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Moldova State University

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

English Philology Department

The Role of Abbreviations in Internet

Table of Contents
Chapter One General Peculiarities of Internet Abbreviations in Modern
1.1 Means of Identifying and Defining Communication as a Subject of Modern
Linguistic Study................................................................................................7
1.2 The Role and Impact of Internet in the Evolution of Contemporary
1.3 Abbreviations and their Impact on Internet Messages...................................24
Chapter Two Functional and Stylistic Features of Abbreviations in Internet


General Communicative Parameters Demonstration as a Means of Defining

Internet Communications..................................................................................40

Classifications and Functions of Internet Messages......................................45


The Role and Functions of Non-verbal Communication in Internet


Reference List.....................................................................................................71

New technologies are changing the very nature of communication processes.
In the past few decades, traditional forms of mediated communication with large,
heterogeneous, and anonymous audiences (e.g., television and radio broadcasts)
have gradually given way to other forms of mediated communication - internet
Many of the new communication technologies allow and even foster
interpersonal communication as well as mass communication among users of
various mass media sources. Moreover, the interactive components of certain
new communication technologies make it difficult to distinguish between the
classic "sender" and "receiver" that for so long were seen to be the main
components of the mass communication model.
The choice of the topic was motivated by the abundance of new abbreviated
and shortened word forms used in internet chats, e-mail and instant messages,
and the necessity of their analysis for the purpose of the better understanding of
the latter.
The importance of the given research paper is determined by growing
interest in the subject, since the internet messaging is a global communication,
that increases every day. In the communication process different kinds of
abbreviations are used. Such abbreviation distinguishes internet communication
from face-to-face contact and literature. Abbreviations in internet messages
become more spread and some of them enter people's everyday life.
The choice of the topic was motivated by the abundance of new
abbreviated and shortened word forms used in internet chats, e-mail and instant
messages, and the necessity of their analysis for the purpose of the better
understanding of the latter.
The main goal of the given research paper is to study the role of the
abbreviations in the modern internet communication. It is important to understand

what makes the interlocutors use different kinds of trie abbreviation and in what
situations they are employed.
One of the objectives of this diploma thesis is to show the main features of
communicative principle in the study of internet communication, and especially
the usage of abbreviation in internet messages.
Another objective of the investigation is the research of the functions of
abbreviations and their role in modern internet verbal interactions.
Other objectives of investigation in the research paper were determined as
the following:

to describe the basic principles of the meaning of abbreviations ;

to prove that internet communication is important nowadays and abbreviation

plays big role in internet messages.
The novelty of the work is that it presents abbreviations that are used in

internet messages. Nowadays more and more people use internet and message
abbreviations enter everyday life. In addition internet abbreviations develop more
and more, each day brings some new abbreviations, and it is their abundance that
radically modifies the usual dialogic and interaction rules. Thus, some of these
modifications will be subjected to the analysis.
While realizing the objectives formulated in the following methods of
investigation will be used: the analysis, synthesis, comparison, and interpretation of
the communicative messages with regards to their stylistic and dialogic purport.
The hypothesis of this work is that stylistically internet communication
turns out the powerful language and communicative means of transmitting
messages, which for a grater part are based on usage of the semantically charged
abbreviations of the following types: shortenings, initialisms and abbreviations,
graphic abbreviations, syllabic abbreviations, contractions. It can also be
hypothesized that the emoticons being the shortened graphical forms of rendering
emotive attitudes cam also be classified as a type of abbreviated non-verbal

The tasks of the investigation determined the structure and volume of given
diploma paper which consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusions and
The classifications and functions of communicative messages are described
in the first chapter. Verbal and non-verbal means of performing the internet
communication are presented as well. The internet evolution and types of the
internet communication are presented. The abbreviations and their nature are also
specified in the theoretical overview and the investigation is replenished by
offering some comprehensive classifications of abbreviated messages of both
verbal and non-verbal character.
The second chapter indicates the deductions regarding the basic types of
on-line communication, such as e-mail, instant messaging and chats. All of their
communicative parameters as well as their stylistic features and lexical, as well as
grammar traits are indicated in this chapter. Deviations from the standard
language norms and even the colloquial oral speech are underlined
General communicative parameters and means of internet communications
are presented in the second chapter. Here definitions and interpretations of
literary and internet communication are descried. Classifications and functions of
internet messages are presented, as well as their use in-practice.
The interpersonal communication is presented in dialogues to show how
sender transmits message to receiver and response from the receiver. In given
diploma thesis are presented the works of the famous scientists helping to carry
out the research.
The actuality of this work is that internet communication is widely spread
nowadays. Technical progress gives possibility to people to use internet all over
the world. It can be used for business or for personal purposes. People use
abbreviated words and sentences in the on-line' messages to save time,

communicate effectively and give others the possibility of imparting ideas as

concisely as they do.

Chapter One
General Peculiarities of Internet Abbreviations in Modern
In this chapter various definitions of communicative process, the role and
evolution of contemporary communication would be presented.
Communicative process has many stages; so many scientists have different
points of view on communication classification. In this paragraph some of
classifications would be described.
The abbreviations and their impact on internet messages would be
investigated as well. In the given part of the research various ways of defining
and interpreting abbreviations are evaluated. In this part different types of the
abbreviations and their usage in literary domain will be studied. Namely
shortenings, initialisms, contractions, acronyms, syllabic abbreviations and
graphical abbreviations will be presented.
The internet helps people to realize at least three main needs: communication,
amusement and getting information. And in this chapter the given three needs
would be studied.

1.1 Means of Identifying and Defining Communication as a Subject of

Modern Linguistic Study'
1.1.1 Definitions of Communicative Process

Various definitions of the communicative, process will be studied in the

given analysis. Regularly, person constantly participates in the process of

There is much discussion in the academic world of communication as to
what actually communication constitutes. Currently, many definitions of
communication are used in order to conceptualize the processes by which people
navigate and assign meaning.
Harold Barrett defines communication as an interpersonal process:
"Communication is a dynamic, interpersonal process. It is an ongoing
process; it is dynamic because it happens under ever-changing conditions and
follows the ever-changing behavior of people" [2; 4]. Thus, communication is
defined by Harold Barrett as a dynamic process that can take place between two
or more persons. This process accompanied by persons conduct.
Another definition by W. Schweber is connected mostly with information
changing process: "Any act by which one person gives to or receives from person
information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or
affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may
involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or Other modes "[14; 2]. Thus,
communication is an act, which helps people to share with the information using
linguistic or non-linguistic forms. So, we can understand that communication can
be based on the signs or gestures as well.
Julia T.Wood defined communication just in some words, but it perfectly
reflects its meaning. "Communication is a systemic process in which people
interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings" [19; 11]. But
she does not say anything about any change of information, as it did E. W. Brody,
defining communication as systemic. And while people communicate symbols
help to interpret meanings.
E. W. Brody affirms that the main role of communication is to transfer
information, by different means: "Communication, transfer of information,
such as thoughts and messages, as contrasted with transportation, the transfer of

goods and persons. The basic forms of communication are by signs (sight) and by
sounds. The reduction of communication to writing was a fundamental step in the
evolution of society for, in addition to being useful in situations where speech is
not possible, writing permits the preservation of communications, or records,
from the past" [3; 4].Thus, people can use different kinds of communication to
transfer various types of information in their messages. So, the main two ways
that people prefer to use, judging by Brody affirmation, are the signs and the
sounds communication.
As one can see, there are many basic forms of communication such as
signs and sounds. In the definition proposed by "yqurdictionary" one can find
more kinds of communication system. "The act of communicating is the
exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing,
or behaviour. Communication is the art and technique of using words effectively
to impart information or ideas" [68; 1]. Thus, the definition implies that
communication is the art and technique that helps people effectively use the
words and signals. The communication helps people to share with different
information by use of many types of signals.
It is described in the "scientologyhandbook" that communication is
concerned with the transmission of information by various means, such as print
or broadcasting. "Communications is a system, such as mail, telephone, or
television, for sending and receiving messages. A network of routes for sending
messages and transporting troops, and supplies. The technology employed in
transmitting messages" [58; 1]. Thus, the modern systems of communication help
to interlocutors share with the information such as mail, telephone, or television,
for sending and receiving messages.
In the definition by 'Wikipedia' one can make a conclusion, that
communication is a process with moral treasures,, because its purpose of
communication is to help people feel good about them: "Communication is a

process by which information is exchanged between or among individuals

through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. As a process,
communication has synonyms such as expressing feelings, conversing, speaking,
corresponding, writing, listening and exchanging. People communicate to satisfy
needs in both their work and non-work lives" [45; 1] Thus, communication
process is common system of the behavior, different signs and symbols. All this
creates certain condition for people communication. It is a process that helps the
individuals to exchange with the information.
People want to be heard, to be appreciated and to be wanted. They also
want to accomplish tasks and to achieve goals. A major aim of communication is
to help people feel good about themselves and about their friends, groups, and
organizations. For true communication, there must be a transmitting of thoughts,

ideas and feelings from one mind to another.

Further the same encyclopedia "Wikipedia" explains by what means can be
transmitted information while communication. "Communication, in essence, is
the shift of a particle from one part of space to another part of space. A particle is
the thing being communicated. It can be an object, a written message, a spoken
word or an idea. In its crudest definition, this is communication."[45; 1] Thus,
there are many different messages, such as objects or spoken words that make
people's communication diverse.
This simple view of communication leads tq the full definition of
"scientologyhandbook": "Communication is the consideration and action of
impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receiptpoint, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point duplication
and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point" [58; 1]. Thus,
communication is integral for any relationship, be it a familial relationship, a
friendship, a business association, a working relationship, or a romantic
Not only is communication important for the success of any relationship, but

the lack of it can absolutely ruin a relationship. The repercussions of poo

communication include feelings of betrayal, fast propagating distrust
misinterpretation of signals and events, accumulation of problems, willing self
isolation, and the deterioration of relationships. Communication is an excellenl
means by which all involved parties can work on ailing relationships.
At the centre of any definition of communication is the intention of conveying
a message, even if the message is abstract. The message may not be intended for
anybody in particular and may be simply for the enjoyment of the creator: so
there may be no intended receiver.
As it can be understood there always is the transmitter in a communication
but a message is usually both transmitted and received, though some messages
may not reach their destination if there is a barrier to communication. Such a
barrier may vary from a reception problem with radio or television, to a listener
whose mind is on other things or who does not understand the massage. It is
important, therefore, to convey a message via the best possible medium or
through a combination of media i.e. face-to-face, via the telephone or in a written
communication. Common system of communication helps people to change with
different messages which have special sense. The communication occupies
important part in our life.

1.1.2 Classifications and Functions of Communicative Messages and Verbal


Communicative process has many stages; so many scientists have different

points of view on communication classification. In this paragraph some of
classifications are represented.


Communications happens at many levels in many different ways, and for all
beings, and some machines. Many or all, fields of study dedicate some attention
to communication, so when speaking about communication it is very important to
be sure about what kind of communication are we speaking about, mainly: what
type of things are communicated, between what agents, and with what kind of
There are many types of communication. One of, the simplest classifications
is suggested by Veronica Feeg: "Verbal: including: oral, written, and e-mail
communication; and nonverbal including: expression, expressive behaviours,
body language" [32;3]. Thus, it is a common and simple structure that helps to
understand basic principles of communication process. There are two basic types
of communication, being verbal and non-verbal ones, with the first type including
oral, written and e-mail communication that one can use by words help. The
second non-verbal type including expression, expressive behaviours, body
language that basically consists of different gestures and sounds that carry
definite message.
Therefore, communication is a kind of social interaction where at least two
interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic
rules. In a simplistic model, the information is sent from a sender or encoder to a
receiver or decoder. In a slightly more complex form feedback links a sender to a
receiver. This requires that a symbolic activity, sometimes via a language.
Classification of communication in the on-line encyclopedia "Wikipedia" is
based on different principles, but Veronica Feeg's classification:
"Communication is formed around the principles of respect, promises and the
want for social improvement. Specialized fields focus on various aspects of
communication and include the following:
Non-verbal communication, the act of imparting or interchanging
thoughts, opinions or information without the use of words;

Symbolic communication, the exchange of messages that change a

priori expectation of events

Animal communication, the discipline of animal behavior that

focuses on the reception and use of signals" [32; 1].

Judging by this classification we can make a conclusion, that

communication development is the development of processes enabling one to
understand what others say (or sign, or write) and speak (or sign, or write),
translate sounds and symbols into meaning and learn the syntax of the language.

Stuart Harris in his book "Human communications" classified

communication in such a way: "Written communication is clear expression of
ideas in writing; includes grammar, organization, and structure. Varying levels of
writing skills are required for different jobs. The ability to convey ideas is
important. The extent to which proper grammar and form are important depends
on both the job and the method of communication.




Thus, written communication can be used in different styles and fore many
purposes. This kind of communication is a clear expression of ideas, because it
is structured and organized.
"Oral communication simply means the use of speech. The use of oral
communication applies to many areas: you may, for instance, be asked to give a
talk; one may wish to speak from the floor of meeting or slightly less formally,
one may have an idea or a point of view which you want to put over to colleagues
at work or fellow-members of a social group.


Meetings [15; 9].

It can be concluded, that it is one of the most popular and widely used types

in everyday life by all people. Oral communication is the simplest, so it can be

adoptable in different situations.
Desmond Morris affirms that "non-verbal communication such as the use of
gestures or mannerism is often referred to as body language. The study of this
aspect of non-verbal communication has gained in popularity" [15;9]. Thus,
nonverbal communication is based on different symbols which differ from
culture to culture, or it can be different icons that everyone can understand.
In addition, to the deliberate verbal communication then, a second non verbal level operates at which we are usually less aware. This second level of
communication may account for what is sometimes called 'intuition': the ability
to sense, for example, that a speaker's messages are suspect.


Charts, diagrams

Unconscious signals

It can be understood, that there are many different methods of communication.

With various advantages and disadvantages" [15; 11]. Due to this classification,
one can make conclusion that: written communication can relay complex ideas;
provides analysis, evaluation, and summary; can confirm interpret, clarify oral
interpret, provides written record. But it takes time, sometimes can be expensive,
more formal and impersonal, problems with interpretation, exchange of views not
immediately possible.
Oral communication has instant interchange of opinions, instant feedback,
easier to convince persuade, has direct medium, physical proximity. But it is

difficult to hold ground in face to opposition, groups of people more difficult to

control, can arise disputes.
Non verbal-communication reinforces oral communication, added visual
stimulation, simplifies written and spoken word,, provides simulations of
situations And at the same time there can be difficulties in interpretation without
written or spoken word, skills in comprehension and interpretation a prerequisite,
it can also be expensive.
Another classification of communication by B.Manpreet is more detailed:
"Communication with words: Spoken words and written material are called
verbal communication because they use language as the means for
communication."[69; 1]. In conclusion one can see that the first subtype is the
simplest and most common for people communication. It is based on language
and is used as a basic one.
"Communication without words: Shaking the head to indicate refusal,
nodding our head to show agreement, waving our hands to say good bye and even
staring at someone to express anger or displeasure are all called body language"
[69;l].Thus, it is needn't sometimes use words to express ones opinion, it can be
enough to nod with the head if someone wont do agree or disagree with
"Non-verbal communication consists of tone and body language, which

is made up of gestures, eye contact and facial expressions. Even the personality
of a person can influence communication." [69; 1]. Thus, one can come to
conclusion that these two subtypes are very common. But in this way even
persons appearance or eye contact can influence on the interpersonal
"Oral Communication: Most of the communication in our life is oral
communication. This is because we learn to speak first and then to write. The

disadvantage of oral communication is that it does not always save time. It is not
possible for Prime Minister to speak to the people to Red Fort every day. It will
cost a lot in terms of money, time and other important resources. People have to
meet each other all the time to communicate orally." [69; IJ.So, one can see the
main disadvantage of oral communication: such as irrational use of the time.
"Written Communication: Written communipation provides records for
future reference. This is a major advantage. A single message can be sent through
mailing to many people. The disadvantages of written communication are that
since paper is extremely used for written communication there could be problems
of storage and maintenance of records [69; 1]., one can see quite contrary
statement for oral communication disadvantages. Here are presented advantages
of written communication.
"Non- Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication generally
takes place as a supportive form of communication to verbal communication.

This is its advantage. This type of communication is used in support of verbal

communication, but if the words of the speaker and his actions for the message
do not match, it will be confusion for the listeners [69; 1]. Thus, one can come to
the conclusion, that non-verbal communication supports verbal communication.
In the theoretical investigation it can be observed, that B.Manpreet defined six
types of communication. Summing up these types of communication, it can be
observed that communication involves much more than the use of words and
sounds. Communication is a dynamic, interpersonal process. The communication
function is clear expression of ideas that are based on language but sometimes a
symbol carries the message.
It is a highly complex and never static scientist's point of view on
communication types, as it was deduced, according to which communication can
be written, oral and non-verbal. But one can come to the conclusion that all kinds
of communication supplement each other.

1.2 The Role and Impact of Internet in the Evolution of Contemporary

1.2.1 The Evolution of the Internet and its Impact on Communication

This paragraph represents the evolution of communication, and gives

reasons as to why internet is important nowadays as regards the communication
processes and the changes of communication standards.
People spend a great amount of time communicating. They talk, listen,
initiate dialogues with ourselves, participate in group discussions, present oral
reports, watch and listen to mass communication, and so forth. From birth to
death, communication shapes our personal, professional, and social lives as well
as culture in which we live. And it can be observed that, communication changes
with people's life.
Nowadays, internet is used all over the world; it gives another possibility to
communicate. It allows individuals to express their ideas and opinions directly to
a world audience and easily to each other. Internet allows expressing more ideas,
opinions and information than previous media have allowed. Consequently, there
is a vital connection between the Internet and human communication.
According to Humberto L. Lugo-Vicentet the World Wide Web history is
not so long, basically it starts in 1989: "After the post-war years military
intelligence was searching for strategic forms of communication in the aftermatch of a nuclear holocaust, a system that would defeat current centralized
tendencies in communication. The notion of creating several nodes of super
computers that convey each other through standard telephones line was
developed. Sending the information in small packages, that would meet at the
other end of the line using a uniform protocol of communication and regrouping.

These nodes would be created around different parts of the world divided
in either top level geographical or institutional domains like: government (gov),
commercial (com), educational, (edu), military (mil), network resources (net),
and other organizations (org)" [52; 1].Thus, the main aim of the net
communication was searching for strategic forms of secure communication.
That brought the scientist to the World Wide Web: "World Wide Web
(WWW), the crowning glory of the Internet, is developed in Geneva, Switzerland
in 1989. The WWW provides a user friendly interface with the capacity to send
and receive information through Internet using text, graphics, audio and video
utilizing a protocol of marked language. Today as the best resource to post
information that can reach and be accessed in almost every corner of the
planet."[52;.l] So, judging by little history internet overview, it can be
understand that internet's main aim still remains easy people communication all
over the world. As it was deduced communication is change of information, so
internet offers people the means of communication that they might never even
have imagined ten years ago.
Diana Botluk writes in her work "Internet Communications Tools": "I can
go into my office in the morning and turn on my computer. Instantly, I check on a
list of friends and see which of them are online, and twhich are late for work. If
someone on my list isn't there, I can send a message that she will see the moment
she signs onto her computer. If another friend is there, I can instantly request a
chat, or synchronous two-way conversation between him and me. Another friend
on my list has been waiting for a digital file. Jt might be a word processed
document, or a digital image, or some sort of program: "I can send the file at the
click of my mouse, immediately transferring the file, in whatever format, from
my computer to hers" [54; 2]. Thus, these capabilities were there all along, but
the past couple of years have seen incredible developments in the software used
to employ this type of communication. And communicating with internet help is
as easy as face-to-face talk.

In conclusion to this paragraph it can be mentioned, that internet is used all

over the world and has great value in many spheres of the life. It was found out
the scientists were the first to use this system in an effort to consolidate research
and establish electronic communication in the flow of new projects .And today
internet become valuable source of communication, both official and colloquial.
It helps people communicate all over the world without difficulties.

1.2.2 Types and Functions of Internet Messages

Internet helps people to realize at least three main needs: communication,

amusement and getting information. At the beginning the main aim was
transmission of information, but very soon net was used mostly for
We can follow internet evolution in Portnac Petr's work "Communication
evolution": "At 1972-s electronic mail was created. Internet developed and in
1980-s was wide used BBS (Bulletin Board System) that wasn't so good in use.
As a result of that appeared FidoNet that was very popular in commercial world.
At the mid 1990-s appeared Chat and most of people discovered in chat all the
charm of virtual communication" [55; 1]. Judging bythis passage one can make
the conclusion, that one of the most widely spread and popular communication
types today is via E-mail. E-mail is popular way for the information exchange in
the modern Internet. The efficient usage of the e-mail services can be the greatest
help for many online activities. That is the reason why, some information about
the principles of e-mail systems functioning can be appreciated by many users all
over the world.
E-mail definition is properly described by the Wikipedia: "Electronic mail
(abbreviated "e-mail" or, often, "email") is a store and forward method of

composing, sending, storing, and receiving messages over electronic

communication systems. The term "e-mail" (as a noun or verb) applies both to
the Internet e-mail system based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
and to intranet systems allowing users within one organization to e-mail each
other. Often these work group collaboration organizations may use the Internet
protocols for internal e-mail service" [43; 1]. It can be'understood, that sending of
the non-text files, such as graphic images and sound files so as attachments sent
in binary streams. E-mail was one of the first uses of the internet and is still the
most popular use.
E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well as to individuals. A shared
distribution list can be managed by using an e-mail reflector. Some mailing lists
allow people to subscribe by sending a request to the mailing list administrator.
Another effective and modern type of communication is instant messaging.
Instant messages are described by "answersencyclopedia": "Instant messaging
(sometimes called IM or IMing) is the ability to easily see whether a chosen
friend or co-worker is connected to the Internet and, if they are, to exchange
messages with them. Instant messaging differs from ordinary e-mail in the
immediacy of the message exchange and also makes a continued exchange
simpler than sending e-mail back and forth. Most exchanges are textonly"[30;l].In conclusion, it can be noted that instant messaging has a number of
differences and functions' that is more effective in on-line communication.
After analyzing instant messages work it can be pointed out that they are not
so complicated and comfortable for using. In order for instant messaging to
work, both users must be online at the same time, and the intended recipient must
be willing to accept instant messages. The user can make this if someone annoys
him. An attempt to send an instant messaging to. someone who is not online, or
who is not willing to accept instant messaging, will result in notification that the
transmission cannot be completed. If the online software is set to accept instant

messages, it alerts the recipient with a distinctive sound, a window that indicates
that an Instant message has arrived and allowing the recipient to accept or reject
it, or a window containing the incoming message/
P. Portnac in his work use of instant messages is described: "Under most
conditions, instant messaging is truly "instant"[55; 1]. So, it is possible for two
people to have a real-time online "conversation" by instant messaging each other
back and forth. In some way internet communication gives us possibilities to
have so called "virtual life". It can help to relax form everyday life, use
imagination and new acquaintances.
It can be observed, that instant messaging is considered more spontaneous
than e-mail or chat rooms, and you can even surf the Web together while having
a real-time text conversation at the same time. The information in the work
"Communication Evolution" by P. Portnac is given about one of such real-time
programs: "ICQ was first program with instant messages. ICQ was created by
Israel Mirabilis Company, for creators was enough four months to write this
program. And in November 1996 the program I Seek You was issued" [55; 1].
Thus, the conclusion is that internet communication development grows very
fast. And appear different useful programs for easy communication.
Internet tutorial comments ICQ using and its .value: "A user-friendly Internet
program that tells you when other users are online and lets you communicate with
them IRT. ICQ searches the Net and alerts you when friends or colleagues who
also use ICQ sign on."[55;2] Thus, with ICQ, users can chat, send messages,
swap URLs, exchange files, play games. There are many settings that are useful
and are comfortable for many different situations. "There are many settings
available for status, or the way you appear on your friends' contact lists. You can
set your status as busy and unavailable, or you can even set is as invisible. That
way you can see everyone else, but they can't see you. You can even choose a
different status setting for each of the different people on your contact list,

remaining invisible to some, while available to othefs " [55; 2]. Thus, one can
select setting that corresponds to his mood of status. Users can change their
contact list in correspondence with relation towards interlocutors.
In accordance with Internet tutorial: "various popular programs, like MSN
Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Messenger,
among many others, allow people to communicate in real time by exchanging
written messages, sound or images" [55; 1] So, one can note that it is comfortable
to use such a kind of communication, which is useful for many purposes. The
internet offers a big amount of various programs.
It is also important to mention chatting. Chat is defined by
'TechEncyclopedia' as "a real-time conferencing capability between two or more
users on a local network, on the Internet or via a BBS. The chat is really a "text
chat," because the conversing is accomplished by typing on the keyboard, not
speaking" [48; 1]. And simply saying, the internet chatting is talking to other
people who are using the internet at the same time.
Usually, this "talking" is the exchange of typed-in messages requiring one site
as the repository for the messages and a group of users who take part from
anywhere on the Internet. In some cases, a private chat can be arranged between
two parties who meet initially in a group chat.
"Chats can be ongoing or scheduled for a particular time and duration. Most
chats are focused on a particular topic of interest and some involve guest experts
or famous people who "talk" to anyone joining' the chat" [48; 2]. Thus, users
judging by chat theme decide what chat they have to enter for useful
information. It gives possibility to have useful communication.
Chats are conducted on online services, by bulletin board services, and by
Web sites. Several Web sites exist solely for the purpose of conducting chats.
Some chat sites such as Worlds Chat allow participants to assume the role or
appearance of an avatar in a simulated or virtual reality environment. "Chatting is
different. If you chat with a friend, a chat window pops up on your screen. You

are both there at the same time participating in the chat. The screen is split so that
you can see what you're typing as well as what your friend is typing" [48; 3]. So,
one can make conclusion that it is really comfortable to communicate in the realtime and it is very common to oral communication.
"At another press of a button, you can send a file of any sort from your
computer directly to your friend's computer, or simply send the url address of a
web page that you think is interesting. As you're'browsing the web, if you come
across a page you want to share, simply click on your friend's name and choose
the option to send the URL. It is instantaneously sent, whether or not your friend
is online" [48; 3].
So, it can be observed that there are many advantages in chat
communication. Users can easily share with graphical information or send some
internet addresses which can be visited without any difficulties.
People can use chats for their preferences: "There are chat rooms on the
internet for people with specific interests, for instance: travel, entertainment,
hobbies, romance etc. There are also chat' rooms designed mainly for
socialization. Many are separated by age groupings" [63; 1]. Thus, finding a chat
room is as simple as going to your favorite search engine and typing "chat
rooms". Each chat room is a separate chat community.
A lot of the people there are regulars. As such, each room will develop its
own personality, or culture, reflecting the personalities of the chatters who
frequent it. One can undoubtedly find some rooms to be offensive while also
finding others that you will look forward to spending time in. Fortunately, there
are a sufficient number of chat rooms.
Here are some chat types offered by Sofweb: "The first type of chat is
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on
Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to
talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that
can participate in a given discussion, or the number of channels that can be

formed on IRC. IRC uses a streaming technology so basically how fast you type
is how fast your messages are up. The content of many IRC chat areas can be
rough and uncensored, and because they are publicly accessible they attract a
very diverse range of people" [63; 2].Thus, it can be used for communication on
different topics, creating a many-aspect dialog or a communicative sample and
if u does not like any you may create your own.
The variety of different chat types indicates that chatting becomes more and
more useful for people. Like any other culture, the chat community has
developed a jargon that is characteristic of the culture. What follows is a starter
list of chat room abbreviations and their meanings. This list is by no means
comprehensive and probably new items are added daily.
In conclusion, it can be mentioned that internet messages are useful in
everyday life, popular in commercial world. It helps people to save time while
communicating with a friend. Internet communication develops and with time
becomes more variable and comfortable for use. Chat is a kind of electronic mail,
but more shortened. But both have the semantic value. People can decide by
themselves which kind of communication th'ey prefer. For more official
communication e-mail can be used, but if one wants to relax and have just free
communication he can enter a chat. While using internet instant messages people
can talk to close friends without difficulties.

1.3 Abbreviations and their Impact on Internet Messages

1.3.1 Definitions and Interpretations of Abbreviations

In the given part of the research various ways of defining and interpreting
abbrevations are evaluated. As Arnold I.V. affirms, abbreviation (from Latin

brevis "short") is a shorter form of a word, but more particularly, an abbreviation

is a letter or group of letters, taken from a word or words, and employed to
represent them for the sake of brevity" [23; 143].Thus, such short form of word
can be widely used especially for the long sentences or slogans.
For example, the word "abbreviation" can be abbreviated as "abbr." or
"abbrev." As Maltzev affirms, "because they are mnemonic aids, abbreviations
may be used without being fully understood. For example: people who know that
BMW and IBM are abbreviations may not know the names being abbreviated,
and, there may be no reason to know them. As an abbreviation becomes more
successful, the full form becomes less useful, sometimes to a point where it falls
into disuse. Abbreviation is sometimes defined by linguists as a "shortened form
of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole" [9,253]. Obviously, such
a definition embraces a variety of linguistic forms and requires further
clarification, because only its nature as the one of a shortened form is presented.
I.Arnold considers that "the term abbreviation may be also used for a
shortened form of a written word or phrase used in text in place of the whole for
economy of space and effort. Abbreviation is achieved by omission of letters
from one or more parts of the whole, as for instance abbr. for abbreviation"
[23,143]. According to the scientist's opinion, abbreviation is a shortened form
used for the purpose of language and effort economy.
Encyclopedia 'Wikipedia' considers that abbreviations become its
popularity after "World War II, the British greatly reduced their use of the full
stop and other punctuations after abbreviations in at least semi-formal writing,
while the Americans more readily kept its use until more recently, and still
maintain it more than Britons. The classic example, considered by their American
counterparts quite curious, was the maintenance of the internal comma in a
British organization of secret agents called the "Special Operations, Executive" -


"S.O.E." - which is not found in histories written after about 1960" [41; 16]. One
can see that Americans get interested in British use of full stop.

But before that, many Britons "were more scrupulous at maintaining the
French form. In French, the period only follows an abbreviation if the last letter
in the abbreviation is not the last letter of its antecedent: "M." is the abbreviation
for "monsieur" while "Mme" is that for "Madame" and "Mile" for
"Mademoiselle". Like many other cross-channel linguistic acquisitions, many
Britons readily took this up and followed this rule themselves, while the
Americans took a simpler rule and applied it rigorously" [41; 16]. Thus, it can be
understood that this different ways of abbreviation use could favour abbreviation
type's elaboration.
Finally it can be understood and concluded that abbreviation is a shortened
form of written phrase or word, which is commonly used. Appear different
spheres where abbreviations are used, but in use remain not all of them. Often
abbreviated form of sentence can be more useful than full form and it becomes
well known among people.

1.3.2 Classifications and Functions of Abbreviations in Modern English

In this part different types of the abbreviations and their usage in literary
domain will be studied. Namely shortenings, initialisms, contractions, acronyms,
syllabic abbreviations and graphical abbreviations will be presented.
In the dictionarycom abbreviation is defined in the following way:
"Abbreviations are commonly formed by omission df letters from one or more
parts of the whole" [36; 1]. There are some main kinds of abbreviations:
shortening, contractions, initialisms, graphical, abbreviations acronyms.


There where elaborated six types of abbreviation by D.Melenciuc:

"Shortenings of words usually consist of the first few, letters of the full form and
are usually spelled with a final period when they are still regarded as
abbreviations, for example, cont. = continued, in = inch. In the cases when they
form words in their own right, the period is omitted, for example, hippo =
hippopotamus, limo = limousine. Such shortenings are often but not always
informal. Some become the standard forms, and the full forms are then regarded
as formal or technical, for example, bus = omnibus, taxi = taxicab, deli =
delicatessen, zoo = zoological garden" [11; 156]. Thus, one can come to the
conclusion that shortenings can be divided into informal and standard. Standard
forms occupy important part in people's everyday life, because it is common to
use abbreviations than long sentences or long names.
"Shortenings are produced in two different ways. The first is to make a new
word from a syllable of the original word. The latter may lose its beginning (as in
"phone" made from "telephone") its ending (as. In "hols" from "holidays", "vac"
from "vacation"), or both the beginning and ending (as in "fridge" from
"refrigerator")" [11; 156]. So, such shortenings can be easily used in everyday
life. Such kinds of shortenings are common in communication and become
special place in grammar.
"The second way of shortening is to make a new word from the initial letters
of a word group usually called abbreviation: U.N.O. from the United Nations
Organization, B.B.C. from the British Broadcasting Corporation. This type is
found not only among colloquialisms and slang. Both types of shortenings are
characteristic of informal speech in general


and of uncultivated speech

particularly" [11;156]. Such a words created by way if shortening become in

society wide spread and used.
"Shortenings are words produced either by means of clipping full words or by
shortening word combinations, but having the meaning of clipping full words or
combinations" [11; 156] Thus, one can see such shortenings are often used in
everyday life. Frequently use of shortenings provides appearance of new words.

Another type suggested by D.Melenciuc is: "Contractions are abbreviated

forms in which letters from the middle of the full form have been omitted, for
example, Dr. = doctor, St. = saint or street. Such forms are invariably followed by
a period. Another kind of contraction is the type with,,an apostrophe marking the
omission of letters: can't = cannot, didn't = did not, you've = you have. Short way
to write two words as one by writing them together, leaving out one or more
letters and replacing the missing letters by an apostrophe" [11;157]. It can be
made conclusion, that such type is very common for people and it is adoptable to
official documents, as well.
Another type is also well known: "Initialisms are made up of the initial
letters of words and are pronounced as separate letters. Initial words are
distinguished by their spelling in capital letters (often separated by full stops) and
by their pronunciation- each letter gets its full alphabetic pronunciation and a full
stress, thus making a new word as R.A.F. [:']- 'Royal Air Force' ;
TUC.-'Trades Union Congress'. Some of initial words may be pronounced
in accordance with the rules of orthoepy, a N.A.T.O. f neitou], U.N.O., with the
stress on the first syllable. The meaning of the initial word is that of the nominal
combination. In speech initial words function like nouns; they take the plural
suffix, as MPs, and the suffix of the possessive case, as MP's, POW's. Practice
varies with regard to periods, with current usage increasingly in favor of omitting
them, especially when the initialism consists entirely of capital letters" [29; 1]. It
can be understood, that initialisms are easier to .remember than all world
combination in abbreviation. The initialisms easily become frequently used and
after a period are known by many people.
Another type offered by Melenciuc D. is acronym. "Acronyms are
initialisms that have become words in their owa right, or similar words formed
from parts of several words. They are pronounced as words rather than as a series
of letters, for example, AIDS, laser, scuba, UNESCO, and do not have periods. In
many cases the acronym becomes the standard term and the full form is only used
in explanatory contexts. Because they are pronounceable, many acronyms may

end up being accepted as words or names in their own right, as happened with
these and others such as AMEX (American Stock Exchange), gulag (Russian
abbreviation for Chief Administration for Corrective Labor Camps), radar (radio
detection and ranging) and sonar (sound navigation and ranging)." Thus, some
people can consider acronyms as word or standard term. It is convenient to use
such a shortened form than a group of words that are hard to memorize.
As A.Cunin affirms: "Acronyms present a special interest, because they
exemplify working of the lexical adaptive system. In meeting the needs of
communication and fulfilling the laws of information theory requiring a
maximum signal in the minimum time the lexical, system undergoes modification
in its basic structure: namely it forms new elements not by combining existing
morphemes and proceeding from sound forms to their graphic representation but
the other way round- coining new words from the initial letters of phrasal terms
originating in texts" [24,144]. The important point here is that an acronym must
be a WORD - this means that the joined initial letters must be able to be
Graphical abbreviations where defined by D.Melenciuc: "Graphical
abbreviations are not words but signs or symbols that stand for the corresponding
words" [11,157]. So, they can express face and mood.
Graphical abbreviations are defined as "the result of shortening of words
and word-groups only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms
are used. They are used for the economy of space and effort in writing. The oldest
group of graphical abbreviations in English is of Latin origin. In Russian this type
of abbreviation is not typical. In these abbreviations in the spelling Latin words
are shortened, while orally the corresponding English equivalents are pronounced
in the full form, for example: a.m. - in the morning (ante meridiem), No - number
(numero), p.a. - a year (per annum), d - penny (denarius) etc." [11,158]. Thus,
graphical abbreviations are used for space ant time, economy. It can be typical for
some origins, but in other origins of graphical abbreviation is used not so often.


Some graphical abbreviations of Latin origin have different English equivalents in

different contexts.
Syllabic abbreviation A syllabic abbreviation (SA) is an abbreviation
formed from (usually) initial syllables of several words, such as Interpol for
International police. Syllabic abbreviations are usually written in lower case,
sometimes starting with a capital letter, and are always pronounced as words rather
than letter by letter. Syllabic abbreviations should be distinguished from
Variety of abbreviation types shows that they are used in different spheres.
Some of them after some time are used as words and become popular. It can be
observed, that both types of shortenings are widely spread and used. Contractions
take great par in different spheres in people's, life. Initialisms remain quite
important, being made up of the initial letters of words and are pronounced as
separate letters. It was defined that acronyms are a subtype of initialisms.
Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and word-groups only
in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used. These
abbreviations are also called smiles and emoticons. Emoticons today are very

1.3.3 The Role of Abbreviated Messages in Internet Communication

The internet offers all of us many new opportunities to share and exchange
information. One of the more prominent means of communication on the Internet
is through message boards, including bulletin boards and forums. Messaging
allows people to communicate freely with one another in a public forum.
Dictionary Answers defines messagein the following way: "Message in its
most general meaning is an object of communication. It is something which
provides information; it can also be this information itself. Therefore, its
meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used; the term may apply to

both the information and its form" [30, l].Thus, while people communicate
information is transmitted in form of messages. Messages are meaningful it have
object and subject.
Messaging has a language all its own. Message boards are often full of
shortened expressions that have been made popular on the internet. That is made
for easier discussions, to express faster the meaning and point of view. In a chat
room or forum it can be noticed that people constantly use acronyms.
Acronyms are used to express emotions so that during times such as a live
chat, one can indicate that he is laughing at the joke which gives the other person.
These include emoticons a set of non-alphabetical keyboard characters that are
put together to resemble facial expressions.
According to 'Wikipedia: "graphical abbreviations in internet are called
Smiles and emoticons" [43; 1]. People communicate both directly and indirectly
each day. Such persons may be family members, workers, store clerks,
business partners, and other such persons just to name a few. While a face- toface conversation with someone person can easily see facial. Having a
conversation on the phone we also can, to an extent, tell if that person is bored,

excited, happy, sad, smiling, and angry just by listening to the tone of the voice.
However, communicating through the internet is much different and more
difficult to detect the mood of someone.
Sometimes people may be able to detect a person's mood by the person's
tone of writing. However, there is the potential for one to misunderstand another
person. This problem is made possible due to the fact that there are no facial
expressions, body language or any tone of voice that can help to interpret a
person's mood. This makes a considerable difference in the way in which that
message is conveyed and understood.

"The shorthand method of expressing ones mood uses standard keyboard

symbols as emotional icons, or so called "symbolic picture" " [43; 1]. Thus the

emoticon expresses definite emotions. Most emotions will look like a face: eyes,
nose, and mouth.
Thus emoticon definition will sound as "an emoticon (or smiley) is a
sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard.
Emoticons are used in e-mail, chat, SMS and other forms of communication
using computers. The most popular emoticons are the smiling faces (smileys or
smilies) that people use to say "don't take what I just wrote too seriously". If you
don't see that it represents a smiling face, tip your head to the left and look at it
again. The colon represents the eyes, the dash represents the nose, and the right
parenthesis represents the mouth" [60; 1]. Thus, emoticons are used by people to
understand better one another. It is easy to create an emoticon, so people can use
it in different sources of communication.
Another definition of emotion given by "Wikipedia" says: "An emoticon is a
small piece of specialized art (usually two to five characters, always on a single
line) used in text messages as informal markup to indicate emotions and attitudes
that would be conveyed by body language in face-to-face communications. They
are intended to be relatively simple to type, easy to recognize, and most
commonly represent stylized facial expressions although occasionally other
representations or imagery are also use" [44,1]. Thus, emoticons express men's
mood that can be expressed in some words. It can be related to non-verbal
communication, where a sign expresses definite meaning or carries needed
Such a little detail as a smile has its own history of appearance. "The idea of
codifying emotional content in written or message form is not new. The National
Telegraphic Review and Operators Guide in April 1857 documented the use of
the number 73 in Morse code to express "love and kisses" (later reduced to the
more formal "best regards"). Dodge's Manual in 1908 documented the
reintroduction of "love and kisses" as the number 88" [42, 1]. So, one can see that


people come to creating an emoticon because of need in comfort in

But smiley development with years goes further and further and "In 1963,
the "smiley face", a yellow button with two black dots representing eyes and an
upturned thick curve representing mouth, was created by freelance artist Harvey
Ball. It was realized on order of a large insurance company as part of a campaign
to bolster the morale of its employees and soon became a big hit. This smiley
presumably inspired many later emoticons; the most basic graphic emoticon
depicts in fact a small, yellow, smiley face" [42, 2]. Thus, smile become so called
"face" where could be seen eyes and mouth. It can show interlocutors emotion in
special situation.
Another point on this topic is: "Ironically, the origin of the smiley face is a
highly controversial debate. The most accepted belief is that graphic artist
Howard Ball of Worcester, MA, created the smiley when asked to design a
morale boosting campaign. He started with just the smile, but soon realized
disgruntled employees might turn it upside down to a frown, so he added eyes"
[42; 1]. So, one can note that there are some theories of smiley appearance. And
its frequent use develops smiles each day, because it frequent use.
There are some situations when smiles where used in literature. "In a New
York Times interview in April 1969, Alden Whitman asked writer Vladimir
Nabokov: "How do you rank yourself among writers (living) and of the

immediate past?" Nabokov answered: "I often think there should be a special
typographical sign for a smile some sort of concave mark, a supine round
bracket, which I would now like to trace in reply to your question." That
interview has been reprinted in the collection of interviews and editorials by
Nabokov" [42, 1]. Thus, a smiley is often used in text communications to convey
an emotion with a message. Smiles are used in text messages in the same way


voice changes and facial expressions are used in face-to-face or telephone

Looking through some common smiles we come to a conclusion that smiles
are easily created and it can be explained in common way: "The close bracket
represents a sideways smile ).Add in the colon and you have sideways eyes :
Put them together to make a smiley :).Use the dash - to add a nose :-)
Change the colon to a semi-colon ; and you have a winking smiley ;) with a nose
;-). Put a lower case (halo) on top and now you have a winking, smiling angel
0;) with a nose 0;-) . Use the letter 8 in place of the colon for sunglasses 8-).
Some chat and instant message programs automatically translate text smilies
into graphics. In instant messenger, for example, if you type out smiles for
"happy face" followed by "sad face" followed by "cool sunglasses" you would
enter the following characters: :) :( 8-)" [42; 1]. It can be made a conclusion
that one advantage of graphical emotion icons is that they are easier to create.
Chat abbreviations are commonly used in e-mail, online chatting, online

discussion forum postings, instant messaging, and in text messaging, especially

between cell phone users.
So, summing up it can be understood, that with the popularity and rise in use
of instant messaging a great amount of abbreviated messages, both usual for the
English language and only typical of the on-line formed discourse emerged. As a
conclusion it can be pointed out that: graphical emoticons are very widely used.
Emoticons today are very popular and are used in e-mails, chat rooms and Web
forum posts.

As emoticon carries non-verbal message and is shortened form of some

actions can be made conclusion that emoticon is an abbreviation of the graphical
subtype mentioned above. Abbreviations help to user save the time while


Some of abbreviations can carry elliptic by using phonetic features of the

letters. Internet messages are closer to slang rather the common abbreviations.
Thus, while internet communication interlocutors try to use shorter variants of the
word or phrase for simple and quicker typing.


Identification of Stylistic and Graphical Features of Abbreviations

in Internet

Computer acronyms are an entire language in itself. They are used throughout
the computer and electronic industry for describing various functions, processes,
components. It used to be a language only known by computer enthusiasts,
however now with the Internet becoming more and more popular, computer
acronyms have become part of the vernacular.
Abbreviations are probably the most used variation of internet slang. As
opposed to typing out a long character string of multiple words, a simple 3 or 4
letter abbreviation can be used to express user's point.

Common language that people use to talk in internet can be so called internet
slang. It is defined by internet encyclopaedia "Wikipedia": "Internet slang is
slang that Internet users have coined and promulgated. Such terms typically
originated with the purpose of saving keystrokes, and many people use the same
abbreviations in text messages. They are also very commonly used in instant
messaging. The terms often appear in lower case, with capitals reserved for
emphasis; for example, the pronoun "I" often appears simply as "i". People also
use "u" to mean "you" and "r" to mean "are" [40;2]. Thus, one can identify
internet slang by use of lower case and written in simple form. Such shortened
forms of the word or initialised phrases help people to communicate faster. It
saves time and does not require high grammar as well.

While using internet one can make conclusion that abbreviations vary
considerably depending on the internet group, particularly in the case of online
games where each game develops its own acronyms within its sub-culture. This
can lead to considerable confusion for the new user who is often incapable of
understanding other users' messages.
It is sometimes easy to forget that on user is not just talking to
computers, here is communication with real people, who have the same feelings,
and appears need to respect some rights and rules.
So, finally one can understand the problem with electronic communication
is, that user does not have the opportunity he has in face to face contact to use

expression, gesture, or tone of voice to express the way you feel, since all he has
is text on a computer screen. This means that he has to be even more careful to
express himself carefully. In recognition of this difficulty the net has developed a
list of symbols, called emoticons and acronyms, which can be used in text.
As R.Ginzburg writes in his work "Readings in Modern English
Lexicology": "A style of language can be defined as a system of coordinated,
interrelated and interconditioned language means intended to fulfill a specific
function of communication and aiming at a definite effect" [7; 253]. The English
literary language has evolved a number of styles easily distinguishable one from
another. They are not homogeneous and fall into several variants all having some
central point of resemblance.
According to I. Glaperin the most frequently used is neutral style:
"Neutral words are used in both literary and colloquial language. Neutral
words are the main source of synonymy and polysemy. It is the neutral stock of
words that is so prolific in the production of new meanings" [6; 32]. Thus, it can
be noted that such words can be mentioned in many other styles.
According to I. Galperin, there is a generic term for three sub styles: "the
language of poetry; emotive prose (the language of fiction); the language of the

drama. Each of these sub styles has certain common features, and each of them
enjoys some individuality.
The belles-lettres style is individual in essence. This is one of its most
distinctive properties. The general aim of publicistic style is to influence the
public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given
by the writer or the speaker is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the
expressed point of view.
Publicistic style is characterized by coherent and logical syntactical
structure, with an expanded system of connectives and careful paragraphing. Its
emotional appeal is achieved by the use of words with the emotive meaning but
the stylistic devices are not fresh or genuine" [6; 36]. Thus, different styles help
to chose the level of communication and differ them one from another.
I.Galperin defines English newspaper style as: "a system of interrelated
lexical, phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the
community as a separate linguistic unity that serves the purpose of informing and
instructing the reader. Information in the English newspaper is conveyed through
the medium of: brief news items; press reports; articles purely informational in
character; advertisements and announcements" [6; 40].Thus, newspaper specific
implied some specific characteristics in this style.
Like other styles of language, the style of official documents has "a definite
communicative aim and its own system of interrelated language and stylistic
means. The main aim of this type of communication is to state the conditions
binding two parties and to reach agreement between two contracting parties"
[6;42]. So, one can presuppose that the grammar in this case would be on a high
level and would have specific lexicon.
Thus in finance we find terms like extra revenue, liability. In diplomacy such
phrases as high contracting parties, memorandum, to ratify an agreement are
found. In legal language, examples are to deal with a case, a body of judges.

Abbreviations are especially abundant in military documents. They are used

not only as conventional symbols, but also as signs of military code.

In conclusion it is important to mention, that different linguistic styles

influence abbreviations as well. Spaces are generally not used between single
letter abbreviations of words in the same phrase. It can be pointed out that, there
is no stop or period between letters of tne same word. As neutral words are used
in both literary and colloquial language, so are used and abbreviations
Aabbreviations can be used in most styles, so as newspaper style, publicistic style
in official documents, but it can't be used in belles-lettres style.
In this chapter means of identifying and defining communication as subject
of modern linguistic study where presented. So, communication is essential to
every area of life. It does not matter whether you are at work, in college or out
socially. At some point you are going to be using some form of communication.
It could be anything from using the telephone or writing e-mails to giving
presentations and writing reports. Communication occupies important part in our
Communication involves much more than the use of words and sounds.
Communication is a dynamic, interpersonal process. It is so highly complex and
never static. There are different points of view on communication structure. The
role and impact of internet in the evolution of contemporary communication was
also discussed.
Internet is used all over the world and has great value in many spheres of
the life. The scientists were the first to use this system in an effort to consolidate
research and establish electronic communication in the flow of new projects .And
today internet become valuable source of communication. It helps people
communicate all over the world without difficulties.

Internet Messages are useful in everyday life, popular in commercial world.

It helps people to save time or to have a time for relax and fun. Internet
communication develops and with time becomes more variable and
comfortable for use. People can decide by themselves which kind of
communication they prefer. For more official communication e-mail can be used,

but if one wants to relax and have just free communication he can enter chat.
While using internet instant messages people can talk to close friends without
Abbreviations and their impact on internet'messages were also presented.
Variety of abbreviation types shows that they are used in different spheres. Some
of them after some time are used as words and become popular. Contractions take
great part in different spheres in people's life. Still important remain initialisms,
which are made up of the initial letters of words and are pronounced as separate
letters. Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and wordgroups only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used.
This abbreviation is also called smiles and emoticons. Emoticons today are very
It can be observed that with the popularity and rise in use of instant
messaging. The problem of electronic communication is that user does not have
the opportunity in face-to-face contact to use expression, gesture, or tone of voice
to express the way you feel, since all he has is text on a computer screen. The
communication function is clear expression of ideas that are based on language
but sometimes a symbol carries the message. It is so' highly complex and never
static scientist's point of view on communication types, as it was deduced,
communication can be written, oral and non-verbal.
It can be mentioned, that internet is used all over the world and has great
value in many spheres of the life. It was found out the scientists were the first to
use this system in an effort to consolidate research and establish electronic
communication in the flow of new projects .And today internet become valuable
source of communication, both official and colloquial. It helps people
communicate all over the world without difficulties.


Chapter Two

Functional and Stylistic Features of Abbreviations in Internet


This chapter presents general communicative parameters and means of

internet communications. In the second chapter of the given diploma thesis
definitions and interpretations of literary and internet communication are descried
and exemplified by presenting definite abstracts of the on-line communicative
processes. Here the differences between various types of communication are
presented. In the second paragraph classification and function of internet

messages, its use on practice is presented as well.

Differences between internet messages where presented. Their style,
advantages and disadvantages were noted and described. In the third part the role
and types of abbreviations are presented when found and interpreted in internet
messages. Here the impact of graphical abbreviation on the communication was
pointed out. The importance of their use in internet communication was
described. The given research includes the description of stylistic, lexical and
grammatical features of the abbreviations. Attention was paid to defining some
signals and addressing process in internet communication.

2.1 General Communicative Parameters Demonstration as a Means of

Defining Internet Communications
2.1.1 Definitions and Evaluation of Literary and Internet Communication

In accordance with the definition by wikipedia, one can see that

communication is a process with moral treasures, because its purpose of
communication is to help people feel good about them.


And as it was defined in the first chapter if this work: Verbal

communication is a process which helps interlocutor to exchange with
information. This process expresses conversing, speaking, corresponding,
writing, listening and exchanging feelings [69; 1]. Thus, it is used each minute in
our society, because communication is the main source for people interaction. It
can be seen in a simple literary fragment from James Joyce novel "Dubliners":
"My uncle saw me staring and said to me:
"Well, so your old friend is gone, you'll be sorry to hear. "
"Who? "said I.
"Father Flynn."
"Is he dead? "
"Mr Cotter here has just told us. He was passing by the house " [80; 5].
Here the information is exchanged between two individuals, and this
communicative process is expressed by conversing and speaking. So, it can be
confirmed that this is interpersonal communication, because this dialogue
involves four basic elements. The sender is the person who sends information.
The receiver is person who receives the information sent. The message is content
of information sent by sender. And the feedback is response from receiver.
In these fragment one person gives information to another person about Father
Flynn death. Thus it can be made a conclusion that to individuals satisfied their
needs. Personal feelings and reaction are described by the narrator: "My uncle
saw me staring and said to me... " I knew that 1 was under observation, so I
continued eating as if the news had not interested me: My uncle explained to old
Cotter." Thus, the reader can understand what the person feels, or thoughts and
another reaction.
Sentences are written correctly from the grammatical viewpoint and have
organized structure. Harold Barrett defines communication as an interpersonal
process: "Communication is a dynamic, interpersonal process. It is an ongoing
process; it is dynamic because it happens under ever-changing conditions and
follows the ever-changing behavior of people" [2; 4].So, this dynamic process

changes every time, because with every new message it becomes wider and
achieves some of objectives.
Here below one can see Internet communication judging by example from
Instant Messages:
"Danny says: Hi! How today?
Eren says: I am fine thanks
Eren says: you?
Danny says: I'm fine
Danny says: what are you doing now? busy?>
Eren says: I am searching some information
Danny says: What information?
Eren says: Poems about nature
Danny says: do have exams now?
Eren says: next week "[75 ]/[76]
In this example present two individuals are that exchange with some
information. The conversation is simple and each idea is expressed in common
words. This fragment from instant message reflects everyday life, problems and
individual interests. This process is dynamic, because theme always changes
while communication. It does not stay on the same stage, and each stage brings
more and more information. The grammatical structure is not quite correct,
because of various abbreviations are used. The punctuation is not kept and it can
be easily observed that full stops and commas are omitted. Many shortened
words and contractions are found, for instance I'm. This indicates that the
communication is unofficial and has specific tone for internet conversation.
And according to Stuart Harris' classification, one can make the conclusion
that instant messaging communication has lot of common features with written
communication: Stuart Harris in his book "Human communications" classified
communication in such way:
"Written communication is clear expression of ideas in writing; includes
grammar, organization, and structure. Varying levels of writing skills are

required for different jobs. The ability to convey ideas is important. The extent to
which proper grammar and form are important depends on both the job and the
method of communication" [15; 9]. Thus, instant messages have clear expression
of ideas in writing, but grammar is obviously different. In instant messages
persons does not attract so much attention to spelling, text format, or punctuation.
In instant message communication grammar is not so important rather receivers
understanding of message idea. Misspelling and shortening of the words and
economy time aim, make people invent and use special instant message

According to Stuart Harris "non-verbal communication" consists of tone

and body language, which is made up of gestures, eye contact and facial
expressions. Even the personality of a person can influence communication"
[15;9]. In James Joyce's novel "Dubliners" it can be observed how non-verbal
communication amplifies verbal communication. "I suppose that's your doing,"
said Lenehan.
"There was others at her before me," said Corley philosophically.
This time Lenehan was inclined to disbelieve. He shook his head to and fro
and smiled.

"You know you can't kid me, Corley, " he said. "Honest to
God!" said Corley. "Didn't she tell me herself? " Lenehan
made a tragic gesture " [80;30].

So, some additions made by writer about character behave make needed tone. In
this case "made a tragic gesture" brings reader to the tense, tragic tone, rendered
by the predicate and the direct object. Such tone implies paying more attention to
this communication and can underline its importance
Each person has a limited repertoire of gestures and uses the same gestures
to signify certain feelings. Some gestures, such as "shook his head", "smiled",

"made a tragic gesture" amplify words, and so one can understand characters
behaviour. Smile is final point, which indicates characters emotion and mood.


Non-verbal communication is presented in Internet Messages. In this short

fragment two individuals communicate:
"Lina says: what is your name? =]
Always says: hm..."
In this situation interjection means that person is confused.
"Always says: Yeo Han Gyeol
Always says: is it difficult?
Always says: hahaha
Lina says: it is just uncommon........
Always says: Ha-ha "[74] /[ 73]
The mood is expressed with help of emoticons or smiles. To express reaction or
to strength emotional value of the answer, person'uses interjections such as
"hahaha ", "hm". Namely they express interlocutors smile, laugh or shows that
persone is confused. Some smiles such as, "" imply joking and sometimes
unserious tone. Grammar in this case indicates that style of the communication is
colloquial. Some interjections imply irony and bring reader to real life situation
full of emotion appearance.
So, the conclusion is that communication in general is the process of sending
and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and
skills. Although people usually identify communication with speech,
communication is composed of two dimensions'"- verbal and nonverbal.
Nonverbal is communication, but without words. So, it can be pointed out that
smiles indicate some signals that attract attention on person's mood.
It includes apparent non-verbal behavior such as facial expressions, eyes,
touching, and tones of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress,
posture and spatial distance between two or more people. One can come to the
conclusion that there are four structural components of communication. They are:
the sender, the receiver, the message and the feedback. Communication is a
changing process that is never static. In internet communication there is less
attention paid to grammar, there are more omitted words than in a simple people

face-to-face communication. Mostly communication is full of abbreviations and

smiles, but in literary work everything is more detailed, namely, the body
language is rendered verbally by the means of the predicative constructions.

2.2 Classifications and Functions of Internet Messages 2.2.1

Communicative Interactive Features of Internet Messages
This paragraph represents the communicative features of internet messages.
E-mail, instant mailing and chatting are shown as the sources of communication.
Their common and different features are represented. In the paragraph features by
which people choose one or another kind of on-line interaction for more effective
communication are described.
There are many well-established interpersonal communication mediums that
people use to augment typical face to face communication. From handwritten
notes, to email, to instant messenger protocols, to short messages transmitted
from mobile phone to mobile phone; people have numerous communication
One of the first means of internet communication is e-mail writing as if it
can be associated to the ordinary mail communication. And it was described
before by "Encyclopedia": the message helps to transfer information for any kind
of communication. It can be observed how communication process takes place in
this e-mail example: To
"Date: 30.03. 2006
Dear Natalya,
I kindly ask you to make the following reservation:

One room on the name of Raymond Breden for 11-13 April, 2007 (two

Please confirm the reservation today.
Thank you for your assistance. Kind
regards, Svetlana Spec " [78]
Thus, e-mail has the same structure as a simple letter. In this case it is


organised, there the main idea is expressed where the sender asks for a
reservation. One can make a conclusion that letter possesses monological
character. Its communicative features are the presence of the polite request "I
kindly ask you" and an anticipated gratitude "Thank you for your assistance".
Such sentences imply signal of polite addressing and have right grammatical
In addition the full address of sender is presented:
"KPMG Moldova SRL
202 Stefan eel Mare Blvd.

MD-2004 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
tel: +373225825680
fax: +373 22 501099
email: sspac(q),kpmg. com "/78]
Here the sender's message is presented. The transmitter composed and sent
an electronic mail. For all these procedures the person needs time, thus the
receiver can read this message after some period. The phrase "thank you for..."
implies that a positive answer would be received. And the given e-mail address

ensures a possible answer. So, after reading the message the receiver might
become the transmitter.
Thus, the response to this e-mail message is anticipated. It sounds like an
answer to a definite request. One can make a conclusion that communication is
not a real time one, but judging by date it took place the same day.

"Date: 30.03. 2006

Dear Sirs,
We are glad to confirm the reservation of one double room (90$) for the period
11-13 April, 2007 for Mr. Raymond Breden.
Check in time is 1 pm and check out time is 12 noon.
If you -wish to cancel your reservation, please do so one day prior to your arrival
Please reconfirm your departure date at check - in. Please contact our
reservations department with any change in plans. The price of the room includes:
breakfast, airport pic Ji up, sauna. If you need pick-up please confirm us. Thank
you for choosing our services. Best regards, Natalya, KovPas Hotel" [.
Thus, E-mail communication is a kind of a long time dialogic response; this
means that transmitter doesn't receive any immediate answer. And nobody knows
when the message can be received. Moreover, in this case almost the same
signals as in the previous message can be observed:' the response to the polite
request "We are glad to confirm the reservation... ", and another request, which is
also polite, can be noted: "Please reconfirm your departure... " The sign of the
ensuing gratitude is also obvious: "Thank you for choosing... " Such kinds of
addressing create official tone of the e-mail.
People often use email for our business communications, for it is
unnecessary to express emotions here. E-mail can be used as more official way to
communicate in internet. A single message can be sent through mailing to many
people as well. In fact, one can presuppose that both the e-mail messages present
either the dialog interactions or the monologs with'the presupposed receiver.
Therefore the e-mail communication samples will be called for the purpose of


further analysis macro-question-answer sequences, namely requests and

anticipated/ensuing gratitude.
The interlocutors are capable of producing large chunks of text because their
conversation, though not the real-time, is official, and since they each have
enough time and give enough thought to what they are writing and who they are
sending their messages to. The main participants in e-mail communication are the
sender, the receiver whose message contains polite request.
Another effective and more modern type of communication is instant
messaging. As it was defined in the first chapter by 'wikipedia: "Instant
messaging or IM is a form of real-time communication between two or more
people based on typed text. The text is conveyed via Computers connected over a
network such as the Internet " [30; IJ.Thus, this sort of communication is
possible for people conversing in real time. It makes possible to receive answer
immediately. This type of internet communication flows till interlocutors are online. Below an example of instant messaging, that can be wide example of realtime communication is presented:
"Panda says: i restarted my pc.....
sanadsays: that's ok
sanad says: i wait ur pic's
sanad says: where? Panda says:
here is it" [77 ]/[79]

One can observe that in this case two participants "panda" and "sanad" have
a possibility to send and receive questions and answers at the moment. In this
case two people communicate with their own objectives. Moreover, they can
share some non-verbal or graphical messages, which make their communication
closer to real interactions. In contrast to the macro-sequences of e-mail messages,
characterized by the ideal correctness, in this case almost a total disrespect of
English grammar is observed namely, there are no correct punctuation, there are
used a bid number of abbreviations.

In face-to-face communication such a big amount of abbreviations is not

used. It is in fact for the first time that the reader may come across the backclipping "pic" instead of "picture", and the initial abbreviation "pc" replaces the
word combination "personal computer". But the sender, named "Panda"
exchanges news and ideas with the receiver nicknamed "sanad" using the
question-answer sequences, where no signs of politeness of the monological
character can be observed. The next example of the instant messaging interaction
is the following:
"sanad says: thnx
sanad says: really very beautiful
Panda says: thnx sanad says:
ehehehehhe [77] [79] Transfer is
complete min_l l.JPG".

The transfer of file "min_Jpg" shows using of the non-verbal communication.

The extension "jpg" implies that file is graphical, thus it can present a person, or
some emotions in other words this graphic message caries information, as it does
oral communication or written communication.
"sanad says: do have mic? Panda
says: yes but i can't talk now sanad
says: why ? sanad says: its too late
right? Panda says: yes sanad says: ok
next time"" [77] [79]

It was deduced that in this case two persons communicate in real time,
which allows easy collaboration. Thus, they have possibility to answer
immediately. It can be observed that instant messaging is based on typed text.
This kind of communication gives possibility to share files in real time, as well.
Using instant messages people communicate in proper way and use simple
language that is close to slang. It is the reasons why in instant messages are used


abbreviations and interjections. Instant messages enable private and secure

In this case, in contrast to the previous example, the colloquial character of
the interaction is rendered rather graphically than grammatically, to be more
precise, by missing out the comas in "ok next time", and by its too late" which is
a declarative sentence that should be interrogative.
By the way, here the inverted coma in "its", which should be rendered as
"it's" is also missing. It obviously reflects the hurry in which the interlocutors
communicate. Thus, the instant messaging can be termed for the sake of the
analysis as the mini-interaction-sequence, as contrasted to the e-mail macrosequence of questions and answers.
It is also important to mention chatting. Chat was defined in first chapter by
'TechEncyclopedia' as "a real-time conferencing capability between two or more
users on a local network, on the Internet or via a BBS. The chat is really a "text
chat," because the conversing is accomplished by typing on the keyboard, not
speaking. It can be observed how communication process takes place in this

extract from the chat. It can be compared with multilogue, where participate
many interlocutors.
"You are now talking on ^English
<jared_leto_349> lol
<Guest_70> what is it UFO ?
<Tyler_74> do you know boxer?
<jared_leto_349> don't know
<_____Tommy______> what are you doing? :P
ahmedgad2006 has joined channel #english

sunshine has joined channel #english " [70]

In the given extract one can count the number of the interlocutors, namely
there are four participants and two joined interlocutors. Joining of different users
breaks messages from time to time and some topics, and at the same time implies
new themes and possibilities. Thus here the interaction is rather a multilogic one,


with obviously very little comprehension of the message conveyed, which is the
feature distinguishing some chats from the separate instant messaging rooms, and
from the no doubt privately monopolized and refined e-mails.
For instance, the question "what is it", given in lower-case types, is not
appropriately answered, since the following question "do you know boxer" goes
on. The two interlocutors adjoining, i.e. ahmedgad and sunshine, will bring still
more confusion into the interaction. The elliptical "don't know" underlines the
neutral character and lack of animation, as contrasted to the instant messaging.
But if the whole chat communication were taken, it would be difficult to

number the interlocutors, because of their big number and frequently joining or
leaving the chat.
Another example of a chat interaction is
"<LIFO> Last in first out
Li has joined channel ttenglish ". Joining in indicate that new user joined chat.
This joining in some way disorganizes messages and implies new topics for
discussion. Sometimes it can break interlocutors into interest groups.
"<_____Tommy______> :P
<ekusha> < Thunder'_67>I am georgian
kenny has joined channel #english

ElJSue has joined channel #english

undercover is now known as under cover_89 6
<undercover_896> hey
ahmedgad2006 has joined channel #english
<Thunder_67> hanan
<binladen_499> good thunder i am " [70]
Here the information is exchanged between many individuals and it is
difficult to identify the message and the number of people who take part in the
communication. Chat is likely to be called a chaos dialogue interaction; finally


no one knows what is the topic and what people are talk about. The popularity of
these kinds of chats has waned over the years, its popularity still remains strong.
As a conclusion one can state that e-mail is effective type in internet
communication that is commonly based on text format. Such phenomenon as email was called as macro-question-answer sequence. On the other hand, people
are not forced to reply immediately to incoming messages. However, the most
important difference of instant massaging form e-mailing is that instant message
implies immediate answer.
Instant messaging differs from ordinary e-mail in the immediacy of the
message exchange and also makes a continued exchange simpler than sending ei-

mail back and forth In contrast mini-interaction-sequence as instant messaging

provides real communication between participants. Basically speaking, chat is the
presentation of people talking. At the same time the chat atmosphere can be
called as chaos dialogue interaction because of definite structure missing.
Thus, the chat is a real-time communication only and people have no
possibility to share files using chat, also. In most situation person does not know
all the people in chat. Which consequently stipulates the emergence of the socalled chaotic neutrally colored impression

2.2.2 Lexical, Grammatical and Stylistic Traits of Internet Communication

and Abbreviations

The role and types of abbreviations of internet messages in the previous

chapter of the research abbreviations were defined by Arnold I.V. As Arnold I.V.
affirms, abbreviation (from Latin brevis "short") is a shorter form of a word, but
more particularly, an abbreviation is a letter or group of letters, taken from a
word or words, and employed to represent them for the sake of brevity.

Abbreviations are probably the most used variation of internet slang. They are
often used in internet communication. As opposed to typing out a long character
string of multiple words, a simple 3 or 4 letter abbreviation can be used to

express your point. One can see it in extract from the chat:
"<kate_406> TTYL
kate_406 has quit (Client exited)
<Wendy_9950> I'M BORED
<Wendy_9950> HELP
<BoogieNights> no help for ppl like u" [70]
As it is known, the analysis of any interaction, be it oral or written, starts
with the stock and the grammatical features which immediately discover the
stylistic peculiarities helping the analyst to attribute the communicative sequence

to a definite layer speech. In contrast to e-mail electronic messages, some of them

being more or less official or neutral owing to their informative and purposeful
character, the net chats are needed for the informal coloring of both vocabulary
and grammar
The above mentioned interaction is used for revealing some lexical and
grammatical features that show its colloquial and highly informal character. As
regards the lexical peculiarities, the economy of time, space and the rapid pace of
interactions make the internet interlocutors use abbreviations instead of words.
Such word as people is abbreviated as a group of letters "ppl" and is presented by

word contraction where some words are missed.

In the beginning the initial abbreviation "TTYL" is used, which means "talk
to you later." Here can be observed use of the ellipse, so instead of the sentence is
presented a group of letters.
Another kind of abbreviation is the contraction type with an apostrophe,
marking the omission of letters "I'm".In this case use of "I am" was presupposed.
As for the grammatical and stylistic peculiarities, it was presupposed that
can be found, the elliptic sentence "no help for people like you", typed in lower
letters, can be noticed.


"<Wendy_9950> thx" [70]

The word "thanks" is abbreviated with a group of letters as "thnx" This
abbreviation can be referred to internet slang, as well. It is formed by omission of
some vowel letters in the word. The process is similar to the phonetic writing,
typical of the internet communication slang. The main aim of this abbreviation
kind still remains the economy of time. It also gives a specific colloquial touch to
the internet chat member. We shall term these examples of internet slang chat
Another example of internet abbreviation on chat
"< Wendy_9950> i know you were a nice girl <BoogieNights> I am an evil
guy lol" [70]
Probably the most commonly used example of internet abbreviation is "lol",
which means "laugh out loud" being an initial abbreviation. One can see that the
whole sentence of either a simple or more complicated structure is abbreviated
and reduced to the status of an abbreviation.
This marks the phenomenon of grammatical induction of a syntactical
structure to the level of a word-line phrase. The nature of the word-line phrase is
emphasized by the presence of the minor "I" instead of the capital "I".
Moreover, such meaningful parts of speech as the subject "I" in "I laugh out
loud" or "I will" (a subject and an auxiliary) of the verbal predicate "will be" in
"I will talk to you later" are missed which designates the initial abbreviations
"LOL" and "TTYL" as the elliptical grammatical reductions of a sentence to a
word. Thus, for the sake of further analysis it will be convenient to define the
abbreviations mentioned as reduced syntactical structures, or abbreviated
sentence markers.
"<norcalsal> whats everyones asl" [70]
In this case a group of letters "asl" is abbreviation for a group of words "age
sex location". This initial abbreviation is used in the electronic internet colloquial
style as rule.
Users often miss some grammar details while chatting. One can observe it in

the previous example, where wards "whats" and "everyones" are used without

"< Wendy_9950> france

< Wendy_9950> U? How r u?
<Wendy_9950>fe/20" [70]
As one knows, the appearance of internet slang has effective and quicker
writing as the main aim. Basic form of it is creating is use of abbreviation. While
internet chatting phonetic abbreviations are frequently used. Such are "U" that
means you, Are becomes r, but interlocutors understand it by phonetic sounding.
Thus, such internet abbreviations can be called "phonetic shortenings" as a
subtype of the abovementioned chat utterecl abbreviations. As for the
grammatical feature, as well as the structural stylistic trait, typical of the given
chat example, it can be noticed that the elliptical "U" acquires the status of a
sentence. In these three lines there is the answer for asl feminine-/^; age 20 and
location is France.
Another chat example represents the answer to the previous questions.
"<norcalsal> us a <norcalsal> 25 "[70]
Location in this case is indicated by the abbreviation USA United States of
America', age 25; sex-masculine.

In the first chapter shortening where defined by D.Melenciuc, as shortenings

of words usually consist of the first few letters of the full form and are usually
spelled with a final period when they are still regarded as abbreviations.
Shortenings are widely used in internet communication. Sometimes it takes a
lot of time to write big words, so users just cut them using first few letters of the
full form. Some shortening become the standard forms, and the full forms are
then regarded as formal or technical. Another type of abbreviation is widely used
in everyday life, so internet communication is not an exception.


The short way to write two words as one is to write them together, leaving out
one or more letters and replacing the missing letters by an apostrophe.
"<Hairy_Britney> i thought it was mr. president
<SakuraDrops> haha noo
<SakuraDrops> we don't have a president'''[70]

The negation "don't" is used where the apostrophe stands for the missing "o" in
not. One can see that in chat communication invented names are
<Hairy_Britney> is not official name and we can observe that nicknames are
ironic of metaphoric.
"<SakuraDrops> ok let's talk on another topic "[71]

The only commonly-used English contraction that does not fall into any of
the above categories is "let's", a contraction of "let us" that is used in forming the
imperative mood in the first-person plural. Use of the uncontracted "let us"
typically carries an entirely different meaning. "Let us" is rarely seen in the
former sense and "let's" is never seen in the latter one.
Another abbreviation type that we mentioned is jnitialism. It is affirmed in
Encarta dictionary that initialisms are made up of the initial letters of words and
are pronounced as separate letters. Initial words are distinguished by their
spelling in capital letters and by their pronunciation- each letter gets its full
alphabetic pronunciation and a full stress, thus m.aking a new word as, N.A.T.O.
fneitou], U.N.O. fjurnou], with the stress on the first syllable. The meaning of
the initial word is that of the nominal combination. Using of the various
interjections such as "haha ", "nooo " make internet communication similar with
real talking. Such interjection show the mood of the interlocutors, but repeating
of the last letters intensify tone of the message.
Acronyms are initialisms that have become words in their own right, or
similar words formed from parts of several words. In this fragment one can see
how often acronyms and initialisms in internet communication are used.


"UlmerFudd29: lol
Lord Olanoff: i cant believe said that
UlmerFudd29: i kno Lord Olanoff: ur
crazy UlmerFudd29: she desrvd it Lord
Olanoff: totally UlmerFudd29: brb Lord
Olanoff: ok. "[71]
The first thing one may notice is the atrocious grammar and punctuation. But
if one look a little closer it can be realized that some of the words are not
misspelled. They are acronyms. One can make conclusion that acronyms,
shortening and initialisms are wide used in chats, "brb" has meaning "be right
back". One can see that the whole sentence is reduced to status of abbreviation.
Here again one comes to the abovementioned abbreviated sentence markers, defined
as the result of the previous analysis.
Thus, in this way meaningful part of speech subject "I" was missed. Chat has
adopted this system of abbreviated text. They often neglect to capitalize words and
abandon punctuation altogether. For example, I is simply written as "/" and there is
any a period in sight. Chat language becomes as simple as possible.
Another interesting example where the chat uttered abbreviations acquire an
absolutely new form by using numerical symbols instead of the syllables is the
following: "UlmerFudd29: mr Fitz assigned a 4 pgpaper over the wkend
Lord Olanoff: omgHHU
UlmerFudd29: i no Lord Olanoff:
hes crzy UlmerFudd29: tell me
about it

Lord Olanoff: hahaahahah

UlmerFudd29: gonna read for class 2morrow
Lord Olanoff:l8ter[l\]
In the abovementioned case one come across the phenomenon that, by the
content and form can be named a subtype of the, chat abbreviation called the
numerical contraction. Here it can be encountered in the case when the ordinal
numerical 8 is employed for the purpose of indicating the dipthong [ei] in the socalled 'later', i.e. 18ter.
A stylistic figure of speech, which is the sound imitation, is observed in
'hahaahahah'. The instance of onomatopoeia in this respect hints at the fact that the
interaction is animated, more or less lively. Another numerical contraction is
2morrow instead of'tomorrow', replacing the initial syllable 'to'.
An interesting side note is that while acronyms were originally created to
become less complicated, the acronyms people use are actually becoming more
complicated. And as one can observe in this chat it is common to use numbers in
spite of letters, such as "2morrow", "2 go", "L8er". Ordinal numerical are used
instead of missed letters in the word. Such wprds can be understood by their
One can observe that "omg" is initial abbreviation, which was formed from
the whole exclamatory sentence "oh, my god!" This marks the phenomenon of
grammatical induction of a syntactical structure to the level of a word-line
phrase, that was studied above.
As conclusion it is important to mention that, the appearance of internet
slang has effective and quicker writing as the main aim. In internet communication
different internet abbreviations are used. One of the wide used is the phonetic
shortenings that can be recognized by its sounding.


Numerical contraction is popular in internet slang. Ordinal numerical

contractions are used instead of missed letters in the word. Such words can be
understood by their pronunciation. Interjections take important part in internet
communication, because they can reflect one's mood or are a good edition to said
2.3 The Role and Functions of Non-verbal Communication in Internet

In first part of this work, graphical on-line shortenings where defined by
D.Melenciuc as graphical abbreviations that are not words but signs or symbols
that stand for the corresponding words[l 1;157 ].In online communication as well
graphical abbreviations are called smiles or emoticons. Emoticons developed as a
form of paralanguage used as extended interpunction symbols in e-mail, instant
messaging, online chat, bulletin board systems, and Internet forums where
communication is rapid, and the lack of context in purely textual communications
could lead to even simple statements being easily misinterpreted.
Communication - textual or verbal - is not only about sharing information
but also carries an inherent emotional aspect with it. Whether one appreciate it or
not, users are subtly influenced by the use of non-verbal cues to interpret
communication in real life. Emoticons and smiles developed together with
communication and take important place in chatting. In this example it can be
seen how emoticons and smiles are used: "cute russian: CAT_forever, wow,
impressive, which one?
Romashka***: SP/zm 2 all
cute_russian: jc, i am oh, haha, good looks never hurt
Fizz: AT forever, New photo @ CAT_forever:
cute_russian, pedagogic


The Wave: CATJbrever, is that a picture of our school?

CAT forever: Mercury, greetings,Pete))
Fizz: Pjotr, ^
TheWave: Mercury, Hows it hanging? &
CAT_forever: TheWave, yeah...

Romashka***: nobody ??? " [72]


One can see that graphical communication seems live and colorful. It
because of emoticon use namely:", ,5^,!!, 1 ^^. People use them to imply
irony or define a joke and rather good mood. Graphical abbreviation helps people
better to understand one another. As word or sentence abbreviation have different
kinds, so graphical abbreviations are different. The repetition of signs, namely
"???" intensify tone and meaning of some words. It indicates the importance of
the given question or sentence while communication. Alongside the emoticon
abbreviations the numerical contractions are employed, such as hi 2 all, implying
the particle 'to'.
This icon is seen as a negative icon in certain situations, but is almost
never aggressive in nature and is used generally as a way to share unhappiness.
However, this icon is best used only in situations where the user is unhappy with
himself or herself than with others. So it is best avoided when one seek help. This
emoticon is non-aggressive sadness/unhappiness. It is more effectively used to
convey the passive emotion than to share it actively with others.

"Romashka*** $ Mercury: Romashka *

* * " [72]
One can come to the conclusion that there can be positive and negative
emoticons, which very well express interlocutor's mood.

This is another

positive emoticon, but has the ability to be interpreted negatively, especially

when the message is slightly sarcastic in tone. However, different rendering of
this emoticon may have a different effect.
While the user might interpret the message as a joke, the use of this smiley
might convey he is ridiculing the other party, although mildly. Such emoticons
should be used carefully and only when the whole message is absolutely clear.
The most suitable situations for use are: mainly in positive tongue-in-cheek
humour or in light banter. Almost never in sarcastic messages and messages
which can be interpreted in a negative light:

"CAT forever: Fizz, like it?))

CATJ~orever: cute_russian, no,never!!! Why don't believe me?? [72]
This is one of the most aggressive emoticons that there is, mainly because of
the intensity of the expression (the frown and the curled lip). This is used by
trolls to stir up emotions, especially as a means to rebuke others. Use very
carefully and almost always in showing interlocutors anger at impersonal

situations or things rather than people. When the message is extremely aggressive
in tone, this strengthens the aggression are best in showing anger at impersonal
situations. Also used effectively in communicating that interlocutors are heated at
the moment and do not wish to discuss a particularly sensitive subject any more.
" penguin: peter H* Romashka***:
Mercury, how r u?
penguin: peter HP " [72]
The non-standard emoticons also have little emotional content and serve more as
amusement elements, particularly animated ones like W. In general, the more


complex the emoticon, the less emotional content it carries. That is because the
mind does not really interpret the emotional aspect of the icon but takes it as

amusement. So these icons are used as mildly positive elements in

communication, but are not really essential. Such graphical abbreviations bring
special tone into communication, alongside the examples of such internet slang
writing as 'r u' instead of 'are you'. In this case tone is friendly and in some way
Romashka***: Mercury, how r u?
CAT forever: The Wave, no...

Fizz: CAT forever, Aha CAT forever: cute_russian, no,never! ! [72 ]

This is most common emoticon; the happy smile is essentially positive in
nature and conveys cheer. Use of this icon in contradictory situations - namely
while delivering negative or aggressive messages' can easily be spotted - and will
annoy everybody. And as it can be observed the most suitable situation for this
emoticon are: thanking somebody, generally sharing a greeting, welcoming
messages and in other light, humorous banter where warmth is to be conveyed.
TheWave: Romashka,
This is a very positive emoticon, but has a different connotation from the
common smile icon. This generally is used sparing to have maximum effect and
is used mainly for sharing humour and goodwill and never as a sarcastic device.
Because of its high potential for emotional content, this should be used only in
positive communication. It is used in situations when user is sharing and enjoying
humour, exuding good will and in light-hearted banter.
"Mercury: Romashka, great, U? :)
cute _russian: CAT^forever, so -what r gonna do with your degree?
TheWave: Mercury, OK, ready for summer


CAT forever: Fizz, Wthanks))

Mercury: The Wave, buisiness looking good? :)
Mercury: TheWave, good, well I wish you the best with it!
jc: cute_russian, really??? " [72]
This is certainly another standard emoticons which at best have a mildly

amusing or positive influence. Some of them are the,w, ,and @. These are
generally not as impactful as the basic emoticons. Most of these are not "shared"
in the communication but merely as symbols of certain obvious feelings. They
are used as highlights to clarify a certain mindset during the communication
rather than sharing an emotion. "jc_: it is not far way from NY Romashka***:
TheWave, where is snow? WOW "[72]

This is one of the most powerful smiles in delivering emotional impact

-more than the aggressive emoticon - because of the way it's designed. It has a
way of stirring up negativity when used as a weapon of cutting contempt (when
delivering extremely contemptuous or overbearing messages). User must be
careful when he intend only mild sarcasm because it strengthens the "contempt"
and "overbearing" element in the message are used effectively by trolls in
ridiculing good, logical arguments, as well. Contempt her is also rendered byt eh
stylistic device of capitalization in WOW, enhancing and intensifying it.
The sender can use this emoticon in any message where it is needed to
show heavy sarcasm or cutting contempt and an overbearing attitude. Needless to
say, use sparingly at best and in an impersonal context. TheWave: Romashka***,
snow., in Massachusetts ^forever: good bye everyone Fizz: CAT forever, Bye!
penguin: Romashka***, i am &[72]
Summing up it can be observed that users always try to "complete" the
communication from all aspects and apart from the informational value carried in

messages, one also look for the emotional cues that lie beneath. It can be
mentioned that, there are two broad categories of emotional messages that an
emoticon can carry: positive or negative. Each has its own use in online
communication. And namely: emotion "sharing" emoticons - positive/negative.
(3, ,(5),etc.) The important thing is to note that it should be used only
when you would generally smile at the other person while delivering a message.



Cue emoticons (<S>, &?, ^s/,3P, ^S^Petc) as well as ornamental emoticons

reveal the supplementary emotive connotations of the graphical abbreviated
messages. So, positive/negative emoticons present only different kinds of
emotions, but cue emoticons have additional character to the user's mood.
The importance of visual cues in communication, verbal or non-verbal,
cannot be over-emphasized. Even in online communication, our minds tend to
"fill up the missing pieces of the puzzle" and emoticons, if used wisely, can help
the communication to convey and enhance the underlying emotional aspects of
the communication.
The user has to bear also in mind that this is subjective and the impact will
vary depending on the actual quality of the text communication as well as the
mindset of the receiver. The key is to use emoticons sparingly and accurately in
context to have maximum potential impact.
It can be concluded that abbreviations are often used in internet
communication. The most frequently used are imitialisms, shortenings,
contractions, acronyms. Acronyms are initialisms that have become words in
their own right, or similar words formed from parts of several words
In this practical chapter general communicative parameters and means of
internet communications where presented. One can see on practice that
communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that
enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although users usually
identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two


dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal is communication, but without

words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching,
and tones of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and
spatial distance between two or more people. One can come to the conclusion
that there are for indications of communication. They are the sender, the receiver,
the message and the feedback.

A conclusion can be made that e-mail carries monological character and can
posses polite request as well. E-mail communication is a kind of a long time
dialogic response; this means that transmitter doesn't receive any immediate
answer. People often use email for our business communications, it is
unnecessary to express emotions here. E-mail can be used as more official way to
communicate in internet. A single message can be sent through mailing to many
people as well. In fact, one can presuppose that both the e-mail messages present
either the dialog interactions or the monologs with the presupposed receiver.
Another effective and more modern type of'communication is instant
messaging. It was deduced that in the instant messages persons communicate in
real time, which allows easy collaboration. The instant messaging communication
was determined as the mini-interaction-sequence.
The chat has all the features for the people communication, but still it has
also many differences. There is very little difference between chat on the internet
and talking to your friend or neighbor. Internet just made it easier to talk with
people all over the world using technology and a computer. However, chat is
real-time communication only and people have no possibility to share files using
chat, also. In most situation person does not know all the people in chat. . Chat is
likely to be called a chaos dialogue interaction; finally no one knows what is the
topic and what people are talk about. The popularity of these kinds of chats has
waned over the years, its popularity still remains strong.


In conclusion one can say that Smiles and emoticons are abbreviations, which are
used very often in chats, instant messages and e-mails. Smiles have unofficial
character. Emoticons and smiles developed together with communication and take
important place in chatting. Emotions can be divided on: "sharing" emoticons
-positive or negative, cue emoticons, ornamental emoticons. As rule, emoticons help
to express ones mood and to convey the underlying emotional aspects of the
communication. As one knows, the appearance of internet slang has effective and
quicker writing

as the main aim. In internet communication different internet abbreviations are

used. One of the wide used is the phonetic shortenings that can be recognized by its
sounding. Numerical contraction is popular in internet slang. Ordinal numerical are
used instead of missed letters in the word. Such words can be understood by their
pronunciation. Interjections take important part in internet communication, because
they can reflect one's mood or are a good edition to said words.
It can be mentioned that graphical abbreviation takes an important place in
internet communication as well. Smiles and emoticons have unofficial character.
Emoticons and smiles developed together with 'communication and take
important place in chatting. Emotions can be divided on: "sharing" emoticons
positive or negative, cue emoticons, ornamental emoticons. As rule, emoticons
help to express ones mood and to convey the underlying emotional aspects of the


It can be concluded that communication is the art and technique that helps
people use the words and signals effectively. Communication helps people to
share with different information by use of .many types of signals. The
communicative function is related to the clear expression of ideas that are based
on language but sometimes a symbol carries the message. One can come to the
conclusion that all kinds of communication supplement each other.
It can be pointed out, that today internet becomes a valuable source of
communication, both official and colloquial. It helps people communicate all
over the world without difficulties. Internet communication develops with time as
well, hence becomes more variable and comfortable for use. The electronic mail
is popular all over the world. Chat is a kind of electronic mail, but a more
shortened one. But both have the semantic value. People can decide by
themselves which kind of communication they prefer. For more official
communication e-mail can be used, but if one wants to relax and initiate a free
communication, not bound strictly by any time limits or lexico-grammatical
conventions, he can enter a chat. While using internet instant messages people
can talk to close friends without difficulties.
It is important to mention that abbreviation is a shortened form of written
phrase or word, which is commonly used. Different spheres where abbreviations
are used appear, but not all of them remain in use Often an abbreviated form of
sentence can be more useful than a full form and it becomes well known among
people.Variety of abbreviation types shows that they are used in different
Some of them after some time are used as words and become popular. It can
be observed, that both types of shortenings are widely spread and used.
Contractions play a great part in different spheres in people's life. Initialisms
remain quite important, being made up of the initial letters of words and are

pronounced as separate letters. It was defined that acronyms are a subtype of

Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and wordgroups only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used.
These abbreviations are also called smiles and emoticons. Emoticons today are
very popular.
In the internet communication abbreviation have an important role as well.
With time special internet slang was formed , which is characterized by use of big
number of the abbreviations. While internet communication interlocutors try to
use shorter variants of the word or phrase for simple and quicker typing.
Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and word-groups
only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used. This
abbreviation is also called smiles and emoticons. Emoticons today are very
People often use e-mail for business communication, since it is unnecessary
to express emotions here. E-mail can be used as more official way to
communicate in internet. A single message can be sent through mailing to many
people as well. In fact, one can presuppose that both the e-mail messages present
either the dialog interactions or the monologs with the presupposed receiver.
Therefore the e-mail communication samples will be called for the purpose of

further analysis macro-question-answer sequences, namely requests and

anticipated/ensuing gratitude.
The interlocutors are capable of producing large chunks of text because their
conversation, though not the real-time, is official, and since they each have
enough time and give enough thought to what they are writing and who they are
sending their messages to.
It was deduced that in the instant messages two persons communicate in real
time, which allows easy collaboration. Thus, they have possibility to answer
immediately. It can be observed that instant messaging is based on typed text.
This kind of communication gives possibility to share files in real time, as well.


Using instant messages people communicate in proper way and use simple
language that is close to slang. It is the reasons why in instant messages are used
abbreviations and interjections. Instant messages enable private and secure

One can point out that in the chat the information is exchanged between
many individuals and it is difficult to identify the message and the number of
people who take part in the communication. Chat is likely to be called a chaos
dialogue interaction; finally no one knows what is the topic and what people are
talk about. The popularity of these kinds of chats has waned over the years, its
popularity still remains strong. The chat is a real-time communication only and
people have no possibility to share files using chat, also. In most situations
person does not know all the people in chat. This fact consequently stipulates the
emergence of the so-called chaotic neutrally colored impression
Some internet abbreviations can be called "phonetic shortenings" as a
subtype of the chat uttered abbreviations. One can make conclusion that
acronyms, shortening and initialisms are wide used in chats.
By the content and form a subtype of the chat abbreviation called the
numerical contraction can be mentioned, where instead of some letters numerical
are used. Numerical contraction is popular in internet slang. Ordinal numerical
contractions are used instead of missed letters in the word. Such words can be
understood by their pronunciation. Interjections take important part in internet
communication, because they can reflect one's mood 6r are a good edition to said
One can point out the importance of visual cues in communication, verbal or
non-verbal, cannot be over-emphasized. Even in online communication, our
minds tend emotions. The smile and the emoticort can help the communication to
convey and enhance the underlying emotional aspects of the communication.
Abbreviations in internet messaging give interlocutors the opportunity to
show their own emotions and thoughts, and easily understand one another.
Internet abbreviations develop every day, so it is the reason why this topic


remains interesting and scientifically valuable in many domains of the language



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