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Anthony Warda


John 8:51
Amen, amen. I say to you, whoever keeps my word
will never see death.
Conditional- If you keep my word, then you will never see death.

Converse-If you never see death, then you have kept my word.

Inverse- If you do not keep my word, then you will see death.

Contrapositive- If you see death, then you did not keep my word.

To me I believe that all that was said above is true. This is because I am a
strong believer in my Catholic faith and I believe in God. Some people may say
these are false if they do not believe in my faith or do not believe in my God. Some
people also may say that everyone will die at some point but that is not what it is
talking about in the above passage. The passage is talking about life after death
with God in Heaven. So because I am a believer in God and life after death I said
all the words said are true.

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