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Lesson Plan Template


Aye Begm imen

Samed elik

Unit Title
Grade Level
9th grade
2 Hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
9th grade students will comprehend at least 70% of the sentences related to conditionals
when given the information about conditionals. They will use the correct conditionals
without errors.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media
and Materials)]
Whiteboard, lectures, the course book, handout, smartboard, worksheets, examination,
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Presentation, Tutorial, Grammar Translation Method, Cooperative Learning
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and
Require Learner Participation)]
1) Presentation of the topic
2) Giving grammatical structures about conditionals by using Grammar Translation
3) Group works about conditionals, students make up new sentences by using
4) Going detailed in the topic with the handouts.
5) The course book worksheets.
6) A quick examination
Individual Learning Activities
Group Learning Activities

Group activities, students are to write new

sentences on the topic.

The class starts with the lecturing grammatical structures about conditionals. The
content is supported with the visuals. Students are supposed to work in groups and
create new sentences by using what they learned from the lecture. Later, it continues
with the handouts and course book worksheets. There is a quick, short examination in
the end.
Measurement & Evaluation
Testing, Homework, Teacher observation
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Individual
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Group Performance
Homework (optional)

The results of examination and worksheets.

The results of what they created within the
group work.
Students are supposed to do homework

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If any problem happens with the presentation, then we will continue with the handouts
and course book activities.

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