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The Other Wes Moore

Three Part Newspaper Project

Ava Wilkinson

Honors English 9

Article One: Compare and Contrast Essay

The Other Wes Moore and The Road not taken have similarities
and differences. Even though they are both two different kinds of literature,
they still can relate to each other. The Road Not Taken is a poem and The
Other Wes Moore is a memoir. In my essay I want to cover different ways
that these two stories are alike and unalike.
The Other W es Moore is about making decisions in your life, and
having the support from the people you love. In this book you see two different examples of this. For example, Author Wes in this story, had a better life
because he had people that supported his decisions and he had access to resources that could help get him on the right path. Now, Other Wes, did not
have a good life. He struggled with the support from his family and ended up
making poor decisions. This resulted in him having a poor life. Those are two
ways that can help determine which path you go down in life.

The Front cover of The

Other Wes Moore.

I guess its hard

sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last

The Author of The

Other Wes Moore.

The Road Not Taken is also about making decisions. There are two
paths in life and you need to go down the one that is best for you. This poem
tries to explain that you should not let others influence you because you have
to make decisions for yourself. In this poem it also says to take the path that
no one else wants to take. That is what the man in the poem then chooses to
do. He ends up being happy with his decision. That is one way you can make
a decision for yourself and be happy with it.
Much like The Road Not Taken, The Other Wes Moore is about
making decisions in life. In The Other W es Moore, it is harder for the characters to make decisions. This is probably because a lot of times they based it
off of their friends opinions and not their own. In the poem it talks about how
the man made his own decisions and was happy with them. That is one way
the poem and book are similar and different. Another way is that they both
are about having support when you make your decisions. In the poem the
person was not influenced by anyone. He chose to stay away from the common choice and find his own path. In The Other W es Moore the two characters are influenced by their friends and surroundings which effected their decisions later on in their lives.
In conclusion, the story and poem have many similarities and differences. Even though these were two different types of literature they can still
relate to each other. Those were a few ways that The Other W es Moore and
The Road Not Taken are similar and different.

Page 2

The Other Wes Moore

Article Two: The Gates Foundation

The organization I
chose to research is The
Gates Foundation. This Organization was founded by
Bill and Melinda Gates. It
was founded in 2000. The
goals of this organization is
to ensure more young people
and children survive and
thrive, empower the poorest
and inspire people to take action. Plus, many more goals.

The headquarters of this organization are in Seattle

Washington. This program
tries to create job opportunities for all kinds of people.
And it supports the poor and
tries to get them back on the
right track. Overall this program is beneficial to a lot of
people and it is a very successful foundation.

Article Three: Rhodes Research

This is a picture of the

Rhodes Scholarship Programs logo.

The Rhodes Scholarship program was founded

in the name of South African diamond magnate Cecil
Rhodes. It was founded in
1902. This program is an
international award for nonBritish students to study at
oxford. All of the students
study at The Oxford University. Some notable recipients
of the program are Revila

Hyland, Grace Hudkins, and

Prince Aludo. All three of these
people were involved in the program and helped to grow it. In
addition, the Rhode Scholarship
Program helps to give people oppurtunities to get scholarships,
and study at The University of
Oxford. That is what this program is about and this explained
some of the history of this scholarship program.

Work Cited
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. N.P., n.d. Web. 30. Oct. 2016.
Welcome to Rhodes House. Rhodes House. N.P. n.d. Web. 30. Oct.

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