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Early striking and

improved backpropping
for efficient flat slab construction

The European Concrete Building
Project is a joint initiative aimed at
improving the performance of the
concrete frame industry.
The principal partners in the worlds
most ambitious concrete research
programme are:
British Cement Association
Building Research Establishment
Construct the Concrete Structures
Reinforced Concrete Council
Department of the Environment,
Transport and the Regions
The programme involves the
construction of a series of full-sized
concrete structures in the Large
Building Test Facility at Cardington,
where they are being subjected to
comprehensive testing of the building
process and of their performance.

Figure 1: Table forms at Cardington

This Guide provides new and improved recommendations

for striking formwork and gives new procedures
for backpropping reinforced in-situ concrete flat slabs
(less than 350 mm thick).
Key messages

With support from the DETR and the

Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council, the first of these
buildings, a seven-storey in-situ flat
slab concrete frame, was completed
in 1998. The results of investigations
into all aspects of the frame
construction process are summarised
in this series of Best Practice Guides.

Early* striking of formwork and improved backpropping procedures increase

construction efficiency by:

These Guides are aimed at all

those involved in the process of
procurement, design and construction
of in-situ concrete frames. They
should stimulate fundamental change
in this process in order to yield
significant improvements in the cost,
delivery time and quality
of these structures.

Best practice

Allowing early access to the supporting floors by following trades.

Enabling greater re-use of formwork.
Reducing the quantity of formwork and falsework required.
*Early in this context is defined as concrete less than three days old.

Optimise formwork use by:

Determining backpropping loads during construction using empirical methods for simple
repetitive structures and a three-dimensional approach for special structures.

Determining required striking concrete strength from serviceability criteria.

Determining early concrete strength in-situ, using pull-out inserts. (See companion
Best Practice Guide, Early age strength assessment of concrete on site.)

Striking formwork in an agreed sequence after consideration of concrete pouring sequence.

Controlling the loads on newly struck slabs until they have gained the required strength.

concrete structures group

The use, installation and striking of
falsework and backpropping* is a vitally
important part of the safe and economic
construction of in-situ concrete
structures. In order to strike a slab, the
concrete must be strong enough to
avoid failure or undue cracking and
deformation of the slab. Recent research
during the construction of the European
Concrete Building Project (ECBP) in-situ
building at Cardington has led to a new
understanding of the construction
process. It is now possible to make
savings in construction time and on
temporary works equipment while
maintaining site safety and the
performance of the constructed flat slab
frame. This Guide summarises the new
recommendations for formwork striking
and slab backpropping. For a detailed
analysis and a worked example
see Guide to flat slab formwork
and falsework (Ref. 1).
*Backpropping is defined as
propping installed at levels below
the slab supporting the falsework.
It is done to distribute the load
applied to the uppermost slab
to suitable supports, such as
lower slabs or foundations

Table 2: Sequence of striking flat slabs

Obtain approval to strike

Check the safety precautions
Strike according to guidance given below


and as illustrated.

Strike reinforced concrete slabs in two stages:

1. Ease all the supports

2. Starting at midspan, remove supports

working towards columns and walls.
Post-tensioned slabs will tend to lift off
the formwork on tensioning, but use
method for rc above.

On large slab areas, comprising internal

and edge panels, strike internal
bays first, followed by edge and corner bays.
Where soffit form is part of cantilever,
start removal from tip and work towards
wall, beam or columns.


Post-tensioned cantilever slabs may have

special striking requirements due to
deflection of adjacent spans.

Figure 2: Diagrammatic representation of backpropping

One level
of propping

Two levels
of propping


Slab to be cast


Supporting slab (1)

Planning the striking

The striking of formwork and falsework
from a slab needs careful consideration.
The constructor is responsible for
carrying out the striking process safely.
It is the responsibility of the Temporary
Works Co-ordinator (TWC) to manage
the risks in early striking. This will
include preparing detailed procedures
and method statements, which should
be approved by the safety officer and
Permanent Works Designer (PWD).
The PWDs role is to provide design
information so that the construction
methods do not adversely affect the
performance of the structure.
All technical and managerial staff
must be fully aware of the implications
of the methods and procedures adopted.
Flow charts for striking and backpropping procedures are given in Ref. 1.



Lower slab (2)

Backprops (when fitted)


Lower slab (3)

Table 3: Load distribution by backpropping


Load No backprops
On slab

On slab

New slab being cast






On supporting slab (1)

In backprops

100% wp

In props

Two levels of
On slab

70% wp

65% wp

30% wp
30% wp

35% wp
23% wp


On lower slab (3)

12% wp
12% wp

Construction load


In multi-storey in-situ concrete

construction, the critical loading
condition for a slab is not necessarily
when it is struck and becomes self-

2. Floor loading from imposed loads and self-weight is not considered

1. Assumes lower and supporting floors have been struck, have taken up their deflected
shape and are carrying their self-weight
3. The strength of particular slabs to carry applied loads will have to be
considered separately
4. All floors are suspended floors
5. Figure 2 gives location of loads wp, wb1, and wb2

In props



On lower slab (2)

In backprops

One level of

supporting but often when it is called

upon to support the weight of a freshly
cast slab above.
Before concreting operations
To cast the new slab, the supporting
slab immediately below should have
sufficient capacity to carry the loads
imposed on it during construction.
The loads on the supporting slab are:

Before striking
The TWC will have assessed construction
imposed loads when determining the
required strength for striking but this
must be checked, by site inspection,
against actual loading. Consideration
must be given to the timing of the
loading of the struck slab, especially
where flying or tableform systems
are quickly moved onto it.

Self-weight of supporting slab

(at 24 kN/m3).

Any construction load on the

supporting slab.

Total construction load of the new

slab, i.e.
weight of concrete in new slab plus
the self-weight of the temporary
works plus
construction live load on new slab.
If the supporting slab has sufficient
capacity to carry the loads imposed,
backpropping is not required. If it does
not then backpropping is required (see
Design of backpropping on page 3).
Before they are loaded, the concrete
strength required in backpropped
supporting slabs should be calculated
using the determinations in Table 1.
It should be noted that w will be much
higher than for the new slab
(see Table 3.) Determination 1 might
be critical and this temporary condition
might need to become a design load
case agreed with the PWD.
Table 1: Determination of strength
required for early striking of flat slabs
These formulae apply for flat slabs
300 mm thick or less
Determination 1


Determination 2



fc fcu

is the total unfactored design

service load, kN/m2

is the total unfactored

construction load on the slab
considered, kN/m2


is the required characteristic

concrete strength to be able
to strike the flat slab, N/mm2


is the characteristic strength

of the concrete,N/mm2

Determining the required

concrete strength for striking
The recommended method is based
on serviceability considerations, as in
practice these are critical. The basis
of this determination is fully detailed
in ECBP research report BR394
(Ref. 2)
The required strength of a concrete slab
for striking depends on:

Characteristic design service load.

Construction load.
Characteristic concrete design

Actual concrete characteristic

strength at the time of striking.
The formula for calculating the required
early striking strength is given by
Determination 2 in Table 1. This gives
the characteristic strength of concrete
fc required for early striking. It is
recommended that a minimum live
construction load of 0.75 kN/m2 be
used for the slab. This load should
be added to the slab self-weight to
calculate w. An alternative graphical
method of obtaining fc is given in Ref. 1.

Measurement of early age

concrete strength
For early striking, the in-situ strength
of the concrete should be determined.
The Best Practice Guide Early age
assessment of concrete on site
recommends the Lok test or similar
as it tests the actual cast concrete. The
area to be struck should be determined
in advance and the location of the most
critical concrete (usually the least
mature) should be established
and tested. The average result of four
or more tests is used to estimate the
existing characteristic strength (fc)
in Determination 2 for the area to
be struck.

Striking sequence
The order of striking soffit formwork
is important. For early striking, the
sequence should follow the order
in which the concrete was poured.

However, the nature of the structure

may dictate the procedure adopted
(see Table 2). The TWD, in cooperation with the PWD, should
stipulate the method and procedure
for the removal of the formwork.
After striking
As the concrete gains strength with
maturity and approaches design
strength, the construction load can
be increased. Early striking will allow
maximum re-use of formwork
and falsework, and clearance of the
supporting floor and any lower levels
of backpropping. The procedure should
make allowance for loading regimes
after early striking. It is good practice
once a floor is struck to install
backpropping beneath it at the earliest
opportunity; this will then help
distribution of subsequent loads.

Deflection of slabs
subjected to early striking
Deflection of concrete sections is
closely linked to the extent of cracking
and the degree to which the cracking
capacity of the section is exceeded.
Research at ECBP has shown that,
provided the strength of the concrete
at time of striking meets Determination 2
in Table 1, there is no significant effect
on the total deflection.
Ongoing research on long-term
(3000 days) deflection indicates that,
compared with striking at 7 days,
striking at 24 hours increases long-term
deflection by 25% and, at 3 days, by
15%. ECBP slabs struck at 19 hours
remain within design limits.
Traditionally, UK design codes have
placed limits on the ratio of span to
effective depth. These have led to an
acceptable serviceability condition for
most flat slab structures without
necessarily addressing current needs
for early-age loading. However, it can
be generally assumed that early striking
will not significantly affect total
deflection This is considered further
in Section 6.3 of Ref. 1.

Design of backpropping
The requirement for backpropping
and its installation is not strictly part
of striking formwork. It has been
included in this Guide as the recent
research at Cardington (Ref. 2) has
changed previous understanding
and re-emphasised the importance
of backpropping in efficient flat
slab construction.


Determining the
backpropping requirement

backpropping load

The construction load is determined

as described on page 2 under Before
concreting operations. If the supporting
slab has sufficient capacity to carry the
loads imposed, no backpropping is
required, but if not then backpropping
is required.

The backprop load and hence the

load in the supporting slabs can be
determined by various methods using
both two- and three-dimensional
analysis. These are considered further
in Ref. 1.

Figure 2 gives a representation

of typical backprops over different
numbers of floors.
The number of floors to be backpropped
depends on the load on the slab
immediately below that being cast
not exceeding the design service load.
In practice there will be little benefit
in having more than one level of
backpropping, as can be seen from
Table 3. The assumptions made in
arriving at the percentages in Table 3
are outlined below and are explained
in detail in Section 6.5.2 of Ref. 1.
They are:

The slabs behave elastically.

An imposed construction operations
load is applied at all times.

The density of normal-weight

concrete is 24 kN/m3.

The backprops between the floor

slabs and the falsework shoring
supporting the soffit formwork are not
rigid, i.e. they change in length with
load. (Props of different material e.g.
steel and aluminium, MUST NOT
be mixed. The percentages given
in Table 3 are for aluminium props.
If steel props are used, the load in
the supporting slab may be reduced
by 4%.)

The load applied onto the supporting

slab from the falsework is uniformly
distributed and, further, the backpropping generates a uniformly
distributed support system from
underneath the slab. (This is
reasonable if the backprops are
spaced at least at one-third points
along the supporting slab.)

The load transferred through

supporting slabs can be proportioned
pro rata to the stiffness of the slabs
considered. The percentages given in
Table 3 are for slabs of equal stiffness.

The backpropping is installed

with zero pre-load. (Props are
finger tight to ensure stability
in the unloaded condition.)

The effects of temperature change

are ignored.

This Best Practice Guide is based on

Guide to flat slab formwork
and falsework (Ref. 1).

1. PALLETT, P. Guide to flat slab
formwork and falsework, CONSTRUCT,
Crowthorne. To be published in early
summer, 2001. 120 pp.

The simplest method, to be used

for basic repetitive structures, is an
empirical method based on the
percentage of load transferred in twodimensional analysis. This is
reproduced in Table 3, which sets
out the recommendation from ECBP
research (Ref. 2).

2. BEEBY, A.W. A radical redesign of the

in-situ concrete frame process, Task 4:
Early striking of formwork and forces
in backprops, The University of Leeds
and Building Research Establishment
Ltd. Report BR 394, CRC Ltd, London,
2000, 106 pp inc 31/2" disk,

The three-dimensional approach should

be used for complicated structures,
or where more precise calculations
are required. An Excel spreadsheet
for this is supplied with Ref. 1.

Improving concrete frame construction

Concreting for improved speed
and efficiency
Early age strength assessment
of concrete on site
Improving rebar information and supply
Early striking and improved
backpropping for efficient flat
slab construction
Rationalisation of flat slab reinforcement

There is a requirement, summarised

by Determination 1 in Table 1, that
the design construction load should
not exceed the design service load.
On occasion during construction this
requirement may not be met. This
could occur when the self-weight is
a high proportion of the design load.
In these circumstances, the permanent
and temporary works designers should
agree on the procedure to enable a safe
and economical structure to be built.
This is further considered in Ref. 1.

Best Practice Guides in this series

Prefabricated punching shear

reinforcement for flat slabs
Approaches to flat slab design
These guides are available for downloading
free at

Research partners for this Guide

Leeds University
Building Research Establishment

Striking of backpropping
In no circumstances should any
backpropping be removed until the
formwork and falsework to the new
slab have been struck.
Backpropping should be removed floor
by floor in a top-down sequence. Each
floors backpropping should be struck
in the same sequence as for falsework
(see Table 2). When special striking
sequences are required, which differ
from those set out above, detailed
written procedures should be provided
by the TWC for site staff, and the
operatives informed.
Backpropping should be installed as
soon as possible after the new slab
has been struck. This will assist in
distributing the loads through the
supporting floors for the construction
of the next slab.

First published 2001
ISBN 07210 1556 5
Price group A
BCA, BRE Ltd, Construct, RCC, DETR
Published by the British Cement Association
on behalf of the project partners.
British Cement Association
Century House
Telford Avenue
Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6YS
For further copies of the Best Practice Guides
ring the Concrete Bookshop on 01344 725704.
All advice or information from the British Cement
Association is intended for those who will evaluate the
significance and limitations of its contents and take
responsibility for its use and application. No liability
(including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from
such advice or information is accepted. Readers should
note that all BCA publications are subject to revision from
time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in
possession of the latest version.

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