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Favorable Aspects

Sun Conjunct Venus in Virgo

The Sun person feels more loving and beautiful in the presence of the Venus person. The Venus
person finds the Sun person quite charming and intriguing. The Venus person admires the Sun
person in such a way that he or she is willing to, and happy to, please the Sun. There is a mutual
attraction here that, on its own, is not as insistent or sexual as other indicators (such as VenusMars or Venus-Pluto), but it is pleasing and supportive. Acceptance and tolerance characterize
the partnership. In particular, the conjunction suggests that the individuals find much to like in
each other. Little qualities in each other that might seem commonplace to other people take on
grander, more romantic, and valuable proportions in both Venus and the Suns eyes. It is easy for
the Sun person to draw out affection and tolerance from the Venus person, unless either planet is
seriously debilitated natally.
The Suns ego and purpose is the manifestation of what Venus loves. This is a classic I love you
for who you are aspect. From the Suns perspective, life is sweeter and more validating when
they are around Venus. This is especially true when the Venus person is male and the Sun
person is female (she embodies his feminine ideal). Its difficult for the Sun to go wrong, because
even the most irritating facets of their sign are tolerated by Venus.

Moon in Cancer Trine Moon in Pisces

This union shows that the two of you have very similar needs and emotional temperament. Each
is instinctively aware of the other's emotional state, which makes it more difficult to keep secrets
from eachother. Each is supportive of the other's needs. This combination goes a long way

towards ensuring domestic tranquility and tends to promote a long lasting relationship.

Sun in Cancer Trine Moon in Pisces

This is a very harmonious arrangement and almost has the same feeling as the conjunction. The
two of you will have much in common and complement eachother's strengths and make up for
eachother's weaknesses. This combination can endure much hardship and strain within a
relationship before there is temptation to call it quits, which is why this one of the indications of a
lasting relationship.

Mercury conjunct Mercury in Leo

This is an indication that the two of you have similar thinking processes and ideas or opinions

about the world. It is an aid to communication and reduces misunderstandings.

Venus conjunct Mercury in Leo

This configuration makes it easier for these two people to express their feelings to eachother.
Romantic interest is common. The Mercury person is usually infatuated with the Venus person. In
friendships, this is an indication that they have a variety of interests in common. Communication
between these two people is courteous, easy-going, light hearted and usually informal.

Mars conjunct Mercury in Leo

Venus in Virgo Trine Saturn in Taurus
While this combination can be a bit staid, it is very helpful in creating a relationship that lasts a
long time. Each is very respectful to the other. It is capable of creating long and stable marriages
that have practical benefits such as stabilizing joint finances.

Sun in Virgo Trine Saturn in Taurus

This is similar to the conjunction but tends to be more stable and favorable. They tend to have
mutual ambitions and similar ideas about honor, duty and responsibility. This relationship often

lasts a long time and each is loyal to the other. Each is capable of furthering the other's ambitions.

Pluto in Sagittarius Trine Mars in Leo

Neptune in Aquarius Opposite Mars in Leo*
Mars in Scorpio Trine Moon in Pisces
This aspect creates passion and romance and is great for excitement and intimacy.

Jupiter in Pisces Trine Moon in Cancer

Essentially the same as the conjunction. This is a very fortunate combination. The Jupiter person
has the ability to lift the Moon person's spirits. The Moon person is respectful for the Jupiter
person's abilities and background. As a result, the Moon person often looks up to the Jupiter
individual. The Jupiter person enjoys the hospitality of the Moon person. A relationship with this
aspect often indicates an opportunity for understanding and growth, usually more so for the Moon
person. The Jupiter person feels supported and comforted by the Moon person.
Jupiter is the Moons anti-depressant. Its very difficult for the Moon to be morose when Jupiter is
around (especially with the conjunction). Jupiter opens the Moon up, which can be especially
appealing to Moon signs (like Scorpio or Capricorn) who may have trust issues. The Moon
instinctively harmonizes with Jupiters ideals, and activates their faith in the relationship (and in
life). But unless Jupiter is emphasized in person As chart, the Moon is likely to feel this

connection more strongly.

Jupiter in Pisces Trine Sun in Cancer

Jupiter in Taurus Trine Sun in Virgo

These two people will easily trust eachother and help further each of their ambitions. A spirit of
enterprise and good will is often present. Each will defend and protect the other when threatened.
It is especially favorable in business partnerships and helps bring good luck and financial


Lilith conjunct Ascendant in Libra

Juno conjunct Ascendant in Libra
North Node conjunct Venus in Leo
North Node conjunct Venus in Virgo
With this aspect in a synastry comparison you can reasonably assume that, regardless of what
else may be going on, the North Node person is likely to feel fated, on some level, to be
involved with the Venus person. That is not to say that you won't have to work at this
relationship; you will. But the work you put in will pay off. Both of you are likely to feel
connected in some essential way that is favorable for both love and friendship. There is also a

tendency to operate harmoniously and symbiotically in social situations.

Vesta conjunct Sun in Virgo

Vesta conjunct Sun in Cancer
Vertex in Scorpio Opposite Vertex in Taurus

Challenging Aspects

Uranus in Aquarius Opposite Venus in Leo

Uranus in Aquarius Opposite Mars in Leo
Uranus in Aquarius Opposite Mercury in Leo
This can be an intellectually stimulating aspect. Each of you is likely to surprise the other with
your point of view. You also tend to bring out the inventiveness in one another. You may find it
difficult to relax in each other's company though, as this opposition tends to accentuate any

predisposition to nervousness.

Neptune in Aquarius Opposite Venus in Leo

Neptune in Aquarius Opposite Mercury in Leo

Neptune in Aquarius Opposite Mars in Leo

Moon in Cancer Square Pluto in Sagittarius
Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each
other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more
significant as an indication of the Moon person's response to an entire generation than as an
indicator of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a couple of degrees of exact,
there can be emotional power trips, manipulation and attempts to control each other. Most

often these will be initiated by the Pluto person.

Venus in Virgo Square Pluto in Sagittarius*

Mars in Scorpio Opposite Saturn in Taurus
This aspect can be quite difficult. The Saturn person may be inclined to thwart the ambitions of
the Mars individual, especially if the Saturn person was born at night. The Mars person tends to
raise the anxiety level of the Saturn individual, especially if the Mars person was born during the

day. Each is likely to view the other as being untrustworthy.

Venus in Virgo Opposite Moon in Pisces

This is likely to be an emotionally charged relationship, with the likelihood of romantic and/or
sexual magnetism, and is a typical example of opposites attracting. There is the potential for
oversensitivity and/or misunderstanding as you may each approach emotional situtations from
opposite perspectives. You can, at different times, complement each other or clash; provide
each other with the missing half of the puzzle or disagree strongly about what the whole should
be. For the most part though, this opposition is more likely to bring a pleasant spark to your

relationship rather than genuine friction.

Moon in Cancer Opposite Neptune in Capricorn*

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