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Lesson plan in k-12 curriculum in SCIENCE V


Heat and Electricity
Day 3

Learning objective: Demonstrate ways to connect the materials to make a series


Subject Matter:
A. Concept: There are two types of Electric Circuits the Series Circuit and
the Parallel Circuit.
In a series circuit all the parts of an electric circuit are connected one
after the other. When there is a break in any part of the series circuit,
there is no current because t6he current is open.
Additional Information:
You can connect two or more bulbs or appliances in a circuit. There are
two basic ways to connect electrical devices like bulbs in a circuit. The
devices can be connected through series or parallel wir5ing. In a series
connection, electricity flows through each device. A problem arises if
one device used in an the circuit fails to function correctly and will stop
the flow of electricity. No part of the series circuit can be switched on
ro off without affecting the other devices connected to the circuit. On
the other hand, in a parallel circuit the electritric current flows and only
one part of the total current in the circuit goes through each bulb or
electrical devices. Each has a circuit of its own so the electric current
flowing through each device moves in a different path in the circuit.
B. References: Curriculum Guide in K-12 Curiculum S5FE-IIIf-6 circuit.aspx
Materials: dry cell, electrical, wires, bulbs, activity cards, books
C. Processes Skills : Observing, Inferring, Demonstrating
D. Value Integration: Conservation of Electricity
II. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement
1. Video clip Introduction to Series and Parallel Circuit
Teacher to choose any of this presentation
a. and Series
Parallel- Circuit/
b. https:/
2. Powerpoint presentation
Series and Parallel
How we wire the world


Series vs Parallel Circuits

parallel circuits
Electrons have only one * there
path to flow through. Multiple
paths for the current to flow through.

Series Circuit

When electrons have to flow

one part to get to the next part.

-more components=more resistance

-increase resistance= decrease
current (flow)
-Less current= less bright bulbs

Series Circuit- Pros and Cons

Problems with series:

Parallel Circuit- Current

The more devices (resistors in a

series cicuit, the less currenat
passess through (dimmer bulbs)

If one resistor breaks (a bulb goes

out) the entire series is turned off.

Parallel Circuit- Voltage

All paths are used!

- But the charge divides up
into all branches.
- One branch can have more
current than another branch
(depends on resistance in
Total current= sum of current in
each path.

A charge only passes through a

single resistor.
Voltage drop across the resistor that
it chooses to pass through must
equal the voltage of the battery.
Total voltage- the voltage across
each individual resistor .

Parallel Circuit- Pros and Cons


The more devices (resistors) in

a parallel circuit, does not the
current. ( does not dimbulubs).
Ifone resisitor breaks ( a bulb
goes out) the rest do not.


Current doesnt stay the same

for the entire circuit.
- So the energy used up
- So the total current
electrons=hotter wire=fire

Christmas lights are hanged in homes and other places during Christmas season.
When the switched is turned on, the entire bulb light at the same time. Why?

Because they are all connected with a wire.

Because the electricity flows in one path

B. Exploration
Materials Needed for Demonstration
Onesq.ft.flat wood
Three or four 1.5 volt bulbs and socket
Two 1.5 battery,electric wires

Make a circuit by connecting the wire to the dry cell.

Connect the bulb
Put on the switch.
When the bulb lights, add another bulb with a socket in a similar way.
Notice the brightness of the bulbs each time you add another bulb.
Trace the flow of electricity with your finger.

C. Explanation
1. . What do you notice about the brightness of the bulbs each time you add
another bulb?
2. What happen to the bulb as you loosen one bulb?
3. How many circuits are there in this kind of connection?
4. What is a series circuit?
5. Is it applicable to use this connection at home? Why? Why not?

Get a partner and make a diagram of a series circuit then write the procedure
in constructing a series circuit.

Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which bulb will light?



2. In a series connection, when one bulb is loose the other bulbs will
a. Not light
c. be burned
b. Become brighter
d. light
3. Which of the following materials is an example of series circuit?
a. Refrigerator
c. television
b. Christmas light
d. electric fan
4. Electricity from the source through the path and back to the source is
a. Parallel circuit
c. series circuit
b. Static circuit
d. close circuit
5. In a series connection, electricity flows in one path through each electrical
a. False
c. true
b. Maybe
d. a or b
Make a research on how to construct a parallel circuit.

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