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Olimpiada de limba englez

Clasa a VII - a


Choose the correct answer:



Jacks hobby is hunting, but Debbie, his sister, is always trying to (1) __________
him that hunting animals is wrong. She cant (2) __________ the idea of killing
animals for fun. Jack asks his sister why she doesnt (3) __________ eating the rabbits
he shoots. Debbie says we sometimes have to kill animals to (4) __________
ourselves, and that rabbits are not in danger of becoming (5) __________. She says
that many wild animals are struggling to (6) __________. She believes everyone
should (7) __________ visiting countries where they are hunted. She knows shell
never (8) __________ Jack change his mind. Instead, she (9) __________ to talk to him
for days after one of their (10).


A agree

B persuade

C explain

D advise

A have

B like

C go

D bear

A mind

B want

C care

D worry

A eat

B grow

C develop

D feed

A dead

B finished

C extinct

D rare

A live

B survive

C overcome

D continue

A deny

B refuse

C avoid

D dislike

A make

B achieve

C reach

D manage

A avoids

B denies

C stops

D refuses


A struggles

B discussions

C fights


Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown:



1. What did your sister have on at the party?

What was _____________________.
2. Why dont you take the bus? Thats what Id do.
If ________________________
3. It is possible for him to be late.
He ________________________
4. During his law studies he met his future wife.
While ________________________
5. Perhaps we will go for a picnic on Sunday afternoon.
We ________________________
6. I went to the watchmakers as I wanted him to mend my watch.
I wanted to ________________________
7. We wont go there if they dont invite us.
Unless ________________________
8. John doesnt play football as well as Peter.
Peter ________________________
9. It started raining on Sunday and it has not stopped yet.
It has ________________________
10.It is forbidden to use dictionaries during the test.
Dictionaries ________________________


Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense:



I was on time for my dentists appointment, but the dentist was still busy with
another patient, so I (1) ____ (sit) in the waiting room and read some of the old
magazines lying there. While I (2) ____ (wonder) whether to leave and come back
another day, I (3) ____ (notice) a magazine article about teeth. It (4) ____ (begin):
How long (5) ____ (it be) since you last (6) ____ (go) to the dentist? (7) ____ (you go)
regularly every six months? Or (8) ____ (you put off) your visit for the last six
years? Next to the article was a cartoon of a man in a dentists chair. The dentist
(9) ____ (say): Im afraid this (10) ____ (hurt).


Write an essay with the title: A family celebration with a funny

end. (150 words)
40 points

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru 2 ore. Se acord 10 puncte din


17 MAI 2008 CLASA A -VII -A

Subiectul 1
Decide which answer a), b), c) or d) best fits the space:

Last week I phoned one of my friends. Why dont you (1)to my house? he said.
We can play some computer games, if you (2).. I dont feel (3).doing
that, I said. How about (4).fishing? He wasnt very (5)on the idea, so
we decided to (6) the cinema, although we didnt know what was(7)
....When we (8)there, it was a science fiction film, and so we (9)our
minds. We cant (10)that kind of film.

1) a) turn up

b) come round

c) cross over

d) go past

2) a) know

b) can

c) do

d) like

3) a) for

b) Im

c) like

4) a) the

b) going

c) a

d) it

5) a) interested

b) much

c) keen

d) liking

d) well

6) a) go

b) pass

c) see

d) try

7) a) on

b) it

c) there

d) playing

8) a) reached

b) were

c) saw

d) got

9) a) discussed

b) changed

c) made

d) found

10) a)like

b) hate

c) stand

d) admire


Subiectul 2

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of the verb in the brackets:

Prime Minister Tony Smith (1 resign)....... He (2-have) argument with

the leader of the opposition Harry Williams in parliament yesterday. He (3- leave)
the parliament building at 5 oclock and (4- announce)..his resignation
twenty minutes later. His deputy Linda Brown (5- become) the temporary
leader of the party. The party (6- vote).. for a new leader next week. There
(7- probably be )a general election at the end of the year. Reporters
gathered outside Mr. Smiths home but he wasnt there. His secretary said: Mr.
Smith (8- not be).here. He (9- go )on holiday. He (10- not be)here
until next month.
S2: 10x2 =20p
Subiectul 3

Correct the mistakes:

1. Are there some cars in the street?
2. The children is at home.
3. How much trees are there in the picture?
4. Tom is haveing a bath.
5. She have got a watch.
6. Who is Sally? She is in the park.
7. He dont like fish.
8. We never go to school in Sunday.
9. There are any apples on the table.
When are the children? At school.

Subiectul 4

Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same
.Use the word given:

1. I last went to the cinema a long time ago.( for)

2. Lets go to the cinema.(going)
3. Richard doesnt work harder than Alan.( just)
4. Mary has lived in Paris since 1991. (moved)
5. It isnt necessary for you to help me. (have)
6. That house belongs to me.(mine)
7. Im sorry I missed you.(apologize)
I .
8. Its necessary to press this button twice. (have)
9. This room is very crowded. (people)
10 Can you tell me about hotels in the centre?(information)
S4: 10x2= 20p

Subiectul 5

Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word given:

1. Nowadays it is very important to get a good ..

2. There was no for the crash of the airliner.
3. Helen
4. According to the ., the French lesson starts at ten.
5. Johns ..of History is amazing for a boy of his age.
6. We arrived late at the..., and missed the plane.
7. This city has over half a million ..
8. Eric studied hard to become a rock
9. Margaret has decided to have a career as a
10.They told me to ask at the ..desk.
5: 10X2= 20p

SECIUNEA II (30 puncte):

1. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Identify
of the errors and write the correct form on your exam sheet.
1. He is the more intelligent student in the class.
2. I didnt see nobody new at the party.
3. She maked the bed in a hurry.
4. Are you thinking of spend your holiday in Spain?
5. I have went on a holiday recently.
6. We wont go fishing if it will rain tomorrow.
7. Where have you last saw her?
8. He wants going for a walk in the park.
9. The news about the opening of the new mall arent true.
10. One of the boy admitted breaking the window.

11. The doctor recommended you should to stay in bed.

12. He wants to become a doctor when he will graduate from school.
13. Their car is nicest than ours.
14. What time does your train leaves tomorrow?
15. Most of the student passed the exam.
2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a
that fits in the space in the same line.
1. On our _________, we were greeted by the head of the

2. Im not sure about the _________ of the room. LONG

3. Call now and speak to one of our _________. OPERATE
4. These days, most of us have a CD _________. COLLECT
5. Locusts are _________ to crops. HARM
6. The committee gathered in order to _________ the tests. STANDARD
7. They live somewhere in the ___________. NEIGHBOUR
8. What are your _________ about her? FEEL
9. They speak _________ of him. HIGH
10. She looked at her son _________. LOVE
11. Wearing school uniforms is no longer ___________. COMPULSION
12. People find watching TV _________. RELAX
13. How can we achieve _________ for everyone. EQUAL
14. There are local and _________ problems to solve. NATION

15. The injection is quite _________. PAIN

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable verbal form:

a. This is my car. What you _______ 1 (think) of it?

b. What you _________ 2 (do ) in here?

c. She always ___________ 3 (talk) on the phone when I want to take a nap.

d. I wonder if Mary _____________4 (reach) home yet.

e. By the time he comes we __________ 5 (finish) our task.

f. Whenever I see such friendly behaviour I cant help _____________6

(think) of my grandma.

g. If he _________ 7 (eat) less he would be healthier.

h. If it hadnt been for my friend I _________ 8 (not succeed).

i. I wish I ________ 9 (not attend) that boring conference.

j. He said he _________ 10 (finish) the next day.

k. We were told that they __________ 11 (arrive) two days before.

l. The victims of the accident were helped out of the wreck and the doctor
___ 12 (send) for.

m. He asked me when I ___________ 13 (come) and why I _________ 14 (not

call) him in advance.

n. They complained that they __________ 15 (not earn) enough money.

o. I was pretty sure she ________ 16 (find) the place because I ________
17(explain) to her quite clearly how I _________18 (get) there the day

p. No decision will be made until all candidates __________ 19 (be)


q. It _________ 20 (rain) all day today.

2. Complete the following sentences with only ONE word

There is a time in most childrens lives ______ (1) they have just one best friend.
It is the _______ (2) person they are interested _________ (3) and the only person
they need.
But ____ (4) as they get older, most people realize that it is actually _____ (5)
healthier to have a small circle of good friends with ____ (6) personality types.
You need at least one wild friend _____ (7) encourages you to ______ (8)
something really expensive. The friend helps you with your career. He will
encourage you to do your __________ (9) . But dont choose someone who is
___________ (10) competitive

Olimpiada de limba englez

Etapa Local
Clasa a VII - a
Ianuarie 2012


Choose the correct item:


(101 point=10

1. Where is Amazon Rainforest located?

A. an

B. the


2. Bob .go fishing when he was 10 years old.

A. used to

B. got used to

C. is used to

3. Dont call Sandy. Its midnight and she .sleeping.

A. may be

B. cant be

C. may not be

4. Our newspaper ..every day by our neighbours son.

A. delivers

B. is delivered

C. delivered

5. They rarely go out any more, ..?

A. do they

B. arent they

C. didnt they

6. Can I have ..sugar, please?

A. any

B. some

C. few

7. Ive got .money. Could you lend me 20, please?

A. very little

B. a few

C. very few

8. How ..bottles of water do we need?

A. some

B. much

C. many

9. Id rather eat fresh vegetables eat meat.

A. prefer

B. to

C. than

10. Many .saw the accident and were able to explain what happened.
A. passer-bys

B. passers-bys

C. passers-by

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verbal tense:

(10 x 2 points = 20 points)

1. I . (listen) to the radio when I heard the news.


I .. (not/see) you for ages.

What (you/do) tonight?
I m buying flour and eggs because I .. (make) a cake later.
She often . (go) for walks in the evenings.
Liz and I . (know) each other for four years.
While Robert was driving home, he (get) a flat tyre.
Ian (talk) to his boss for an hour now.
I hope everyone . (enjoy) our party tonight.
We . (wait) for the bus for half an hour yesterday.
Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown:

(10 x 2 = 20 points)

1. She had such a large house that she couldnt keep it clean properly. Her
2. With a lot of luck, you may win that scholarship. If you..
3. You have remembered my favourite colour! You are very kind! How kind..
4. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard. I.
5. It is ages since we talked openly. We.
6. I have never heard such a bad singer. He is..
7. When I saw that postcard, I immediately remembered that summer. The postcard.
8. He has never shot a man in his life. It was.
9. I think it a waste to throw away that nice drawing. What a..
10. You shouldnt leave your bag here. I advise
Choose the correct answer:
(10 x 1
points = 20 points)
Most people enjoy going 1).for their holidays and having the opportunity
to stay in an interesting city or seaside 2). If you speak 3)
.....................languages, you can make new friends and 4) .home some interesting
souvenirs as presents. But before you can do that, you have to 5).your destination, and that
is often a problem. If you fly, then you may find that your flight has been 6).. Journeys
by train can also be difficult, since trains are often crowded in summer and you might have to reserve a 7)
in advance. Whichever way you travel, you can have problems with your 8)
..and it is often difficult to find good 9)Apart from
this, you might not be able to afford the 10)!


A out

B forward

C abroad

D foreign


A resort

B post

C too

D one


A strange

B stranger

C foreigner

D foreign


A fetch

B take

C go

D get


A reach

B arrive

C go

D travel


A waited

B reversed

C delayed

D booked


A post

B chair

C seat

D position


A baggages

B luggage

C goods

D sacks



A staying

B homes

C lodges

D accommodation


A fare

B fair

C far

D fur

Read the text and answer the following questions:

20 points

Those of us in our forties and fifties today remember with fondness and excitement the
atmosphere created by four young guys from Liverpool, England. As all of us remember where we were
during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, we likewise remember
being transfixed in front of our small black & white television sets on February 9, 1964, when the Beatles
made their first American debut on The Ed Sullivan Show.
In preparation for their appearance, the CBS Television office on West-Fifty-Third Street in New
York was overwhelmed by more than 50,000 requests for tickets to a studio that held 700. During their
appearance, the Beatles sang five songs in the following order: All My Loving, Till There Was You, She
Loves You, I Saw Her Standing There, and I Want To Hold Your Hand. On this night, seventy-three
million people watched the Beatles. Their appearance had such an impact that most normal activities in
America came to a standstill watching their performance. Criminal activity in most of the major cities and
towns in America was put on hold, and getting a taxi or bus in New York was almost impossible, until
their performance was over. Mass hysteria resulted wherever the Beatles appeared, and Beatlemania was
The worlds number one rock group consisted of John Winston Lennon (b.10/09/40 -d.12/08/80),
whose middle name came from his parents admiration of Winston Churchill; James Paul McCartney
(b.06/18/42); George Harrison (b.02/25/43 -d. 11/29/2001); and Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey
The Beatles made five movies: A Hard Days Night, which recreates the frenzy of
Beatlemania, Help!, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, which is animated, and Let It Be, an
eighty-minute documentary of the Beatles rehearsing at Twickenham Film Studios.
The Beatles changed history and the music world in a dramatic way. Like Glenn Miller from the
forties, who changed music by his innovative style of using clarinets in place of trumpets, and Elvis
Presley in his unique style of rock n roll from the fifties, the Beatles were the group from the sixties, and
remain so today.

1. Where are The Beatles from?

2. Name three facts which resulted from their appearance in the U.S..

3. Who were the four members of the group?

4. When and where did they make their debut in New York?

Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Timp de lucru 2 ore.

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