11 - Robin Berg - LomboXnet PDF

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A new local energy- and mobility-system

Robin Berg - Solar Future - May 26th 2016

Twitter @RobinBerg030

- ISP with own fiber network
- 4.000 costumers in Utrecht

Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht

Christelijk Gymnasium

Binnentuinschool, de Meern

Luc Stevensschool

SBO de Brug , Vianen


4.000 new panels on 10 schools

Microgrid Lombok

First solar powered public charging station in the

2102: Directe levering aan

First bidirectional charging station in Europe

First bidirectional charging station in Europe

June 9th 2015:

First solar-controlled & V2G
public AC charging station in
the world

June 9th 2015: live demonstration during international V2G-meeting


Smart Solar Charging Lombok:

20 Solar Chargingstations
100 KW new solar
Shared EVs

VPRO Backlight Breakthrough of Renewable


Healthy Urban Boost: smart, green and healthy

Ambition Utrecht Region 2018/2019

1.000 solar chargers, 1.000 shared EVs, 10.000 new solar panels, 100.000 users
First region in Europe with clean energy- and mobilitysystem based on solar

Paris march 11:

150 ZOEs & V2G with Renault

Smart Solar Charging Utrecht

Living lab for Europe

400.000 orders in 2 weeks

A new local energy system

(regie: zonder geluid, stoppen op 0.47 min


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