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Name ____________________________________ Date _______________ Block ________

January 23 - 27, 2017 Reading Schedule for Always Running

This goes on page 9 of your notebook
Day 1

Book Check out

Read epilogue: pages

Day 2
Substitute today
Finish Reading chapter 1, pages
13-35 and answer the chapter 1

Day 3
Read chapter 2, pages 35 54

Read the Preface page


Read Chapter 1

Day 4
Book quiz #1 on the
Epilogue, Preface, and
chapters 1 + 2
Notebook check today

Homework: Complete the

Chapter 1 questions

Homework: Finish reading

chapter 2 and answer the
questions. Book quiz


Epilogue, pages 247 -251 (Answer on page 10 of your notebook)

1) Why did Luis Rodriguez write Always Running?
2) Describe the world in which Luis Rodriguez grew up, according to the epilogue?
3) What is the significance of the title of the book?
Preface, pages 3-11 (Answer on page 10 of your notebook)
1) According to the preface, what is the story about?
2) Who is Ramiro and what do we learn about him?
3) What is the relationship like between Luis and Ramiro? Why?
Chapter 1, pages 13-35 (answer on page 11 of your notebook)
1) What was Luis childhood like?
2) What was Luis family like and where did he grow up?
Chapter 2, pages 35-54 (answer on page 11 of your notebook)
1) What does Luis experience and how do you think his son might react to learning about his
fathers upbringing?
2) What was something interesting that happened in chapter 2?
3) What do you think will happen next in the novel? Why?

After you have answered all the questions - make sure that you have organized your notebook and be
ready for your notebook check on the last day of the week. That day you will have quiz #1

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