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(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

By the end of this lesson, students should have a better knowledge of attacking strategies such as the
wrap, dump, switch, effecting a touch as attacker and how to incorporate them into a game scenario.
Pre-lesson organisation:
-Ensure balls are pumped
-Have warm up area set up already 20mx20m
-12 Rugby Balls
-24 Bibs
Learning Area Outcomes: Year 10 Touch Rugby SEPEP Program.
Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA)
Sub-Strand: Moving our body (MB), Understanding Movement (UM), Learning through Movement (LM)
Focus Areas: Active Play and Minor Games (AP), Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), Games and
Sport (GS)




Task Management

(What students do)

(What to look for)

(Management of Student

9.00 Beginning class organization:

-Bring the class in to a stationary point in front of teacher
-Revise basic rules of the game, especially offside and turn over when acting half gets touched

Lesson Plan Template 2016

-Give a brief overview of attacking strategies and their place in the game
-Introduce warm up game

Warm up: Stuck in the Mud

Everyone is abiding by rules

1.In a designated area of

20mx20m, all students have a
ball except for three taggers.

Everyone is involved and

participating in activity

2.The aim of the taggers is to

effect a touch on others.

Everyone is rolling the ball

with the correct technique

Teacher is standing off to the

side refereeing and

Correcting rolling technique

of anybody that is doing it

3. When a person is touched,

they must stand with ball
above head, legs apart.
4.To free others, students that
have not yet been tagged
need to perform a roll ball
through a tagged persons
legs and gather the ball again.

After 3 minutes the teacher will

blow his whistle and start a new
game with different people that
are tagging.

Lesson Plan Template 2016

9.15 Bridging organization:

To move class smoothly on to next activity, bring the class in to a stationary point
Introduce the attacking strategy of effecting a touch as the ball-carrier and its strategic value in making
the defender offside
Ask them to line up in two lines in front of the teacher. Whoever they are standing to next to in the line is
the partner
Get pairs to line up along the one of the sides of the zone used earlier

Lesson Plan Template 2016


Skill: Effecting the touch as

Activity 1: Tag the Tagger


Players stand in their

pairs along the line. One
player acts as a
defender, the other
player is an attacking

Ensure attackers are making

an effort to quickly pick up the
ball and effect a touch on the
defending player

Teacher is mobile, moving

back and forth and around
the activity observing
students and keeping them
on task

Ensure the tempo of the

attacking players is quick
enough that the defending
player has to work so as not to
be caught offside

The aim of the ballcarrier is to effect a

touch on the defender as
Observe and correct
quickly as possible.
3. Once they do, they
complete a rollball,
collect their own ball and Make sure touches are not too
then run at the defender violent
again, who should be
back onside



Gradually the attacking

player will reach the
other side, once theyve
pushed back the
defender enough.


Once the 2 players have

reached the opposite
side of the zone they
swap roles

Bridging organization:
Explain that the next activity is a built on the last activity, it is effectively putting the offside rule into
practice by adding the actinghalf into the equation
Ask students to make teams of 3, keeping one ball per group, the rest need to go in the ball bag
Ask the groups of 3 to line up along the same line as the previous activity

Lesson Plan Template 2016


Skill: Effecting the touch as

attacker and Dump

Everyone is participating and

involved in the activity

Activity 2: Push them Back

Ensure attackers are making

an effort to quickly pick up the
ball and effect a touch on the
defending player

1. Players stand in their

groups along the line,
one player acting as a
defender, the other two
acting as a ball-carrier
and an actinghalf.

Teacher is mobile, moving

back and forth and around
the activity observing
students and keeping them
on task

Ensure the tempo of the

attacking players is quick
enough that the defending
player has to work so as not to
2. The ball carriers aim is to be caught offside
effect the touch on the
defender as quickly as
possible. Whilst the
Observe and correct
actinghalfs aim is to
scoop up the ball and
pass it back to the ball
carrier as quickly as they
Make sure touches are not too
3. Gradually the attacking
team will reach the other
side, once theyve
pushed back the
defender enough.
4. Once the 3 players have
reached the opposite
side of the zone they
switch roles

Lesson Plan Template 2016


Bridging organization:

To move class smoothly on to next activity, bring the class in to a stationary point

Ask them to remain within their groups of 3.

Explain the Wrap and Switch and how it creates a gap in the defense
Ask one student to extend the line which the previous 2 drills have been started from
Get the groups to line up along the same line as before

Skill: Wrap and switch

Everyone is involved and
Activity 3: The Burrito

Teacher is standing behind

the attacking pair, observing
and giving advice when

Groups are switching roles

1. In the same groups, two of the
group will be attacking players
and one a defender.
2. The two attacking players
begin by passing to each
3. The attacking player that
receives the ball run towards
the defender to draw them to
him, as the defender comes
forward to tag them, the other
attacking player wraps
around the back of that player,
switching sides as they do so.

Groups are maintaining

intensity throughout the drill

Wrap technique

4. The player with the ball then

passes to the player wrapping
around, before they are
tagged by the defender.
5. The player performing the
wrap receives the ball and
should be able to run clear of
the defender.

Once the sequence has been

completed, the group switch
roles so that everyone gets a
turn at the different positions.

Lesson Plan Template 2016


Bridging organisation:

Class will now be divided into two teams of 12. Class will line up in two lines with a partner and
the teams will be each of those two lines. Each team will be required to grab a bib (different
colour for each team).
Introduce the mini-game and the rules
Ask four students to make a rugby field for a scratch-match

Game: Touch Mini-Game

1. The game has all the

same rules as a normal
game of touch rugby
has, however points will
be awarded for each
attacking tactic the team
uses within their 5
2. 1 point will be awarded
per wrap, plant and
effect of a touch by the
attacking players
3. 5 points will be awarded
for a Tri

Everyone is involved and


Rules are followed

Observe and correct anything

you see done incorrectly

Teacher is standing off to the

side of the kicker and
referees or stops the game if
they see the need to correct
techniques or gameplay

Teacher calls out when a

point is scored by the
attacking team

Any students that are injured

or cannot play for any reason
or another can be asked to
keep score or act as referee

Lesson Plan Template 2016

4. After 10 minutes, there

will be a half time break
and teams will switch
5. Team with the highest
score by the end of the
game will win


Closing Organisation:

Students collect cones one cone each and place in a central location in front of teacher.
Students are then required to sit in front of teacher waiting for further instruction.

9.57 Closure:
Students are sitting in front of the teacher. Teacher asks students about what they learnt today. The
teacher then asks a student to demonstrate or talk through the key teaching points of any of the attacking
skills used in today's game

Lesson Plan Template 2016

Lesson Plan Template 2016

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