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France No.

1 (1986)


between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland and the French Republic

c<;>ncerning the Construction and Operation

by Private Concessionaires of a

Channel Fixed Link


Exchanges of Notes
Canterbury, 12 February 1986
[Instruments of ratification have not been exchanged]

Presented to Parliament

by the Secretary ofState for Foreign and Commonwealth A/fairs

by Command of Her l\,fajesty

February 1986



Cmnd. 9745

Reprinted 1987

2.70 net







Her Majesty The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the
Commonwealth and the President of the French Republic,
CoNFIDENT that a Channel fixed link will greatly improve communications
between the United Kingdom and France and give fresh impetus to relations
between the two countries,
DESIRING to contribute to the development of relations and of exchanges
between the Member States of the European Communities and more generally
between European States,
DESIRING ALSO to permit the construction and operation of a Channel fixed
link by private enterprise in accordance with the criteria laid down by the
Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government,
HAVE DECIDED to conclude a Treaty and to this end have appointed as their
Her Majesty The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the
The Right Honourable Sir Geoffrey Howe, QC, MP,
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;
The President of the French Republic:
His Excellency Monsieur Roland Dumas,

Minister for External Relations;

WHo, having presented their full powers, found in good and due form, have
agreed as follows:

Object and Definitions
(I) The High Contracting Parties undertake to permit the construction and
operation by private concessionaires (hereinafter referred to as "the
Concessionaires ")of a Channel fixed link in accordance with the provisions of
this Treaty, of its supplementary Protocols and arrangements and of a
conces~ion between the two Governments and the Concessionaires (hereinafter

referred to as "the Concession"). The Channel fixed link shall be financed

without recourse to government funds or to government guarantees ofa financial
or commercial nature.
(2) The Channel fixed iink (hereinafter referred to as " the Fixed Link"),
which shall be more particularly described in the Concession, means a twin bored
tunnel rail link, with associated service tunnel, under the English Channel
between Cheriton in Kent and Frethun in the Pas-de-Calais, together with the
terminal areas for control of access to, and egress from, the tunnels, and shall
include any freight or other facility, and any road link between the United
Kingdom and France, which may hereafter be agreed between the High
Contracting Parties to form part of the Fixed Link.


International, Legislative and Regulatory Measures

(1) The High Contracting Parties shall take the measures which are necessary
to ensure that the construction and operation of the Fixed Link shall be
consistent with their international obligations. They'shall co-operate in making
any necessary approaches to the relevant international organisations.
(2) The High Contracting Parties shall adopt such legislative and regulatory
measures, and take such steps, as are necessary for the construction and
operation of the Fixed Link by the Concessionaires in accordance with the


Frontier and Jurisdiction

(I) As regards any matter relating to the Fixed Link, the frontier between the
United Kingdom and France shall be the vertical projection of the line defined in
the Agreement signed at London on 24 June 1982( 1) relating to the delimitation
of the Continental Shelf in the area east of 30 minutes West of the Greenwich
meridian, and the respective States shall exercise jurisdiction accordingly, subject
to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article and any Protocol or particular
arrangements made pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 7 and 8 below.

(2) The frontier in the Fixed Link shall be marked by a Joint Commission,
composed of representatives of the two States, as soon as possible after the
completion of the relevant section of the Fixed Link and in any event before the
Fixed Link comes into operation.
(3) If in the construction of the Fixed Link any works carried out from one
of the two States extend beyond the line of the frontier, the law that applies in
(')Treaty Series No. 20 (19R3 ), Cmnd. 8859.


that part which so extends shall. in relation to matters occurring before that part
is effectively connected with works which project from the other State, be the law
of the first mentioned State.
(4) Rights to any natural resources discovered in the course of construction
of the Fixed Link shall be governed by the law of the State in the territory, or in
the continental shelf, of which the resources lie.


Police and Frontier Controls

(1) The frontier controls shall be organised in a way which will reconcile, as
far as possible, the rapid flow of traffic with the efficiency of the control-;.
(2) Provisions for the exercise of police, immigration, customs and health
controls, including animal and plant health controls, and of other controls which
might appear necessary, will be the subject of a supplementary Protocol or other
(3) Such a Protocol or arrangements will make provision to enable public
authorities to exercise their functions in an area in the territory of the other State
where controls are juxtaposed. They will also include provisions for the free
circulation throughout the Fixed Link of public officials and other person:>, so far
as is necessary for the exercise of their functions in relation to the construction
and operation of the Fixed Link, and for the protection and assistance to be
accorded to them.
(4) The construction and maintenance of the buildings and installations
necessary for frontier controls will be at the charge of the Concessionaires on
terms prescribed in the Concession.
(5) Each Government shall be responsible for the payment or recovery of the
costs of its own controls.

Defence and Security

(1) Defence and security matters relating to the Fixed Link and the
implementation of this Treaty shall be the subject of special arrangements
between the two Governments. Such arrangements shall include provisions for
the free circulation ~hroughout the Fixed Link of public officials and other
persons, so far as is necessary for the exercise of their functions in relation to the
defence and security of the Fixed Link, and for the protection and assistance to
be accorded to them.

(2) Such arrangements will provide for the designation by each Government
ofthe authorities empowered to rake any decision necessitated by the defence and
security of the Fixed Link. The authorities so designated by the two
Govcr nrncnts, or their agents, will so far as possible co-ordinate their activities
within the framework of such arrangements.

(3) The Concessionaires shall submit to the two Governments for their
approval any proposed designs, plans or arrangements affecting the defence and
security of the Fixed Link and the two Governments shall agree a joint response
to any such proposals.
(4) The Concessionaires shall, if required by the two Governments, take
measures necessary for the defence and security of the Fixed Link. Save in
exceptional circumstances of the kind envisaged in Article 6, the two
Governments shall consult each other before requiring the Concessionaires to
take such measures, and shall act jointly.


Exceptional Circumstances
(I) In the event of any exceptional circumstances, such as natural disasters,
acts of terrorism or armed conflict, or the threat thereof, each Government, after
consultation with the other if circumstances permit. may take measures
derogating from its obligations under this Treaty, its supplementary Protocols
and arrangements, or the Concession.

(2) Such measures may include closure of the Fixed Link, but shall be limited
to the extent required by the exigencies of the situation and shall be notified
immediately to the other Government and, as appropriate, to the

Social Security, Safety and Labour Laws

The two Governments may make provision, by supplementary Protocol or
other arrangements, relating to the application of laws on social security,
employment and health and safety at work to the construction or operation of
the Fixed Link.

Mutual Assistance in Legal Matters

The two Governments may make provision, by supplementary Protocol or
other arrangements, for mutual assistance in the enforcement of civil,
commercial, criminal, and administrative law and for the law applicable to the
construction and operation of the Fixed Link.


Fiscal, Customs and Monetary Regime

(1) The taxation by the two States of profits and gains derived from the
construction or operation of the Fixed Link shall be in accordance with the laws
of the two States, including any Convention for the av.oidance ofdouble taxation

and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income that is in
force for the time being and any Protocol thereto.
(2) The two States shall observe the principle of non-discrimination in
relation to taxes on charges made to users of transport which is in direct
competition for cross-channel traffic.
(3) The transfers of funds and financial settlements necessitated by the
construction or operation of the Fixed Link, whether between the two States or
from or to third countries shall be permitted subject to the procedures, if any,
prescribed by national laws made consistently with Community law.
Conversions shall be made at the market rate applicable to similar transactions.
The two States shall not levy any tax on such transfers of funds or financial
settlements other than generally applicable taxes on the payments which they
(4) Both Governments intend, so far as may be consistent with their
international obligations, to a!low to traveHers through the Fixed Link from the
mainland of one State to that of the other duty-free facilities which are
comparable to those available to persons travelling from one State to the other
by sea or air.



Intergovernmental Commission

(1) An Intergovernmental Commission shall be established to supervise. in

the name and on behalf of the two Governments, all matters concerning the
construction and operation of the Fixed Link.
(2) With regard to the Concessionaires, the two Governments shall exercise
through the Intergovernmental Commission their rights and obligations under
the Concession, other than those relating to the amendment, extension,
suspension, termination or assignment of the latter.
(3) The functions of the Intergovernmental Commission shall include:
(a) monitoring the construction and operation of the Fixed Link;
(b) undertaking necessary consultations with the Concessionaires;
(c) taking decisions in the name of !he two Governments for the
implementation of the Concession;
(d) approving proposals made by the Safety Authority as provided by
Article 11;
(e) drawing up. or participating in the preparation of, regulations applicable
to the Fixed Link, including regulations relating to maritime matters and
the environment, and monitoring their subsequent implementation;
(f) considering any matter referred to it by the Governments or the Safety
Authority or any other matter which appears to it r.o be necessary to
{g) giving advice and making recommendations to the two Governments or
the Concessionaires.

(4) Each Government shall appoint half the members .of the
Intergovernmental Commission, which shall comprise at most 16 members
including at least two representatives of the Safety Authority. The Chairmanship
of the Commission shall be held for a period of one year by the head of each
delegation alternately.

(5) The decisions of the Intergovernmental Commission shall be taken by

agreement between the heads of the British and French delegations. In the event
of disagreement between them, the procedure for consultation between
Governments provided for in Article 18 shall apply.
(6) The Intergovernmental Commission shall draw up its own rules of
procedure and submit them for the approval of the two Governments.
(7) For the purpose of carrying out its functions the Intergovernmental
Commission may invoke the assistance of the authorities of each Government or
any body or expert of its choice.
(8) The Governments shall take all necessary measures to ensure that
regulations applicable to the Fixed Link have the nect!ssary force and effect
within their national laws and shall grant to the Intergovernmental Commission
such powers of investigation, inspection and direction as are necessary for the
performance of its functions.
(9) The expenses of the Intergovernmental Commission shall be met by the
Concessionaires as provided in the Concession.



Safety Authority
(I) A Safety Authority shall be established to
(a) advise and assist the Intergovernmental Commission on aU matters
concerning safety in the construction and operation of the Fixed Link.
For this purpose, the Safety Authority shall:
(i) give advice or make proposals to the Intergovernmental
Commission, at the request of the Intergovernmental Commission
or on its own initiative;
(ii) participate in the drawing-up of any regulations applicable to
safety ofthe Fixed Link and present them to the Intergovernmental
(iii) discharge, within the scope of its own powers, any function
delegated to it by the Intergovernmental Commission;
(b) ensure that the safety measures and practices applicable to the Fixed
Link comply with the national or international laws in force, enforce
such laws, monitor their implementation, and report thereon to the
Intergovernmental Commission; and
(c) examine reports concerning any incident affecting safety within the Fixed
Link, make such investigations as are necessary, and report thereon to
the lntergovernmentai Commission.

(2) The Safety Authority shall undertake necessary consultations with the
(3) In an emergency, the Chairman of the Safety Authority or his agent shall
take the measures necessary for the safety of persons and property within the
Fixed Link. He shall report any measures taken to the two Governments and to
the Intergovernmental Commission.
(4) The composition of the Safety Authority shall be determined by the two
Governments by agreement. Each Government shall appoint half its members.
The Chairmanship of the Safety Authority shall be held for a period of one year
by the head of each delegation alternately.

(5) The Safety Authority shall draw up its own rules of procedure and shall
submit them through the Intergovernmental Commission for the approval of the
two Governments.

(6) For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the Safety Authority may
invoke the assistance of the authorities of each Government or any body or
expert of its choice.
(7) The Safety Authority may, where it considers it necessary to do so, make
a report to the two Governments at the same time as it reports to the
Intergovernmental Commission.
(8) The two Governments shall grant to the Safety Authority and its
members and agents such powers of investigation, inspection and direction as are
necessary for the performance of its functions.
(9) The expenses of the Safety Authority shall be met by the Concessionaires
as provided in the Concession. The budget of the Safety Authority shall be
determined by the Intergovernmental Commission after consultation with the


Freedom of Management of the Concessionaires

(1) The two Governments shall ensure that the Concessionaires are free,
within the framework of national and Community laws, to determine their
commercial policy, their tariffs and the type of service to be offered, during the
term of the Concession.
(2) In particular laws relating to the control of prices and tariffs shall not
apply to the Fixed Link during the term of the Concession.
(3) These provisions shall not, however, exclude the application of national
or Community rules concerning competition or abuse of a dominant posit!On.



Obligations of the Concessionaires

The Concession will include provisions which give effect to the following
(I) In their dealings wirh the Governments, the Concessionaires shall act

jointly and shall be represented by a single executive. They shall be

responsible jointly and severally during the whole term of the
The Concessionaires shall appoint one or more independent project

managers for the construction of the Fixed Link.

(2) The Concessionaires shall comply with the provisions ofthe Concession,

with the laws and regulations in force in each of the two States, and with
the Community rules applicable to the construction and operation of the
Fixed Link; they shall comply with those provisions of this Treaty and of
the supplementary Protocols and arrangements which are applicable to
them. They shall not take any action which would result in either State
being in breach of its international obligations.
(3) The Concessionaires shall ensure the continued flow of traffic in the

Fixed Link under satisfactory safety conditions and subject to any

decision which may be taken pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 of this
(4) In transactions concerned with the construction and operation of the

Fixed Link, the British Concessionaires and the French Concessionaires

shall apply the principle of equal division of costs and revenue between
themselves taking into account, to the extent necessary, indirect taxation.
(5) The Concessionaires shall take such measures as may be necessary to

prevent accidents. The Concessionaires shall be liable for damage caused

to users and to third parties resulting from the construction, the existence
or the operation of the Fixed Link in accordance with the law applicable
on the part of the Fixed Link where the event giving rise to the damage
takes place. The Concessionaires shall take out and maintain insurance,
or other financial security, which is adequate and reasonably appropnate
to the relevant risk.
(6) If the construction of the Fixed Link is not satisfactorily completed or if

its operation has ceased for whatever reason, the Concessionaires shall,
if required by the Govemments as provided in the Concession. at their
own expense ensure that any part of the Fixed Link which is abandoned
or unserviceable is removed or made safe.
This provision shall not apply in cases where the Governments have
taken a~tion to terminate the Concession other than for reasons of
national defence, or for a failure by the Concessionaires to satisfy or
comply with the terms of the Concession, or under the powers conferred
by Article 6.

The two Governments are not obliged to complete the construction or to

operate the Fixed Link.
(7) The Concessionaires shall negotiate agreements with the British and
French telecommunications operators reiating to the use by them of the
Fixed Link.


Modification of Conc~ion
No modification of the terms of the Concession shall be made without the
prior approval of both Governments.



Compensation of Concessionaires
(I) When the term of the Concession ends, no compensation of whatever
kind shall be due to the Concessionaires except as expressly provided in the

(2) The two States undertake not to interrupt or terminate the construction
or operation of the Fixed Link by the Con::es.:>ionair~s throughout the term ofthe
Concession save on the grounds of national defence, or in the case of a failure by
the Concessionaires to satisfy or comply with the terms of, and as provided in,
the Concession or under the powers rtferred to in Article 6. Any brea<.:h by a State
of this obligation would give the Conccssionaires a right to compensation in
accordance with the provisions of the Concession and consistent with
international law.
(3) If a State interrupts or terminates the construction or operation of the
Fixed Link by the Concessionaires on grounds of national defence. the
Concessionaires shall be eligible for compensation as provided under the law of
the State concerned. In those cases where both States are liable under this
provision and where the Concessionaires make a claim for compensation against
both States, they may not receive from each State more than half of the amount
of compensation payable in accordance with the law of that State.
(4) Each State shall bear the cost of the payment of any compensation tl) the
Concessionaires in proportion to its responsibility, if any, in accordance with
international law.



Compensation between States

In the event of either State unilaterally interrupting or terminating the
construction or operation of the Fixed Link by the Concessionaires during the
term of the Concession. the other State shall be entitled to compensation. Such
compensation shall be limited to the actual and direct loss suffered by that other
State and shall exclude any indirect loss or damage; in particular it shaH exclude
any loss of taxation or other benefits derived from the establishment or operation
ofthe Fixed Link. No compensation shall be payable in respect ofan interruption
or termination of the construction or operation of the Fixed Link on grounds of
national defence where it serves the defence interests of both States.



Rights of Governments on Termination of Concession

Where the Concession terminates, whether by efHuxion of time or
prematurely for whatever reason, the rights enjoyed by the Concessionaires in
that part of the structure, land and fixed installations of the Fixed Link within
the jurisdiction of each State will revert to that State. Other property relating
to t_he Fixed Link should become the joint property of the two States under the
conditions provided for in the Concession. If the two Governments decide to
continue to operate the Fixed Link together. they will do so on the basis of
equality of rights and obligations, including the upkeep of the structure and
installations of the Fixed Link.



Consultation between Governments

The two Governments shall consult, at the request of either:
(a) on any matter relating to the interpretation or the implementation of this
Treaty or the Concession;

(b) on the consequences of any measures announced or taken which could

!'ubstantially affect the construction or the operation of the Fixed Link;
(c) on any action proposed in relation to any rights or obligations of the

States under the Treaty or the Concession;

(d) upon the termination of the Concession ior any reason. on the future use
of the Fixed Link, its continued development and its continued




(I) An arbitral tribunal shall be constituted to settle:
(a) dispute:; between the two States relating to the interpretation or

application of this Treaty which are not settled through consultations

under Article 18 within three months;
(b) disputes between the Governments und the Concessionaires relating to

the Concession;
(c) disputes between the Concessionaires relating to the interpretation or

application of this Treaty.

(2) The arbitral tribunal shall be constituted for each case in the following

(a) Within two months of the receipt of the r'.!quest for arbitration each

Government shall appoint one arbitrator.

(b) The two arbitrators shall, within a period of two months of the

appointment of the second, appoint, by mutual agreement, a narional of

a third State as third arbitrator, who shaH act a~ chairman of the tnbunal.
(c) If within the time limits specified above :ny appointment has not been

made, a party may, in the absence of any other agreement, request the
President of the Court of Justice of the European C)mmunities to make
any necessary appointment.
(d) If the President of that Cour~ is a national of either State, or if he is

otherwise unable to act, the Presidents of the Chambers of the Court in

order of s.::niority shall be requested to make ~he appointment.
(e) if the latter are nationais ofone of the States or are likewise unable to act,

the member of the Court next in senioi"it:> who is not a national of either
State or otherwise unable to act :;hall be requested to make the
(f) In any case to which the Concess1cnaires are parties they shall be entitled
to appoint two additional arbitrators. The two arbitrators appointed by
the Governments shall appoint the chairman of the tribunal by
agreement with the two arbitrators appointed by the Concessiona!res. In
default of agreement within the time limit ~pecified in sub-paragraph (b),
the chairman shall be nppointed in accordance with the procedure
prescribed in sub-par:1graphs (c), (d) and (e) of this paragraph. The
arbitrators appointed by the Conccssionaires shall not participate in that
part of m1y decision relating to 1.h.:: interpretation or applicc:.tion of the
(3) The arbitr<1l tribunal shall take decisions by a maJOrity vote. No
arbitrator may abstain. In the event of the votes being equally dividt~d the
chairman shall have a casting vote. The tribunal m<;.y, a~ the request of one of the
parties. interpret its own decisions. Decisions of the tribunal shall be finai and
binding on the parties.


(4) Each party shall bear the costs of the arbitrator appointed by it, or
appointed on its behalf, and an equal share ofthe costs ofthe chairman; the other
costs of the arbitration process shall be borne in a manner determined by the
(5) In order to resolve any disputes regarding the Treaty, the tribunal shall
have regard to lhe Treaty and the relevant principles of international law.
(6) In order to resolve any disputes regarding the Concession, the relevant
provisions of the Treaty and the Concession shall be applied. The rules of English
law or the rules of French law may, as appropriate, be applied when recourse to
these rules is necessary for the implementation of particular obligations under
English law or French law In general recourse may also be had to the relevant
principles of international law, and if the parties in dispute agree, to principles of



Ratification and entry into force

This Treaty is subject to ratification. It shall enter into force on the date of the
exchange of instruments of ratification, which shall t3ke place at Paris.
the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and
have affixed thereto their seals.


DoNE in duplicate at Canterbury, on 12 February 1986, in the English and

French languages, both texts being equally authoritative.

For Her Britannic Majesty:



For the President of the French Republic:




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