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Tomaz Korelc, MBA

Success is for the Brave!

Success is for the Brave!
M.Sc. Toma Korelc, MBA

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave


CREATOOR / T: +386 1 620 33 10 /

Focusing on YOUR SUCCESS!


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This book is extremely dangerous.
It can change your life!

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

The only thing holding you back from doing

something truly amazing,

is you.

Raymmar Tirado

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never exhausts the mind.

Leonardo da Vinci

This work is the result of the tendency of humanity to recognise

the deepest essence of man and the Creation in which we live. It is
desirable to reproduce and use it for the benefit of humanity in every
possible way and by any means.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Life is either

a daring adventure, or nothing.

Helen Keller

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Think Creatively, Work Decisively, Live Bravely!.................31
Who is a winner?................................................................42
In the search for the essence................................................50
The path of being victorious...............................................60
The essence of winners........................................................67
Temptations on the way to being victorious........................81
Being a winner...................................................................90
The path of being victorious...............................................95

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

It always seems impossible

until its done.

Nelson Mandela

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To the most beautiful creature in the world,



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Nobody can prevent you from choosing

to be exceptional.
Mark Sanborn


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We are afraid of flying ...



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

How much have you burdened yourself?

How much have the others


burdened you?

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We are taught to be losers ...

Those who fly high, fall far!
Do not be yourself!
Do not take any risks!
This is not possible!
You are not successful!
Please me!
Do not be different!
Do not be important!
Do not think!
Do not feel!
Be submissive!
You can not!
You should not!
You are wrong!
Do not believe!
Do not trust!
Be quiet!
Work hard!


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Keep on going!


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This work
is part of your journey ...
It was written with the best of intentions and desires, but when
people walk a certain path, they realise that there are better,
even more wonderful paths. Then, for a moment, the thought
crosses their mind to go back and choose another, a better
path. However, it is necessary to constantly be walking onward. We walk along a path to learn, and new paths teach us
the most. And, as a result, all I had done in the past is negligible in comparison with what I will do in the future, and everything that I will do in the future is negligible in comparison
with the Creation. Our lives are so incomplete, and that is why
they are so beautiful; even in their imperfection, they are given
the immense beauty of growth.
How wonderful!


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Every fight

is won even before the fight.

Sun Tsu

What does not destroy me,

makes me stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche


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You are stronger

than you think.

The Almighty

When reading this text, remember that I did not write anything
that is written in here. You were the ones who wrote everything,
absolutely everything everybody is reading with what they are
and what there is. It is true, however, that through reading you
are discovering yourselves. Actively indulge in the Philosophy of
Winners and let yourselves be surprised.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

If you can dream it, you


can do it.
Walt Disney

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The book was originally written for the business world.

In the symbolic year of the phoenix, it has grown into a creation
of philosophical meditation. It is meant for you who do not want
to drown in the grey average, for you who want to sing out the
song of your hearts through the poetry of life.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

If you want to do great things,

act with your heart!



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The purpose of our lives

is to be happy.
Dalai Lama


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

To my work ...
This work was based on the findings of my study on the future business environment and corporate behaviour by senior
leaders in fast-growing Slovenian companies known as the
gazelles. It is dedicated to all of you who want to create a wonderful path of your life.
In recent decades, humanity has been facing increasingly greater, faster, and all-encompassing changes. At a time marked by
changes and challenges, people constantly desire to discover
new and better paths.
Humanity is nowadays faced with the boom and growth like
never before. With the wide variety of achievements of modern science, we are actively intervening with our own evolution. We have such great power in our hands that we can create
a truly revolutionary leap in human evolution; however, it can
also be devastating.
New dimensions and new worlds are opening up for us, but so
are new and even greater challenges. Unfortunately, people all
too often see progress even in areas that are in fact dead ends
or even bring decline of our well-being. It is not only progress
that is important, but also peoples happiness, which is why we
incorporate love in our performance; the primary objective is
relaxation and the enabling of all of our potentials. The ultimate objective is the creating and developing of an integrated
and joyful man in the broader mutually-combined entirety


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the Creation. When searching for the way to a brighter future,

we will have to learn that not every change is automatically
progress. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff, the
real progress from the false.

Life is for the



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Modern man increasingly needs a new comprehensive vision of

the world and man himself. Because the man of today, unfortunately, no longer has a clear vision of himself and the world,
despite the genuine flood of diverse forms of new knowledge
and information. I would like my work to be a contribution,
however insignificant, to a clearer vision of the world, because
sometimes a single butterfly can cause a real storm with only
the slightest flapping of its wings. It is necessary to flap ones
own wings, to fly, and not only study how others fly. For this,
it is also necessary to take risks, for one never lives as fully as
when one is playing with their own life. Let us think creatively,
work decisively, live bravely.

Love and desire

are the spirits wings to great deeds.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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"Worthless people live only to eat and drink;

people of worth eat and drink only to live.



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

There once was

a boy...


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There once was a boy ...

He wanted to change the world.
He felt that he was capable of that. He desired and wanted
something more.
He focused all his energy and attention on changing the world.
He was a rebel, ready for battle; determined to win. But he was
experiencing defeat after defeat, disappointments, rejections,
and failures. His dreams were starting to fade and, slowly but
steadily, he went with the crowd. He became one of six billion
He was a baby eagle that fate had led to a chickens nest. He
hatched together with the chickens and grew up with them. He
sensed that he was capable of more, so he tried to change the
chickens. However, he ended up doing what the chickens were
doing, and thought like chickens think. He was poking around
in the ground, searching for worms and insects, and clucking.
He was flapping with wings and flew a few feet in the air from
time to time, just like a chicken.A chicken is expected to fly like
that, is it not?
Years passed by, and the eagle became influential and
respected. He was spending his life making sure that a chicken
was a chicken, a hen a hen, and a rooster a rooster. One day,
he noticed a magnificent bird high above, in the cloudless sky.
With elegant dignity, it circulated between the powerful air


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

currents, barely flapping its majestic golden wings. The old

eagle took a solemn look at the sky: Who is that? he asked a
friend. That is the eagle, the king of all birds, said the friend.
But do not think of it anymore. We are different.
And the old eagle never thought of it again. He died believing
he was a chicken.
He never realised that the dream was so close, that he held his
destiny (a great power) in his hands. He could be flying, but
unfortunately, he remained a chicken.

Your life is in your hands,

so fly out from the crowd and become yourself!


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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,

its time to pause and reflect.

Mark Twain


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Think Creatively,
Work Decisively,

Live Bravely!
Those who live brave lives are living the lives of winners.


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My wings have melted

with fear ...
... I will never fly on them again and never realise that all they
were was paper; dragons that were flying over me for so many
Because they are afraid, many people never come to realise
what a victorious path is. They live in their paper castles, afraid
and resigned to their fate, wondering how to easily and with a
minimum of effort survive in a crazy, hostile, dangerous, and
incomprehensible world. In their fearful vision of the world,
they are amazed by the eagles that are soaring across the sky
they envy them and often even condemn them and make
them fall from the sky. They are not aware that they too can
fly, but their fear paralyses them and hobbles their wings.
Fear of the truth about themselves, because knowing it can
be painful?
Fear of the truth about the world that surrounds them,
because this knowledge may lead them to realise a change is
Fear of knowledge that they could have been wrong, because they would have to admit their mistakes?

1 The poem The heights make us dizzy (Slo., Od viine se zvrti), performed
by the Slovenian group Martin Krpan, wonderfully presents the nonsense of
paper fears.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Fear of failure, because they do not have confidence in their

Fear of rejection, because they do not trust and do not
know their path?
Fear of new challenges, because they have no guarantee of
Fear that they would remove their masks and reveal true
selves to others?
Fear of knowing that they are the ones responsible for their
own lives?

If we want to change the world, it must first come from

healing the discord

within our own souls.
Will Bowen


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Cowards think
If I ...
... had better parents ...
... lived somewhere else ...
... had a better job ...
... had a better education ...
... were beautiful/handsome ...
... stopped smoking ...
... had been born rich ...
When I ...
... finish primary school ...
... finish secondary school ...
... graduate ...
... get married ...
... when my children grow up ...
... when I am offered an opportunity for promotion ...
... when my boss leaves ...
What if ...
... something happens to me ...
... I lose my job ...
... I get sick ...
... they do not like me ...
... I will be rejected ...
... I make a mistake ...
Winners simply are and live!


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Open your eyes!

Do not waste your energy on running from fears and paper
dragons, on maintaining models and principles of the past.
Open your eyes, instead.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild

and precious life?
Mary Oliver


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Wake up!


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

You are what you believe you are!

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is,

but how good it is,

is what matters.

Become free!
Spread your wings and enjoy the beauties of the sky! Free your
spirit and sing the song of your heart through the poetry of life!


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Think for a moment ...

When we were children, we found the world to be infinitely wonderful. We wanted to know everything, absolutely everything, and we were afraid of nothing. Our eyes were sparkling with joy, and we were astounded by the miracles of the
world. We were waving our hands, stepping on toes, crawling, screaming and laughing all in order to get closer to the
world, to know it and feel it in more detail. We did not always
succeed, and that may have been the first time that we realised
the world does not move the way we would have wanted it to
move. And maybe, just maybe, that was the first time in life we
were a little disappointed. But only a little, because there were
numerous new adventures and challenges in front of us.
Our adventurous discoveries were so exciting; we could not
believe how interesting and colourful our world was. Its infinite width uncovered endless possibilities and opportunities;
we were dreaming and building castles. Everything seemed
possible and easy, yet it was also difficult. It is not easy to build
castles from blocks; one has to make a lot of effort. And it is especially difficult to build castles in the sky? Have we for this
reason heard the words of the elderly so many times: Do not
build castles in the sky! It is pointless to dream.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Have they forgotten?

Have they forgotten that only those who dream live full, happy and creative lives? Maybe they have, but I believe that we
have not abandoned our dreams we continued to try, make
a change and tried once again. We continued to dream. We
dreamt that we were going to be princes and princesses, aliens,
adventurers and heroes. Our dreams were limitless.
We were also highly motivated and persistent. Do you remember how you learnt to ride a bike, your bruised knees and skin?
Do you remember how you were falling and falling, but also
repeatedly and persistently getting up and trying, until you became a true little marvel on a bike?
As life was passing by, new challenges came our way. And we
were falling, tripping again, and standing up, trying and practicing. We were still dreaming, wanting to create, enjoy and
live a full, prosperous life.
Years have passed by, and our dreams have been slowly, yet
steadily melting. We started running out of will, perseverance
and courage. We were constantly hitting against borders,
limitations and walls. We remembered the words of our
elders: You cannot! You should not... Our perseverance, desires and faith have slowly, yet steadily began to melt, until we
completely stopped dreaming. We have become rigid, sometimes sad and stopped indulging in our dreams. Monotony,
boredom, frustration, etc. Every day, day after day, until the
end of our days?


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And yet, life can be so very, very beautiful.

I believe that the spark of wonderfulness wonderful dreams
is still glowing somewhere in the corner of our hearts.
Have you thought about blowing the dust away and breathing life into it?

Avoid people who despise your wishes. This is done by

small people. Really great people make you feel that

you can become great, too.

Mark Twain


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

If your actions inspire others to dream more,

learn more, do more and become more,

you are a leader.

John Quincy Adams

The term Winning may sound phony to you. Too materialistic. Too full
of As, or luck, or odds, or musclebound athletes. True winning, however,
is no more than ones own personal pursuit of individual excellence. You
dont have to knock other people down or gain at the expense of others.
Winning is taking the talent and potential you were born with, and have
since developed, and using it fully toward a goal or

purpose that makes you happy.

Dr. Denis Waitley


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Who is
a winner?
I've missed more than 9000 shots
in my career. I've lost almost 300
games. 26 times, I've been trusted
to take the game winning shot and
missed. Ive failed over and over
and over again in my life.

And that is why I


Michael Jordan

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

You alone are a winner!

You were born as a pure winning potential. Everyone is born
as a pure winning potential. Maybe you do not realise that at
this very moment, but the fact is that you are a Winner a pure
and complete winner.
The fact is that in each of us, there is a pre-programmed formula of a winner; and you are no exception. Everything that
is happening to you, all the voices, all the objectives, all the
desires, all the dreams, all the suffering, all the passion, all
the good and the evil, everything together can be your path
of victory. However, the victorious life is not given to anyone
by itself. Anyone who wants to live victoriously must also take
risks. They must be prepared for numerous challenges, because
a victorious path is not an easy path; it requires the whole person, perhaps even his life. If you want to live truly victoriously,
you must accept the possibility of constant change, forgetting,
decay, and even the possibility of death. For this, boldness is
Being victorious is nothing other than a skill, a secret art that
one must be true to oneself every moment in their life, be
yourself; think, feel and breathe, as you truly are. Being victorious means ruling yourself, not the world. The key to being
victorious is in constantly discovering, learning, and changing;
in constant attention, learning, action, in being different and
in new challenges.


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You are the one who has to decide whether you will live victoriously; because your chance, your freedom, your being victorious, success, and power are all in life that is happening to
you and your responses to it.
No one can succeed, enjoy, love and become a winner for you.
Everyone must live and come to recognise how to be victorious by oneself. For this, courage and complete devotion to life,
complete faith in oneself and the world are necessary...
Be brave and let yourself go with the stream of life. Give yourself to life and step on the path of knowledge, where only a
few dare to walk! Realise that your innermost essence is victorious. It might surprise you, but it will in no way leave you

Take responsibility. Be


a winner, be yourself!

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

How to become a winner?

You are mistaken if you believe that you must first know and
have something in order to become someone. In life, it is just
the opposite. One must first be; after that, knowledge, experience, situations and means that you can deliver will follow. Be
the winners, and everything else will follow by itself.
Do not live the visions and lives of others, but find them in
your own being your own essence. Accept nothing, including this book, as the only truth, because more than anything
else, it is important that you own yourself.
Winners face numerous challenges on their paths. They make
mistakes and face minor and major difficulties and failures.
During their journey, they experience ups and downs, but
not as someone who is trying to become a winner, but as the
winners they already are. Be a winner who is proceeding towards their ultimate victory, which is nothing more than your
Get to know yourself!
It will be difficult for you to succeed if you do not know who
you are.


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The majority of eagles does not try to learn anything more

than the simplest things about flying how to get out of the
nest, get food and then climb back in the nest. For the majority
of eagles, flying is not important eating is. To me, both eating
and flying are important. However, more than anything else
in the world, I love flying.
When people are expanding their horizons, it is easier and
easier for them to recognise the charm of life and success.
With a daring search for truth and understanding, as well as
expanding the horizons, people are discovering themselves
and their options that are buried deep in their hearts. Successful people develop those qualities that deepen internal and external growth and development, wisdom, wealth and love, and
lead to realisation and understanding.
Just as different plants grow, bloom and bear fruit in different
climatic conditions, so different successful people choose different life paths. Neither path is better nor worse; it may only
be more or less adequate for someone. The only criterion of the
paths suitability is personal experience, on the basis of which
one can ascertain the suitability or unsuitability of a certain


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Choose your brave path!

Be aware that everyone can succeed, set themselves free and
accomplish their potentials. They must walk the path of internal and external development, and achieve being victorious
and successful with their own experience.

A year from now you may wish

you had started today.

Karen Lamb


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The path is in


"90% of all those who fail in life are not actually defeated,

they just simply quit.

Paul J. Meyer


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Fate gives us the hand,

and we play the cards.

Arthur Schopenhauer


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In the search for


essence ...


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

What separates winners

from losers?
Many think that this wealth can be success, beauty or strength.
Others think that it is being better, the best. And some swear
by power, aggression, domination, etc. However, they are mistaken, because the truth is simple. What separates the winners
from the losers is only one single yet very important thing:
total devotion to life. Devotion, devotion and once again devotion; this crazy, unusual, different, intoxicating devotion to life.
A perfect, pure dedication to every moment. Being victorious
cannot be built on profits, wealth, power, domination, etc. It
must be built exclusively on oneself.
Todays world is full of individuals and groups who long for
reputation, prestige, dominance and power. They invest a lot
of their time studying these or other winning techniques.
Nevertheless, too many remain blind to the essence of being
victorious. Maybe some even manage that for a short period
of time: they become prominent, influential and powerful, but
certainly not completely happy and satisfied. They are not winners. People cannot be winners if they are full of pretences,
unhappy, tense, etc.
Winners are not fake.


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When searching for the essence of winners, we realise that a

common denominator probably does not exist. There is only
the essence of each individual a potential winner. There are
six billion people living in the world, and no two are exactly
the same. Everyone has his own essence. It is therefore absolutely pointless to search for a common essence of winners. We
can only come to know their general philosophy of life towards
themselves and the environment in which they operate.
Each individual needs to find their own essence, their own
victorious path, the meaning and mission, as each was born
to become a winner in their own way. It is no surprise that all
winners spend a great deal of time getting to know themselves,
knowing that imitating others would be a complete waste of
time. All true winners find their own meaning first, their own
mission and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and only
then embark on a journey of their mission, firmly confident
in their abilities. They build their lives on their own skills and
strengths, on what their callings are and what they perform
best, not on any alleged restrictions.
Winners do not find it important that the society knows about
them or confirms their victories. They know that even the tiniest and most inconspicuous person can be the biggest winner.
To be winners, we need not become leaders of nations, athletes
nor movie stars. It is important that we are free, happy and


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

It is important that we are freely and joyfully enjoying life and

actively co-creating it.
If we really want to get to know our essence, we must first release our fears, break free of all the shackles, limitations and
barriers that make it impossible for us to discover our true
essence. We need to become unburdened by the restrictions
of the environment, absolutely free and our own personalities.
Once this is achieved, we will be able to achieve almost anything we desire; one is, in fact, never given a desire without a
chance to realise it, but it is not given to us as a present. Above
all, one needs to actively strive and work to achieve it.
Once the winners learn about their mission, they passionately give themselves to it, with all their essence. Resolutely and
courageously, they walk the paths of their mission. For it, they
are willing to sacrifice their lives. They are heading out in the
world with the winners mentality, determined to succeed. In
their essence, they remain firm despite the opposition, incomprehension and disapproval of their surroundings. They do
not get frustrated, nor even upset by the apparent setbacks,
obstacles and blockades, for nothing is more important than
achieving their mission. They are filled with joy and enthusiasm by the determined and the brave walking on their path,
rather than with their objective. To winners, giving their best
and working the best is what is important. Winners compete
with themselves and not with others. Their victorious general
philosophy of life towards themselves and the environment is
leading them along this path.


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Veni. Vidi. Vici.

Julius Caesar

You are who you are. Nothing more and nothing less.

How wonderful!


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

This allows them to break through the many challenges, established frameworks, rules and norms. Life is a wonderful challenge for winners.
Winners are those people who dare to stand out from the
crowd and think, speak and act differently. They have the concept of acting differently built deep inside. They do not hide
or deny their difference. They realise that their essence is different from the essence of other people, so they do not accuse
them, force them or in any other way restrict them. The notion
of being different is built into the nature of each of us, whether
we want to admit it or not. Therefore, each winner is unique,
irreplaceable and full of surprises. They surprise themselves
and the environment, in which they live, but in their essence
their being they remain true to themselves; from here,
their power, strength, momentum and steadiness are derived.
Winners are not spuriously or forcibly different, for differences
cannot be forced. You either are a winner, or you are not.
Winners are brave. They dare to cut the Gordian knots of
paradoxes. They break the old established notions, outlined
boundaries and rules. By their example, learning and action,
they are reducing the unknown and expanding the consciousness of people. In their actions, they are brave, creative, often
provocative, strong and opinionated. They are what they feel
themselves to be.


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Time and again, they prove that there are no boundaries in

the world, although it seems that our world is governed and
managed by boundaries.
Although fictitious, for many they have become dogma, which
you cannot doubt and which you must accept. The path of winners is, due to virtual boundaries and barriers, often difficult,
painful and arduous, but in contrast to the others, winners do
not take these boundaries for granted. While others complain,
they succeed in fantastic breakthroughs.
The lives of the winners often resemble rough seas. Their development requires a lot of energy and sacrifice. It is not easy
to be different. Therefore, the life of the winners is marked by
a constant struggle for understanding and achieving meaningful order. This is the reason that winners often suffer a lot,
are unhappy and dissatisfied at the beginning. Unfortunately, many become lost under pressure and resign themselves to
their fate; however, some do succeed. I wish all of them success. Despite all the challenges, real winners manage to keep
their inner peace, because they learn when they must fight,
when to wait and when actively release themselves.
While ordinary people are seeking a relationship with themselves and society, from harmony with their surroundings,
winners derive this from within themselves their inner being. They are searching for harmony within themselves first,
and only then with their surroundings. Their feelings of their


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

inner selves do not depend on membership, labour law or social acceptance, but from their own essence.
They are often driven to their essence by dissatisfaction with
the environment they live in. This dissatisfaction leads them
into their inner world, where they enjoy contemplation. Losers
come out of it as confused and contrite individuals. In contrast, winners are sufficiently persistent and determined, so
they learn their meaning and experience a kind of purification or awakening. They are born into their own true selves, in
connection with their own essence, on which they build their
One of the essences of every winner is that they are constantly
changing, evolving and growing, as well as actively changing.
Changing oneself and allowing others to change is perhaps the
last lesson that each winner needs to learn. Although many
have enjoyed a moment of being victorious, they have not
been able to keep it. Too many have clung to their own ideas,
concepts and limitations of the past. They were unwilling to
change, yet changes are one of the most beautiful things a person can experience. You can shine in all your beauty only if
you are constantly changing. The winners are aware that they
need to change, in a way die, because only in this way can they
be reborn and rise from the ashes like the phoenix, flying into
the sky, full of new power.


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Modern society places great emphasis on education, but it

unfortunately does not create winners integrated, liberal,
knowledgeable individuals with the possibility of realising
their victorious potential. Certainly, winners cannot be trained
through the violent socialisation, whose primary objective
is simply maintaining the status quo and social relationships.
Victorious learning is not violent; it does not derive from being
all-knowing or from a repressive external environment, but
from the inner being of each individual. The path of being victorious is unforced natural learning that derives from the very
essence of man. One cannot teach being victorious by providing absolute truths; however, the general philosophy of life
that leads to being victorious can be encouraged and actively
developed. In being victorious, there is a question of the general philosophy of life towards oneself and the environment,
i.e. all dimensions of values, attitudes, feelings, beliefs, findings, knowledge, style, etc., which all enable a victorious life.
One cannot teach being victorious. Others can only be helped
to recognise it and enabled to develop it. Whether they want to
get to know themselves, learn, grow and develop, as well as get
to know their true selves depends on each individual.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.



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The path of being

victorious ...


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

The breakthrough
power of performance
Winners are always working at the edge of their ability, and
direct more of their resources and attention to those things
that are still unknown to them, than on controlling what they
already know. It is the only way they can continue their development. They do not measure their achievements by the
standards of the past (how far they have come), but according
to their vision of the future (how far they have to go). They
do not allow the past to be an obstacle, an impediment to the
future. Failures do not stop them. The fact that something did
not work in the past does not mean that it cannot be made to
work in the future. The fact that something worked in the past
does not mean that it will work in the future. Despite failure,
winners maintain faith in the future victories and successes.
Where ordinary people act within the scope of the given options, the winners go beyond them. For solving complex challenges, they find new, fresh approaches. Winners act with a
strong charge of risk. Without hesitation, they are willing to
take risks and go into action.
They live bravely and often unusually. They have a plan, objectives, vision. They communicate them loud and clear. Each
day, they are focusing on their plan, qualitatively and creatively. They work in a long-term manner. They do not hide themselves, but go among the people and attract them. They instil
enthusiasm in people, which they then actively maintain and


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nourish. They move step by step. When faced with opposition

from others, they know that they will succeed with or without
them. They are ready to go all the way.
They allow it to happen. They teach and educate their substitutes and successors. They are challenging established practices. They are walking first, leading. They are changing the
standards and rules. They do not subject themselves to others.
They do not hesitate nor wait. Winners are constantly surprising others.
They are characterised by the willingness to go beyond received wisdom, linking ideas of unrelated sources, encouraging change as an opportunity to break the limits. They perceive
their mission and challenges they are facing as integrated, connected with Creation. They do not make hasty conclusions.
They analyse and try to understand true causes and purposes.
They make decisions. They do not hesitate, but rush into action. They do not waste time with negotiations and persuading
those who are already convinced. They give everything some
time. They love the storming seas of change, for they know
they will help them fill their sails with wind as fast as possible. They are proactively changing, helping to shape new ideas,
guidelines and trends. They have an active and constructive
attitude towards society, environment and objectives. Winners
not only observe the environment, they also affect it. The result
of these impacts is a changed way in which people think about


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

the desired, the possible, the necessary and the urgent. They
are drawing attention to the content and not to the process
and rules. While the losers obediently abide by the rules, the
winners know which rules are meaningful and which are not,
and when, where and how they should be broken. They act encouragingly, inspiringly, protectively, friendly. They are highly
creative, flexible and adaptable.
In life, they have something that can be called the field of
stability stable long-term relationships that they jealously
maintain and nourish. But first, they build a solid core that
allows them to be unbreakable and indefatigable.

We will either find the way,

or make one.


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Where does my path


lead me?

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Winners are not lonely warriors

Winners do not think only about how to do or perform
something, but also what their decisions mean for other people.
They wish to lead the greatest possible number of people with
themselves to the top.
Winners are distinguished by compassion, not only cursory
attention to others, but also receiving feedback from the environment and creating a shared meaning in their mutual
relations. Winners are the people who have discovered their
potential of compassion. They speak of people intuitively, inspiringly and emotionally. They enable and uncover their visions of something greater. Together with others, they form
the final vision and can inspire a sense of common purpose
and identity. With this, they are actively forming the opportunities for growth of everyone, not only themselves. They help
other people, knowing that they must sow if they want to reap.
They believe in them, teach them and educate them, as well as
provide personal examples. They love them. They create strong
impressions of identity, love and admiration in them. They forgive them their mistakes and failures. They protect them and
advocate for them. They entrust them with responsible tasks
and provide them with opportunities to prove themselves.
Winners are sincere and friendly. They do not hide their feelings, beliefs and thoughts, but express them clearly and comprehensively. They laugh and have fun, but also cry with others. Winners are not short of praise; they give others personal


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and public recognition. They do not condemn anyone. They

are aware that they cannot succeed alone and that they can
complete the entire picture the vision only together with
others. They are open to the thoughts, ideas and opinions of
others. They notice them, and they openly and publicly recognise their achievements. Winners do not allow others to bully,
limit, mislead or deceive them. They are aware of their own
abilities and are constantly maintaining, renewing and actively
broadening them.

Steve Jobs


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

The essence of



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We can all be successful and happy, because our future
success depends on our state of mind. Successful people are
success-oriented, and unsuccessful failure-oriented.
The ability to recognise and create ones mission, vision,
objectives and/or ideas toward which effort and abilities are
The ability to work in a constantly developing and changing
environment. The ability to sense, recognise and explain
changes, signals and hints from the persons work environment, and the ability to use them for reforming and/or
achieving ones objectives and vision.
Performing ones objectives, duties and assignments conscientiously, responsibly and to the best of ones ability.
Taking the initiative
Willingness to accept challenges and the ability to gather
sources and forces necessary for the achievement of ones
objectives. Taking the initiative for achieving ones objectives
and vision.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Our abilities are our potential for the development of specific
talents. Everyone has at least one talent, which must be first
discovered and then developed in order to be used effectively.
A desire to discover new dimensions and ways, an innovative, inadaptable and creative thinking, and the ability to take
creative decisions when facing challenges.
Personal style
Positive personal characteristics, which in themselves are not
necessary in solving challenges, leave their impact on every
persons act.
Comprehension is the capacity of the mind to understand
and place the economic, political, technological, social and
natural environments, as well as tighter community and individuals into a logical unit as they are all in reciprocal connection.
Positive attitudes towards the world, love for creation and
firm, brave and persistent striving after achieving objectives,
where mistakes and failures are seen as necessary experiences
on the way to the final goal.


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The ability to gain skills, information, concepts and models
for the explanation of past experiences and their effective use
in future intentions.
Being receptive to everything that is new, different, unusual,
even contradictory for open-mindedness broadens ones horizon and creates new qualities.
Giving opportunities
Giving opportunities, education and support to people in
order to help them be what they can be.

In you, there lies


the power.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

The winners pose victorious

More than 2,000 years ago, the sages taught that the path
of success was the path of proper understanding, proper
thinking, proper speech, proper action, proper lifestyle and
proper persistence, attention and concentration.
The reason for success or failure lies within us, in our relationships with ourselves and our environment, i.e. our general philosophy of life towards ourselves and the environment. Specifically, the general philosophy of life that we nurture about
ourselves and the environment has a very powerful influence
on our behaviour and we are controlling it in a way that it is
in line with our general philosophy of life. It has a great influence on our behaviour, often on an unconscious level, and
even against our will. The victorious path is therefore the result
of a victorious general philosophy of life or attitude towards
oneself and the environment in which we live.
In its formation, the internal dialogue that takes place in each
and every one of us is of utter importance. We are establishing it with questions and therefore we can create the victorious philosophy of life only with victorious questions. Winners
pose victorious questions.

2 A strategic control point is a strategic location that enables a strategic overview of

development and quick manoeuvring in accordance with the situation.


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Victorious questions that

winners ask themselves
Who am I and who are we? What am I and what are we? Do I
know myself? Do I know my advantages and disadvantages?
Am I aware of my own thinking, speaking, acting and lifestyle?
Strong and sincere desire
Do I really want to reach the top? Do I want to be the best?
Do I have a genuine desire to achieve something?
Motive and motivation
Am I motivated and do I love challenges? Do I want to grow
and develop?
Am I willing to make challenging decisions? Am I determined to make it happen after I make the decision?
Do I work with love towards myself and everything that surrounds me? Do I love what I do? Does my work fulfil me and
fill me with joy, satisfaction and happiness?
Working honestly
Do I work with a fair intention? Do I respect agreements and
keep my word?


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

My life is

my message.
Mahatma Gandhi


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Am I in constant action, working at the edge of my abilities,
and exploiting of my potentials?
Am I completely committed to my work and full of enthusiasm?
Being different
Am I different from the competitors? Do I have my style and
walk on my own different path?
Do I have control over my own destiny, act confidently and
make decisions autonomously and independently?
Am I able and willing to listen to my intuition? What does my
intuition tell me?
Do I know how to use my ingenuity? How do I use it? Do I
also know how to think with my heart feelings? Do I think I
am the best and invincible?
Do I know how to find harmony between business challenges
and personal life? Do I consider the fact that other people
need similar harmony, too?


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Do I make decisions quickly and effectively, without unnecessary hesitation? Am I willing to reach for the new, different
and unknown?
Do I have a competitive spirit and desire for competition? Do
I know how to act softly, but also fiercely?
Knowledge and experience
Am I constantly searching for new skills and knowledge,
learning and upgrading my own development and the development of all around me?
Openness and susceptibility to the new
Am I open and susceptible to the new and the different? Do I
enable, encourage and explore the flow of capital, knowledge
and ideas? Am I not jealous of the ideas of others. Do I not
hide mine? Do I share information with others?
Do I pay attention to the opportunities and possibilities in
the environment? Do I pay attention to my inner, untapped
potential and opportunities?
Understanding of the environment
Do I follow the local and wider business environment? Do
I understand and try to understand events in the business


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What we think, we



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Do I work proactively? Do I consciously create my own destiny? Do I know my mission? Do I have a clear and unambiguously formulated strategic purpose? Do I run on the long
or the short term? Do I have a long-term perspective? Am I
capable of anticipating the possible futures? Am I willing and
able to take a long-term look?
Changing break with the past
Am I constantly checking my general philosophy of life towards myself and the environment, concepts and models, and
actively changing it? Am I able to admit my mistakes without
hesitation and evasion, and to quickly and efficiently correct
them? Am I willing and able to cope with the changes and
actively introduce them? Do I eliminate impurities and that
which is bad and inefficient?
Trends & technology
Do I monitor new trends and technologies?
Do I know them and use them?
Growth and development
Am I adaptable and flexible? Do I have a global orientation?
Am I focused on the world, and in the growth and development? Do I want to grow and develop? Do I have great inspiring objectives, continuously improve and develop myself,
as well as grow, and also actively develop my own people,
employees, processes, solutions, etc.?


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Market orientation
Do I know the target markets, segments, existing and potential competition? Am I searching for and actively creating
market gaps?
Am I willing to take risks, but not mindlessly? Am I taking
risks, although there is the possibility of error and failure?
Do I actively and responsibly manage my own identity and
reputation? Do I have my corporate identity and brand identity clearly and unambiguously outlined?
Am I resourceful? Do I have new and different ideas, am I
creative and innovative? Do I encourage creativity and innovation? Am I capable of long-term creative power?
Leader in the environment
Am I actively building a network of contacts and acquaintances? Am I a good negotiator and communicator? Am I
capable of creatively bluffing (also positively manipulating), if


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Team leader
With what kinds of people, partners, etc., am I surrounded?
Do I select the right people? Can I and am I willing to select those who are better than me? Do I have a cohesive and
strong leading team? Am I willing and able to lead people?
Am I capable of putting myself into other peoples shoes, situations, and also of understanding them? Am I actively and
systematically building the corporate culture?Perseverance
and mental strength
Am I facing challenges in a healthy, strong and victorious
manner? Am I an emotionally stable personality? Am I
persistent, but not at all costs? Do I have a sense of when to
persevere, when to move forward, change direction, move
away or wait?
Letting go
Do I realise and understand that long-term success cannot be
achieved by force and that it is sometimes better to actively
wait than to use force? Am I capable of actively surrendering
myself to life and letting go in the moments when nothing
seems to work for me? Am I capable of actively waiting,
thinking and learning?
Unbreakable faith and confidence
Am I confident? Do I believe in myself and trust myself, my
colleagues and the success? Does the following saying hold
true for me and my colleagues: The impossible is possible?
Do I blindly and infinitely believe in my being victorious,
success and my lucky star?


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Am I aware and do I understand that success is often unpredictable the result of a happy coincidence?
Am I aware and understand that I have to actively co-create
this happy coincidence? Do I believe that happiness is on
my side?

Are you waiting or are you acting?

Are you a dream or a



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave


on the way to being victorious


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Temptations are ...

The path of life is a path of many challenges and temptations.
The victorious ones, in contrast with others, do not surrender
to the temptations and do not succumb to the challenges along
this path. On the contrary, they use them for their personal
growth and development, enriching being victorious. Like all,
they are facing fear, doubts, worries and shame on this path,
but gather enough courage, determination, strength and faith
that they manage to achieve a victorious breakthrough. Anyone who dares to face their fear, doubts, worries and shame,
and exceed their limitations, becomes a winner. Winners do
not succumb to temptations ...

Being trapped in habits

Things often seem normal and fine to us, because we are accustomed to them. Caught in the normal, many never think
that maybe there is another, a nicer and much better world.
Occasionally, stop to think and ask yourself: Why do I work
this way? Why, why, why?
Reluctance to change
Many dream of a better, more beautiful tomorrow, but they
are not willing to change and keep changing themselves. They
stubbornly insist on the established concepts and patterns.
They do not want to take risks. They would rather accept the
pain and suffering instead of the possibility of a victorious


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

The absolutist view of themselves and the world

The world is not black and white, but colourful, mysterious,
surprising. In such a world, infatuation with absolutism becomes ones own prison.
Rejecting diversity
Rejecting diversity and surrounding ourselves with peers
keeps us the same. Whoever remains the same is not changing,
is not growing and is not developing. They do live, but they are
living a dead life.
Have you ever said to yourself: Why should I bother, when I
have enough of everything? Today is not the same as yesterday, and tomorrow will not be the same as today. You could
soon realise that your lack of ambition pushed you into a spiral
of decline leading into an abyss.
The lure of leisure appears in times of prosperity and well-being. In such times, the vast majority of people are surrendering
to pleasure and forgetting that after every sunny spell, the rain
comes. Leisure can also occur in times of recession or when
unpleasant things are happening. At such times, many do absolutely nothing and wait for better times to come. If everyone
did that, better times would never come.


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Arrogance is extremely dangerous, as it blinds us and makes us
careless. It makes us believe we are the best, we know it all and
no one can get to us. That is how Goliath thought, too.
Being in love with ones own world
Love is beautiful, but a blind insistence on false love will lead
you to confusion, pain, and ultimately to failure. Excessive love
for everything (ideas, people, company, etc.) is unhealthy, if
not harmful.
Limited vision
If your view is limited and extends only to your home village,
then the most beautiful girl in your village is also the Venus of
your dreams. In your narrowness, you simply cannot imagine
a prettier girl. The same goes for everything in life. Anyone
with a limited vision also receives limited results.
Philosophy of evolution
Do not be fooled by the principle of natural evolution. A look
back in history is a good example that revolutions happen, too.
While dullards believe that it is necessary to introduce changes
in an evolutionary manner, victorious ones know that evolution is an effective way to change, but it is extremely slow. The
path of evolution is far from the optimal utilisation of the potentials that exist inside and outside of us. The path of evolution is not necessarily the best and the only principle.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Resignation occurs when the life charge is lost. There is no
more competitiveness, no more desires, no more action. Be
aware that thinking: We are doing fine. After all, we are coping
with everything. We have our niche market. We are managing.
We are managing from day to day ... only leads downwards.
Violence / passivity
Many are trying to sail against the wind. They are walking
through life violently, trying to force their desires, visions and
objectives to happen, while others are like a ship without a
rudder or sail on rough seas. Both approaches are contrary to
Lack of courage
Perhaps, you are afraid for your life and do not take risks, but
not taking risks is the greatest risk for your life. Are you aware
of that?
Opportunities do not wait. When they occur, they should be
seized and exploited. Opportunities and luck are on the side of
the strong and the brave.


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Lack of confidence
While a tree with weak roots is uprooted even by a light breeze,
a strong and confident tree defies the worst storms. Those who
do not believe in themselves and do not trust themselves, cannot expect that others will believe in them and their ideas.
Lack of knowledge and experience
Perhaps you are capable, but without investing in your own development, even the greatest ability remains merely untapped
potential. Learning is a part of life, and those who do not learn,
do not live. The same goes for experience. Those who live are
constantly trying, testing and accumulating experience. Those
without any experience are standing and waiting.
Preoccupation with knowledge and experience
Knowledge is the key that opens many doors, but if you want
to open your heart, you need love. Knowledge is sometimes
an advantage, but not always. All knowledge is also not true
knowledge. As such, it can even be dangerous. The same goes
for experience. Overload and infatuation with knowledge and
experience are limiting your creativity, resourcefulness and are
distancing you from the new.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Indulgence to others
We are not here just to fulfil the needs of others and others are
not here just to fulfil our needs. If we meet each other, we have
a nice time; if not, what can we do? Those who live victoriously
can create boundaries.
Internal conflicts
As on the outside, also on the inside. It is difficult to live in a
happy and beautiful world if you do not carry happiness and
beauty in your heart. If you are focused on bad things, good
things cannot happen.
Clinging to power
Whoever clings to their position or power, lives in fear, is full
of worries and eventually loses his power. The greatest power is
the willingness to submit power to others. Anyone who clings
to power is blocked, does not grow and does not live.
Preoccupation with the past
The greatest successes usually follow major failures. The magic
of victorious people is that they persist, and go forward until
they fail. Even when they fail, they feel successful because
they know they have worked with their best intentions and in
the best possible way. This is also a success a great success,
in fact.


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When cancer cells begin to spread, they need to be removed.
This is painful, but the longer you wait, the more it will hurt.
Weaknesses should be removed.
Leaving the initiative and control to others
Maybe others are better at something than you, but be careful.
When you submit the strategic control point,2 control and
management of information, design and setting of rules to
others, you lose your freedom.

Whether you think you can, or you think you cant

youre right.
Henry Ford


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Success is walking from failure to failure

with no loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill


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Being a winner ...


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

A winner does not need losers; they do not evaluate themselves and their achievements through relationships with
others. A loser needs others to prove their strength.
Winners are true to themselves; they do not carry masks. A
loser is hiding behind many masks.
A winner listens, but does not accept non-critical limitations
or the guidance of others who tell them who and what they
are or what they should be. The loser thinks first: What will
other people say?
A winner does not evaluate their achievements with the criteria of others. A loser is constantly comparing himself with
the criteria of others.
A winner is free. A loser is trapped.
A winner is living a relaxed, full life (company, friends, etc.).
The loser is always buttoned-up.
A winner is calm even in the toughest moments, because
they know that they are winners. Tension is the constant
companion of losers.
A winner is like an eagle, capable of broad and focused observation. A loser has blinders on his eyes.
A winner is not burdened with trifles. A loser looks at everything, but the essence.

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A winner enjoys life to the full, doing the right things in the
right way, intuitively. A loser does the wrong things in their
own right way.
A winner loves himself and all that surrounds him; he is love.
A loser does not love anyone, not even himself.
A winner does not need others to sing their glory and praise.
A loser needs losers.
A winner makes a mistake, but acknowledges it with ease:
I was wrong. A loser defends themselves: It was not my
A winner attributes his victory to luck, even though it was
not a happy coincidence. A loser blames their bad luck for
their loss, but it was not merely bad luck.
A winner works more than a loser and has more time. A loser is always too busy and has no time to avoid failure.
A winner actively meets the challenges. A loser prefers to
avoid them.
A winner shows regret by correcting mistakes. A loser defends himself, saying that he could not have done anything
about it, but next time makes the same mistake.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

A winner knows what they are struggling for and with

which they have to live. A loser is fighting for something
that is not worth fighting for and lives like they should not
have been living.
A winner says: I am good, but I can be much better. A
loser says:
Well, compared to the others, I am not so bad.
A winner decisively walks into the future, in the direction
where they are intended to go. A loser looks back and on
the people who have not yet reached the position that he
already has.
A winner respects those that are better and wiser than him
and tries to learn from them. A loser rejects those above
him, trying to find their mistakes.
A winner feels responsible for life. A loser just shrugs and
says: I just live here.
A winner says: I want to find a better way. A loser says:
Why should we change anything? It has always been done
this way.
A winner creates winners. A loser creates losers.


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No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may.

We ourselves must walk the path.



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

of being



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The path of being victorious is

the path of self-discovery!
Proper orientation.
Proper thinking.
Proper understanding.
Proper speech.
Proper actions.
Proper lifestyle.
Proper perseverance.
Proper attention.
Proper concentration.
The path of being victorious is the path of brave learning.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Why not be adventurous?
Be brave you may be surprised, but in no way disappointed.
In twenty years, you will be much more disappointed
by the things you did not do
than by the things you have done.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Let us rise to the sky

Let us be like eagles, determined to fly, to rise to the sky. Let
us not get lost in the crowd and judge ourselves by others, and
others by ourselves. Let us recognise our strengths and abilities, as well as weaknesses. Let us get to know ourselves and
clarify our own mission and values. Let us create a vision, prepare ourselves for it, think of it and bravely, powerfully and
creatively take a run. Let us spread our wings and fly. Let us be
persistent and when we feel the wind on our wings, rise upon
it. Observe, research and explore. Practice. Do not spend your
energy on changing the chickens, but focus on your purpose
and surrender to it, completely.
Do not regret the past nor fear the future. Let us persistently
move to a position where we will have the greatest pleasure,


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power and comfort, and from which we will have the chance
to manage the sky in the best possible way. Take the position
that is most appropriate for an action and keep to it. Go into
action, but do not lose your purpose and sense of direction
after initial successes. Take risks and be prepared to change
direction if necessary. Let us change ourselves and actively
change the environment, too. Let us be persistent and not fear
the headwind.
Think and act ambitiously, because this is what we were created for. Make big swings. Be flexible and adaptable, and have
an infinite number of different manoeuvres ready. Let us try
and try out. Let us move in a creative direction.
Stay focused.
Be prepared for intermediate stops along the way, and especially enjoy the flight, because the charm of the flight is the
flight itself, not the destination a landing.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

A winner creates winners!


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To all the victorious people ...

Is it not wonderful when you



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Thank you
The nicest thanks is a simple thank you that comes from the
heart. I feel deep gratitude to all of you who have advised me
on my path, posed challenges to me, opened my eyes and also
expressed criticism. Thank you for your friendly, frank and
well-intentioned words.
We are born into the world as pure potential, which becomes
what it is only in contact with our environment and through
our own activities. Our own activity is extremely important,
but it is the environment that enables us to unleash and develop our full potential and enjoy the freedom of creativity. On
our journey, we are accompanied by the people who serve as
an example, pose challenges, offer encouragement, teach, advise, as well as enable and help us to truly live out our potential.
Every moment, thought or touch, no matter how insignificant
or indirect, shapes and changes us. It helps us develop, design
and expand our living space, our view of the world and ourselves. It helps us develop a general philosophy of life towards
ourselves and the environment in which we live.
With this work, I would like to thank all of you who have accompanied me on my astonishing way of self-discovery, because each and every one of you I have spent only a moment
with, one way or another, has left your mark in my life and


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However, no one had more influence on my work than my

parents who have allowed me to become who I am, and that I
have the opportunity to become what I can become. With this
work, I want to express my deep respect and gratitude for their
immense help and selfless love.

Finally free



THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

I am grateful
For numerous challenges,
because they allow me to grow.
For all my losses,
because they are opening up new possibilities for me.
For all the painful surprises,
because they provide the opportunity for self-discovery.

Love conquers all.



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For all the opposition and criticism,

because they encourage me to learn.
For all the pain in my body,
because this is the proof that I am alive.
For all the falls and failures,
because I am becoming stronger.
For all the shortages,
because this means I have a chance of becoming much,
much richer.
For all the changes,
because with changes, life is always interesting, never boring.
For all the frustrations,
because they mean I have an infinite ability to change and
And, at the end, for all the unfulfilled desires,
because they keep me on my path.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Think for a moment

If you woke up today relatively healthy, you are happier than
one million of people who will not live to see next week. If you
have never experienced the threat of war, the loneliness of a
refugee, the horrors of torture or the ravages of hunger, you are
happier than 550 million inhabitants of this planet.
If you can express your religious and social beliefs without
fear of being threatened, imprisoned, tortured or killed, you
are happier than three billion people in this world. If there is
food in your refrigerator, a roof over your head, and you have
something to cover yourself with when you lie down in bed,
you are richer than 75% of people in this world. If you have
money in the bank, cash in your wallet and a few gold trinkets
at home, you are among the 8% of the richest people in the
world. Moreover, if your parents are still alive and married,
you are among a very few people. If you can read this message,
you can be truly happy, because you are not among the two
billion people who cannot read. If you finished high school,
you are an educated person, because you are among the 10%
of the most educated people in the world.
Do you still doubt that you are a winner?
You are a winner, and even if you lose everything you have,
you will still have much, much more than the vast majority of
So do not hesitate be brave, take chances!


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Be a winner!
Free yourself of all authorities, conditions, persuasions, traditions and customs. Surrender yourself to life.
Be yourself!
Someone once said: Work like you do not need any money,
love like you have never experienced any pain, dance like no
one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and live like it is
heaven on earth!

"Give me a lever long enough

and a fulcrum on which to place it,

and I shall move the world.

Albert Einstein


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Life is everything ...

Those who live are

those who fight.

Victor Hugo


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Surrender yourself to life,


love, to the sun ...

THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

Be the masters of

your fate!


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In an orchard, one apple will begin to ripen and in so doing will send out a vibration, an enzyme, a fragrance, or an
energy field of some kind that is picked up by the other apples. This one apple signals the other apples that it is time to
change, to ripen. As you become a person who holds only
the highest and best for yourself and others in your words
and thoughts, you will signal to all around you simply by
who you are that it is time for a change. Without even trying, you will raise the consciousness of those around you.

We must accept finite disappointment,

but never lose infinite hope.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


THE PHILOSOPHY OF WINNERS - Success is for the Brave

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Call us and the printed manual will be yours.

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How to become a winner? Be a WINNER!

You are mistaken if you believe that you must first know and have
something in order to become someone. In life, it is just the opposite.
One must first be; after that, knowledge, experience, situations and
means that you can deliver will follow. Be the winners, and
everything else will follow by itself.

The Successful are saying: Be bold and

everything else will follow by itself.
Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things that you did
not do than by the ones you did do.
Try it, you will be delighted, never
For innovative ideas, call +386 1 620 33 10
or send us an e-mail to
M.Sc. Toma Korelc, MBA



CREATOOR, 4-5 Bonhill Street,

London EC2A 4BX, United Kingdom

Leskokova cesta 9E, 1000 Ljubljana

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