AMPL Recitation: Optimization - Banner Chemical Connor Makowski

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AMPL Recitation

Optimization Banner Chemical

Connor Makowski

Before Starting This Recitation

You should:

Have AMPL installed on your computer

Or use the online access portal (we do not cover this)

Be able to run AMPL on your machine

Have watched the Banner Chemical example at
the beginning of this recitation

Recitation Agenda
AMPL Optimization

Optimization in AMPL Algebraic
Optimization in AMPL Summation Notation

AMPL Optimization Basics

Every line ends with a semi colon;
Variables are preceded by var

Example: var x, y;

Constraints are preceded by subject to ... :

Example: Subject to capacity: x+y<2;

AMPL Algebraic Optimization Syntax

List Variables
Specify maximize/minimize and objective
Constrain the optimization
Display variables of interest

Optimization Banner Chemicals

var X_h >=0;
var X_s >=0;
maximize Total_Profit: 80*X_h+200*X_s;
subject to week_Cap: X_h+X_s<=110;
subject to cap_A: 3*X_h+2*X_s<=300;
subject to cap_B: X_h+3*X_s<=280;
display X_h, X_s, Total_Profit;

AMPL Summation Optimization Syntax

Set up Model

Set up notation
Add parameters
Specify variables
State objective function
Add constraints
Display variables of interest

AMPL Summation Optimization Syntax

set PRODUCTS = {"High","Supreme"};
set ADDITIVE = {"A","B"};
param raw_req {PRODUCTS,ADDITIVE} >=0;
param profit {PRODUCTS} >=0;
param availibility {ADDITIVE} >= 0;
param capacity=110;


Supreme Available

Additive A

3 gal

2 gal

300 gal

Additive B

1 gal

3 gal

280 gal

var X {PRODUCTS} >= 0;

maximize Total_Profit: sum {p in PRODUCTS} profit[p]*X[p];
subject to week_Cap: sum {p in PRODUCTS} X[p]<=capacity;
subject to additive_Cap {j in ADDITIVE}: sum {p in PRODUCTS} raw_req[p,j]*X[p]<=availibility[j];
#display X, Total_Profit;

AMPL Summation Optimization Syntax

Set up Data

Specify data
Follow data structure of your model

Use the correct syntax

Param (name if matrix): Name of vector(s):=
Row titles and data of each vector

Optimization Banner Chemicals

param raw_req:

"Supreme" 2

"B" :=
3 ;

param: profit:=
"High" 80
"Supreme" 200 ;
param: availibility:=
280 ;


Questions, Comments, Suggestions?

Use the Discussion!

Margaret - After immersing herself in constrained


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