estimated quantity of removed waste.

The name of company that removed oil wastes.

Next appointment date.

Period of cleaning should not exceed 15 days.

Prohibited actions
The aforesaid food preparation firms are not allowed to:

Deal with companies not licensed to collect refuse and transport oil and grease refuse of oil
waste accumulated in grease traps.

Dispose of this waste directly to the public sewage lines.

Dispose of the solid substance gathered in grease traps in public places for collection of

Remove a grease trap installed or hinder its efficiency.

Manipulate or change any information in any documents related to cleaning grease traps.

Guideline for Grease Trap Cleaning and Waste transport Companies

Procedures of companies engaged in the collection of grease trap waste

Companies engaged in the business of cleaning, maintenance and transport of Grease traps waste shall
abide by the following:

Cleaning/Transport Permission

Obtain a license/permission authorizing the company to carry out such business from Drainage
Department in Dubai Municipality.

Place a copy of the valid permission in the vehicle used for the above mentioned activity, so that
it can be checked by firms of which the waste is collected and by inspectors of the Municipality.

A competent engineer of such company is required to attend and pass a training course in the
treatment station.

Vehicles and Machinery

All Vehicles and machinery licensed by the Municipality for oil waste transportation shall fix
certain marks on both sides and on the front and back side of the vehicle or machine showing
that the contents are:

Grease trap waste

The company's name and phone number

The machinery shall be painted in orange colour mixed with white color (band). Its maximum
capacity shall be 1000 gallon. It should be in a good condition and free of rust or corrosion and
leak-proof so as not to allow leakage of waste during transport, providing maintenance of high
level of efficiency.

All permitted Vehicles and machineries must have Global Positioning System (GPS) installed.


Grease Trap waste discharge coupons issued by the recycling plant (Envirol) must be given to
every grease trap owner whenever the grease trap is cleaned.

Copies of the waste discharge coupons shall be submitted to the treatment plant along with the
waste collected from the generators to whom the original copies of these were given.

A table of firms contracted with to vacuum oil remains from Grease Traps, must be made

Licensed companies shall keep a daily record for each vehicle/machinery of:

Date and time of collecting waste.

Type of the business the waste was collected from (restaurant, hotel, mall, etc.)

Quantity of the collected or transported waste (in gallon).

The location at which the waste was disposed at.

Date and time of disposal.

Companies shall keep the above mentioned records for six months for each
vehicle/machinery, and show them to the Municipality inspectors when required.

Safety procedures

Companies shall provide the drivers with instructions containing dangers of handling
polluted liquid waste and safety procedures to be taken.

Workers shall wear rubber or plastic gloves when working on cleaning grease traps and
disposing at the treatment station.

Drivers and technicians shall fully conform to all instructions of the employees at the
treatment station.

Traffic rules shall be adhered at the disposal place. Any infraction shall be denunciated to
Dubai Police General H.Q. to take necessary procedures against the infraction.

Applying all that has been trained to do, in accordance to the appendix put on companies

Technical guideline for Cleaning grease traps and transport its waste to the recycling plant
The grease trap shall be emptied by vacuum pump and thoroughly cleaned, using chemicals and/or high
pressure water spray

The effluent will be removed from the grease trap using


Tanker mounted vacuum pump, powered by




Portable Vacuum pump out unit powered by


Vacuum Pump specification

Vacuum pump system with pressure discharge it can be Battioni Pagani Pump or equal

Driven directly through pulley and belts system or hydraulically

Muffler silencer protected by micro filter

Vacuum relief valve

Tanker Body:

Tankers will be constructed to hold a maximum of 1000 gallons

Tankers will be painted in orange with white bands, this will clearly identify the cargo they hold

Vacuum intake hose is minimum 20 Meter long

Ball valves for waste inlet and outlet on rear doors

Mechanical door locks

Suitable for assembly on 2-axil chassis

Top and rear manhole

Tankers or Tanks shall be constructed such that in the event of an accident any effluent
contained inside will not spill out

Suction /Discharge Hoses

Minimum 20 meters of plastic hose

With ball valve & bauer coupling

Mounted on safe frames

Controls and Gauges

Engine start/stop

Vacuum gauge

Pressure gauge

Safety valves for over negative or positive pressure

Moisture trap

Air filter for the safety of the pump

GPS Tracking system

Online live tracking capabilities

Ability to generate tracking reports for each registered vehicle/machinery

Must be working and activated all the time

Providing the recycling plant with the log in details


It can be Nissan Mini Truck or pick up Mitsubishi FUSCO ,Honda or equal

Total weight body 4.8 ton to 6 ton

Engine minimum 4 cylinder

Disposal of the waste in the recycling plant

The pumping operation will discharge either directly or indirectly into the prescribed Tanker

All grease trap wastes must be emptied in Envirol Grease Trap Waste Recycling Plant receiving

At the site of final discharge the cleaning operative will issue such copies of receipts so as to
determine the origin of the waste as transported.

The plant employees will issue the cleaning/transporting company a receipt for the amount of
waste collected.

All operatives involved in cleaning operations will be trained in all areas of the operation, and
the company employing them will get a certificate by the Municipality.

All Tankers and equipment used for the purpose of pumping and transporting grease waste will
be regularly maintained and cleaned. It is essential hygiene as these vehicles and equipment will
be involved in operations in areas where foods are processed.

It is recommended that the internal surfaces of the Tankers be sanitized on at least a monthly
basis, thus avoiding the build up of harmful bacteria holding grease and food waste

A separate log book will be provided to all cleaning/transporting companies; it will remain on
site and will be dated and signed after each waste discharge service.

All Waste Discharge Coupons will be entered into the system so that the origin of all grease
waste delivered to the grease trap recycling Plant can be verified; this will also regulate rogue
operators who will dispose of the waste illegally.

All tankers must have the waste discharge coupons just before entering the recycling plant
otherwise entry will be treated as an illegal entry.

All grease trap wastes should be disposed off only in Envirol Grease Trap Waste Recycling Plant
per the schedule set by the plant.

Prohibited actions
All cleaning and transport companies are forbidden to do any of the following:

Mixing grease traps waste with sewage water, nor transport them together in one tanker.

Throwing or disposing of waste from such vehicles on the ground or any places other than the
grease trap waste recycling plant is an infringement resulting in a fine of considerable financial
amounts or the suspension of the company's license.

Cleaning a grease trap or collecting any of its components without providing Waste Discharge

Skipping, changing or providing false details in the waste discharge coupon.


Deactivating or damaging the GPS device installed in the tanker, or changing the online tracking
information without informing the recycling plant.

General Notices Issued by Dubai Municipality




Job Card

Grease Traps Waste Discharge Coupon


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