EQL 671 Kiu Toh Chung - Amended

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1.0 Introduction
According to the explanation that given by Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011), the term of qualitative
research can be defined as a research method which using observation and other techniques like
interview and focus group to obtain the data / information from the respondent. In fact, the
description that expressed by Marshall PA (2010) also shows that qualitative research is totally
different from quantitative research and it always involve opinions, experiences, expression and
feelings from the respondent in the research. Thus, Peter Stylen (2010) believe qualitative
research play an important role to help the researcher to establish relevant concepts as well as
theories which enable them to understand better to the subject that been investigated. In other
words, the qualitative research can refer as an inductive approach and it will be useful in develop
the theory.
On the other hand, Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011) also explained that qualitative research is
designed to reveal a target audiences range of behavior as well as perceptions that drive it with
reference to specific topics or issues. In fact, they also mentioned that the results of qualitative
research are descriptive rather than predictive. Certainly, qualitative research will be very useful
to diagnose and determine the responds and feedback from the respondents on certain
investigated issues or problems.
At the mean time, Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010) also explained that there are lots of
techniques can be used by the researcher to obtain the data from the respondent via the
qualitative research methods. These techniques include interview, observation and focus group.
He also mentioned that different techniques will be useful in obtain different kinds of data and
information. Each of these techniques will be discussed in detail in this part of the paper. Several
examples will be used to support the respective discussion.

2.0 Qualitative Research Techniques For Data Collection

Generally, the explanation that expressed by Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011) in his research shows
that qualitative research is one of the research technique that frequently used by researcher to
obtain data on the feelings and expression from respondent. In fact, Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin
(2010) also expressed that the data collection method that been applied under qualitative research
method will involves the direct interaction with an individual (one on one basis) or in a group of
people (respondents).
At the mean time, the explanation that contributed by Marshall PA (2010) also show that there is
more time and passion needed in running the qualitative research compare to quantitative
research. It is because the qualitative research involves lots of paperwork and also Q & A
(questions and answer) process. In fact, the explanation from Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (2010)
also shows that the cost that involved in running the qualitative research is higher than
quantitative research. He also expressed that the data collection procedures in any research is
important so that the data that been obtained is relevant accurate to answer the research
On the other hand, Peter Stylen (2010) explained that there are lots of data collections techniques
can be used by the researcher in order to obtain the data from the respondents. He also mentioned
that using different kinds of data collection techniques will give different kinds of impact to the
data that been obtained from the respondents. Among the data collection techniques that
suggested by Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010) are as listed below:

Active observation
Focus Group
Action research

The detail explanation on these three data collection techniques will be discussed in this part of
paper and it will be supported by various kinds of relevant examples.

(A) Interview
According to the research findings that presented by Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010),
interview can be divided into three main categories. These three categories are unstructured
interview, semi interview and also structured interview. Each of these interviews will be
explained in table 2.0 below:

Unstructured interview

As explained by Amanda Jessy, Ryan G
(2011), it can be refer to depth interview
whereby it involve the efforts of discussion on
limited numbers of topics that targeted by the
researchers. As for this method, the researcher
will set the interview questions based on the

Semi structure interview

responses from the respondents.

Peter Stylen (2010) expressed that semi
structure interview could be named as focused
interview and researchers will use series of
open questions based on the topics that
researcher wish to be covered.

He also

explained that open ended nature of the

questions will be useful to define the topic
under the investigations.
The researcher also can prompt or encourage
the interviewee if they are looking for more
information or find what they are saying

Structured interview





PA (2010),

structured interview will involve the process

of asking the respondent similar questions in
the same way.
Under this data collection technique, tightly
structure scheduled will be used by a research
and they need to make a decision whether
using structured interview or questionnaires in
obtaining the data from the respondents.
Table 2.0 Types of Interview

(B) Focus Groups

Generally, the explanation that contributed by Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (2010) shows that focus
group could be an ideal technique for the researcher to obtain the data from a group of people. It
was agreed by Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011) and he also mentioned that there are three different
conditions could be happened in group interview. These three conditions are:

Limited resources
Required collective discussion and decision to ensure the researcher more understand on

the behavior and circumstance of whole research.

Greater insights may be developed of the group dynamic.

On the other hand, the explanation from Marshall PA (2010) suggested that there are four major
criteria in focus groups. These four criteria are:

The size of group should around 6 to 10 person. Normally it wouldnt involve small
group as small group might limiting the potential on the amount of data that been

obtained in the research.

Researcher will use several focus groups to obtain more macro view on the investigated

The respondent in each focus group must have something in common and it is typically

important for data collection in the research.

As for the research, the focus group can either be combine together or existing grouping.

(C) Observation
According to the explanation that contributed by Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010),
observation can be referred to a data collection technique that take place in natural settings and
involve the researcher taking lengthy and descriptive notes of what is happening in the whole
process of observation. In fact, Peter Stylen (2010) also expressed that the researcher should
become an active observer in the whole process of researching and observation so that he or she
able to obtain more relevant data or information from the respondents behavior or responds on
certain issues. Apart of that, Marshall PA (2010) did express that observation can be an useful
data collection technique as it will offer more reliable information for the researchers compare to
other data collection techniques.

(D) Action Research

According to the explanation that contributed by Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (2010), action research
is another method that can be used by the researcher under qualitative method. He also explained
that it is a method whereby perform the research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a
reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in terms
or as part of a community of practice, to improve the way they address issues and solve

3.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, qualitative research can be defined as a research method which using
observation and other techniques like interview and focus group to obtain the data / information
from the respondent. Interview is a technique that used to collect a data from an individual on

their personal perspectives and experience on certain topics. Meanwhile, observation will be
used to collect the data naturally occurring behavior in their normal or usual context. Apart of
that, focus group will be used to elicit the data on the culture norms of the group. On the other
hand, there are three different types of interview can be used by the researcher under the
qualitative research methods. These three types of interview include unstructured interview, semi
interview and also structured interview. Each type of interview method will help the researcher
to obtain different kinds of data from different types of respondents (either individual or group).


1.0 Introduction

According to the explanation that contributed by Peter Stylen (2010), qualitative research always
refer to a research method that using observation and interview as data collection technique in
order to obtain the opinions, experience and feelings from the respondents. It was agreed by
Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010) and he also expressed that qualitative research method will
offer lots of benefits to the researchers especially in obtaining the data from the respondents.
Hence, the discussion in this part of the paper will focus on the benefits of using qualitative
research especially the data collection techniques compare to the quantitative research method.
The entire discussion in this part of paper will be supported by relevant literature findings and

2.0 The Reason of Using Qualitative Research Method

First at all, I used qualitative research method as it is suitable for exploratory research it is agreed
by Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011) whereby she explained that qualitative research method
typically useful for exploratory research. It is because the researcher like me can use the openended questions to obtain the data from the respondents. It will allow the respondents to answer
the questions based on their own words and opinion rather than force them to choose available
(fix) answers from the questionnaires. In other words, it will allow more freedom for the
respondents to express their feelings, opinions and experience via the open-ended questions and
answer session. In fact, Marshall PA (2010) also expressed those open-ended questions
particularly useful and important to evoke responses that are:

Meaningful and culturally salient to the participant

Act to unanticipated by the researcher
Rich and explanatory in nature.

On the other hands, the uses of qualitative research method can gain more flexibility compare to
quantitative research method. It was agreed by Peter Stylen (2010) and he also explained that the
research can probe initial participant response anytime in the process of interview. Certainly, the
researcher like me will able to listen accordingly the ideas that been expressed by the
respondents. Then, the qualitative research methods also allow the respondent to add on the

information anytime and it will allow the researcher to obtain more data as well as information
compare to the quantitative research method.
Apart of that, I strongly believed that the data that been obtained by little cases or respondents
hardly generate to a larger population. But, it can be solved by using the qualitative research
whereby the qualitative research can be transferred to another setting. Therefore, Marshall PA
(2010) also explained that the findings and results that obtained by qualitative research method is
better and flexible if it was compared to the quantitative research method. Therefore, it is better
for me to use the qualitative research method to obtain the data from the respondents rather than
using qualitative methods.
At the mean time, the next reason I use qualitative research methods to obtain data is because I
am unsure on exactly what issue should I focused in the research. According to Peter Stylen
(2010), qualitative research is important in doing the study especially if the researcher
themselves unsure of exactly what they want to study or focus in the whole research. In fact, it
was agreed by Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (2010) and he also mentioned that the uses of qualitative
research is important as the research did not involve any strict design plan and it will give the
researcher plenty of time and flexibility in doing their research. Due to that, I will allow me to
save more time compare to use quantitative research method in the studies.
On the other hand, the qualitative research will help the researcher like me to obtain more
detailed data especially in the format of written description and visual evidence. It is because
Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010) mentioned that these types of data will help the respective
researcher to understand better on the feedbacks and responds from the respondents that involved
in the whole research. Therefore, it will improve the effectiveness of the whole research process
that been carried out by the researchers.
Generally, the uses of qualitative research method will be very useful especially for the questions
that preemptive reduction of the data will prevent discovery. For the example, if the objective of
the whole research that carried out for me is to study on the respondents in the setting or process
the way they experience, it is better to use qualitative research method rather than quantitative
research method. It is because Denzin NK, Lincoln YS (2010) mentioned that the qualitative

research method will enable the researcher to obtain the perception and explanation or
interpretation of the respondents on the issues that been focus in the research. In fact, Marshall
PA (2010) also explained that qualitative research method should be more accurately in
determine the view and experience of respondents on certain researched issues or problems
On the other hand, the other reason why using qualitative research method is helping me to
understand the context and environment a user is in provides for better product direction. For the
example, what are the teachings, places, people, and challenges respondent deal with when
accomplishing their goals? In fact, some of the richest qualitative data isnt collected in a
contrived lab; it simply comes from observing and collecting data in person.
At the mean time, measures sometime dont fit the problem well in the whole process of
research. While there are good ways of measuring usability, many interactions can be hard to
quantify. Therefore, observing users as they struggle to accomplish a goal and probing on the
source of the problems helps define what ultimately needs to be measured. Therefore, qualitative
data helps uncover the right things to measure in research.
Lastly, I also believed that the qualitative research method is better in helping the researcher like
me to respond or answer some issues. It was agreed by Peter Stylen (2010) and he also explained
that the research should learned to alert to the risk that occur in the project and they should not
use the qualitative research method wrongly in the whole process of research.

3.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, the uses of qualitative research shows lots of promises to the researchers
compare to quantitative research method. Among the determined benefits of the qualitative
research includes it will allow more freedom for the respondents to express their feelings,

opinions and experience via the open-ended questions and answer session. Apart of that,
qualitative research methods also allow the respondent to add on the information anytime and it
will allow the researcher to obtain more data as well as information compare to the quantitative
research method. On the other hand, the findings and results that obtained by qualitative research
method is better and flexible. Lastly, the uses of qualitative research is important in doing the
study especially if the researcher themselves unsure of exactly what they want to study or focus
in the whole research.

TITLE: The Interaction between Students and Teacher in Inquiry Learning Method
1.0 General Description of the Setting
As for this research, the whole research will be focus on the interaction between the students and
teacher in a classroom for the subject of Science and using inquiry learning method as the major
teaching method. Generally, this research will be carried out on 27 students Year 5 students and
the population of the students according to the gender will be shown in table 1.0:


Table 1.0 The Population of Students in Research based on Gender

As shown in table 1.0, the population of the respondents consists of 13 male students and 14
female students. At the mean time, the whole research will be carried out based on qualitative
research method and the time that allocated for the whole research is 9.00am to 10.00am (science
period for Year 5 students in researched school). For the example, the research and observation
will be carried out to determine the interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom
along the process of class activities.
Before carry out the research, the researcher will write in a letter to school principal and parents
in order to obtain the permission from them to carry out the research. After gained permission,
the students will told to rearrange the table and chair so that class activities can be carried out
smoothly in the process of research. Then, researcher will counter check the class setting (sitting
plan) before the carry out the research. Apart of that, the attendance of the students will be
counted by the researcher as well. The discussion in this part of the paper will be supported by
various kinds of literature review as well as relevant examples in our daily life.
2.0 Coding and Field Notes
As for this part of the paper, the discussion will including the field notes and coding that been
done on the research. The detail of the field notes as shown below:
Field Notes
Location: Classroom in school
Date: 8th November 2016
Time of Day: 8.30am 9.30am

As for today, I saw tutor enter the classroom and greeting to the students, Good morning,
everyone. How are you? Then, the students in the classroom answered: Good morning teacher.
We are glad! Then, the tutor will tell the students that they are learning animal today. The
conversation between teacher and students as below:
Tutor: Boys and girls, do you know what is animal?
Students A: Yes. I saw animal before. I have dog in my home!
Student B: I like animal. I like rabbit and dog.
Tutor: Ok. Do you know the how to differentiate them?
Student C: Not sure!
Then, tutor will explain in detail the meaning of animal to the students in the classroom. As in
this activities, the tutors using inquiry teaching method to teach the students the concept on the
animal. The conversation between the tutor and students as listed below:
Tutor: Do you know we have three major types of animal. These three types including
omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore? Do you know which types only eating vegetables and
Student: Yes. It is herbivore.
Tutor: Good!! How about only eating meat?
Student: It is carnivore.
Tutor: Excellent. How about the omnivore?
Student: They will eating fruit and vegetable
Tutor: Yes. Animal is important for human being as it play an important role in ecosystem.
Animal contribute food to human as well
Students: Teacher, what animal u feed at home
Tutor: Dog
Then, teacher will start to give a teaching aid and LEGO to carry out the group activity. As for
this activity, I noticed that teacher separate students into few groups and they are given teaching
aids and LEGO. Along the process of group activity, I heard little conversation among the
students. This conversation as shown below:

Student A:Do you play LEGO before
Student B: Yes. How about you?
Student A: No. I never play on LEGO. Is it hard to play with LEGO?
Student B: Not really difficult
Student A: Can you teach me?
Student B: Sure

Student C: How to build the dog shape?
Student D: I also dont know. Lets us try.
Student E: We shall start from this point.
Student C: Yes. Maybe you correct. We should start from there.

Students H: Our group is carnivore. What animal should we do?
Student G: We can do tiger or snake. Because both of the animals are carnivore
Student I: I agree!
Student G: Ok. Let us do snake or tiger. So snake or tiger?
Student H: For me, snake. Easier
Student G: I agree.
Student I: Me too

Then, tutor also instructs each group to list our as many criteria for given animals (omnivore,
carnivore or herbivore). The students will do the discussion among each other. But, not all of the
students will focus on the discussion and some will talk about other things. The examples as
listed below:
Student P: Do you watch cartoon yesterday night, 5pm
Student Q: Yes. You watch also. Good right?
Student P: Yes. I like it so much. I watch it every week. Tonight got more cartoon to watch.
Student Q: Yes
Some of the students even shows their tired face and said: Erm!!Very tired It show that they
are not focus in the process of learning. At last part of the lesson, 2-3 students also show
impatient and waiting for the class dismisses. They talked to each other. The conversation as
Student T: Later, what do you eat? Mihun?
Student S: I bring hamburger
Student T:Wah! Yummy
Student Z: I will buy nasi lemak at canteen la
Student T: Hahaha. Ok. We go to Canteen together

Data Coding
The reaction of the students along the process will be code as shown in table below:

Reaction of students
Active learner

No of students

This is the learner that participates actively in
the process of learning. They will participate,
and communicate with teacher actively along

Passive learner

the process of learning.

This is a learner that they are keep quiet and
did not participate actively in the classroom

Disturbing learner

even during the group activities.

This is a minority whereby they keep on

talking and making noise to disturb other


Weak learner

learner in the classroom.

This is a group of students whereby weak in
studies and cannot understand the teaching


from the teacher.

Table 2.0 Reaction of Students Coding Table

As shown in table 2.0, the responds of the students can be categorized into four major categories,
namely active learner, passive learners, disturbing learner and weak leaner. According to the
observation, there are 12 students in the classroom can be categorized as active learner whereby
they participate actively in the classroom and always communicate with teacher and answer the
questions that been asked by the tutors spontaneously. However, there are 6 students who are
very quiet and not participate in the process of discussion (group activity) or not even asking any
questions in the classroom. As observed, 4 students always like to talk loudly and disturb other
students in the classroom. Lastly, there are 5 students who are very weak in studies especially
Science. They not understand the deliveries that done by the tutor in the classroom.

No of questions answered correctly (Total

No of students

questions = 10)
Table 3.0 No of Questions answered Correctly by Students

As in table 3.0, the observation results show that there are 12 students (who are from active
learner group) score well in the worksheet that been given by the tutor in the classroom. They
able to answer correctly at least 8 questions (out of 10 questions) in the worksheet. It shows that
they able to master the knowledge that been delivered by the tutor in the classroom. However,
those students who are from the categories of weak learners, disturbing learners and passive
learners not able to score well in the worksheet. They score 5 or less questions out of 10 given
questions in the worksheet. In other words, the process of learning that been carried out by the
tutor in the classroom might not effective for them.

3.0 Data Analysis

First at all, the observation that been done on 27 students in Science class show that inquiry
learning method could be an ideal teaching method to improve the communication as well as
interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom. It is because the students show
their enthusiasm on the topic that been taught by the teacher in the classroom and they also
answer the questions that been raised up by the teacher systematically. In other words, the
responses that shows by the students in the classroom just outstanding and it create an excellent
active learning environment and culture for Science subject.
On the other hand, the observation that been done also show that students will communicate with
each other in order to gain more knowledge on the topic of animal via the group activity. In fact,
the presentation that performed by the students just outstanding and the points in the presentation
are logic and accordingly. It proves a good cooperation and discussion occur in each of the
working group. It is far better than the passive learning method like Chalk and Talk methods.

At the mean time, the strategies of using questions and answer (Q&A) will be important to lead
the students to think and explore themselves the knowledge of Science in the classroom. For the
example, the tutor will use the questions and answer (Q&A) methods to lead the targeted
students to explore the criteria of omnivore, carnivore and herbivore. It is kinds of active
learning in the classroom.
Lastly, the results from observation also show that using relevant teaching aids will able to
improve the focus of the students in the classroom. It is because the students at least able to
touch and use the teaching aids to model the shape of different kinds of animals like Carnivore,
Herbivore and Omnivore. Due to that, teachers are advised to use suitable and effective teaching
aids along the process of teaching in the classroom.

4.0 Reflection
Unquestionable, I learned a lot in the process of carry out the planned research. It is because the
research allows me to know better on how to organize, plan and carry out the qualitative research
rather than quantitative research. Before the research, I always believed that qualitative research
is easier to carry out compare to quantitative research because it doesnt involve any software
and calculation. However, the carry out of the whole research give a valuable experience on how
to plan and carry out the qualitative research accordingly. This is absolutely a good experience
for me.
At the mean time, the whole research will allow and enable me to understand better the impact of
using inquiry learning methods in Science subjects. It is because the observation that been done
throughout the research give me a huge support to carry out the inquiry learning methods in the
future for Science subject. As seen and observed, this inquiry learning method significantly
improve the participation and interaction from the students compare to traditional learning or
teaching method.

Lastly, I definitely will use the results of this qualitative research as a useful guideline to improve
the quality of my teaching especially in Science subject in the future. It is because the
observation that been done on my own students also give me important information on the
weaknesses of my current teaching approach. Directly, it can help me to improve the quality of
my teaching. For the example, I will start to use more teaching aids to teach rather than perform
chalk and talk method in the classroom. Hopefully it can improve the effectiveness of the
whole process of teaching and learning for Science.

5.0 Conclusion
Generally, the expression that given by Bachtold, Manuel (2013) shows that inquiry learning
method refers to the learning approach that more focused on using and learning content as a
mean to develop information- processing and problem solving skills. It was agreed by Bell, T.;
Urhahne, D.; Schanze, S.; Ploetzner, R. (2010) and he also explained that students are more
involved in the construction of knowledge through active involvement in the process of teaching
and learning.
At the mean time, the use of inquiry learning method is important to provide the students a
platform to discover the knowledge and skills step by step under the guidance of the teacher in
the classroom. Therefore, it is a type of active learning in the classroom. Along the process of
learning, students will also interact with other classmates and teachers to discover the relevant
knowledge like animal. Therefore, it will also improve the interpersonal and communication
skills among the students in the classroom. In fact, the efforts of communication among the
students was proven in the observation that been done on 27 students in the classroom.
On the other hand, observation that been performed in the classroom is an effective way to
determine the interaction that occur between students and teacher in the classroom. Therefore, it

can help the researchers to determine the effectiveness of certain teaching method like inquiry
learning method that been used and adopted by the teacher in the classroom.
Apart of that, the observation that been done also show that it is important for the tutor to use an
appropriate teaching aids like video or animation card. For the example, teaching aids like
animal card and LEGO will be used in the research in order to improve the interest and focus of
the students on the topic that been taught in the classroom. As observed in the classroom, the
students will very excited to touch and use the LEGO to establish the animal in the classroom. It
is simply fun from learning.

As observed, the uses of inquiry learning method will enable the students play an active role in
the whole process of teaching and learning in the classroom. It was agreed by Yoon, H., Joung,
Y. J., Kim, M. (2012) and she also explained that participating in more group activities will allow
the student to develop their communication skills. In fact, the observation results also show that
the communication among the students on how to solve the given issues also improved. In other
words, the interpersonal skills among the students will be improved by using this type of
teaching method in the classroom respectively.
Lastly, personally I believed that the focus and concentration among the students are obviously
very low and maximum around 30 minutes. Due to that, it is very hard to get their attention after
30 minutes teaching and learning. It is agreed and supported by Bachtold, Manuel (2013) and he
also explained that the entire teacher in school should plan the action plan properly. Apart of that,
teachers are also advised to plan for more exciting and fun class activities in order to improve the
attention of the students in the classroom. He also suggested the school teacher to include more
multimedia elements in the process of teaching and learning so that students will not feels boring
and lost their attention in the classroom. All of these efforts are typically important to improve
the effectiveness of the learning process among the students in the classroom.


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Amanda Jessy, Ryan G (2011). My Qualitative Research Issues: Methodological

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Peter Stylen (2010). Qualitative Research Method. London: BMJ Books, 2010.
Justin Shelorm, Steven Justin (2010). Qualitative Research. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira
Yoon, H., Joung, Y. J., Kim, M. (2012). The challenges of science inquiry teaching for preservice teachers in elementary classrooms: Difficulties on and under the scene. Research
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Generally, the discussion that will be done in this part of the paper will focus on the analysis and
results that obtained from the whole research. Apart of that, the observe results will be filled in
the observation protocol form and descriptive notes as well as reflective notes will be used to
support the whole process of analysis and results. The relevant descriptive notes and reflective
notes as shown in table 2.0 below:

Observation Protocol
Location: Classroom in school
Date: 8th November 2016
Time of Day: 9:00am 10:00am
Descriptive Notes
Reflective Notes
As for the first step, the Science teacher will As soon as listened to the introduction that
enter the classroom on 9.00am and start to performed by the teacher, students look happy
introduce the topic that will be learned. This and excited on the topic of animal that they
topic is animal.

are going to learn today. Some of the students

start to talk with each other that they have feed
an animal at their house and they feed them in
the daily life. As for me, it shows that students
really interest on the topics that will be taught

today in the classroom.

Then, teacher start to write a word of animal As for this section, teacher uses inquiry
on the blackboard and as the students what teaching or learning method to help the
they understand about the animal.

students discovery what they know about the

animal. Some of the students can answer it

properly and actively but some of the students
especially those who sit behind the class
remain passively and did not contribute any
Then, teacher will start to explain and describe Along the process of explanation, I noticed that
the exact meaning of animal and teacher also the students actively answer the questions that
tells the students the important of animal for rose by teacher on the topic of animal. In fact,
the human.

they also keep on asking lots of questions

about the animal. It simply shows that the
students are very interesting on the topic that
teacher teaching now. However, I personally
think that the class and students become a bit
noisy and they volume should be turned down
so that other

students can listen and

understand what teacher talking as well as

explained in the classroom. Due to that, teacher
also call the cooperation from the students so
that not too noisy in the classroom along the
process of teaching and learning.
As in this step of lesson, teacher will start to

Obviously, using LEGO is important to enable

give the students the teaching aids (animal

the students build up the shape of different

photo) and LEGO for next class activity.

kinds animal by using the LEGO. It will allow

them understand better on the physical shape
and size of different animal (given in photo).
Along the process, I notice that the students
keep on asking teacher or their friend how to
use the LEGO to establish or built and animal.
This is an important action as it shows that
they are interesting on the physical shape of
different kinds of animal available in our

surrounding. It will be a good activity to build

the cooperation spirit and interaction between
the students.
After this, explanation on the criteria of three However, I am wondering that not entire
kinds of animals, namely omnivore, herbivore students in the classroom able to understand
and carnivore. Teacher will use various kinds teachers explanation and teacher starts to walk
of example to support my explanation.







explanation. Apart of that, teacher also keeps

on asking questions to let the students in the
classroom spontaneously. It is an effective way
to encourage the students keep on answer the
question and do the self discovery on the
knowledge on certain topic that been taught in
the classroom. As for some of the questions
that failed answer appropriately by the students
will be answered by me slowly so that
everyone in the classroom can understand the
topics of animal.
Generally, teacher will divide the students in In the process of forming the working group,
the classroom into three major groups. Each teacher notices that students prefer to look for
group will be given a type of animal their friend in form the working group.
(omnivore, herbivore or carnivore). It is a Therefore, teacher advises them look for other
group activity that required the group members classmate (exclude their own friends) to form a
perform the discussion and presentation at the working
end of the class.







particularly important to encourage them






indirectly will improve their communication

Then, teacher will give each group a type of

Students feels excited on the give type of


animals and they start to talk with each other

on the topic that given by teacher. Teacher

request them not to make any noise and let me
Teacher starts to explain the instruction of the

explain to them what should they do later.

Along the process of teachers explanation, the

group activities.

students able to keep quiet and pay their

attention on his explanation. However, some of
the students still not pay attention and looks
very blur even teacher keeps on explaining the
instruction of the class activity. Due to that,
teacher call some of the good students to lead
the group and poor students along the process
of group discussion.

Students are instructed to discuss and interact At first, some students not so clear on their
with each other to produce as many criteria as duties in the group discussion. Teacher need to
possible for the given type of animals repeat several times to ensure everyone know
(herbivore, omnivore and carnivore). Teacher well what should they do and discuss in the
keeps on asking any questions and doubt on working group. It is important so that the
this activity.

whole process of group discussion and activity

can be carried out systematically.

Teacher walks around to monitor the progress

Along the process of group activity, I noticed

of their discussion throughout the research.

that some of the students really active and

willing to contribute their ideas on the topic
that been given by me. However, there are
minorities still passive and keep on silent along
the process of discussion. Teacher try to
encourage them to participate but its not work
effectively. This might due to their passive

As for this section, teacher will instruct each As I expected, the students look very nervous
group to present their findings after the and
discussion. Then,









other presentation. It is obvious as many of them no

students to answer relevant questions for each experience in doing the presentation in front of
group that present in front of the classroom.

the class. Teacher tries to comfort them and








accordingly in front of their classmates. I

believed it will be a good experience for them
in the future. Apart of that, I noticed that most
of the questions that been asked by the students
can be answered by the group that do the
presentation in front of the classroom. It
simply shows a good communication and
interaction between the students.
The worksheet will be distributed by me to

Teacher walks around to monitor the progress

every single student in the classroom. They are

of the students in answering the questions. I

required to complete the worksheet before end

noticed that majority of the students can

of the lesson.

answer the questions in the worksheet and it

prove that they understand the topic that been
taught today in the classroom. Some of the
weak students will require teachers personal
assistance in answering the questions in the

Students will be required to exchange their

Students exciting to know whether they answer

worksheet for marking. Teacher will give the

correct or wrong. They will also wait for

answer for them to mark.

teachers answer patiently and marking their

friend worksheet accordingly. Some of the
students who sit at the back will ask teacher to

repeat the answer again.

Then, teacher starts to do the summarization on In this section, I noticed that some of the
the major points that been learned today.

students start to loss their focus and start to

make noisy in the classroom. As for me, it is
normally as primary school children not able to
focus more than 30 minutes.

Lastly, teacher tells the students the moral Obviously, students will keep quiet and listen
value of the learning is love and care on the to teachers explanation and promise that they
animal that live around us.

will love and care on the animal around them.

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