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Akhila iv. College OA. ©. PRADEEP UMAR IsM Unive hes Lecturer a" : Deparment of Grolog, eu 7 University College GEOLOGY Wrivancrum 695 034. ino. Max. Marks: 100 Max. Time: Three Hours INSTRUCTIONS: No additional sheet will be supplied. Answer ALL questions. Each question is of 10 marks. Parts of a single question must be answered continuously at ‘one place. Use of Calculator and other electronic gadget/table ete. are not permitted. 1(a)__ Who proposed the continental drift theory? What is the name given to the single large ocean which existed before beginning of the continental drift? 1(6) In plate tectonics what is Triple Junction? Where the triple junction nearest to India is located? 1(c)__Inplate tectonics, what is the average thickness of a plate. 1(d) Mention the particle size range of arenaceous rocks. I(e) How do you define a map? What is the RF of a given map of 2em=1km? 2(a) Define magmatic segregation. 2(b) Which plate is used to determine ordinary or extraordinary character of light? 2(c) Name the erystal system with unequal and mutually. perpendicular axes? 2(4) What is the relationship between stratigraphic throw and the vertical throw of an inclined normal fault, if the beds are horizontal? 2(€) Which graphic representation depicts the pelitic mineral assemblage in best way? 3(a) What is the proportion of matrix found in Ultramylonitic rocks? Alb) What is the volcanic equivalent of plutonie rock Granodiorite? 3(€) When did the flying reptiles appear? 3(d) A small outcrop of Gondwana rocks surrounded by Archean rocks is observed in an area. What type of structure you will interpret? 3(©) Give the Mohr’s scale of hardness? Name a mineral in which hardness varies from face to face. 4(a) What are glaciers? Differentiate between terminal moraine and lateral moraines? 4(b)_ What is the biological basis for the division of geological time into eras and periods? Sa) 5(b) 6(a) 6(b) 7a) 7b), 8(a) 8b) 10. ‘What is an earthquake? Name the scale on which density of earthquake is ‘measured? Why earthquakes and voleanoes are commonly associated with each other? What is metamorphic facies? Suggest the name of the facies which develop in the deepest part of geosynclinal environment? What will be the characteristic minerals of this facies? Write the stratigraphic divisions of Semri Group of Vindhyan Supergroup of rocks? What is pleochroism? Why it occurs? Which one of the following minerals is non-pleochroie: Biotite, Tourmaline, Olivene, Homblende? Differentiate between the followings with the help of sketches and show the ‘younger and older rocks in the diagram Anticline and Synformal anticline Syncline and Antiformal syncline What minerals are extracted from the following? Bornite neal PRADEEP KUMAK Sphalerite eset Galena ToartmEn of Geology E Teva ttivertity Hollandite ‘andr +695 034, ing, How many major lithospheric plates constitute the earth? Give their names. ‘Where is 90°E ridge is located? What is solar system? How many planets are there in the solar system? Name them accordingly to their distances from sun. With the help of continuous and discontinuous series explain the Bowen's Reaction Principle? ‘What is an unconformity? Give the geological significance of unconformity? What are the criteria for distinguishing a fault and an unconformity?”

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